Here we go. My first fanfic in English. This is the translation of Polos Opuestos, published in Spanish. Thanks so much to my beta HBrooke for her help. Without you, this would not have been possible. All mistakes are mine!


The sunlight streaming through the window woke her. Noting the warm body at her side, Jane turned and smiled. The woman sleeping close to her was beautiful, with a curvy body and thick brown hair. They had met the night before at the hotel bar where she had gone for a drink with some coworkers. From the moment Jane saw her she knew she wanted to spend the night with this woman.

The brunette was a very attractive woman so she had not been wanting for company, though she had dispatched everyone who had approached. Once she bid her coworkers good bye, Jane crossed to the woman's table.

"Wow! I thought you were never going to decide."

The woman looked Jane up and down; Jane smiled. She was used to it. The brunette licked her lips, pleased with what she saw -

" I wanted to be sure I could dedicate my night to you. "

"I like women who know what they want."

Jane stepped in close to the woman, taking her firmly by the waist. When their lips were but a short distance apart, Jane barely hesitated before continuing past until she brushed the brunette's ear.

"And I want you. "

Leaving a $ 50 bill to pay for the drinks, the woman got up from the stool, and holding Jane's hand went to the door

"In that case, I don't know why we are wasting time here. "

She sighed contentedly and slowly got out of bed, trying not to make too much noise. She began to dress as she watched the woman sleeping. It was fantastic to wake up next to a lush woman. Luckily, she made sure it happened quite often. Jane Rizzoli was a winner and the world was her prize. She had always gotten everything she had wanted, both in business and in her bed. She was attractive and powerful, but what made the difference was the confidence that oozed every pore. She never lacked company to share her bed. Best of all, is that both parties were clear about what they wanted, pleasure. Jane was not so naive as to think that there might be something more.

At that point the woman began to wake up, stretching slowly.

"Hello" She said sleepily. She sat up on the bed, leaning against the headboard. "I still have a couple of hours, do you want to have breakfast?" With a mischievous smile she added: "We can call room service "

Jane approached the bed and kissed her on the shoulder

"I'm sorry but I have to go to the office and first have to go by my house "

She pulled a card from her jacket pocket and placed it on the nightstand

"But next time you come to Boston I'd love to have breakfast with you." Jane dismissed her with a kiss and left the room.

When Jane entered the elevator she absentmindedly picked up the phone. The night had gone so well that she had forgotten completely to review her calls. She was surprised to see that she had more than 10 missed calls from her friend Barry Frost.

As soon as she was out of the elevator, she dialed her friend. He picked up on the second ring.

"Frost what's up? "

"Where have you been? "

Jane was surprised by the nervous tone of her friend. Barry Frost was a laid back guy, ready to enjoy a good party as much as she.

" Easy man, I met someone last night and now I am on my way home to... " But she could not finish the sentence.

" There isn't time for that. Get to the office NOW "

20 minutes later, she entered her office. Before she could take off her jacket, Frost entered without knocking.

"It's about time. Did you forget what day it is?

Jane looked him in the face, not knowing what he was talking about. She urgently needed a coffee. Frost sighed

" Today was THE board meeting Jane"

The blood froze in her veins. She had been working tirelessly the last six months to prepare for the meeting. She had required absolute dedication from her team. It had been demanding: everyone had been working to the limit. And she had forgotten. Damn.

"Fuck. What happened? What did my mother…? " Before she could finish the sentence, the office door opened without warning.

" Jane, I hope your social life has not been affected by something as boring as work." For the second time in less than 24 hours she was been examined from top to bottom. And she was sure that this time it wasn't going to end as well as before.

"Mother. Sorry I did not ... "

Her mother did not let her finish.

"Enough, enough excuses. You're a Rizzoli, for the love of God. Behave like one. You are expected to live up to your name, not go to scandal-to-scandal. You have not even had the decency to change clothes before coming here " -

"I... " She hated the way her mother was getting her nervous with a single look. Her mother would not let her continue.

"I'm tired of your irresponsibility, Jane. I'm tired of your hunt for easy adventures at night and scandals on the covers in the mornings. When you were 20 it could perhaps have been called provocative. Now it is just pathetic. I will not leave the company in the hands of someone like that "

Jane felt every one of those words like a stab at her pride. It was true that her privacy had been less private than she would have liked, but she had never deceived anyone. She had been a brilliant student in college, had proved herself outside the family business and now, was respected by her employees because she never asked anything that she could not offer. But Jane would not let her mother see how much she had affected her those words

"It's your company. You can do with it what you want " Jane retorted, hoping it sounded believable.

"Exactly. So in a week, Garrett Fairfield will assume the vice presidency of the company "

Jane froze. Garret was a cocky, pretentious blighter who thought that his name entitled him to everything and everybody. When they were younger, she was infuriated by the way Garrett had his way with a smile but without caring about who could be damaged in the way. She hated seeing how he treated those who were not in a position to defend themselves. Although Jane enjoyed a life of luxury and parties, she had always tried to be fair and treat everyone with respect. The fool Garret, always went with an air of self-importance, as if the world had to thank him for existing. He had pursued the control of the company tirelessly, and apparently he had succeeded at last.

" Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go home to change clothes and have a nap. As you could imagine I haven't sleep a lot last night "

Without waiting for her mother to find an answer to such insolence, she left the office.

"Jane! Jane! Wait! " Jane heard Barry call her. She was tired and did not feel like talking to anyone, so she ignored him and continued walking. With a little luck he would tire and leave her alone

"Jane! Damn! Stop" Sighing Jane stopped. Frost's screams were attracting the attention of the people in the lobby. It was one thing that her mother thought she was addicted to scandals and quite another to put on a show in the middle of the office.

"What do you want Barry? " -

" What should we do? " - Jane smiled at the show of loyalty. She was lucky to have him at her side at a time like this. Her life would become hell but at least she's going to have fun.

"Tomorrow I don't know. Today we 're going to have a few drinks and enjoy life like there is no tomorrow " -

" Jane, do you think that is a good idea? " Frost asked concerned

"Possibly one of the worst ideas of my life. But for once, I will meet my mother's beliefs at the highest level "