Beautiful Jo: A Janny Story from Twisted Chapter 21

I stood in the mirror looking up and down making sure I got everything to look as perfect as I could.

"How do I look Mom?"

"You look fine Jo"

"Do you think Danny will like it?"

"Oh I think he will"

I smiled as my mother helped me put on my necklace. Tonight was senior prom and as the clock struck closer and closer to seven the more excited and anxious I became.

"Do you two have any after prom plans?"

"Danny says it's a surprise"

"Well isn't he the romantic one" my mother teased

"Just make sure whatever romantic plans you have end at two am" my father said as he came in the room


"I'm serious young lady I want Danny to have you back at this house by two and no later"

my father hugged me and kissed my forehead

"You look beautiful Jo"

"Thanks Dad"

The doorbell rung and my father chuckled "I believe that's Mr. Desai now"

I checked myself over in the mirror as my parents headed downstairs to greet Danny and Mrs. Karen.

My dress was a long gown that was a turquoise blue with matching gold earrings and purse bag.

My mother had helped me manage my wild curls into smooth wavy ones so I didn't look like my usual fizzy haired self. A blush rose in my cheeks as I thought about whether or not Danny would like the way I looked but I didn't have much time to dwell on that because my mother began to call me

"Johannah Marie we're waiting!"

I took a deep breath and began making my way down the stairs.

The moment I saw Danny my heart sprung. Danny looked very handsome in his classic black tuxedo suit with his hair neatly combed back in a ponytail. When my eyes met his he gave me one of his infamous heart gushing smiles.

"You look great Jo"

"So do you" I said trying so hard not to blush

"Can you believe it Tess?" Mrs. Karen said, "it just seems the other day they were two years old and playing in the sandbox"

"Yup they're all grown up now," my mother, agreed

After we took pictures with our parents; my father felt the need to give Danny the man talk much to our embarrassment. However I knew my father trusted Danny as much as I trusted him.

"I hope you have a fun time tonight Danny"

We pulled up in front of the rented fireman's hall where the prom was being held

"Why do you say that Jo?"

"Well you weren't allowed to go last year"

"I want the same for you too and I promise that it will be a night you will remember"

The fireman's hall was decked out in a Night on Hollywood theme it was a little cliché but that's what the class voted on. It was obvious that there were still some resentment about Danny being here tonight but Danny couldn't care less.

"I bet they have a bucket of pig's blood waiting for me like I'm Carrie" Danny said sarcastically as we signed in

"Danny don't say that"

"Relax Jo you know I'm being sarcastic though I wouldn't put it past them"

"Hey not all of us are here to terrorize you tonight" Lacey's friendly voice greeted. Lacy, Andie, and Rico were standing by the punch bowl and had come over to greet us. Lacey was wearing ruby red dress with matching gold earrings, pocketbook, and necklace while Andie wore a dress that was off cream white with sliver earrings.

"Jo look amazing!" Lacey smiled "you too Danny!"

Danny chuckled "You look stunning as usual Miss Porter"

Lacey was a really good friend because when it was decided that Danny was able to attend tonight Archie refused to show up; but she didn't want him spoiling her night so she tagged along with Rico and Andie instead.

"Oh look who chose to show up at this social event" Danny joked "looking good Rico!"

Andie giggled as Rico blushed "I'm only here because I want to have a story to tell my grandchildren one day"

When Rihanna's Run This Town Andie squealed grabbing Rico's hand "This is my favorite song c'mon let's dance!"

Rico smiled "I guess I'm dancing then"

Danny, Lacey, and I laughed watching Rico being pulled to the dance floor.

"You want to get something to eat?" Lacey asked, "then we could get some dancing done ourselves too"

"Sounds good" Danny agreed

With our plates filled with Alfred fettuccine and salad we sat down at one of the tables to begin eating when Phoebe came up to greet us.

"Hey glad you guys could make it!" she said "smile this one is going in the school yearbook"

Phoebe flashed the camera and we all posed appropriately.

"Phoebe you can sit down with us" Danny suggested "it's your prom too you know you should be enjoying it too"

"I guess so" Phoebe replied "do you mind?"

"Of course not" I said

"Phoebe you're not serious are you?"

We turned to see Sarita with her nose wrinkled and a look of pure and utter disgust on her face. Sarita was honestly a really pretty girl but her hostility and attitude towards everyone made her ugly.

"Sarita what's with you?" Lacey asked

"I don't even want to talk to you Lacey; you're dead to me" she snapped "it's one thing that you're friend again with the murderer who was allowed to somehow be here tonight and the little cry rape girl"

"But Phoebe really I thought you were on my side" Sarita said disgusted

"Sarita let it go everyone is just trying to have a good time" Phoebe tried reasoning "you would too if you would let all that stuff go"

"You know what I don't need either of you" Sarita said

"We don't need you either Sarita" Danny replied. Taken back by Danny's unexpected retort Sarita was left speechless and annoyed; she walked away as if she still had the last word.

There was no telling Sarita any different but good riddance to her.

I was having the time of my life. Danny and I had taken pictures that I would actually be proud to give to my parents this year. We had both gotten on the carousel thousands of times. I was now probably red as a beet from all the blushing and laughing that Danny was causing me to do. How could I not Danny was both charming and handsome and this was the first time in a very long time that I actually feel comfortable around him. My heartbeat quickened as I came to my decision that had been a long one in the making but it was tonight or never. I was going to tell Danny my feelings.

"Alright everyone it's that time of night!" the DJ announced, "it is time to announce the prom king and queen!"

Everyone quickly made their way to the dance floor to hear the announcement. Everyone seemed to be on pins and needles because this would be one the last times they would get any chance at being quote on quote high school royalty. Danny squeezed my hand in anticipation as we both joined in the excitement as well.

"This year's prom king and queen are Rico and Andie!"

There was a mixed response from the crowd since Rico and Andie were not necessarily one of the popular kids. There was no voting allowed this year and it was a random shuffle. I didn't care though I was glad my friend got chosen. By the look of shock and surprise on both of their faces I could tell that they were happy too.

"Let's give them a round of applause and just remember all of you guys are awesome" the DJ replied.

"Aww look at how excited Andie is" I said and enjoyed the look of annoyance that Sarita and the other snobby girls had on their faces.

"Yeah" Danny agreed pulling me closer to him "but you're more than a prom queen to me Jo so much more"

"Thanks Danny"

The music softened a little and the DJ knew that it was that time of night when the slow jams were now being requested.

"Well on that note I'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Lacey winked "oh Jo don't go acting all shy now"

"Yeah you came to prom with me didn't you expect to dance with me" Danny teased once Lacey was out of earshot. I playfully shoved at Danny and he laughed. Danny gave us some space between the two of us and took a bow holding out his hand.

"May I have this dance Miss Masterson?"

"You sure can Mr. Desai"

Danny placed his hands around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck, which forced me to actually engage in eye contact with him. It wasn't like I hadn't had eye contact with Danny all night it just seemed that now it was more intimate.

"You mind me asking while we're swaying what you've been blushing about this whole evening?"

"Nothing" I replied, "it's silly really"

"C'mon you can tell me" Danny encouraged "it can't be that bad"

"It's just that I never thought that this would ever be possible" I replied "I know I might sound like a broken record at this point but you really did save me Danny I think I would have eventually killed myself"

"Jo look at me" Danny said gently "but you didn't kill yourself you made it and I knew you would because you're strong now look at you; you moving on with life going to your dream school and everything"

"Hopefully it wasn't a pity selection because of my presentation"

"Jo your portfolio kicked ass that alone should have did it" Danny reassured "believe me"

I smiled and decided this was it and I wanted to tell him now.

"Danny I want to tell you something"

"Sure what is it?"

"Can we step outside?" I asked wanting to hear him over the music and knowing that mostly everybody was inside dancing now.

"Yeah that's fine"

"You're blushing again" Danny said as we got outside in the cool June night air "here you look a little chilly too"

Danny took off his suit jack and wrapped it around my shoulders "So what's on your mind that you asked me to step outside?"

"This isn't going to be easy to say" I said honestly

"Take your time"

My cheeks flushed and my hands grew sweaty with nervousness but I couldn't turn back now and I looked Danny in the eyes. Damn him I swear his eyes were smiling at me too but it made me feel at ease too and I laughed

"What?" Danny laughed with me

"Danny…I..I..I like you"

I quickly tried turning around to hide from his reaction but Danny took a hold of my hand

"Jo it's okay look at me" he pleaded and when I did he looked me right in the eyes "you've been wanting to say that for a while now huh?"


"Well I've known for a while too"

"You have?"

"Oh Jo you wear your emotions on your sleeve and you made it pretty obvious" Danny explained "I wasn't going to push you into telling me I wanted you to do that on your own when you felt comfortable"

"Yeah I guess I was being obvious"

"You want to know something?"


"I like you too" Danny smiled at me and we both laughed together. Our eyes met and I could feel my knees getting weak as our faces were coming closer together. Danny then drew me in closer and gave me a full kiss. At first it took my mind a minute to register that it was okay and it was Danny and that I had been dreaming of this moment ever since my feelings for him had been conceived. Slowly but sure enough I kissed him back.

After our kiss we stood there for a minute simply holding each other in our arms until Danny whispered in my ear chuckling

"So no more avoiding me right?"

"That's right"

With that said Danny and I went back inside to enjoy the remainder of prom getting back to the dancing and fun. Before the end of the night Danny whispered in my ear very sweetly

"I love you my Beautiful Jo"