A/N: Well it's been fun guys. But sadly, it must come to an end! I truly hope you all enjoyed and thank you all for the wonderful reviews. Hope these Acts close it off nice enough for you guys. So one last time, mistakes all are all mine so I apologize for that...and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own, nothing. Duh.
Act XIX.
"Where am I?"
Rei awoke to darkness mostly, some moonlight was seeping in through a window. But she couldn't exactly tell where she was.
"Heaven." A voice told her but Rei knew who it was even before she spoke. Her presence was always unmistakable. It was like she could feel her everywhere and maybe she could, and she just didn't notice before now.
"Doubt it. You're here."
Minako's laugh was music to Rei's ears. It brought her spirits up especially after…all of that. Those memories that came back fast and hard and so unexpected. A tidal wave she didn't expect and one that she couldn't suppress even if she tried.
"Where back at the Shrine. Makoto said we could stay at hers but…I thought maybe you'd like to be somewhere more private."
The Senshi of Mars hummed in response. It didn't matter where they ended up she realized. Everything would come out one way or another. Destiny and its vice grip.
Rei sat up on her bed though her head was a little fuzzy from the movement. The memories must have taken a lot more out of her than she had though. Minako though came quickly by her side helping her settle.
"You shouldn't be trying to get up so fast. Setsuna might take a few days before you feel a hundred percent."
Rei quirked a brow at the blonde, whose face was illuminated by the moonlight.
"Setsuna, huh? Didn't know you two were talking again."
Minako blushed and Rei couldn't help but smile.
"I…might have jumped to conclusions…a little bit."
Rei entwined their fingers together, chuckling. "Just a little bit, huh?" Minako's only real response was to squeeze. A response that was reciprocated.
"We can talk later Rei, you should really rest."
Minako would have left had Rei not kept her hold. The Fire Senshi had decided right then and there, that Minako Aino the Senshi of Venus was staying with her.
"Just…stay. Please."
The words were sort of a mumbled mess. But the blonde understood them perfectly well and so she did. Minako stayed and it meant more to Rei then she ever thought it would. Their hands remained entwined even as Minako eventually fell asleep beside her. Rei listened to her even breathes and closed her own eyes.
How did she ever live without this before?
Act XX.
Memories were funny like that.
It was sometimes like déjà vu and then at other times it was like Rei just woke up from the world's longest nap. Bleary eyed, confused but feeling warm on the inside. She never thought anyone would make her feel this way, ever. But here she was, feeling this way, over someone. And not just anyone, Minako.
Now that she understood why. Rei couldn't help but see it everywhere.
That gaze Minako gave her sometimes, when no one else was looking. So intense, as if Rei was the only thing left on this entire planet. Every touch seemed so intimate like Minako was purposely leaving her with little unspoken messages. On other occasions her words could be subtle but double sided, leaving Rei blushing.
It was strange to Rei at first but after a few days of seeing it over and over again. She felt it was a good thing. Like now that she understood the why, it brought her and Minako to another level of closeness that could never truly be replicated. They just understood each other so much better.
Sometimes words weren't even needed between them. Just a look, maybe a touch, and Rei understood.
There was an inkling before. Almost like an itch you just couldn't scratch, or something you'd swore you seen out the corner of your eye.
It was so strange.
But not bad. Or not as bad as Rei thought it would be. Honestly, realizing your destined love was your best friend…how awkward. But Rei found herself coming to terms with it quite quickly, maybe it was different for the two of them. Rei was after all Sailor Mars and that meant a lot of things could be glossed over if it was destiny.
"Things are different between you two." Ami says.
"Yeah now that you mention it Ami, they do seem different." Makoto says.
Rei just glances down at the blonde laying on her, head perched comfortably across her lap like Rei is some kind of recliner chair. And her purpose is allow silly blondes with red bows in their hair to use her as they please. Minako smiles at her, having tossed Rei's manga to the floor.
"Things are different between you two as well." Minako says, winking slyly at Rei. "W-Well yeah." Makoto replies but the blush on her face fails to leave. Ami hides behind a book and giggles, despite her own burning face.
"They are still in that stage Rei." Minako says. "Where their romance is still new and exciting, and sometimes they act like school girls over one another." Rei says nothing in reply. She feel's Minako's hand ghost across her cheek softly, gently, and then it's gone. Minako sits up and grins at the two love birds who both can't seem to stop the blood from flowing to their face.
"It's sweet." She assures them but neither say anything. They glance at one another and smile softly.
Rei feels warm and everything else feels just right.
They were meant to be this way.
Act XXI.
They weren't impossible.
"You know we don't have to be anything."
Minako tells her one night over a private dinner at the Shrine. It's not impossible. Rei thinks, reminds herself. Not because she's afraid but because it's something she's never really put a ton of thought into. But she had too now, because this was so important, to both of them. She stares at her soup in contemplation. Like maybe it has all the answers to life's burning questions. Or maybe she's just thinking too hard. I am, I am. It's so much easier than she realizes.
"Just because we were something back then, doesn't mean we have to be anything more than friends now." Minako finishes, sips—more like slurps her soup. But Rei is quiet, thinking about what the blonde has told her. It's so much easier than that Minako, Rei wants to say. "I mean, sure everyone else is doing it. But we don't have too. I-If you don't want too Rei."
The Senshi of Fire glances up from her soup of introspection. She finds big blue eyes, open, cautious, passionate, but vulnerable. Why wouldn't I? Have you seen your face? It's kind of impossible not to want too, you know...
"Do you not want too?" She says the words but she doesn't really mean them. It's obvious to Rei what Minako wants, which is why she's saying all the things she's saying. Rei just isn't sure what else to say, besides the obvious. But the Senshi of Mars has never been obvious, unless obviously angry, or obviously furious, or obviously hurt. Obviously in love, isn't coming across so well.
Blue eyes narrow for a second and Minako says, passionately, stubbornly and defiantly. "I want too Rei."
The raven haired girl nods once and returns to her soup.
"Good. I do too."
A utensil clatters on the table, shuffling and then Minako is by Rei's side in a moment, without hesitation. "Really?" She asks, on her knees like she's ready to pray for it. Rei glances at her seriously for a moment, forgetting all about her soup.
"Yes." Rei tells her, seriously. A careful smile making its way onto her face. It makes sense to Rei, more than anything else ever would, or could. Memories be-gone, it wouldn't change much in the end she figures.
"Haven't I waited long enough? Or do you expect me to wait another millennium?" Minako shakes her head and grabs Rei's hands tightly, meaningfully. Like it was meant to convey everything she was feeling to Rei, and it does.
"No more waiting."
Rei squeezes back. And they're lost in their moment together, eyes locked, and everything just fits.
"Good." And Rei kisses her.
Minako's gasp of surprise is a happy one, a smile presses into Rei's lips and it's perfect. It couldn't and wouldn't be anything less than that.
Rei thinks none of it would have mattered in the end. It wouldn't have mattered, they would have found each other anyways. Memories or not, Rei would have found Minako regardless. She truly believes that.
"Just to warn you I drool in my sleep, apparently." Minako laughs but kisses Rei again anyways.
Destiny kept its promise and Rei would forever be in its debt.
"I love you."
And she means it.