1st Date
by Tempest35
"Ichika, I'm bored."
Ichika looked up at his 'twin' for all intents and purposes with a slightly confused look. "I'm studying here, what do you want me to do?"
With a slight scowl, Madoka shoved the book off the desk and slid herself onto the spot it had just occupied. "I-chi-ka. Your delightful twin sister is requesting your attention. Surely you won't refuse," She smiled sweetly at him but the aura she was radiating was one of imminent death if she was refused. "Besides, you need a break anyway."
While Ichika was slightly out of phase with how girls his age reacted to things, there was something instinctual about having a fellow Orimura throwing around that kind of aura at him. "...I guess I can take a break," he replied sheepishly. Who knew that having a younger sister, even if she was a twin, would be so demanding. He had to ask Dan how he and Ran got along like they did. Oh, but he couldn't say anything about Madoka to him, or to anyone as a matter of fact. Chifuyu-nee's orders.
"Yay~" Madoka's deadpanned reaction jarred Ichika back to focusing on the mini-clone of Chifuyu sitting right in front of him. She was wearing a black spaghetti tank top with a pair of shorts, which looked pretty normal on her but her sharp eyes ruined everything nice and normal about her appearance. She was like a sword, just waiting to cut into something...or someone.
"Okay, did you want to go somewhere? How about a movie?" He kinda threw it out there off the top of his head. From his past interactions, Madoka hated doing things like a 'normie' but that was because she hated being around things she had no knowledge about. That and Chifuyu-nee kinda kept her under house arrest but there was a reason other than to torture her with boredom. Besides, how does one explain the sudden appearance of a female twin to the world when you when you were Ichika Orimura?
Madoka blinked. "...um, sure, I wouldn't mind." She was a little taken back at the casual offer to go outside with her. Unconsciously her hand sought out the ever-present locket around her neck and rubbed her fingers against the metal. Reassured that it was still present, she slid herself off the table. "Did you have something in mind?"
This time, it was Ichika's turn to blink. She wanted to go out - go figure. Well, luckily there was an action movie that he had wanted to see in theaters. Since Chifuyu-nee rarely went out, he was usually stuck with going with either Dan or by himself. "I heard that there was an action flick in the theater at the mall. We can go there to hang out either before or after the movie. "Whatever my lil' sister wants," he smiled at her.
Madoka turned away from him. "Baka," she mumbled with no heat in her voice. "... I'll let you decide. I'll go get ready." With that, she walked out of his room, her steps were considerably lighter than before.
Ichika gave a small shrug before he picked up his book and set it to the side. Standing up, he stretched and yawned before running a hand through his hair. "Guess I better get ready."
Meanwhile, Madoka closed the door to her room and leaned back against it. She just knew her face was flushed without having to look at the mirror. That and the way her heart was beating made it quite apparent that even she was not immune to that idiot. She walked over to her closet and opened it, glancing sideways at her face - Chifuyu's face - and scowled. "How do you do it," she mumbled. After a few moments, she turned to the rack of clothes before her and began the arduous process of choosing an outfit for her movie date...
Poor Madoka... XDDD
Well, it was only a matter of time before she fell under the mutual Orimura gravitational well of lust. As one can probably guess, this is going to be a little series between the. Because even little sisters need their time with their precious big brother.
Also, I'm opening the floor to any requests that you all may have that concern our Orimura Clan here. Be they little prompts, or canon scene re-writes : anything. Well, almost anything - let's keep this PG16ish for the most part, eh?
I'm still blown at how popular these Drabbles are - perhaps experiencing the Orimuras in their natural state is more fulfilling than I thought.
Thanks for all the support and the likes!