The Decepticon Femme

Chapter 1

A/N: This story is the prequel to 'The Secret' so this is what happened to my OC Karai before that story. Just a note- Megatron in this story is a very different 'bot to the Megatron in 'The Secret'

"_"Bumblebee talking


'_' - Bond talking

": _:"- Comlink talking

"/_/"- Singing

She steered her ship from the oncoming laser fire. She steered her ship towards the planet known as Earth to hopefully escape the Decepticons forever. Then a well-aimed shot hit the hull of her ship making it spin out of control. She tried to regain control of her ship, but the ship crashed before she could even activate the distress signal.

"Optimus, we've located a Cybertronian ship." Ratchet called.

"Is it Autobot or Decepticon?" Optimus asked.

"I can't tell."

"Bumblebee and I will investigate. Ratchet open the ground bridge."

Optimus and Bumblebee arrived at the crash site.

" What do you think happened?" Bumblebee asked as they approached the ship and saw the spot where the Decepticons shot the ship.

"The Decepticons must of shot the ship down." Optimus said as her wiped some dirt off the side of the ship revelling the Autobot symbol.

She woke up and tried to stand up, but some metal that had fallen off the side off her ship was crushing her legs. She tried to push the metal off her, but it wouldn't budge and when she tried to get up the wounds on her abdomen would open up. Then some metal dangling from the celling fell on her head and knocked her out.

Optimus walked along the side of the ship to see if there was an opening in the ship. Then he pried apart two pieces of metal so that he and Bumblebee can fit though. Bumblebee went towards the bridge and Optimus went to check if anyone was in the stasis pods. When Bumblebee pulled open the door he saw a poor techno-organic femme who was half buried in rubble. She had a dark complexion, black hair and a scar over her right eye. She was extremely skinny; she wore black body suit, black tights, black boots that almost went up to her hips and black elbow length gloves. Bumblebee moved the metal from around the femme and picked her up bridal style.

":Optimus, I've found a survivor. I'll take her back to Ratchet:" Bumblebee

": Alright, I can't find anyone here, I'll meet you there.:"

Bumblebee carried the femme outside her ship,

": Ratchet, I need a ground bridge:" Bumblebee said though his comlink and a ground bridge appeared in front of them and he carried the strange femme though.

"What happened?" Ratchet asked as Bumblebee carried the femme though.

"I don't know, I found her at the crash site." Bumblebee explained as he laid her on one of the medical berths. Ratchet then attached her to and energon drip and a spark monitor. Then Arcee came in,

"Is that…?" Arcee asked with wide optics.

"Yes it's her." Ratchet said while stoking the strange femme's face.

"Who is she?" Bumblebee asked.

"Her name is Karai," Arcee started, "She's my sister, she was one of the most fearless of warriors during the war for Cybertron. That was also when she lost her t-cop in the battle of Tyger Pax."

"She was also one of the wreakers as well." Bulkhead added, then Optimus walked in.

"She is such a loyal solider, she took so many shots for me." Optimus said meaningfully.

"She also was one of the most popular singers of The Golden Age." Arcee added, "I remember all those songs about how she felt in school and when mechs wouldn't leave her alone." Then Karai groaned at bit and she shifted on the berth.

"Alright everyone, you need to get some recharge and I need some peace and quiet to weald some wounds on her side." Ratchet said and everyone except Optimus left.

"Ratchet, you remember as well as I do that Karai would be a potential target of the Deceptions. What if they attack her when she's alone?" Optimus asked worriedly.

"She'll need a partner. What about Arcee?" Ratchet asked.

"They are sisters so that might work." Optimus said and he left Ratchet to weald the wounds on Karai's sides.

Arcee lay awake on her berth, wondering about her older sister and how she would fit in with the rest of them. She's a techno-organic, not a full Cybertronian like the rest of team Prime as well as the entire Decepticon cause so she would have a huge disadvantage against them in battle.

The next day Ratchet had finished welding the wounds on Karai's sides and her vitals had improved greatly. When Ratchet went into the med-bay in the morning Karai had flipped onto her side so that she was facing the doorway. Ratchet disconnected the spark monitor from her chest and took the energon drip from her wrist. Then Arcee walked in. Her, Bulkhead and Bumblebee had just picked up the children up from home.

"Will she be alright?" Arcee asked.

"She's getting better." Ratchet replied, then Karai groaned a bit and she woke up.

"Arcee, Ratchet?" she asked weakly.

"Hey there sis." Arcee rubbed Karai's head.

"What happened?" Karai asked as she sat up on the berth.

"Your ship crashed." Arcee smiled, "And it wasn't your fault for a change." Karai rolled her red eyes at Arcee's lame joke.

"Am I allowed to walk around?" Karai asked, looking at Ratchet and Ratchet nodded.

"I'll show you around." Arcee said and they walked out of the med-bay.

On the Nemesis

Megatron was sitting on the end of his berth with his helm in his servos. The horrible memories of what he had done during the war for Cybertron. Before the war he had loved a beautiful femme, but when the war started they were on separate sides.


Near the beginning of the war they crossed paths, she grabbed onto his arm, "Please Megatronus, stop this madness!" she begged. "Don't call me that!" He snapped and threw her onto the ground, "My name is MEGATRON!" He yelled and shot her in the spark chamber. Then he realised what he had done and ran to her side and held her close to his spark, "My dear, I'm so sorry, please don't leave me." He begged, but she didn't respond.

Then during the battle of Tyger Pax after Megatron had ripped out poor Bumblebee's voice box Starscream cam up to him, "My Lord, there is another Autobot prisoner for you to interrogate." "Bring him to me." Megatron ordered. "Ah, my Lord, it's a femme warrior." Starscream said. Megatron's optics widened when he saw the femme, it was his mate. He thought he had killed her. He held her by the throat while mouthing, 'I'm sorry' to her. He asked her the same questions he had asked Bumblebee, but she didn't answer any of them. He moved his servo to the back of her neck and he used his free servo to grip around Karai's voice box, ready to rip it out. He then remembered the sweet sound of her voice. He then moved the servo that was around her throat down to her waist. He gripped it hard and his pointed digits started to tear through her flesh. Then he quickly dug his entire servo into her side and pulled out her now blood covered t-cog making her scream in pain. He then threw her to the ground right next to Bumblebee and left them both for scrap.


Megatron let a few tears roll from his optics, "I'm so sorry Karai." He sobbed.