Hello to all of you. This is my second story i'm happy and hope you like it.

I will be writing this according to all the episodes but i will start to make my own so i will try to finish the series, just so you all know.

I don't own thunder cats. Hope you like it, please review and tell me what you think. Thank you!

What was meant to happen.

"There must be light in one's heart. Don't let darkness conquer your heart for if it does hope will be lost. And destruction will come to every planet in the whole galaxy."

As Aideen woke up, from yet another weird dream, she thought about that word that was whispered in every single dream. She didn't know what it meant but it kept repeating in her head again and again. She knows she had heard someone said it to her, but she just couldn't remembers who it had been. As soon as she tried to remember her head would begin to hurt.

Deciding to forget about it, she shook her head. As she got up, she began to cleaned her room and made her bed. It wasn't messy as she always tried to make sure that it was clean right before she went to sleep. There wasn't much in her room as she prefer to not have it crowded with things. Her desk, that held her computer, was placed next to the window, purple drapes stop the light from coming in. The walls were painted purple and blue, with several pictures of both animals and human, with her ceiling painted in the for of the galaxy. Her bed was twins sizes with red sheets and purple pillows. A lamp was next to her bed side, along with a small drawer that held several books. On top of her bed was a big Japanese fan that had blue with purple designs. Her closet didn't have doors instead had purple curtains with blue looking diamond's in each side.

She looked in her closet and wondered what to wear for today; knowing there was going to be a lot of cleaning to do. She decided to wear black jeans with knee length combat boots a blue long sleeve shirt with a black vest. She fixed her curly red-brown hair in a high pony tail with her head band on; she never took her took it off, a request made by her mother, while her long bangs were moved to the left side of her face. Then she put her black leather finger-less gloves.

"Well time to get working" she mutter. She made her way to the door, but stooped as she got a feeling that someone was watching her. She turned around and looked around her room wondering what that feeling had been. She was sure someone was watching her, "I must have gotten nervous from the dream that I had. But I still can't get the feeling that somethings going to happen," she though, but then shook her head. " I really have got to talk to someone about these dreams," she said while shaking her head. She turn around, she made her way down stairs to eat and held clean up.

(Down stars)

Two boys stood in the black and white kitchen making breakfast.

"So do you think we should clean that place, you know what's there" one of the boys said as he made breakfast. He wore black jeans with combat boots and a blue and black shirt. His red-brown hair was short form the back while it was longer from the front making them look like bangs.

"It's best if we do," the other boy replied. His red-brown hair was short unlike his brothers. He wore black jeans with black combat boots and chains from one end of his hip to the other. He had a dress shirt that had 3 buttons undone. "Besides mother must have put that a way in a safe place. And I will be the one to clean there," he said as he took out milk from the refrigerator. "I know you are worried about-"

"Hey, guys what are you doing?" Aideen asked, interrupted the older boy.

Both boys looked at each other hoping that their sister didn't hear them.

"Nothing just thinking about where to start cleaning up first. There a lot of thing that needs to be moved and cleaned." The older boy said as he turn his head back to what he was doing.

"Okay. So what places are we cleaning today?" Aideen asked as she grabbed plates and began to set the table. A she finished her brothers brought the food and she began to serve them all. Sitting down for breakfast, she waited for the two boys to sit at the table.

"Well we must clean the attic, the office, mom's room, and the weapon room," the oldest replied as he sat down next to Aideen.

The girl nodded her head then began to eat.

After they finished breakfast they moved to the leaving room. Turning around Aideen looked at both boys, "okay, so who's going to clean what?" she asked

Both boys looked at each other, the second boy spoke first. "Well, I will be cleaning the attic, and Zane will clean the office. That would just leave the weapon room and mom's room, though I was thinking that we should clean it together."

Looking down Aideen thought about it, she knew that neither one of them wanted to clean their mothers room. They all just wish to leave it the way it was and not have to remember the pain that they felt when they lost their beloved mother. No one enter that room as they liked to leave it the way it was when their mother was alive.

'The good memories are the ones that one should remember in times of pain. For they are the ones that should be treasured and make the pain go away'

That was something their mother always told them, especially to Aideen. Though neither of them could do anything about the sadness that they felt once they lost their mother, they did moved on and smiles at all the happiness that they had with her. And became closer than before.

"Well then, I will be cleaning the weapon room. And we can clean mom's room together and get it back to the way it was," she said as she smiled to both her brother.

They smiled back, nodding their heads; they were always amazed at how strong their sister was. As the two brother left to the place they were meant to clean, they could not shake the feeling that they would not see their sister's smile for a while.

As Aideen made her way to the weapon room she couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to change soon. The dream made her even more uncomfortable. "Come on Aideen, stop thinking about it too much," she told herself as she stopped right in front of a brown door.

Turning the doorknob she walked in the room and closed the door behind her. She looked around the room wondering were to begin. The walls were cover with long sword that had different design at the hilt. There were medium sword that were cross with one another making it a set of two. There were dual swords, some long and some short. A couple of guns of different time; some were long others, were for hunting, and some were from military weapons. She never knew how her mother got them and never asked. In one of the walls there were tools that were used when her mother wanted to combined to guns together or when she wanted to fix a sword. In some of the drawers there were thin metal needles that were used against a person in case of a close attack along with throwing knifes. Two windows stood on opposite, each with a set of iron bars in order to prevent robbers from trying to steal. They were the only things that let light inside. There were other weapons and weapons parts around the room.

"Okay Aideen time to get cleaning," she pull her sleeves up and started to get to work.

A few hours later, After having dust most of the weapons and put some away, Aideen started to get tire. Most of the room started to look cleaner but there still was a lot to do. Things to clean, put or throw away.

As Aideen slid down the wall to sit and rest, she felt one of the woods on the floor hollow. Looking down, she spotted the wood that was hollow and knocked on it. And sure enough it sounded empty which was strange as it should not have been hollow at all. As curiosity gotten the better of her, she grabbed a hammer and used the claw to remove the woods that sound hollow. She took five pieces of wood before she found a brown box. Taking the box out Aideen thought of getting her brother, but decided not to.

As she open the book she wonders what was inside and why it was in the weapon room hidden in the floor. Looking inside she saw two books and another box within. Taking the box out and books out, Aideen then leaned on the wall and looked at the box and book.

'I wonder what's inside the box, 'she thought as she looked at box wanting to open it,but stopped as she looked at the first's book.

In the first book in big red letter was the name of Aideen's mother. Putting the box to the side Aideen looked at the book, it was black with a seal to the side. Wanting to open the book she tried to move the lock with her hand or find if a key that was meant to open it but found nothing. As she looked around trying to find a way to open the book, she moved her thumb over the seal and it opened. Upon hearing a click sound Aideen looked back at the book and realize that it had open.

"Well that solves how to open the book," she said out loud. She flipped threw the pages then stooped and began to read.

'I never thought that I would get to be this happy. I have finally found a place I belong, a place that I am needed. I never thought that I would even fall in love. Yet I am still frightened for my dreams, there is something dark in this place and soon it will be unleash. I am not frightened for myself but for the people that leave here. Some maybe ignorant and may only care about themselves without the knowledge of what is truly out there. Yet I still wish for no harm to come to them, I guess this is the reason why my ancestors were chosen to protect the galaxy, become no matter how the people may behave toward me I fell no hatred towards them.'

"So this is mother's diary... but what does she mean by darkness? What people is she talking about? And why protectors of the galaxy?" the girl said before letting out a sigh. She flip through the pages wanting answers to her questions.

'I may be failing my ancestors. I can't allow hatred into my heart. But I can't help fell sadness and hatred. Why won't they believe me? Have I not proven myself worthy of their trust? Maybe, it not that they don't believe me but wish for what I tell them to be a lie, maybe they are afraid for what will come. Whatever the reasons is maybe, I cannot allow the stone to become tainted with darkness from my heart for if it does it would mean the end of the word for every planet and leaving being that leaves in the galaxy'

'What does mother mean and what necklace is she talking about?' she thought. Sighing the girl looked at the ceiling, "oh mother what do you mean? What people are you talking about? What stone? I don't understand" Aideen said as she closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened her eyes then looked to her side at the box that she had left in order to read her mother's diary. 'maybe…' she reach for the box and open it.

Inside was a beautiful necklace its chains looked like thin tree branch. In the middle hunged three stones that were connected to the large stone in the middle. The metal that connected the stones were curved to one another and came across the two smaller stones, yet not covering the stones fully, one of the stone was light blue while the other was light brown. The large stone was pure white and looked beautiful, it was held by a metal circle by the sides.

Aideen was amazed at how beautiful the necklace was. As she looked at the necklace closer, she saw it brighten and soon it started to glow. Then it shined a white bright light straight to the ceiling, which made her drop the necklace and moved away from it. As the white light started to make its self-less bright, she came closer to it. Soon the white ray moved to words the door.

Looking at the necklace, then back at the door, Aideen wonder where the light was leading to. Standing up she grabbed the necklace and books. She looked at the necklace in her hand and wondered if she should follow it or tell her brothers about it.

'Don't worry my child you will soon know why you were born' the wind whisper.

Aideen turned around to see if someone was behind her, but found no one. Looking back at the necklace she made up her mind and soon she followed the white light out of the room. Wondering where it would lead.

As Aideen kept on walking, she kept wonder where the light was taking her and about that mysteries voice that sounded so much like her mother. 'I should just stop and go back home and talk to my brother. But why do I feel like I shouldn't?' she thought as she kept on walking.

She looked up from the necklace and noticed that she didn't know where she was. She may have explored the forest close to her house, but there were places she had not been to. "Great, now I'm lost" she said as she looked around.

Looking at what the necklace was pointing, she soon saw a big willow tree. It branches were big, the leaves dropped down touching the little river that was surrounding it.

"This is so beautiful," she breath out before getting closer, "I bet it is really old." Looking at the small river she noticed a path made with rocks.

Going across the river she moved the leaves to the side making her way closer to the heart of the tree. "Wow! This is truly amazing," she exclaimed with a excitement. "How come I never found this tree. I could have spent hour here," she was so amazed at the inside of the tree.

The trees branches were so thick that it looked like it could never break. The leaves surrounding the tree made it looked like curtains that were hidden and protecting the old tree. It made it even amazing when the sun's rays shined right threw the leaves and made the small river that ran inside was sparkling.

As she looked back at the necklace she noticed it pointing to the tree. Wanting to get closer to the tree she followed the light. As she got closer she extended her hand, the necklaces pointing towards the trees bark, and touch the tree. It was old but had a warm feeling to it making the girl smile.

The necklace's shine brighten making her look down at it. She tried to let go of the necklace and move away from the tree, but she couldn't move her hand, it felt as if her hand was glued to the tree.

"WHAT!" she exclaimed while trying to pull her hand away. The light only got brighter.

She soon started to fell dizzy, her vision swarming as she began to fell herself close her eyes.

'Don't worry my child everything will be alright. I will always protect you,' Aideen heard right before she feel into darkness.

(Back at the house)

The two brothers began to feel uneasy and decided to look for their sister. Upon entering the room they found their sister no were to be found. That only made them panic more. Running out of the room they began to look everywhere for their sister, but could not find her.

'where is she?' Zane wonder as he started to make his way outside, once again. He had looked in her room and other places within the house, but couldn't find her anywhere.

Right before he touch the doorknob a voice stopped him, "it is time, my son. You must not worry about Aideen she will be fine"

As he turn around he could not believe who was in front of him. The only word that escape him were, "Mom"