Someone's P.O.V.

"Finally, Allen, we're here. We already arrived at the Mysterious Star." I said to my partner

"Yes…and this place will be the source of energy for the Hell tree."

"Let's explore this place tomorrow, okay? I need some rest. We travelled through time and space, and it's quite tiring." I yawned and closed my eyes while floating at our hideout.

"Yeah, let's do that… Sleep well, Anne."

Fine's P.O.V.

Everything is dark. Suddenly, a hole appeared beneath me and I found myself falling through that hole. The hole seemed so endless. As I was going deeper in the hole, I saw Rein and Shade together with someone I don't even know. Rein was being slapped by a boy in front of her and she didn't even budge.

What's wrong with her? Why didn't she fight back?

I can't see the boy's face clearly because he's so far. What I can only image is that he has a light blue hair with pink highlights. The girl, who I assume his comrade, was pointing at Shade with an accusing finger, shouting at him but I can't hear the words. I can only see her mouthing some curses. She has a long light pink hair with blue highlights. Just then, the boy who was in front of Rein earlier was now approaching me and he whispered words I can't hear properly.

"I'll spare her life. If and only if, you will become m – …"


"NOOOO!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed.

My face is full of sweat. My whole body is trembling.

"It's just a dream. A nightmare to be precise. It won't happen. It's just a dream. Just a dream you understand? Okay, now sleep…" I TRIED to sleep but I got up again. "YEAH, A FREAKING DREAM THAT DOESN'T WANT ME TO GET SLEEP!" I scoffed.

I heard a yawn beside me. "Fine… what's up? Goodnight..." Rein sleep-talked and get back to sleep. I sweat dropped.

Geez, Rein, do you need to check on me when you're so sleepy? Anyways, goodnight Rein. Sleep tight.

Since I can't sleep now that I had a crazy dream, I wandered through the halls of the Moon kingdom.

We went here because tomorrow, they will celebrate the Moon festival. Me and Rein convinced mother and father to stay here because it's been a long time since we last visited this place. Actually, that wasn't the only reason why we want to go here. One, I want to eat Moon drops and Moon cotton candy, second, Rein wants to buy dresses in Moon kingdom because it's rich in silky fabric that came from the auroras, third, Rein wants to consult a fortune-teller about her love and her 'Bright-sama' and lastly, I get to see Milky and play with her.

Now that I think about it, Shade isn't in my list. He's so not kind. He's always Rein this and Rein that. It annoys me. Good thing Bright is always with me. At least he's not talking always about my sister and I could freely talk to him.

I went to the garden and sat at the bench. I stared at the Moon flowers that bloom during night.

I really love Moon flowers. Their color is white as snow and they are twirled nicely.

I smiled at them. I admired their beauty, as well as their strengths. Imagine, they gone through strong winds and storms yet, they still strived to live.

"Oi." A masculine voice called me from behind which surprised me.

"W-whoa. Waaaaah!" I fell from the bench to the ground. My face supposed to touch the ground but instead, my face is floating. "Am I… flying?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Idiot. You're not flying, unless you're dreaming. I'm holding the neckline of your nightgown to prevent you from falling. Now, stand up. I could see your bare skin. You even might pull me towards the ground too." A man behind me spoke.

"Aah!" I immediately stood up and faced the man who's behind me. It revealed Shade's face.

Yeah, Shade…

"W-wait. SHADE?!" I freaked out.


"Am I still dreaming?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"W-what are you doing here in this time of the day? Or rather night? Oh, whatever. What are you doing here?"

Why am I stuttering when I'm with him?! It's not like I like him or what.

"I should ask you the same thing. What are you doing here?" He said not even caring.

See? See? He doesn't even care. He only cares about Rein.

"I wanted to go to the garden." I said stating the obvious.

"I could see that. But I'm asking on what really brings you here?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." I pouted a little.

Ugh… Why does he have to figure everything out?!

"You're fully aware what I am pointing out."

"I…I had a dream and I can't sleep…"

Before he can open his mouth and say another word I mumbled, "Get lost". His eyes widened. Probably shocked hearing those words from me…

That was my first time being rude. I know I'm here at their kingdom but I still can't change the fact that I want him to get away from me because I don't want to hear anything about Rein right now. I'm beat.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, get LOST." I repeated and emphasized the word 'lost' more.

"Shut up. You are in my kingdom so you don't have the right to command me. I decide and do things myself. Now, tell me about your dream." He said with authority but I'm not afraid of him so I disobeyed.

"Why should I trust you about my dream? If you don't want to get lost just say so. I could get away from here, myself. I'm out of here." I turned around and dragged my feet out of that garden. Before I could place my right foot on the tile that would lead me out of the garden, he snapped.

"Why don't you trust me? Most people do, including Rein. But as for you, you don't. I didn't know Fine could turn her back on me so rudely. Rein didn't even do such a thing to me or anybody else. I expect you to be more like her because she's your twin. Well, I guess not all twins are the same, huh?" Shade said and that triggered everything.

My eyes became watery and slowly the tears streamed down on my face. I tried to act tough so I tried to laugh it all out. But…my voice cracked. I turned to face him again. Eye to eye. And he's shocked with my expression.

"I don't trust you because I hate you! Hear that? I HATE YOU! Ever since I met you, you always say Rein, Rein, Rein. At first, I thought it was okay, but as time went by, I kept on wondering why you're always talking about her. I REALLY, REALLY HATE YOU! Good thing Bright is always with me every time. I hate you Prince Shade of the Moon kingdom! You're the one who's rude, 'your highness'. You're always talking about someone even when somebody else is with you. Can't you be more respectful? At least, to the one you're talking to. Anyway, please tell mother, father, Rein, Moon Malia-sama and Milky that I'll be leaving and I'm not coming back anymore. Tell them thank you and I love them all. I'll be taking my leave, 'your highness'." Those were my last words and I ran out of this kingdom. I bought new clothes that made me look like a simple villager using my jewelries that I didn't even know I brought along.

I wandered through the forest in the nearby lake. I came across an old, abandoned apartment and decided to go in. I didn't mean to intrude but I don't know any place to go. Then, I saw sleeping people around my age with the same hair in my dreams, their body defying gravity. I got scared and I tried to get out but I stepped on a can and I slipped. Everything fell on me.

I'm doomed.

The two personas were instantly awakened at my act. Well, who wouldn't be?

What am I gonna do? I'm dead… I'm dead… I'm dead…

"Who's there?" the blue haired boy with pink highlights said, startled


My heart is about to explode from nervousness and my throat seems to block all the words that could come out of my mouth. I gathered myself together and finally managed to answer his question.

"I-I…am… F – … Fine…"

"I'm not asking if you're alright or not. I'm asking your name." he growled.

"It's my name. My name is Fine."


"What brought you here, Fine?" the pink haired girl with blue highlights asked.

Such a beautiful lady…

"Erm, I ran away from home. And… I don't have any place to stay. Can I stay here for a while?" I plead.

I'm telling the truth and they don't look like they will harm me so…

"Oh sure. You could stay here even forever. We never had these cute visitors visiting us before." She said as she pinched my cheeks.

"Really? I could stay here? Forever?" I asked unbelievably.

I wanted to be with them to ease the pain when I'm with Shade. He always hurts me. At least, here, in my new home, I won't be.

"Of course, on one condition. You need to introduce us to your friends and families." The boy told me.

"Fine with me as long as I'll change my name and you'll be acting as my cousins from other planet. It would be nice if I have something to do with my hair."

"Done." They said in sync.

"So, what are your names? It would be embarrassing if I don't even know my 'cousins' names do I?"

"He's Allen and I'm Anne. We came from the Helldergard planet." Anne introduced briefly.

"Oh," was the only thing that escaped from my mouth. "So you really are from another planet…"

"Yeah… Now, let's do something about your name. How about changing your name to Fayne? It kind of resembles your old name." Allen changed the topic.

"Sounds nice. We'll settle at Fayne."

"I'll be the one in charge of your hair. So how about… this?" Anne said as she pulled out the yellow rings that holds my hair into twin pigtails.

She let my wavy hair flow down to my shoulders. She then moved away from me and waved her hand. I a second, I can feel something growing behind me. And I was shocked to see my hair down and it became long.

Awesome… I didn't know she has powers. Maybe Allen has it too.

"Now, for the finishing touch…" Anna tapped a strand of my hair and instantly, I had blue highlights just like them. Anna tied my hair in twin loose braids and placed a yellow ribbon.

I feel so matured…

"That's better…" Anna praised.

"Uhm… I –" I started but Anna cut me off.

"Save your questions for tomorrow. We'll explain everything to you later on. Let's rest for now…" Anna said and went back to sleeping while levitating.

"Okay, goodnight." I whispered.

I was about to say 'goodnight' to Allen only to found out that he's already asleep. While floating… and snoring. I giggled softly at that. Then, I went to sleep at an old sofa bed…

Shade's P.O.V.

Damn. She misunderstands everything. Shade, why did you even do that?! I must inform the king and queen immediately.

I ran through the halls and barge into King Truth and Queen Elsa's room. I even forgot the manners I have due to my panic state.

"King Truth, Queen Elsa, we had a problem here." I said in a rather high tone.

"Wha – ? What is it Prince Shade?" King Truth asked.

"I – "

"Is something troubling you?" Queen Elsa asked again before I could say something.

"Well, about that, Fine ran away."

"WHAT?!" they both said in unison.

They turned to each other with an unexplainable look on their faces. Their faces showed mixed emotions. Shock, worry, concern…

"We'll solve this tomorrow, am I understood? For now, we need rest."

"Your majesty!"

"Shade, go back to your room and rest. We couldn't find Fine in this state and besides, it's still night." Queen Elsa said.

"B-but, who knows her situation? Will she find somewhere to sleep?" I stammered.

That damned girl really knows how to stir me up.

"Calm down Shade. She'll be fine just like her name says. Fine is a strong girl. She'll definitely figure something out."

I nodded and excused myself.

I hope you're doing well Fine… Why did you run away?

A feeling of longing bursts in my heart. I don't know why either. When I looked at her crying face earlier, I could see all emotions that she held for me.

She must've hated me that much. I don't get you…