Um... hey guys! . After a long ass time of inactivity, I realized what went wrong with my last chapter. Super, super sorry for the error! Also, about this story...

damn, looking back this looks like a helluva level of romantic bullshit. (I have no idea why so many people liked this story even though I'm grateful to ya all.) It's just that... Writing fanfiction is hard. Writing romance is hard. And I'm one hell of an epic failure of those 2 so... :'(

I'm trying to improve my skills. I did take up writing as hobby over these years, and went on to poetry, short stories, and stuff like that, but I still want to be able to write romance. It is frustrating yet interesting to watch, read, and even write about, and I feel like it's an especially important part of story in general lol. Sadly, as I found out, I suck at this a lot, but I definitely want to change that.

I want to be able to write something even more, even better than cute fluff etc. that kinda just reaches out to the reader. The feeling is kind of like that of a shoujo anime/manga, but I just wanna have more of an impact... it's something I want to be able to write with irreplaceable words. So, whoever feels like helping me (admittedly, I don't deserve your kindness but I'd definitely appreciate it!): can you private message me and answer these questions:

-why do you even like this fanfic?

-why do you dis/like the romance here?

-what do you think I can/should do to improve the romance and/or fanfic story?

-any additional comments?

Thanks so much for considering/reading this! Also, if you feel like reading more of my work, here is a link to my Wattpad account: user/GCrownXxX

My writing style is really different there, and I guess I matured... a bit? Still, I'd really like to improve my romantic aspect of writing, so I look forward to your insight! :)