Back again guys! How have you been? Sooo ideas for this story have been buzzing around in my head for a while, so what the hell. I'm disappointed that this is getting that many views but it's only the 2nd chapter so I will not lose hope! Guys seriously, let me know if you like this story, it'll help me out a lot. So as always read, enjoy, review. ;)


"Geez Natsu, why'd you have to transfer to another college! Now I won't be able to see you as much!"

Lucy stopped typing. 'Natsu? It couldn't be... right?'

A more manly sounding voice bounced off the elevator walls. "Gramps said that some of my old friends go to this school, they could probably help me remember. This is all a pain in my ass though. Memory or no memory, I don't give a damn."

'That voice, it's a lot deeper but it's him. I know it is.' Lucy's hands began to shake as she looked at the couple. She saw him casually leaning against the wall, his spiky pink hair, those deep onyx eyes, and even that scaled scarf. Lucy's feet were rooted to the ground as she stared at him. Her phone slipped through her now numb fingers and hit the ground.

Her breath caught in her throat and to her, it felt like time was frozen.


Lucy inhaled sharply when his eyes met hers. He simply stared at her. The girl with Natsu glared at Lucy and hugged Natsu's arm. "Is this someone you know Natsu?"

Natsu shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno." Lucy looked shocked, but she quickly snapped out of it when the elevator dinged.

"Ah, my mistake I must have the wrong person." Lucy rushed out quickly. She felt like she was having a panic attack. She knew for certain that he was Natsu, so why did he pretend like he didn't know her. Tears stung the back of her eyes and her chest became heavy. 'Why is he here?! Out of all the places he could be why here!?" Her hands shakily opened the door to her car and she threw her stuff into the car, collapsing into the seat. She sucked in a couple of breaths trying to calm herself. Her head was spinning and she felt nauseous.

She pulled out of the parking area and drove to school. By the time she got there they were halfway through the 3rd period. She took her seat in a daze, paying no mind to the greeting the guys were giving her. Levy was too engrossed in her book to notice Lucy's attendance. Not that Lucy paid any mind to it.

At the end of 3rd period Levy prepared to collect all of her things. She jumped out of her skin when she saw Lucy sitting there as if she had saw a ghost. "L-L-Lu-chan!? When did you get here?! Wait... What's wrong?" Levy placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

"He's back Levy-chan..." Lucy mumbled tears welling up in her hollow looking eyes.

"What? Who's back?" Levy gave her a highly concerned look.

"Natsu... Why? Why did he come back Levy-chan? Why did he leave? Why?" Tears flowed freely down her face. Levy hugged Lucy tightly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Lu-chan. But I'll stay with you until you calm down." Lucy sobbed into her friends frail shoulders. After Lucy got done crying she cleaned her face and fixed her makeup in the restroom.

"Levy I got your text what's the emergency!?" Erza said bursting into the restroom, Mira, Juvia, Cana, and trailing behind her. "Uh I'm not so sure, but you guys have known Lu-chan for a long time right?" Erza looked at her with a confused expression. "We have. Since elementary school. Why?" Levy glanced at Lucy who was absentmindedly doing her makeup and looked at the group of girls, making a hand gesture towards the door. All the girls followed Levy outside of the bathroom.

"What's going on Levy-san?" Juvia said nervously.

"Yeah Levy, what's the big issue?" Cana said putting her phone away.

Levy gave them a worried look. "Um... Who's Natsu?"

All of the girls froze in their place. "Why do you know that name?" Erza said stepping closer to Levy.

"Well Lu-chan was in class crying, I asked her what's wrong and she said Natsu's back. She's told me just about everything about her life but it always seemed like she was leaving something out. I never knew what it was though."

Erza had a scary look on her face. "That bastard finally decided to show his face." She punched the wall and walked away.

"E-erza!" Mira chased after her. Levy looked frightened by her sudden outburst.

"What-" "Sorry about my litle episode Levy-chan! I was just a little taken aback by something that happened this morning but I'm fine now!" Lucy walked ahead after flashing Levy a forced smile.

Natsu was irritated. Simply irritated. "Dammit, this phone has been ringing nonstop. Don't people have lives?! And where the hell is this 'Lucy' girl anyways?" Natsu sighed stomping around the hall of the campus.

"Natsu?" A voice called out from behind him.

He whirled around to see who was calling him. "Gray? Where the hell where you? I've been looking everywhere for you!" The phone started ringing again before Gray could answer him. "Ahhh this is such a pain!" He took the phone out of his pocket and answered it.


"Um... Hello? This is Dan. Lu-Lu tan are you gona join me for lunch today? Our love is meant to be Lu-Lu you can't run from it."

Natsu snorted. "This aint 'Lu-Lu' I dunno where she is. Bye." He hung up the phone and turned back to Gray.

"That's a really girly looking phone flame brain. I knew you'd come out one day." Natsu glared at him.

"Screw you. This isn't my phone. It's some girl named Lucy's phone. She dropped it this morning when she saw me on the elevator. She just suddenly took of running. Man chicks are cra-"

"You saw her?" Natsu stopped talking and stared at Gray confused.

"Yeah. Why? Is she someone you know? Your girlfriend? Someone you secretly have a crush on?" He smirked at Gray and folded his arms.

Gray looked away. "Natsu... She was your-"

"You bastard!" Erza punched Natsu and sent him sliding across the floor on his butt.

"How dare you come back!? After everything you put her through!?" She jumped on top of him grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. "Where have you been?! Where'd you go!? Why'd you leave?!" She shook him back and forth. She punched him a few times.

"O-Oi! Erza wait!" Cana grabbed Gray's wrist and shook her head when he tried to step in.

Tears streamed down Erza's face. "5 years... How could you just disappear for 5 years without saying a word to us?!" She trembled and glared at Natsu as tears streamed down her face.

Natsu was completely confused. "... I have no idea who you are, or what you're talking about. But I'm guessing 'The fiery red head named Erza' is you and you still have a score to settle with me?" He pushed Erza off of him and stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth. Erza stood up quickly glaring at Natsu fiercely.

"Don't play dumb! You know just who I am you've known me to long to forget me!"

Gray quickly stepped in between the two. "Wait! Just give me a second to explain everything."

The bell rung again signaling for the end of 4th period. Gray let out a sigh of relief. "Meet me at my apartment after school. He quickly scribbled down the address and handed it to Erza. "I put my number there too, in case you didn't... have it anymore. Bring the others too... It's good to see you again Erza, Cana." He saw Juvia and Mira rushing to Erza's side. Juvia quickly averted her eyes with a pained look on her face. Gray turned and pushed Natsu away as the two got lost in the crowd of students.

"You should've said hi at least." Erza said watching Natsu retreat into the sea of students.

Juvia's face twisted in sadness. "I don't think he wants a simple 'hi' from me. Not after what I've done."

Erza let out a long sigh. "I never thought we would all end up this broken..."

Lucy sighed as the bell signaled the end of the day. She was exhausted and confused. 'I just wanna go home and get some sleep. I wanna forget that today ever happened... Maybe I'll grab a few drinks with Rin today. He did offer to take me out.' She shuffled tiredly to the student parking lot when a truck pulled up in front of her suddenly. Lucy shrieked and fell on her butt in surprise.

The window rolled down revealing Erza. "Get in." Lucy stared at Erza in bewilderment.

"Are you nuts?! You could have killed me! And -"

"There's no time for that just get in." Erza said in a tone that implied there was no refusing. Lucy reluctantly hopped into her car. Refusing to look at her.

"So... what is it that you want? Suddenly popping out of nowhere."

"Natsu is back."

Lucy's heart skipped a beat and her head was pounding again. "S-so it's true..." She said her voice getting caught in her throat.

Erza let out a sigh and pulled out of the parking lot. "Indeed I ran into him earlier. Gray wants to talk to all of us... together."

Lucy looked at Erza in shock. "What?! Do you know how long its been since any of us has been together. This is ridiculous! Are we all supposed to just magically go back to being best friends forever just because that bastard has returned!? There's no way I want any part of this! I couldn't care less! Let me out, I'll walk home if I have to!"

Erza glanced at Lucy for a moment. "Lucy... please. I really want to know why he left. I want everyone back together again. I know you do too Lucy. So please..." She looked at Erza in surprise. She'd never heard Erza beg before, nor had she's ever looked so weak.

She let out a sigh and quickly looked away from Erza, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "...Fine."

Erza pulled up at Lucy's Condo, reading the address that was on the paper. Lucy walked ahead of Erza, already knowing their destination. Lucy pressed the button to the elevator, waiting patiently for it to come down.

"Lucy-san?" She turned around to the sound of her name.

"Juvia!? And Cana too?!" Juvia and Cana wrapped their arms around Lucy.

"What's up? It's been awhile!" Cana said releasing Lucy. Juvia released her as well, tears slowly forming in her eyes.

"I-I'm so sorry! I should've tried to contact you more! I mean we go to the same school. I just felt like it was all to painful and the group would never be the same. And we've all made some horrible mistakes that we can't take back. I'm really really sorry! Lucy-"

"I've never once been angry with you Juvia." Lucy said smiling at her. "None of it was your fault. Sure we've all screwed up in one way or another, but you've done nothing wrong to me Juvia." She wiped Juvia's tears and hugged he again. The elevator dinged and opened revealing Mira.

"Oh my. Hello everyone! It's been a while Lucy." She smiled ushering them into the elevator.

Lucy's heart skipped a beat again. "H-hello Mira..." She said nervously. Erza placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

"It's fine Lucy." She whispered in Lucy's ear. "Just relax."

The elevator ride was awkward and tense. They all practically bounded out of the elevator when it landed on the top floor. Lucy's feet grew heavier on the walk to Gray's condo. Mira gave a slight smile and opened the door. Everyone stepped in nervously. Lucy observed everyone that was in the room. She saw Laxus lounging in one of the chairs watching t.v. with Gajeel. Levy was cuddled up with Gajeel on the couch, which was not surprising and surprising at the same time.

"Levy-chan?! What are you doing here?!"

Levy looked up at Lucy. "W-well Erza invited me to come since I've known you guys for a while now, and Gajeel wanted me to come too... so now I'm here."

Gray walked out of the kitchen with Lissana, holding drinks and a tray of food. Lucy's blood began to boil. "Y-you didn't tell me she was coming..." Lissana put down the tray nervously.

"H-hello Lucy..."

Lucy said nothing and turned to walk out the door briskly.

"Wait Lucy!" Gray called out walking towards her. Lucy walked faster towards the door when it suddenly open and she collided with something hard, falling onto the floor.

"Ouch..." Lucy heard the person under her groan. "S-s-sorry I wasn't watching where I was go-" She froze when she realized who she was on top of. "N-natsu..." She said shakily when his eyes met hers. Natsu stared at her for a moment as if he was lost in her eyes. "You... you're that girl from this morning aren't you?" He tapped his chin in thought. "Your face is in alot of those albums too..."

Lucy looked at him in shock. "You've got to be kidding me... Are you seriously saying that you don't remember me!? You... after what you did to me you're seriously gonna pretend like it never happened?!" She said her hold on Natsu's shirt tightening slightly as she trembled.

Natsu sighed in annoyance. "Not this again." Gray quickly stepped in and pulled Lucy up and off of Natsu.

"Hold on a minute Lucy. Natsu seriously can't remember us. Any of us." Lisanna touched her shoulder lightly.

Lucy snatched away angrily. "Of course you would take his side! God it's been five years yet nothing's changed. You just enjoy betraying me don't you." Venom dripped off the words that came out of her mouth.

"Lu-chan!" Levy called out grabbing hold of her hands.

"It's true! That's all she does, every time we meet; She's a snake."

"Lucy-san calm down a bit..." Juvia tried to step between them.

"Is this all I was brought here for?! To remind me of how much I hate them!? If it is I'm leaving."

"Wait a second Lucy!" Erza tried to stop her but she snatched away.

"Don't you guys remember? We've all gone our separate ways. It's pointless to try and fix it now. The damage has been done."

"Lucy please don't go!" Mira said grabbing onto Lucy's wrist tightly. "Please just stay and listen. I beg you!"

Lucy froze in her tracks, trembling slightly. "Mira..."

"Please! I know it hurts but just hear him out okay?" Tears streamed down Mira's face.

"... fine." Lucy said snatching away from Mira, refusing to look her in the face.

Everyone sat down quietly the tension hanging thickly in the air. Natsu was sitting right across from Lucy, seemingly annoyed by this whole situation.

"So... Start explaining." Lucy said glaring at Natsu.

He let out a sigh and sat up. "I don't remember any of you." He stated simply.

"Bullshit." Lucy shot back bitterly. "It's true. Gramps said I was in a horrible accident and I banged my head a few times and when I woke up I had no idea who he was... or even who I was. He spent half a year filling in the blanks of my memories. But he left out a few things. I found this picture." He pulls a picture out of his pocket and placed it on the table. Everyone in the room let out a gasp, knowing exactly what the picture was. "It hurts my head when I used to try to remember when this picture was taken. So I asked gramps about it. He didn't give me any straight answers he just gave me a photo album and this address and told me that the answers I'm looking for are here in Magnolia." Everyone sat there quietly, absorbing the information that was just given to them.

"Bullshit." Lucy said slamming her fist down on the picture. "Why do you get to forget so easily all the wrong you have caused!? I also want to forget! But I can't! It's like a reoccurring nightmare. Yet you... YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BATTED AN EYE ABOUT IT. How dare you come back here claiming to have forgotten everything you have done!?" Lucy was filled with rage at this point, and Natsu's nonchalant attitude was just making it worse.

"Well." Natsu folded his arms and gave her a cold look. "What do you want me to do about something I can't remember?" Everyone in the room was taken aback by his reply.

Lucy glared at him fiercely. "Burn in hell. That's what I want you to do." She tore the picture and stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

"Natsu-san... that was a bit... harsh. Even though you don't remember... you're still the one who ruined her, you hurt her completely... You broke her." Juvia said nervously. Natsu simply got up and walked out of the room.

"She's not the only one that's been have reoccurring nightmares." Gray mumbled. "What?" Erza said. Gray looks down and runs a hand through his raven hair.

"Natsu has them too."