Unexpected Happenstances

Chapter 8

A/N: Again, Thank you so much for your continued reading. I know I say it every time, but really it is from the bottom of my heart. I Apologize for the delay…Thank You, Now on with the story.

"Really My Lord?" Grell questioned the young Ciel Phantomhive on which she was holding conference with. Her eyes twinkled in her excitement as she clasped her hands under her chin, a sharp breath followed. If she was able to do so, she would have twirled about the room, but due to her about to burst state she could only do so in her imagination.

Ciel nodded, smiling lightly at the red headed servant before him. "Yes, If what you tell me is true, and that your child will be of a new supernatural breed; a Soul Thief, Then I want you and your child to have your own proper quarters in the household, as to keep the thing as far away as possible from living souls. " The young earl looked to his loyal butler who nodded in reluctant agreement.

"You will take up three rooms; two for now, on the west wing third floor. This set of rooms is close enough to the servants, but far enough away from my side of the living quarters and the ones that are frequented by guests such as Lady Elizabeth. "The boy continued. "Those two rooms-"

"I do not mean to interrupt, my lord, but two rooms?" The butler rose from the shadows and poured his master a cup of tea as her posed this question. Ciel raised an irritated eyebrow as he glared at the demon who dared to impede his conversation. Ciel took the newly refreshed cup of Earl Gray tea and raised the drink to his lips, supping at it slowly as to draw out the answer that caught the intrigue of both his butler and the flame haired woman. Ciel replaced the cup to its saucer and stood from his chair behind the desk. He looked out the grand window behind him. He looked out onto the vista that was the acres of land owned by the centuries of Phantomhives. The boy laughed as he turned and glared teasingly at his butler, entertained with torturing the thing.

"Sebastian I mean to move you down there as well, as to be with closer proximity to your… family." The last word stung the butler like a hornet. Sebastian drew in a strong intake of air, standing as stiff as a pillar. "If this child will be as you say, a powerful new creature then it must have both parents controlling its escapades. I predict that it will most definitely be a handful and that you both must be there to ensure my safety if something were to go awry."

Each Italicized word hit Grell like a pile of stones. But despite her usually resistant and shaky disposition the Reaper did not flinch at the child's harsh words, for they were not all that harsh. Yes he was selfish in stating that they must ensure his safety and not the child's, but in reality he was only a boy himself and a wealthy one for that, and was inclined to be selfish. What overlapped the self-indulgence of the young earl was the fact that she would be getting a larger room! And better yet Sebastian would be next door to her. Though it was not ideal that she could not share the room with Sebastian at least she had her baby to look forward to sharing a room with, at least through its early infancy.

"Catherine, feel free to decorate the room however you wish. I am sure you will need to go out and gather what provisions you need for its upcoming arrival, so out of kindness I will allow you to get whatever may please you, no matter the cost."

"Sir?" questioned both the butler and the bulbous Grell at the boy's sudden generosity. Ciel raised a hand to stop their stunned expressions. The boy smiled at Grell genuinely.

"Think of this as an extended thank you, from before." He said these words with true kindness, referencing when Grell had saved his reputation during the Jack the Ripper case. Though he did not learn about it until about a month ago he did feel legitimate appreciation for what the reaper had done and had decided from that point on he would at least try and show the reaper some inkling of kindness, even if it was difficult for him to muster up.

"Now on you go. I expect that you will want to move what little things you have upstairs down a floor and to get going on your shopping. Sebastian will assist you."

With that the little lord sat himself back in his seat and signaled the two to leave. Once their backs were turned he immediately took out the black sheep and soldier toys he was playing with and resumed his work. Sebastian smiled at his master's callow habits. The two turned into the hall after closing the door to the study. Sebastian twisted his direction to head towards the servants' quarters to gather what little things he had and bring them down to his new accommodations, accommodations he really did not desire. Grell on the other hand followed the rug line and headed herself towards the stairs descending the floor and onto the first one. Her mind headed to the front door and all of the things she would buy for her baby. She blushed cuddling her stomach. Sebastian turned his head and saw the day-dreaming shinigami.

"Grell" he said with a sigh. "What on earth- do you not want to move your things down from upstairs-"

"Oh no Sebastian." Grell said through her trance as her dainty boot graced the top step of the companionway. "I am much too busy! I must go into London at once and get the necessary items I need for my little Soul Thief."

Sebastian gawked at her languid vocal statements. "Gr- Catherine, Hush or the others might possibly hear-" But the demon butler was interrupted by Grell's continued humming as she floated over the stairs. He watched her as she exited the mansion. He shook his head smilingly lightly and laughing faintly at the woman's delusional happiness. He shook his head again to be rid of any such thoughts of adoration.

Grell returned in about two hours. The coach had rolled up to front drive of the estate. The cobblestone driveway rattled as the brougham returned from its shopping adventure in London. Sebastian descended the front stairs as he saw the vehicle approach, and chose to help the reaper with the few goods that were atop of the horse-drawn transportation method. But as he reached for the door handle he saw a great caravansary of coaches behind the one that held the Phantomhive family crest. Sebastian's jaw dropped as he saw the parade of broughams. How much did that blasted woman buy!? He thought. He looked back to the Phantomhive's coach. He saw as the whale of a red head open up the door and saw as Tanaka with is senile and jovial laughter gave her the hand she required to steady herself as she exited the coach. Still aghast, Sebastian shook his head to attempt to regain his composure.

"Sebastian- Darling~!"The reaper clasped her hands at the demon butler who looked as stunned as ever.

"Gr-Cathe-ell" The demon stuttered as he looked confusingly at the red blur before him.

"Excuse me." Some man said as he pushed past the butler holding a large crate-like package. Sebastian sputtered as he saw many more like him pass and repeat the same words and mirroring the same actions.

"What in the world is this?" He shouted, his head finally clearing from his stupor. Grell's smile disappeared suddenly but then reappeared as quickly as it left.

"Silly, do you not remember this morning. Ciel grant me to go and get whatever I may wish for the baby. And so I got some lovely decoration for the baby's and my room!" She clapped her hands again with her joy, "Oh and they do look absolutely wonderful. I did only pick out the very best for our little one so," Her smile grew ever the wider. "These men here they are setting it up in the room as we speak, so I must go and tell them where to put the objects!" She too, pushed passed the butler and went up the steps, her happiness too grand for this grand estate that she seemed to glow with said happiness. Sebastian could not help but watch Grell's steps, for she carried the tool to his movement to change the demon world.

About an hour after their initial return, the lifters had eradicated themselves from the property leaving no scraps of the packaging they had brought. Grell though was still herself on the property. Sebastian's feet stepped gracefully upon the steps of the companion way clacking ever so lightly on the mahogany treads. He turned down the equally brown wooded hallway of the mansion in which he now resided. The rich wood color seeped immensely into ones soul bringing the elegance and refinement that the Phantomhive family has sought for years to supply its residents and guests.

Sebastian feared the worst as he approached the grim reaper's new door. He could hear the red beast humming a light hearted tune from inside, obviously in a euphoric delusion whilst primping the surrounding new objects, not even attempting to cease her imaginings. His gloved hand touched the brass doorknob lightly as he pondered what could possibly be in there in regards to décor. The demon imagined gaudy new red drapes on the windows and around the four posted bed. Nursery sets adorned with crimson frills and scarlet bows. He just imagined the room the color of blood, and he knew it would be drenched with it. Sebastian took a sharp intake of air before he tightly gripped the door's handle and pushed through the entryway.

To his everlasting astonishment the room looked …normal! The walls remained as they were originally, the arabesque patterns absolutely intact. The four posted queen size bed was also left untouched by the color Grell so admired. Instead the plain white quilt was replaced by a rose decorated coverlet that remained white and pink without any specks of that obnoxious color. As for everything else in the room it was all refreshed versions of the objects initially in the room with the du jour styles of this November day in 1889.

Sebastian glanced at the red reaper who was swaying back and forth in a rocking chair continuing her musings. She held a small toy in her arms looking at it lightly. It was a Funtom toy ironically, one of the earlier models, quite out of season. It was a cat dressed impeccably in a suit. Sebastian was quite amused by this object when he first came under Ciel's employ. He had inquired about it, but Ciel had merely retorted that it was one of his father's brands. Out of deference for his late father Ciel kept the unpopular model in the stocks of his company. It's strange how Grell had taken a liking to this object.

The demons eyes glanced about the room once more noticing the bassinet and other infant necessities. They were also not shrouded in the color of wine. The objects were of a wooded make. There were bows on the items but they were white! Sebastian looked back to the reaper with unseen shock on how the lady could possibly resist having custom items made with her favorite color. He smiled unable to hide his pleasure in her resistance of purchasing that ostentatious pigment.

Grell looked up from her reverie and smiled at the demon. "Sebastian!" she cooed like a shrill pigeon. "How darling of you to come and see what I have done with the place. Isn't absolutely lovely!" She said while getting up to greet the laconic butler.

"There's no red." The butler stated as if it was almost a question. Grell swayed as she cocked her head slightly confused at his statement.

"Huhn?" She pursed her lips. "Oh that! Well, I thought that even though red in my favorite color that the baby would be much calmer in a normally decorated room, besides, red makes one hungry and I do not desire to be up all hours of the night feeding the thing more than I have to." The red head laughed utterly pleased with herself.

"It took a lot of self-control" She continued, "But I bought everything in plain colors. I thought that since this was out of Ciel's money I might as well not go overboard with getting things all custom." She chortled clapping her hands together and gleefully smiling. Sebastian had never seen the reaper so happy and out of normal human-like reasons; he had in fact has seen the reaper ecstatic while severing cinematic record from one of her victims but this, this was something totally different. Sebastian saw that glow that was supposedly around every expectant mother, he definitely saw it now in Grell.

"How very practical of you, Grell." He said smiling at the shinigami.

What was that? A compliment? Grell stood aback and nodded lightly. She turned her back to the demon and resumed her place in the rocking chair. That was an actual compliment! Why is he becoming so nice to me all of a sudden? Grell pondered as she rocked back and forth in the chair. The demon butler still stood there in the room and she took notice of this. She stood again and walked to the dresser where she took in her hand the small little garments that she had purchased for her infant soon to come.

"Well… if you will …excuse me Sebastian, I have some things to attend to." She pointed her hand towards the door unable to make eye contact with the man. "If you will?"

"Oh!" The Butler stood straighter as if he forgot where he was for a moment "Of course." He walked towards the door and exited the room as to return to his own duties. The door clicked closed and Grell took and exasperated intake of air after holding it for so long. She sighed looking at the small white infant dress she had procured that day. She hugged it to her chest as she breathed in deeply. Grell blushed slightly feeling the heat on her cheeks.

"Well Happy Birthday to me. I suppose."

The year was coming to a close. It was now the evening of November 27th 1889, but the household ran as it day to day. As the sun proceeded to go down into the hills and behind the trees, the house surprisingly ran perfectly. The maid scrubbed the grand staircase, this time without mistakenly using shoe polish, the gardener was putting in all of his tools into the workhouse, while also greeting the footman who was tending to the horses in the stables. Tanaka sat drinking tea as usual while the ever capable butler was preparing Ciel's evening meal, the chef was situated in the corner moping as he shucked corn husks; a task that could not possibly have anything ignite. All was calm. Grell Sutcliff, the immensely round being waltzed down the front stairs asking the maid if she needed any assistance.

"Oh no Miss Catherine," Mey-rin replied hastily. "Not in your condition. Not today." Mey-rin still holding her suspicions against the red headed servant replied quickly. She was kind to Catherine, but she did not know if the new servant had actually stolen Sebastian's heart, so she could not fully hate her as of yet. Catherine always was nice to her so she did not want to hate her, but it did make her quite hot and bothered thinking about if the redheaded mother actually had carnal relations with the butler. Mey-rin's nose began to bleed so she hid her face quickly.

Grell continued down the steps and found herself utterly bored. She waltzed her way into the parlor and sat their wishing she was not fired from the SDS and that she had some trivial task to do other than sit around and wait for her infant inconvenience to pop out of her. She then thought back to the Shinigami Dispatch and realized how she didn't want to go back. They pushed her out and they don't deserve her skill any more. Right, she was now a free lady, free to do whatever she wanted, she grinned a toothy grin as she looked out the window, lounging as comfortable as possible a 10 month pregnant woman could actually be. She placed her hands over her well-developed stomach and thought about how wonderful and difficult this child would be.

So far it had been about ten months of her pregnancy. The gestation period was taking a longer time and leaning more towards the reapers side of things. She recalled her and Sebastian's late night conversation about three months into her pregnancy and employment at the Phantomhive estate. Sebastian had said that demons, if human born would gestate for about 5 months or less, reapers tend to be enceinte for 15 or more months. Since the road was a confusing and mysterious one, Grell practically was on her confinement through the entire pregnancy. Grell wondered how soon this child would come.

Hours past, Sebastian had served the master his meal and had left his master to continue reading in the library. Grell was still situated in the front parlor, but had closed her eyes for a light catnap. The reaper heard a loud pounding at the front door and jolted awake from her sleep, and grasped her wildly kicking abdomen.

"Hush." She patted her stomach "It was probably only the wind." she said in attempt of calming herself and her fearful child, though she knew the words were futile. Grell had taken notice some time ago of the child's first kicks but had relinquished not to tell the raven haired butler, for he would probably find it petty and unimportant. Grell also had taken notice that in times of distress her child would kick fervently. When Will had approached her that day he came to the Phantomhive estate the child kicked wildly first to warn her thus in time as to force her to her feet and run; and out of its own fear when William had almost attacked its mother. So the Reaper had come to the conclusion that her infant had sixth sense about these things and about danger and distress, Grell had learned to trust her child's instinct.

Sebastian too, had heard the pounding on the house's door and approached the entrance calm and collectively. Grell watched as the butler walked with such strong and placid assuredness. Suddenly wind shook the entire household and the enormous gust burst the door open before the demon could reach it. Sebastian was blown back by the winds but not enough that it could move his firmly planted feet. Only his hair moved backwards.

Dust clouded the entire entrance way. The wind had stopped and Sebastian frowned, knowing that he would soon have to clean this atrium once again. He looked back to the doorway and saw a tornado of dust circle around a shadowed being. He squinted his eyes as he tried to decipher who was with in its curtain fall of sand. When the partials cleared there stood a singular being … Mademoiselle Emilie Dubois!

Grell gasped at the very similar looking woman. How dare she also sport red hair! Grell gripped her dress front looking out into the hall from where she stood in the salon seeing the cruel smile of the French woman and the preparatory fighting stance that Sebastian held.

"Bon Soir." Said the Banshee "Or Bon Nuit, I suppose, actually." She stepped forward her heels clacking on the marble floor. She was dressed in a brocade mauve corset over a rather short skirt, showing off her pale white legs. How scandalous! Her shirt sleeves rolled lazily off of her shoulders as she smiled and flicked her frock of hair over her shoulder. She snorted in an evil way at the demon butler.

"What are you going to do demon, just stand there?" She questioned the butler. Totally changing the subject "You look so out of place in those clothes, I would personally prefer them torn and with your wings bursting through the back." She bit her lip teasingly, her under bite hidden by her flirtatious facial expression.

"No, actually I do not intend to stand here." Sebastian said, disregarding her last comment. "Nor do I wish to present my true form."He now knew that this lady; and he used the term loosely; knew of his origins. Of course she did, due to the investigation revealing her to be of supernatural kind as well. As for Grell, she just stood there aghast; struck to the bone with horror as she looked with fear at the scene that may possibly unfold. Sebastian looked towards her and then back to Emilie.

"Oh." Said the banshee. "What have we got here?" She turned towards the parlor that Sebastian foolishly glanced towards. Alarms rang in Grell's head as she met eyes with the French woman. Why had she just stood idiotically in the middle of the doorway, why didn't she hide? Grell's breath became shorter and faster paced as Miss Dubois approached her. Quickly grasping Grell's flailing hand and dragging her out into the foyer.

Grell tried so hard to put up a fight. Her hand that was not so painfully crushed in the other woman's hand was tightly held over her stomach not wavering at all. Her tear-filled eyes reached out to Sebastian who was glairing daggers at the banshee.

"What does she have to do with anything?" Sebastian shouted looking worriedly at the reaper who held his tool to a changed world. "You want my master do you not?"

The French woman tutted. "'Oh no no Marchosias, things have changed. I initially wanted to be rid of my number one enemy, but …" She paused calculating her burning words. "A new problem has arrived for our kind." Her words singed like a flame.

Marchosias? Grell's heart felt a pang. Sebastian? Marchosias? She gasped as her mind suddenly flashed back to her dream that she had months ago. Sebastian was her Marchosias, form all that time ago. She could not help but smile slightly, all this time her heart has always been trying to find Sebastian once more.

"Grell what are you doing?" Asked the Undertaker to the young Grell Sutcliffe.

"I am drawing a picture of that demon, so I may never forget his face!" Said the young boy as he put scribbles on the page. Grell was not the experienced artist at age five, so his attempts to put the likeness of the demon onto the leaflet was all for naught. "Done." The child chirruped as he passed the paper to his caretaker.

Undertaker smiled sheepishly at the god-awful rendition of the beautiful demon that had called upon the old reaper that year. Ever since that day his young ward had been obsessed with the man, trying so hard to never forget him and talking nonstop about the day he came there.

"Grell," The older gentleman began, his bespectacled face looked down with concern at the young boy before him. "Why do you obsess over this man so much?" Asked the legendary reaper pointing to the black and red scribbles on the page. Grell cocked his head. The young boy did not truly understand that there was anything wrong with what he was about to say next, nor did he understand his caretaker's questioning of it.

"Well I love him, Undy!" He took back the paper and hugged it. "The roses told me that we would be friends, but I love him so dearly." So timid and naïve did the young Grell speak that the Undertaker could not help but smile at the boy.

"I am sorry Grell, but, He is a demon after all. And you are a grim reaper. It would not work."

Grell looked up at him with confused eyes as they began to fill with tears. Why was it wrong? Why couldn't he love a demon? Undertaker took the page slowly from where the child had dropped the paper on the ground in the garden.

"I will keep this safe for you." Sephtis said as he turned and walked away with the drawing the young Grell had so carefully illustrated. He went inside the house and locked it away in a chest filled with other memories and toys that the silver haired shinigami had collected with his adopted son. He blinked slowly as he turned the key to the chest and stuck the piece of metal back in his pocket. It was a pity that his little Princess could not love his demon knight, but there was so many things wrong with the world that he could not bear to put Grell's hopes up. He was a demon and at the time demons were murdering the reapers, and even though this demon in particular had come to the reaper for help in a resistance movement he could not imagine the two species being at peace anytime soon.

Undertaker knew age and gender did not really matter to Reapers but the difference in species did. Undertaker knew that if he let any emotion for the demon kindle in his young ward that he would risk the both of them being excommunicated from the Society. For this demon's plans of a peaceful world he knew they would both have to stay powerful or the strategy may crumble.

Undertaker sighed and resumed the other task he was attending to.

Grell sat in the garden with a rose in his hand. He had again plucked one of the white flowers from the bush and had sliced his hand open on the thorns. He looked at the snowy color of the rose and then back at his hand that was pooling with the scarlet liquid. He didn't cry like he did before at the sharp pain that his hand was feeling but instead admired it. Yes, Red was now his favorite color, his hair and now his blood reflected the demon's eyes he so dearly admired. The plainness off the flower upset him. Why weren't they the color red or even the variant of the color that they were last year? The pink roses of 1600 were replaced in 1601 by snowy petals that scorched purity into their admirers. Grell felt this rose was suffocating his love for the color red, the color of Marchosias's eyes and the love he held for the demon. Why couldn't it be red?

Grell took his small bleeding hand and rubbed it lightly over the white rose destroying its cleanliness. The crisp petals became damp and soggy as they absorbed the vibrant liquid. Grell's love for the demon would win no matter what his caretaker told him!

Grell snapped back to reality as Emilie tugged hard on the reaper's red hair. Of course Sebastian was her Marchosias! They looked exactly the same… despite the change in attire and length of hair. She cried slightly in a mixture of joy and pain. She felt all the pieces of her puzzle falling together and yet everything was consecutively falling apart.

Sebastian looked confusedly at the banshee. Our kind? He questioned. No! " You have no more interest in my master anymore?" He questioned not letting his shock and knowledge come to the surface.

"Nope." Emile replied shortly as she held the reaper close to her. " I am more interested in this." She pointed to Grell and the child in her abdomen. "Tu voyez, I have un habit of causing chaos. I thought I could get by play acting as a Banshee and wreaking havoc here in England, but now something better has arrived-"

She was interrupted by the pounding of footsteps as servants and Ciel himself came bounding down the front stairs. All stood shocked as they saw Grell being held captive by the scantily dressed woman. The servants who on the outside seemed ill-capable of anything looked rough and rugged. They had heard the noise and prepared for an attack on the house hold, readying to protect their new found home.

"Oi let 'er go!" Shouted Balderoy as he readied a rifle in his hand. Emilie laughed wickedly, the jarring sound echoing throughout the hall.

"What the Hell is going on here Sebastian?" The 13 year-old earl shouted demanding-ly at his servant.

"Snake! Tanka!" The butler shouted not moving from his spot on the floor. "Quickly take the master to safety! Off the grounds. Per la casa di famiglia della fidanzata!" He shouted in perfect Italian, due to their usual covert language; French, being able to be decoded. He ordered them to take Ciel to Lady Elizabeth's house for refuge and safety as this one was under siege. The two servants nodded quickly. Tanaka and Snake took up Ciel who frantically flailed around in protest while they dragged him out of the hall and down corridors until they reached another exit.

As for the rest of them The maid, gardener , and chef , along with the poised butler and the captive reaper all remained still. Sebastian without turning his gaze from the French woman ordered to the three remaining staff. His words in clipped and dominating tones "Please, if you will, get to your posts, if there are any other invaders. Dispose of them."The last statement was very clear to the three, they nodded and in unison said "Right!" and went off into their established directions.

Now it was back to the initial triangle. Sebastian, the enemy, and Grell.

"As I was saying," Continued the woman, her cornflower blue eyes blazing a hole through Sebastian's composure. "It's this woman. I know the child is yours and it is a quite dangerous combination, The child of a Demon and a Reaper, what – a – weapon. " She grinned a sickening grin, her under bite clearly noticeable. A curdling laughter filled the halls as the dust swirled around the French woman once more.

"No!" Sebastian shouted running towards the swirling mass of soil. When he touched it Grell fell into his arms and the dust fell back to the floor. He pulled Grell back far away from the creature he saw holding her protectively in his arms. Where the French woman once stood, there was now an evil looking man, his orange eyes glared wildly at the pair with blatant insanity. His dark violet hair, sharp teeth and dark cloak clearly revealed what he was. His olive skin glistened as if it was made out of the dust around them. Sebastian knew what and who this creature was.

"Renu." Sebastian growled. The being before him was a demon like him, but a shape shiftier. Shape shiftiers were of a lower caliber than other demons in the sense that they do not have an identifying creature such as a spider, raven, or snake. These demons traveled via shadow and were built out of dust and hatred. Normal demons had three forms, human, demon, and animal- the latter being what they could turn into to travel through the world unseen if the human guise would not be appropriate. But Shadow People, were made of dust, their skin was dust and they could easily fall apart and travel in just a black mass. Even though they were of lesser 'respect ' than normal demons, they were immensely powerful and very feared by humans who knew of them and demonologists who studied them.

"Ha, now you see me." He said, his voice echoing as if there were two pitches to it, a normal tenor voice followed by a monstrous echo that was deep and sounded like a cavern. "And now you don't." He said disappearing into dust. A shadow appeared behind Sebastian and Grell. The butler lunged forward taking himself and the delirious red reaper to the other side of the hall.

"No no,… no running. I am not going to hurt you, or the being inside her…at least…not today." His sharp grin pierced Grell's soul like a knife.

"Sebastian." She said weakly, she tugged his shirtfront, her face contorted in pain.

"Not now Grell." Sebastian whispered to her as he lifted her in his arms and jumped up onto the banister of the companionway.

Renu tutted once more. "You just don't get it do you, Marchosias. This infant you're harboring will upset Him. If you try anything against the Master, with that thing, I will return and kill you all, you got that. And just for fun I'll take your meal for myself, how about that."

Sebastian's eyes widened. Renu knew about the prophecy, and he knew about his plans to over throw Satan with his child. Sebastian closed his eyes and prayed to God (ironically) that Ezmic was not suspected of treason and that Sebastian would take all the blame for the entire ordeal. Sebastian reopened his eyes and saw Renu smiling again.

"You know it's a pity, we can't just take the child now… but… I guess we will just have to wait until its older to steal it from you. It will help us take over the humans, so we can just have fresh food all the time and make cattle out of those obnoxious grim reapers. "The last part he said was directed straight to Grell who quacked with unadulterated fear. "And besides… when we're done using the Soul Thief, I bet it'll have the most delicious soul." And with that Renu turned to leave. He fell apart and turned to dust leaving the demon and the reaper alone in the room relishing their fears.

Sebastian's plan was falling apart. He and Ezmic's plan was to use the child to their advantage, but now he learned that the Devil knew of the infant and feared its power. Not only that but had decided to attempt to steal the child away from he and Grell in attempt to train it as tool for their own takeover of the entire world. Sebastian saw the filth of his kind and realized just how greedy they were. This was a second coming of the Reaper-Demon War that was never officially ended. More blood will be spilled and all of that weighed on the tiny shoulders of his unborn child.

Grell too, took in the Dust Lord's last words. Tears slid down her cheeks as she thought of it. Consuming her child's soul, how could they!? Stealing the baby for their own Selfish needs, how dare they even think it-

"Ahhhhn!" Grell shouted out in pain as she clutched Sebastian's lapel. "Se-Sebastian!" She panted. She remembered what she was trying to tell him before. Sebastian jumped down off the railing and onto the floor. He held the writhing reaper in his arms trying to stay her movements.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He said, panicked. There has been too much hysteria that evening for the demon to fully comprehend what was going on at this very moment. Grell buried her head in his chest and cried, hot tears of shooting pain slid down her cheeks as her body retched and shook viciously.

"Se- Se- Sebastia-! Ahhhhhnnn!" She screamed once more. And then the gravity of the situation finally took hold on Sebastian. This was it! The moment of truth. The previous excitement of the latest confrontation must have pushed Grell to her limit. The child, out of fear and exasperation was forcing itself upon the reaper's innards and was most definitely coming. It was time.

"Oh! How indelicate of me." He said his voice obviously quivering with his own fear of the situation. He hoisted the trembling Grell off of his knees and stood with the being in his arms and ran swiftly to her accommodations.

He set her down in the rocking chair as he stripped the bed of its nice new cover things. His eyes were wide, as he had never dealt with a situation like this one before. He picked up Grell once again and put her onto the stripped bed.

"I-I will return." The demon stuttered. He tried to force the reaper's release upon his wrist but the frail creature now held a strength he did not know that she possessed.

"Don't leave – me." Grell shouted her voice rising with fear and contorting in pain. Sebastian pulled his hand hard from her grasp and swallowed the lump that had made its home suddenly in his throat. He ran out the door without saying a word. Officially, the demon had lost his composure.

Sebastian ran down the halls shouting. The elegant halls were all a blur to him now, if he had a working heart it would be pounding right now. If he were a human he would be sweating, and if her were mortal he would already be dead from exhaustion.

"Mey-Rin!" The butler called out at the top of his lungs his baritone voice echoing throughout the manor. He repeated this name until a bottle rimmed, and wine haired maid turned her way passed the corner and saw the butler dashing towards her. She shrieked and turned back before she realized Sebastian's sudden halt. Mey-rin faced the fearful face butler and reported in.

"Sir, there were no others, Sir!" She shouted giving a mock salute to her commanding officer. Sebastian gripped her shoulders his eyes wider than dinner plates. His shortened breath gave her the sign that he needed assistance.

"Mister Sebast-"

"Mey-Rin," He began. His words were short and clipped. "I am afraid we do not have time to find a accoucheuse and that you will have to step in as midwife! Please Mey-Rin." The Butler begged the maid. Mey-rin finally understood it all. The heat of the events in the past must have lead Miss Catherine to an early visit from the stork. She nodded, knowing, surprisingly exactly what to do.

The two ran to their destination, on the way the maid gathered linens, water and other needed provisions for the task at hand. When they returned to the hallway where Grell resided they could hear her loud caterwauling from inside as it echoed throughout the mansion. Sebastian cringed at this god awful sound resonating in his ears. Usually he would congratulate the reaper for possessing such wonderful screaming but now there was a totally different matter at hand.

Finny and Balderoy bounded down the hallway. "What is that?" Questioned the young gardener as he reached the butler and maid. "Is that Miss Catherine? Is she hurt!?" He cried out his heart pounding not only do to bodily exertion – the running, but also the fear rising in his chest.

Sebastian shook his head, "She is about to give birth," Said the demon.

"Finny, go get me some herbs to calm her, Lavender and other such fragrant plants will do, I suppose." Said Mey-Rin, taking command. "Balderoy, go get a leather strap or something, she may need to bite down on something to endure the pain. " Both servants nodded and went off running again to get the things they were ordered to do. Mey-Rin turned to open the door and go inside, Sebastian attempted to follow but Mey Rin Stopped him putting up her small hand.

"Mister Sebastian, I am afraid it is improper for a man to be in the room at such a time, especially one not connected to her at all."

Sebastian furrowed his eyes and arched his neck. His shoulders fell forward in his irritation. "Mey-Rin I have to be in there!" He said stiffly as he pushed his way through the door. The maid capitulated to the butler's order, she had no choice to. She watched as he walked deeply into the room and strode quickly over to Grell who threw her hand out to the ebony butler. He sat in a chair next to her and took up her Dresden fingers in which she squeezed so tightly that his own fingertips began to turn red. Despite the discomfort, he dealt with it for Grell's sake.

Mey-Rin at that moment knew for sure that this child was definitely Sebastian's. She blinked her eyes slowly as her heart broke ever the slightly. But then she looked at the red head incapacitated in the bed, and how much she adored the butler even though they were not wed. She found an understanding for Grell that she did not know she held. She saw that even though the two fooled around and consequences had befallen them, the butler had taken up his responsibility to the mother of his child. This Mey-Rin admired, though she did not understand the full lengths of Grell and Sebastian's story she knew she could not be resentful towards what could never be hers; that cold, and demanding butler.

Mey-rin rushed herself over to Grell's bedside. "Catherine," she said with a smile "I am going to help you." Suddenly thunder crashed and through the large drawn window the world outside could be seen. The sky had opened up and was pouring a waterfall upon the earth. The lightning flashed, brightening up the dimly lit room as if it were day time. A long and stormy night ensued with the reaper and the thunder battling on who was the louder.

Loud blood curdling wails of immense pain filled the entirety of the Phantomhive estate. Sebastian was never so glad to realize that his master was far away from this soul wrenching scene. The loud howls of pain that echoed throughout the halls emanated from one room, each one louder than the next.

Grell held fast to Sebastian's hand, her nails very deeply ingrained into the butlers milky white skin. Her cheeks were stained with tears as her eyes shut tightly no longer being able to bear the immense pressure of this moment in her long life. This was the womanly curse; The curse that Eve brought upon all women when she ate from the tree of knowledge, inducing God's wrath. Oh how Grell hated her now! She gripped tighter to Sebastian's hand as another wave of shock filled her lower half, that spread icy cold chills up her spine and throughout her nervous system. She could feel the icy blast in all of her finger tips and toes, even her nose could not escape this awful feeling of unrelenting pain.

"Just once more." Sebastian cooed in her ear whilst also whipping the sweat from her brow. Grell's usually well groomed mane was now perspiration filled matted mass that splayed out like blood from a corpse on the pillows. Sebastian took sympathy on the young reaper, who had never known the other pains of being a woman, and knew that this would be probably the worse pain that she ever had to bear. At least that was how it was in his mind, for he had never known the pain of childbirth and never will. So for lack of his knowing, but seeing the contorted face of the red head he could tell that he could not be cruel to her in her time of need…or in anytime in the future for that matter, if he wanted to use their child for his revolution.

Mey-rin nodded and repeated Sebastian's words imploring the woman to push on. Grell shook her head obviously delirious now. The rain poured on even harder now, than before, the thunder crashed once more as lighting flared; the storm was right upon them, just as this child was.

"I-I ca- can't " Grell cried while shaking her head weakly. Her breathing erratic she panted those words once more. She grasped Sebastian's hand begging him to let her stop. " I can't-" She stopped suddenly as another wave of pain took her. She screamed out in agony. She looked back to Sebastian once the wave subsided, her eyes begged him. Please, please…please…I can't…push on any longer…

"Once more!" Sebastian shouted at her, his eyes flaring pink as his anger rose with Grell's cowardice. "You have wanted this all your life Catherine! To bear my child! You cannot give up or you will be an utter failure, you hear me! " His voice echoed throughout the room, booming louder than and deafening the thunder.

"If you give up now, all the trials you have been through will be all for naught, all of you dreams will be nothing but ASH! "

Grell looked at him, tears in her eyes welled, and her lip quivered. She bit her lip to stay that babyish action. She had to stiff it up. For her happiness and for her baby she had longed desired. Ever since her childhood she had dreamed of being a mother. Even when a boy and when everyone else would laugh and jeer at that, she would go on, defying them and their cruelties. When older she realized what kept her going on adoring that demon she met a long time ago. It wasn't until her heart's awakening in her the years of her youth that she truly fell in love with that raven haired demon knight she met that day in Undertaker's garden. That was the day that changed her fate, the day that eventually led her to this. She knew that on that roof top as Angelina lay dead in the cobblestone street that she would bear Sebastian Michaelis's child, her heart knew it to be true, for the stars had aligned for the Crimson Grim Reaper, despite all of the thorns on her twisted path. It just so happens that her Black Knight and her Black Butler happen to be one in the same. And at that moment in her life she felt the over powering strength in her to push on. Like a supernova her heart burst with passion and will that overpowered the strongest ox. Grell Sutcliffe would nevermore give up!

She braced herself for the oncoming wave and pushed with all her might. She gasped for air as she felt emptiness, a hollowness that curdled her stomach and yet gave her the overwhelming sense of peace. She heard the ethereal cry of an infant pierce the silence of the room. Grell, grinned for it was over, she laid her head down on the pillow in placid bliss. Her thoughts drifted away from reality and she released Sebastian's strong hand.

Sebastian leaned over Grell and unhooked the small pendant around her neck. She had told him what they would have to do with it the night the child came. He stuffed the small token in his pocket and moved away from the bedside to take the newborn from Mey-RIn's arms. She had swiftly cut the cord from the child and had swaddled it in a small knitted blanket. She looked worriedly to the fallen lady on the bed who had just now fainted from the exhaustion. But to her comfort she noticed the small relaxed breathing motion of Grell's lungs that proved that the woman had not died. She handed the child to Sebastian, who in his speech to Grell had truly just revealed that he was the father of this child. She whipped her hands on her apron and bowed her head to him.

"Thank you Mey-rin, you may go now if you wish."

"Yes, Sir!" She said, a saddened smile on her lips as she moved herself across the room and to door.

Sebastian looked at the small child in his arms. It was so tiny; it could sit in the palms of two his hands alone. Then he realized it, He did not know the child's gender, "ah, Mey-Rin?"

"Yes Sir?" She asked poking her head in from the hallway.

"What is the child?" He asked her, his red eyes slowly blinking.

"It's a girl, sir."

And that was all that she said before leaving the room for good. Sebastian nodded and looked at his minuscule daughter with awe. He did not know the feeling he was under but in his chest where a heart would normally be he felt a fluttering that soon became quite bothersome. What is this? He asked himself as he stared at the newborn infant.

He balanced the new child in one arm, as with the other he reached into his pocket and grabbed the necklace. Though no one else in the entire universe could possibly do so he clasped the necklace about his daughter's neck using only one hand. The wrinkly red thing gurgled lightly and seemingly smiled at her father's touch. His un-gloved hand touched her petite face slightly, at this junction the tiny infant opened her large eyes and gazed quizzically into her father's face. Her eyes were of a lavender hue, and were the most enthralling and scintillating pools one could ever lay their own eyes upon.

Sebastian upon this point knew he must protect this child. Though he never wanted her in the first place, something changed within him, as he felt a fire beat against his ribs. This child was his, and she would not know the cruelty of abandonment faced by most demon children. Sebastian promised to himself to protect his key to success and change.

Grell stirred awake from her small bout of unconsciousness. "Se-Sebastian…" She spoke. Her vision blurred, but she could make out the shapes of the raven haired man and her…child! Her child! It was here! Grell's vision quickly recovered as she shot up weakly from the pillow and sat upright on the bed. Her arms outstretched like a needy child. Tears of joy streamed down her cheeks as she panted her happiness. "My baby, what is it?"

She asked pleading for a quick answer. Sebastian smiled as he gazed on last time at the warm child in his arms. He pulled the cloth around the infant tighter before placing the child in Grell's arms. Grell looked up at him, her eyes asking her question again.

"It's a –" Sebastian chocked slightly on his words, not knowing if he should be endearing or cold again to the reaper, "girl." He finally said.

Grell let out a joyous sob as she cupped her mouth, the tears streaming faster now. "A daughter." Her voice wavered, chocking on her own immense excitement. She held the infant close to her face and kissed the baby's forehead, the warm tears from her eyes gently rolling from her face onto the top of the baby's head. That small head that needed all the support in the world, already showed signs of burgundy hair beginning to grow. The tufts, though small, could be imagined by Grell as the most beautiful locks in time to come.

Grell could not believe her senses. As the pain in her subsided, and as she could see and feel the infant in her arms her measure of belief in the moment and the months previous all melted away. This moment wasn't real; she was in one of her dreams again wasn't she? This can't be real? She thought, kissing the infant once more. But her soul was taking flight and assuring her that every second was the absolute truth. Grell was a mother… what she had always dreamed to be.

"…a name." Sebastian said finishing his sentence.

"What was that?" Grell looked up from the gurgling infant in her arms. She had missed the entire speech Sebastian had just given; she was far too lost relishing in the fact that she was now a parent, to her own child!

"A name, Grell. What is your input on a name? "Sebastian began rolling down his shirtsleeves, upon which he had rolled up prior to the birth. "I understand that some time ago you wished to name a girl child Angelina, after the late Madam Red, Bu in case your thoughts had changed in that time-"

"But what about you? Wouldn't you like some sort of input as well?" Grell's eyes looked sad and disappointed.

"I do not wish to have a part in that, it not something I have dwelled upon or sought after and since she will be liken to your most prized position, I believe you to want that most honored position as mother to have the supreme decision."

Grell's lip twitched with annoyance at the butler. Sensing this discord the baby wriggled in Grell's arms trying to suck that tension away from her parents. "Well how did you get your name then?" Grell asked, being quite snarky.

"My master gave it to me and-"

"No not that one. Your real one, Marchosias, isn't it?"

Sebastian's brow twitched "I don't really recall… It sort of was always there I suppose."

"Well that's a pity." Grell looked lovingly at her baby. Her voice reciprocating the elegance of a rose, and sounding as flowing as astounding musical scores "In any case her name will be Angelina… Angelina Juliet Michaelis. "

"Michaelis?" Sebastian asked, mulling over why Grell would possibly was to pass that child's last name to him rather that keeping that possessive.

"Well it has a nice ring to it, Bassy." Oh god, the nickname has returned. "And besides you didn't give any input on her name, so I decided to give it for you. Also, Angelina Juliet Sutcliffe does not sound as … musical…" Grell smiled ear to ear, her sharp teeth sparkling in the moonlight.

"Fine then." Sebastian said, He reached forward to take up the infant in his arms and place her in the bassinet beside the bed. Then it suddenly hit him. How did Grell know my true name?

"Grell, How did you know my name?!" His eyes glinted pink with his shock and questioning. His back was intensely straight, if he were an object he would have been an arrow, not a bend or crook insight. He stood their frozen waiting for an immediate answer. The panic rose up within him.

"Well, that man-lady, banshee, not banshee, said it and...-" Worry and sheepishness rose within Grell's throat. She twiddled her thumbs in anticipation.

"No, No you said it with such familiarity and in the heat of that moment you would have certainly not have remembered it… That is unless you have come across the name before. How do you know me?" He shouted, he suddenly cupped his hand over his mouth, trying to stop suppress the volume of his voice as not to wake the sleeping babe.

"Well, Sebastian if you must know," Grell paused trying to formulate her next words carefully "I-I- I have … met you before."

Sebastian stood there shell-shocked. What was that? He never recalled ever meeting the charmin-Imbecilic red head before, what in the world could she be on about.

"You came to my caretaker when I was very young Sebastian. I was so small, but a child really. I had cut my hand on a rose-"

"Stop!" The Butler shouted. He turned his back towards the reaper. He did not remember…no he did remember… but he did not wish it to be true. Had Grell really had been that child so long ago? That child that looked so innocently into his eyes and held no fear. Even Sephtis upon who he had come to divulge he and Ezmic's plans showed skepticism and fright in those emerald green pools. How could it be? How did the cards on the table line up in such a way?

"Sebastian?" Grell arched her head as she looked at the fading butler. His eyes that had glazed over so suddenly, possessed by his thoughts quickly came back to reality as his name was called. He looked at Grell now seeing the endearing child he had thought he would never see again.

"The flowers said we must stay together." A voice from the past whispered in his ear. It was the voice from that day from the child. Grell.

He looked at her now, no longer a young boy, mindless in his reverie. No, Grell was now an adult and a woman at that. He looked her up and down a frown firmly placed upon his face. His brows knitted together as he admired her. Her body, though now was quite bland and distorted due to her pregnancy, but from what he could recall on the night he had impregnated her she was in fact beautiful. Her corset was tightly making her figure more accentuated. Now though as he looked at her confused face as she sat on the large four poster bed. Her enthralling emerald eyes made him feel watched of course, but as she stared at him staring at her he could feel a heat rise from his chest and into his throat. What was this? He grasped his own lapel, over his left side, clutching the area where a heart would be, and where the warmth radiated initially. What was going on? Without any word, the butler eradicated himself from the room quickly, not understanding at all how his past had caught up to him. His long strides somehow reached the door that seemed to get father and farther away from him as he stepped. Once there he gripped the door handle firmly, opened and shut the door with great ferocity.

The door slammed loudly, causing the newborn to shudder and cry along with Grell who trembled and squeaked her shock as well. As weak as she was Grell Sutcliffe reached over to the crying babe and took up her moments old daughter. After the crying ceased, the new mother replaced her child into her bassinet and prepared herself for some long needed rest. Despite her discomfort due to her matted hair and sticky body, the reaper fell asleep quickly, with tears for her troubled Sebastian sliding down her paled cheeks.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! IT HAS BEEN OVER A MONTH! I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE! I just haven't had the time to write or post! I am so sorry! But look she's here! Angelina Juliet Michaelis!

What will happen now that there are threats surrounding the young infant! What about Sebastian's plans? Are they ruined?

Now that Sebastian remembers his past will it make the two's relationship better or worse?

What will Happen now that Mey Rin knows that Sebastian is the Father?!

Stay tuned for More Unexpected Happenstances!