A/N: I do not own any part of One Piece or any real-world references. For now, just Dom. Enjoy.
Chapter 1: Enter - The Unknown Girl
Dom's POV
Ponder ponder ponder. Ah, the view from up here would make an epic picture for a desktop background. Too bad that this stupid airplane window is dirty, made of plastic, and is double layered. A deep blue sky and fluffy white clouds. . .
Urgh! I wipe the drool quickly from around my mouth, passing it off as covering a yawn. Darn it, I was falling asleep. Stupid braces make me drool even if I'm not doing anything. I look around to make sure no one has seen my embarrassing situation and turn back to staring out the window.
Another year of fun studying, yay. Why should I have to prepare for the future? It's all about living the life, man, carpe diem! Why can't I live in a cool place like the One Piece world. Maybe then I wouldn't pity myself as much. Or maybe if I had a boyfriend? I know I'm not as boy-crazy as some of my other friends, but sometimes, I really just want a guy who is always there for me. I've kinda isolated myself from boys all my life, more intimidated by them than anything. I've obsessed over several male characters from the One Piece world, but there is no way I'm admitting that aloud to anyone. And having only female friends can get quite tiresome, especially with all the drama that can appear in one's life just because she doesn't choose a side to be on. Really, hormones.
All of a sudden, my stomach drops and I jolt up. Oh, just the plane in some turbulence. Nothing special. It's not like anything from Lost is going to happen, haha. Hitting a pocket of air, getting a tail of the plane ripped off. . . nah, that doesn't happen. Instead, something crashes into the window next to me, and all of sudden, I feel myself dropping. I reach for the nearest thing and happen to grab the strap of my backpack. Big help that does me as I fall in the sky, seat-belted to my chair.
I wonder if I have a better survival chance if I'm stuck to my seat.
. . .
. . .
. . .
Probably not.
I unbuckle myself and somehow manage to put my backpack actually on my back as the seat and attached metal fall below me toward the blue expanse. *What is that? It is really, really blue. Maybe it's some field that was colored blue? Or maybe a huge blue stone zen garden?* I then smell the air, and realize that it smells like the sea. But I'm pretty sure we were flying over Nebraska, and I'm sure that Nebraska's not anywhere near a giant body of water. . . Wonderful.
I start panicking and yelling, sure I'll go splat when I hit the surface of the water. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH! SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEE!"
I curl up in a ball, close my eyes, hold my breath, and brace myself for impact.
*OWWWWWWW.* I open my eyes, but they sting, so I squint. Then, my eyes open wide, because I can see underwater! *Oooooh, this is sooooo coooool! Everything is crystal clear! It's like Lake Tahoe!* I see some light, so I frantically swim toward it, hoping that it is the sun. I pop to the surface. The water is cold, but it is warmer being submerged than it is in the ocean breeze. The sun is warm. I start treading water and look around. Oh, a ship! I start swimming toward it.
"Please help me!" Strange, the ship looks familiar. I see some figures moving on the deck, when my leg decides to cramp. *Shit.* I take a giant breath before I stop treading water and bring my leg up to start massaging it. I slowly slip underwater as I try to make my calf stop hurting. Too absorbed in my pain, I don't notice when someone grabs me by my shirt and starts pulling me up. As we break the surface, I finally realize that someone has 'saved' me, but it feels like I'm being choked. "Hey! Let go of me!"
"Just shut up and let me save you."
"Oi, can't you swim?"
"Of course I can!"
"Then what do you think you were doing?"
I mumble to myself, "I got a cramp so I was massaging it."
"Hmph." My mysterious savior pulls me along, none too gently. I'm sure I'm drowning more now than I was before. How much water am I drinking? "Oi, a little help here?" He yells at someone. All of a sudden, he puts his arms around my waist, we're lifted up out the water and my stomach flops as I'm airborne, then land on something hard. Sputtering and gasping as I stand, I take a few moments to cough up a little of the water I swallowed, starting to say, "Thanks -cough- for saving -cough-", and then take a look around me. First, I look at my savior. *Oh man, what is this? Green spiky hair, a nicely tanned and toned body, black pants. . . Oh wait, green spiky hair!* I stare at the man, and rub my eyes. *Am I dreaming, or is the man in front of me Roronoa Zoro?* "Yo, Zoro. Thanks." Then I feel dizzy and blackness.
Law's POV
Who is this weird girl? I had been keeping a watch on Caesar Clown, ignoring the Sanji-Zoro fight that had been occurring, when suddenly, we heard screaming and a body had fallen into the sea.
"Zoro, go do something!" the navigator had yelled at the green haired swordsman. Zoro then dove into the ocean and swam toward the person. The person, rather, the girl, had been swimming toward us, when suddenly, she disappeared under the water. Zoro dove under and after a bit, he reappeared dragging the girl behind him. The struggled a bit, but then he yelled at us for some help, and Luffy extended his arms and pulled the two out of the water. We finally saw that the person was a female, and she was sitting there hacking up water. She stands and starts thanking Zoro, looking him up and down while coughing. She rubs her eyes then says, "Yo, Zoro. Thanks." The swordsman suddenly freezes and puts his hands on his sword hilts. However, the girl sways and starts falling. Hands suddenly sprout from the deck and gently lower the girl to the deck.
"I believe this girl may need some medical attention," I speak up, breaking the ensuing silence.
"Chopper, Traffy, I want you to help this girl," the captain says after staring at the girl for a few moments. He then springs away to his favorite place. I sigh, and moving toward the unconscious girl, I pick her up and carry her to the cabin. Chopper runs ahead of me while the swordsman still glares at the girl.
Dom's POV
I slowly wake up, and think *I had this weird dream where I fell from a plane, almost drowned in the ocean, and was saved by Zoro? I should still be on my plane. But why am I smelling the ocean when I'm supposed to be on the plane?* I quickly sit up. *Where the heck am I?* Ah, everything is blurry. I grope around for my glasses, but I can't find anything. As I squint in the dim light to look at my surroundings, I see that I am surrounded by brown walls. I see a blob of light nearby and notice an IV in my arm. A door opens and another brown blob walks in. I shrink back under my covers until I notice that the shape is quite small and then as it stands by the bed, I notice, that it is a reindeer with a blue nose? "Ch-ch-chopper?" I stutter.
The little reindeer stops dead and runs out of the room, screaming "AHHHHHHH!" Oh, I really must be dreaming. But you can't feel pain in your dreams, and I'm sure that my body feels sore. I look at myself. Okay, not the same clothes I was wearing in the plane. Oh, but that means . . .
"So, you're finally awake." The voice surprises me and I jump. A lot.
"Um, yeah, thanks, who are you?" Looking up, all I see is another blob, this one taller and darker than the Chopper-blob.
"You don't know who I am?"
"Yo, sorry man, it's dark and I can't really see well. Though I might recognize you if you come closer?"
"Oh, someone's bold." I swear I hear a smirk.
"What?! No way! I really can't tell who you are. You look like . . . a blob to me." The blob gets closer, and I squint really hard. The guy has some long black coat on and it has spots on it. He has a sword . . . I look up and notice that he has a hat, and it looks tan, and fuzzy, and fluffy, and . . .
. . .
Oh no. I can't even see his face, but I'm pretty sure he's smirking. I rub my eyes and look again.
Resigned, and my eyes hurting from the strain, I just lie back down and put my arm over my tired eyes. Since I've made such a strange first impression, I might as well charge on. "Damn it, Law, where the hell am I?"
"I believe I'm the one who should be asking the questions here, Miss."
Completely ignoring him, I ask, "Yo, this really isn't a dream, is it?" I can almost hear a nasty glint appearing in his eyes. Ah well, time for the interrogation. *But I'm probably not on his sub, so . . . time to give someone hell.*
"Why should I tell you? This isn't your ship, so I have no obligation to answer you!" He just smirks at me.
"And how do you know that this is not my ship?"
"Well, of course, the great and almightily stubborn Trafalgar Law has a yellow submarine for a ship. Not an actual wooden ship. And since both Zoro and Chopper are on this ship, I simply deduce that this must be Luffy's ship. Therefore, I will only answer any questions that the captain of this ship has." *Since he is most certainly more amiable than you.* I snicker. Now to fix my blurry vision. "Did you take out my contacts?"
"Ummm, how do I explain this, did you take out some little lenses out of my eyes?"
"Oh, these." He pulls out something and holds them out. I go to grab it, but he just pulls it away from me. Damn it, Law.
"Can I please see that? I mean, can I please have whatever it is that you are holding?" I ask. *Since I need him to give me the bags, not just look at them.*
"Not until you answer my question."
I sigh. "First name: Dominic. Last name: Kim."
Surprisingly enough, he hands me what he is holding. Upon inspection, it is actually two plastic bags filled with some liquid and my contacts, one in each bag. *Jeesh, what crappy handwriting.* It takes me almost an entire minute to figure out what the scribbles say, but I find that they are labeled as 'Left' and 'Right'.
I wonder if I can still wear these. "What is this liquid?"
"Sodium chloride in aqueous solution." In other words, saline solution. He probably doesn't expect me to know that.
"Good. Is there a mirror around here?" He points toward the desk, and I get up to go toward it. I find a mirror on the desk and after inspecting the bags, I open them and put my contacts in. Law just stands there, watching me, and I can tell that he is curious. Ah, now I can see again. I blink a couple times. I take a look at Law, and I can see that ever-so-clear smirk on his face. "Yo, Law. Nice to see you.." I grin cheekily and wave.
Law just shakes his head, gestures for me to follow and walks to the other door in the room, opening it and going into the brightly lit area. I get up and follow him through the doorway, which leads us into the dining hall, where I see everyone gathered around the table. I smile brightly at all of them. Chopper and Usopp are hiding behind Zoro, which is where they went the moment I walked through the doorway. They are whispering and generally cowering in fear while Zoro looks annoyedly at them. "Yo, peeps!" I say waving.
"Do you like meat?" Luffy asks excitedly. I see some sweatdrops. Haha.
"Of course I do," I immediately answer.
"Cool! Meat is awesome!" Luffy bounces in his chair excitedly.
I am not very surprised when a skeleton with an afro leans down toward me. "May I see your panties?"
"Of course . . ." I start, and I see that everyone stares at me, "NOT!" I finish, flicking Brook in the forehead, causing him to go spinning away. Wow, really?
Franky is laughing, and the little boy, Mononuske, looks disappointed. Oh gosh, such a pervert at such a young age. I look at his father, shake my head *terrible parenting*, then turn my attention back to the rest of the crew, choosing to pointedly ignore a certain fluffy-hat wearing person behind me.
Nami asks, "Did you fall from a sky island or something? I haven't heard of any around here."
"So why'd you fall in the ocean?"
I shrug. "Who knows. All I know is that one minute I'm in a plane and the next, I'm in my plane seat in the air with my backpack." I stop. "My backpack!"
"Here you are, my princess!" Sanji dances around and present my backpack to me. I smile at him, and his eyes become more heart-ed. Wow, his eyebrows really are curly.
"Thanks, man." I walk over to the counter, and opening my backpack, I quickly inspect my belongings. Everything is perfectly dry, and I'm surprised. "Did someone dry my backpack?" I sling it over my shoulder.
"No, it was all dry when you came onboard," says another voice. Oh, Robin.
"Oh." Hmmmm, weird. Choosing to ignore the strangeness at the moment, I turn to Luffy and ask, "So, do you have any questions for me?"
"What's a plane?" Luffy quickly asks.
"Hmm, a metal vehicle that flies in the sky using engines." Luffy looks at me with a blank look, then suddenly smiles.
"Oh, a flying thing!" I sweatdrop.
"Sure." I had even tried to make it as simple as possible.
"Join my crew!"
I kind of expected this, but not this soon. Everyone is speechless, including Law. Then Nami, Usopp, and Chopper begin the brunt of the rejections to the idea with it ending in Nami's " . . . and we don't even know who she is!"
As they catch their breath, Zoro asks me, "Who are you?" Oh well, after that whole outburst, I might as well answer him. Plus, he looks ready to attack me. An angry Zoro is not a good enemy.
"Well, simply put, the name's Kim Dominic, and I'm a sophomore at university. I come from a different world, and I'm sure I know things about everyone here, but don't worry. I don't gossip, and I'm not a marine." All of a sudden, I feel really sleepy, and I yawn, barely covering my mouth with my hands. I start tilting, and some hands prop me up.
Chopper then goes into doctor mode, "She needs more sleep. She hasn't recovered yet." I feel my eyes close as the hands then pick me up and take me somewhere.
I wonder who it is, and I mumble, "I need to take out my contacts if I'm gonna sleep." The hands set me on the bed in the infirmary. I reach in my backpack for my contact lens case, and filling it with some saline solution from my little travel bottle, I take out my contacts, put them in the case, put the lids on, and then fall unconscious.
Robin's POV
After Miss Dominic is carried back to the infirmary and falls asleep, we all eat dinner. I finish quickly and escape the general chaos that occurs regularly on this ship. I grab a book and take it with me into the infirmary, having volunteered to keep watch over Miss Dominic. The girl is sleeping in the bed, and I see that Law had tucked her in. The man certainly does have his endearing side, I guess. I see her backpack next to the bed, and I wonder how her backpack had managed to stay dry in the ocean. I had been the one to change the unconscious girl out of her wet clothes, and she was thoroughly soaked. Her backpack, however, had been dry, and when I had tried to open it, the zipper hadn't even budged. I pick up the backpack and try to open it again. The zipper doesn't budge. How curious. I settle into the chair and read my book, interrupted only by Luffy coming in and looking at the girl for five minutes, then leaving without a word.
Dom's POV
Darkness. Where am I now? I don't smell the ocean anymore. *Oh, stars. So pretty!*
I hover in the star-specked darkness, and suddenly some light starts to grow brighter, until everything is shining. I'm . . . hovering in the sky above the clouds?
"Dom-Dom!" I hear a male voice shouting at me. "Dom-Dom! It really is you!" Huh? I see something coming toward me, and I realize that it is a person, with giant wings! "Dom-Dom, you don't recognize me?" The figure abruptly stops in front of me.
"Uh, sorry, but I don't know who you are." This guy has the brightest gold hair EVER! He's really pretty-boy-handsome, too. He could totally be my fated boyfriend . . .
"I'm your brother, Dom-Dom!" There goes that dream.
"I'm pretty sure my brother is at college right now, and he DOESN'T HAVE WINGS!" But, he does look familiar. And my family all as plain black hair.
"No, no. I'm your twin brother Eli! I, uh, kinda died when we were, uh, two." I sweat-dropped. What? If he died when we were two, then why is he here in front of me? "But that's a story for a different time! I'm so glad that I can see you again, Dom-Dom!" This strange winged guy hugs me.
I struggle against his hug. "Can you please stop it with this whole Dom-Dom business? I don't like being called by some strange nickname by a strange person." He backs off and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Oh, sorry. I just really wanted to meet with you, it's been, how long? Seventeen years?" Ah, I give up trying to make sense of this strange situation.
"Sure, sure. So why did you want to meet with me?" This had better be good. I'm still sleepy.
"I wanted to welcome you to this world. I'll be coming to you in a couple days, so don't be surprised if I show up, okay? I have to go now, bye Dom-Dom!" My so called brother gives me another hug and then flies off. Whatever, I'll deal with this waaaaaay later. My eyes close, and I am once again enveloped in darkness.
A/N: Please review if you didn't hate my story. Thanks!