Bastille – Daniel In The Den

And you thought the lions were bad
Well they tried to kill my brothers
And for every king that died
Oh they would crown another
And it's harder than you think
Telling dreams from one another


After my mystery stranger had left, he never came back. A week had lazily dragged by as I was becoming distracted with the fascination of the stranger, Klaus. What made it worse was that I barely spent time with Henrik as I'd been working in the bookstore. I had to pull myself away when leaving him in the nursery.

The spiralling thoughts haunted me in bed and I didn't really get much sleep after that. Instead, I stayed up all night and tossed and turned until I gave up around four. I listened to the soothing snores of Henrik as he slept like the baby he was.

When it finally hit seven, I switched off the alarm and sat up in bed. My hands stretched up above me as I twisted my head and arched my back to get rid of the kinks. Once I was satisfied, I dropped my feet to the carpet and paced towards the cot.

I didn't want him to be by the window and being blinded by the bright sunlight; I didn't want him to be next to the heater and burn up; I didn't want him by the far wall where the framed pictures were, in case one fell on him; I didn't want him too close to my bed and I accidently rolled and fell onto him. More importantly, I didn't want him in another room - not yet.

That was why he was perfectly situated a foot away from my bed, away from any risks and danger. It was the perfect cot - not too big to make him feel like he was alone but not too small that he couldn't get comfortable. It was pricey but it was worth it.

Like now, I appreciated how he smiled when he woke up. "Morning Peanut" I cooed.

His lips stretched into a wider smile as one fits rubbed his tired eyes. When he caught my eye, I smiled and immediately he stretched out his hands, silently calling for me.

Before picking him up, I felt a draft and slipped into my robe. Then, I moved back and reached down and picked up my beloved child, resting him against my chest. My lips peppering soft kisses on his face. "Good morning sweet baby…" I sang and gently rocked him.

Then, we made our way downstairs and moved towards the kitchen. I grabbed his morning bottle and brought it down to his lips. "Nom nom" I urged and he gurgled quietly before drinking. I watched him for a few moments, smiling adorningly with how lucky I was.

I didn't know I could feel like this.

The love that I felt for Edward and the Cullens and even my parents, was so different to what I felt now. I would do everything I could within my power, for him. Everything I did now was for him…for my Henrik, my Peanut.

"What shall we do today?" I wondered aloud and stared down at him. "We could go to the park" I suggested but frowned at the idea. When he released the bottle, I took that as the sign that the park was not the place to go. "Do you want more?" I asked and he responded with yet another pleased gurgling sound.

After I set the bottle down, another idea popped into my head and I grinned. "The zoo"


They offered a tour but I was too selfish too agree. I wanted Henrik to myself. That was why we were now trailing down the mammal section. Well, Henrik was now placed in his pram as I pushed him down the African trail while calmly talking to him. "The chimpanzees like to eat seeds and fruit" I informed him and parked beside the large glass windows. I bent down in front of Henrik and smiled, "Maybe they like strawberries, like you"

He smiled and stretched out his hands for me again. Understanding what he wanted, I began to unbuckle the belts. "Chimpanzees or chimps can be found in tropical rainforests. There are up to 200, 000 living in the wild. 200,000!" I exclaimed exaggeratedly and pulled him up to my arms. "Okay, now I want you to put your hand here" I said and brought my hand up, resting it on the glass. Henrik was very smart and he copied what he saw. "They have fingers and thumbs just like us" I murmured and brought him towards the glass where two chimps were resting. One of the chimps took notice of our hands and pressed it on the glass, aligning them. "See…" I smiled victoriously.

"Why do you talk to him like that?"

I whirled around, stunned with the familiar voice. It somehow grew more impossible to believe that he was now standing here, under the bright sunrays. Somehow it seemed like he belonged more in the dark.

"Like what?" I breathed, trying to appease my racing heartbeat.

He took slow tentative steps towards me with his hands locked behind his back. "Like he understands"

Finally comprehending what he meant, I looked down at my son. "Maybe he does. I think he does" I smiled with how Henrik was busy staring at the chimpanzees. "I want him to know that I'm here. That I'm always here" I murmured and held him close to me.

I looked back up to my soon-to-be neighbour and smiled welcomingly. Rather than saying another word, I used one hand to push the stroller while walking further down the trail. We now stopped at the dry land where the lions were caged. "Look Peanut" I urged and pointed towards the intimidating creatures. "Lion. Can you say Li-on?"

He simply blew a raspberry.

"Thank you for trying" I replied and both me and Klaus chuckled.

He had now slinked up behind me. "You know, humans used to train cheetahs and lions as hunting animals" he informed me, and I suppose he was informing Henrik too.

"Really?" I arched an eyebrow but didn't turn to face him.

It seemed that he had leaned in closer because his cologne was more pungent...more alluring. "Early 3000BC" he added.

I nodded slowly. "Hear that Peanut?" I jiggled him slightly and bent down to Henrik's cheek. "Klaus is a nerd" I said playfully and finally met those piercing blue eyes, which he rolled before moving along.

"I find them interesting" he grumbled and his intense stare flew up to meet mine again. "They're strong. Kings of the jungle" Klaus answered fiercely and the dangerous flash in his eyes reminded me of my apprehension.

"I think we hurt his feelings" I teased, trying to dissipate the heavy tension thickening around us. "Sorry Klaus" I apologised but it a patronising manner that made him shake his head.


This time his head whipped around and his bewildered eyes fell down onto Henrik. "Did he just…"

"He talks" I clarified, hoping that it hadn't scared him.

Klaus' eyebrows furrowed and his lips were lined grimly as he walked towards us. "He talked to me" he gasped while one hand seemed to reach for Henrik. However, he dropped it and pressed it tightly by his side, trying to stop himself.

"That means he likes you" I offered.

This time it was Henrik that reached out and grabbed hold of the necklace around our stranger's neck. I noticed it yesterday but that was all. It was layered, beads and leather with different silver charms. One which seemed to be engraved with a rune symbol.

I watched as Henrik wrapped his tiny fingers around the charm and pulled.

"Careful not to break that" I reprimanded and gently pried his tiny fingers off. In the process, my fingers brushed against Klaus' heated skin beneath the unbuttoned Henley. Just the mere touch burnt and I whipped up to find he was already staring at me. "Hi" I sighed.

He smirked, "Hello"

I shook my head and placed Henrik back in the pram. My trembling fingers took their time in buckling him in before I angled him towards the sight of the lions. Somehow he enjoyed the sight of them because his cheeks flushed and excitement beamed in his eyes.

Once I was done, I turned back to Klaus and slipped my hands into my back pockets. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was in the neighbourhood" he smiled mischievously and I shook my head with another hefty sigh.

My eyes now narrowed at him as I tried to understand his intentions. "Did you get your car fixed?" I challenged, arching an eyebrow.

"You don't need to worry about that" he waved it off with a strange discerning tone.

"Did you get to see one of the houses?"

"No" he answered curtly and dropped his head.

"You're so fun to talk to" I said dryly. When he kept his eyes onto the lions and his expression stern and fixated, I frowned. "Did I offend you last night?"

He finally inclined his head towards me and smirked, "Obviously not if I sought you out"

"You were looking for me?" I gasped.

Klaus nodded. "Yes"


"You're…" he stared at me for a few minutes before making his way to me, slowly prowling. "A peculiar beauty" he finalised.

I defensively crossed my arms and dropped my gaze, probably flushing profusely. "Are you flirting with me?" I questioned and finally glanced up to him.

"I'm not saying no"

"You're not saying yes either" I noted and bowed, embarrassed. "I'm not going to deny that you are in fact a very…" I sighed and looked up, "…a very attractive man" I clarified, making him chuckle darkly. Only this subdued when I met his gaze again. "But Henrik is my life. He comes first" I gulped with his close proximity.

"I was not asking anything of you"

I caught his small impish smile which made me shake my head, mirroring his smile. "You're dangerous" I took a step back and wagged my finger at him. "I'm going to need to be careful around you"

"You don't trust me?" he leaned in.

"I don't trust myself" I admitted timidly. Something changed in his expression, his jaw unclenched and his eyes softened as he now searched my mine. Sharp intensity now burned into my gaze as I felt myself leaning towards him.

"Oh…he's adorable"

I was thankful of the interruption.

We both turned to face the elderly couple now crouched at the pram. "How old is he?"

"Um, eight months" I stuttered, swallowing down whatever had transpired. It was lust…pure unadulterated lust. That was all. I mean who wouldn't be attracted to the gorgeous European, blue eyed specimen standing before me. Even the older woman tickling my son kept darting admiring eyes towards him.

"Wow" she gasped and I was unsure as to whether she was referring to my son or to my…Klaus.

They straightened up to look at us. "You two make such a cute couple" she grinned.

"He's lucky to have you two as parents" her husband added.

"Oh he's – I'm-" I stammered. Words failed me and I didn't get the chance to say anything as both left with a smile and a wave. Instead of embarrassing myself further with his eyes still fixated onto me, I preoccupied myself with checking on Henrik.

He'd fallen asleep.

And then there were two.

"You are having lunch with me"

I turned at his audacity and widened my eyes at his announcement. What made it even worse was that he was now walking down the bridge, towards the cafeteria.

"As friends?" I called out and removed the pram from the break, shamefully following after him.

He turned and smirked. "If that's what you would like to call it" he taunted and began to walk backwards so he could still talk to me.

"I know nothing about you" I reprimanded but couldn't fight off the smile.

"That is why we are having lunch"

It took a second before I relented with a small nod. "Okay"

"Okay?" he asked with raised brows.

I nodded, biting down on my lip. "Okay"


A/N: I suppose Klaus couldn't stop thinking about Bella either – do you approve? Thoughts on overprotective mummy Bella?