(Skipper's POV, eighteen years ago)

We're the first here? Good. I need my new men to believe that Private and I came separately. This whole thing is still a surprise to me. One day I'm fleeing Denmark as a convict, promising a priest that I will change my life; then I'm training my deceased commanding officer's son as a new commander. After I completely messed up my last mission, I have to make it up to myself. I met my family for the first time, starving and cold. How could one open-faced sandwich be such a big deal? Manfreedi and Johnson sure didn't help. I thought Hans would help. Those guys are so strict about their jobs. Maybe that's how I should be. Nothing matters but the job. Well, at least Private is young enough he won't remember that I'll be the person he's known the longest.

What was that? Is someone knocking? Well, I better at least check. An otter? Oh, she must be my new neighbor. "Hello?"

"Hi, my name is Marlene. I just saw you getting moved in and I thought I might as well stop by and introduce myself and see if you need any help."

Wow, at least she's friendly. And somewhat pretty. "I'm Skipper. It's nice to meet you. I don't really have anything I need help with, but thanks for asking."

"Oh, well I'll be honest, I was a little curious because I saw you carrying something and I've never seen any other animals have items."

She must have seen me carrying Private and the suitcase of files. I can't let her know anything. "Eh, I do some work for the government. I have some things for my work." Well, maybe a little bit of truth wouldn't hurt.

"A penguin? Doing government work? I thought just humans worked for the government."

"Yes, well, animals actually have a long history of helping the government. Pigeons would deliver messages during the Civil War. Monkeys have been sent to space. It's not that surprising." She doesn't look absolutely certain. At least I don't think she's going to question that any more.

Or maybe not. "I heard there were going to be four penguins. Where's the other three?"

Okay, at least that's an easy question. "They're coming tomorrow. I needed to come a day early because I'm the team leader." Okay, this she seems to accept.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. I better get back to my habitat for the night. See you tomorrow." Should I say something? I guess I'll nod. No, I should at least thank her again for visiting. Wait, she's already halfway to the otter habitat. Oh well, I better get everything ready for tomorrow.

"Well hello Skipper." That Danish accent pierces my eardrums. Hans. I can't turn around and face him. That makes me way too vulnerable for him to grab me. But if I stay facing away, I have no idea what he's doing.

"What do you want, Hans? I thought I was free to come to America."

I hear his laugh behind me. "You will mess up. Sometime. There will be some law that you break. You try to get back into Denmark; you steal some sort of jewel; whatever it is, I'll be there." We are both silent. "That was a pretty little miss at your door." Him mentioning Marlene makes me turn around. "What is her name?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Well, you used to be my friend. I was just curious. Do you happen to know if she has a daughter?"

This catches me by surprise. "Why do you care if she has a daughter?"

He smiles an evil little half smile. "Your situation reminds me of a musical I saw once. A man in trouble for stealing food running from an officer who may even know something that could get him rearrested. He also had a pretty little doll that he raised her daughter after it being his fault she would die." It takes all of my willpower to not tell him that Marlene has nothing to do with that, and that I am in a way raising the son of an officer that it is my fault he died. "What was that musical? Oh yes, Les Misérables. Have you seen it?"

"Yes I have." And he's right. The similarities are incredibly strange. I can't let him know how right he is. That would give him way too much of an edge.

"Well, when you ruin your Fantine's life, I'll be here." Finally, he left, but he knows about Marlene. My situation is very similar to Jean Valjean's. I can't let Hans know that I actually do think she's pretty. I can't let him target her. What can I do? I guess all I can do is just hide my feelings for her. Isn't that what I said I was going to do earlier? Nothing but the job.

Nothing but the job.