Chapter One
Stefan had the dream for weeks before it happened.
Since Sheila Bennett's death, the words I trust you'll keep her safe haunted him night after night.
Though Bonnie tried to completely shut Stefan out of her life, he began to discreetly check in on her.
If Bonnie missed school, he made sure he knew the reason why.
Once, on his way home, he spotted Bonnie's light blue Ford in the parking lot of The Grill. One of her tires was flat. Stefan had it changed before she finished her meal.
The night it happened, Mystic Falls got it's first snow fall of the winter. Stefan was walking the town, and he reached Bonnie's house just before dark
She sat on her porch steps, heavy snow falling all around her.
The witch was beautiful. He didn't know why he never noticed before, but he saw it now. It was undeniable.
Something was wrong. Bonnie's dark hair and clothes were soaked.
Stefan approached her slowly and kneeled before her. Even though their eyes were level she did not make contact. The rhythm of her heartbeat told him to move slowly. He raised his hand, almost in slow motion, to push her hair from her face. Her cheeks were pink with cold.
Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut and her back and arms went rigid. And that's when Stefan smelled it. Blood.
"Bonnie?" No response.
Stefan's thick brows drew together. "You're freezing. Tell me what's wrong."
One tear fell down her cheek.
"Ok sweetheart, you don't have to talk to me," he whispered. "But listen, alright? I'm not sure what's wrong but I need to make sure you're not hurt. Can we go inside?"
As he asked the question, several details caught his attention. Bonnie had no purse. No keys. Her car was not in the driveway.
Fear. He was choking on it and he didn't know why.
The vampire took another very good look at Bonnie. There, just below her sleeves, purple bruises were forming on her wrists.
Stefan made a decision. He removed his big dark overcoat and wrapped it around the shaking girl. He gently picked her up and stood, shushing her when she began to cry. "You're ok, I've got you. Let's go."