Title: The assassin

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of the characters, just borrowing.

NOTE: Last Chapter :)

Chapter Four

After that Dean orders me to lay down on the bed, and says "Okay Sam, I want a full explanation right this minute. I mean everything."

I decide to just start at the beginning. "I was at Stanford when these two guys approached me and asked if I wanted to join the CIA. That was after Azazel contacted me. I said yes and we went and took care of the paperwork. I was trained for a year. Then I was sent out on my first mission. I now know 20 languages fluently, 21 including english."

"Holy shit Sam, what languages are they? And then you can finish." Damn, it didn't distract him like I was hoping it would.

"Well I know Arabic, Farsi, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish. Then I learned Hebrew, Pashto, Portuguese, Polish, Swahili, Urdu, Ukrainian, Norwegian, and Swedish." I can tell my dad is pretty impressed but just doesn't want to show it. I still have hope that this distracted them.

"Sam finish." Dean says in a warning tone. Nope, didn't distract them.

"Then I carried out one team mission but switched to only suicide solo missions after that. I did everything but I mostly captured, tortured, and killed." Dean and my dad are pretty horrified at this bit of news.

Dean still hasn't forgotten the part where I was tortured though when he says "Sam how were you tortured? Who did it?"

I take a deep breath and say "Well I was following my target down a street when I heard footsteps behind me. Before I could turn around a cloth covered in chloroform was pressed against my face and I was captured. I guess somehow they found out I worked for the Americans."

"Sam I want to know what happened." Dean says, But Dean doesn't need to know and neither does my dad.

"They just wanted information about the Americans. Information I didn't give them. When they finally decided that I wasn't worth their time anymore they were going to kill me. But the people I trained with, decided then would be a perfect time to rescue me." I say

Dean is getting pissed off by the lack of information I am giving him. He is about to start yelling again when my dad says "Sam how long did they have you? And tell me now what exactly they did, or at least injuries that you had from them."

I guess I can tell them how long they had me. "I was there for four months." It seemed like so much longer but it was only four months. Should I tell them the injuries, I can tell Dean's blood pressure is rising. But should I tell them? My internal debate goes for about thirty seconds before I just decide to tell them. "Several burns obviously, a broken wrist, some broken ribs, broken fingers, missing fingernails, my right arm was broken, two broken femurs, some broken toes, and a broken cheek bone and collar bone. Then some cuts."

And here Dean goes into full blown mother hen mode. "Sam are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you in pain? How about some water?"

"Dean, I am FINE. I was in a hospital in Germany for a while getting fixed up. OKAY? I am good now." I say to stop him.

"Sammy are you sure you're okay?" Dean says.

"Yes Dean I am fine, I just want to sleep." Then I lay back on the bed, close my eyes, and feign sleep. When they think I have fallen asleep I can hear them talking about me. They can't decide if I really am OK, and they don't know what they should do. Well that's surprising. Finally I actually go to bed and am awoken several hours later by a nightmare.

Several months later

Dean and my dad have finally started to trust me again. I can see it in the way they move while we are hunting. And I can see it in the way they have finally begun to relax around me. I am better than both of them at hunting now. This bothers Dean but I just am good at this. When I look in the mirror now I still see an inhumane monster, something that deserves to be hunted. But I am more at peace with myself than I was when I first got home. I have finally begun to wash the blood off of my hands.


Thanks for reading!