Disclaimer: I do not own OUAT and/or any of it's characters, although I would love to! It al belongs to the genius minds of those guys Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz.
Chapter three
He was traveling for about a day, when Killian noticed he was being followed. The first time he noticed it was at dawn, when he broke up camp and he heard a branch snap. At first he didn't give it much thought, thinking it might be an animal. But killian always had a knack for knowing when he was being followed, and as the day went on he was sure he was not alone in these woods.
When the third night fell, he'd had enough. "I know you are following me, why don't you do the honourable thing and just reveal yourself?" He called out, tired of being followed.
He was standing at the edge of a cliff, and he scanned his surroundings, waiting for his pursuer to appear. At first it stayed silent. But then Killian heard a movement behind him. He spun around and came face to face with a giant white wolf, suffice to say it was not entirely what he expected.
"Bloody Hell…" he muttered, walking carefully backwards, not wanting to startle the animal.
"I hunt you, yet you stop and willingly call out a foe." He heard a voice say from the woods. "I must say I admire your courage, Pirate."
Killian saw a man emerge from the woods, wearing the uniform of the kingsguard, his bow trained on him. "I'm not familiar with these woods. You, on the other hand, do appear to know your way around here, and you obviously are a skilled hunter." Killian said, hoping that flattery would buy him some time. "otherwise I would have been successful in shaking you two days ago. I was hoping that…"
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, pirate." The Huntsman interrupted Killian. "Just hand over the compass."
"And why would I do that, mate." Killian replied, while putting the compass away in his satchel. "It took me a very long time to finally get to this object and I'm not keen on just willingly giving it up."
"We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. If you value your life, then I do suggest you choose the easy way and give me the compass."
"Ah, but my life is worth nothing to me if I don't get the chance to exact my revenge, and seeing that this compass might be the only way for me to achieve this, you'll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers. Because I will never willingly give it to you." While he was speaking, Killian slowly backed away, towards the edge of the cliff.
"Stay were you are and hand over the compass!" the Huntsman snarled, when he saw where the pirate was headed. He let out a high pitched whistle and the Wolf leaped forward, but she was to late. Killian had already turned around and jumped off the cliff.
"No!" the Huntsman called, when he saw that the wolf wanted to jump after the pirate. "Don't jump, we will find him again, you now know his scent." He lowered his bow and put a hand on the wolves head. "He wil not get away with this."
Killian knew he took a giant risk by jumping off of that cliff. He could have easily hit some rocks, or the drop could have been larger than he'd expected. But he also couldn't risk losing the compass, so he jumped. He hit the water quite hard, but he'd had experienced worse. When he surfaced he started swimming, the coast was a good distance away and there was a heavy current, luckily he was a good swimmer.
When he finally came ashore, he collapsed in the sand. He gave himself a couple of minutes to catch his breath, before he took the compass out of the satchel again to look in which direction it was pointing him. Luck seemed to be at his side as he saw that he did'nt deviate to much from his course. Not wanting to lose any more time he started walking again.
After a short while he noticed that the compass started acting funny. It was no longer pointing in one direction, but was spinning in all directions again. "What the hell?" Killian shook the compass and focused on finding the crocodile, clearing al other thoughts out of his head. But the compass kept spinning.
He scanned his surroundings, and something seemed off. All of a sudden he could no longer hear a sound. It felt like he'd entered a bubble of some sorts. He wondered what he best could do next, but then decided to just walk on and what he saw next took away his breath.
He stood before a massive castle, of which he was sure he should have seen it before because one could not easily miss it. And yet this was the first he saw of it. "Curious.." He muttered, he walked back a bit and when he turned back, the castle had disappeared. It had to be protected by some sort of cloaking spell. He could have expected it of course, as no one had ever managed to find it before.
Killian took in a deep breath and started towards the castle. He was looking for a way in, obviously he couldn't barge in trough the front door. He let his eyes wander, looking for an alternate entrance, but there was no other entrance to be seen. The castle appeared to have no doors or windows, except for the main entrance. He started to contemplate the idea of just waiting for the crocodile to leave his castle, he had to come outside at one point right? But then he spotted a window, high up at the top of one of the towers. He knew that he had no other option than to climb the tower.
Killian sighed, the things he was willing to do in name of revenge. He walked over to the tower and started climbing.
After an half hour climb he finally reached the window. He put his hands on the ledge and pulled himself in. He climbed through and landed on the wooden floor with a soft thump. He immediately spotted the tower entrance at the other side of the room and without hesitation started walking towards it. Time to skin myself a crocodile, he thought to himself smirking. After three hundred years, the long awaited chance on revenge was finaly within his reach. He thought nothing and no one could keep him from reaching his goal now, but then his world went black.
hihi, sorry I had to end with a little cliffhanger, but if you've seen Tangled a thousand times (like me), you most ikely know what happened (*wink, wink*) Next chapter will be all about the first meeting between Emma and Killian, and I am really looking forward to writing that one. So stay tuned and leave a review if you'd like to (they make my day and I will send you virtual hugs and cookies.) My christmas holiday has finaly started, and I have no classes until the end of january, so I plan to update more regulary.
On another note, what did you guys think of the winter finale? I thought it was absolutely, heartbreakingly, prefect. I'm never a girl who cries that fast while watching a movie or episode (with a few exeptions, for instance 'achtste groepers huilen niet', this movie just broke my heart... realy worth a watch: /6bFK394yHPY). But from the moment that 'goodbye' scene started, I bawled my eyes out.
It gave me mayor Captain Swan feels, and then it cut to 'one year later' and there was that knock on the door... Well. I'd like to say one thing, dearies: The ship is sailing, I repeat, the ship is sailing!
(Oh and I am conviced that rumple cannot be dead for real, I mean they could not possibly kill him off, just like that, right? )
If only march 9th wasn't three months away...
To survive this hiatus (77 days to go dearies, hang on!), I intend to write, a lot. I have already posted two one-shots, and I have a couple of other one-shots planned as well. But if you have any requests, I'd love to hear them (feel free to ask them on my tumblr page).