I haven't written in over a year so I apologize if this is bad but I have been getting a little obsessed with Marvel lately and have had this idea in my head for a few weeks and finally decided to write it down.
This is a two-shot about Skye's past, I don't want to give anything away so I'm not going to tell you much (insert evil laugh here). I got one of the characters names from IMDb but the rest I have chosen whilst thinking about this story for the past couple of weeks.
This will be Skye's P.O.V but third person, if you understand what I mean.
Disclaimer: I do not own MARVEL or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, if I did May and Ward would NOT have slept together and Fitzsimons and Skyward would be together.
At age seven Skye knew what it was like to be disappointed over and over again, promising herself not to get excited this time. It's just another foster family, she will be back at St. Agnes again within a month or two but she could help but feel happy at the thought of possibly being adopted.
Dragging her suitcase down towards the entrance of the orphanage she let her mind wonder, what would her new 'parents' be like? Do they have children? What kind of house do they live in? And her biggest question, will she get her own room? Her thoughts were soon put to the back of her mind when she entered the big room and saw Sister Mary-Beth smiling at her with a woman Skye had never seen before, she was tall with long brown hair and a kind smile.
Kneeling down to Skye's height the woman spoke with a soft voice, "You must be Skye, I'm Diane".
Nerves taking over, Skye looked at her and said a quiet "Hi".
"I don't know what the Sisters have told you but I wanted you to stay with me and my family for a while, is that okay with you?"
Still too nervous to say much, Skye nodded slowly. Turning back to the nun, Diane spoke again, "is she usually this quiet?"
Sister Mary-Beth laughed, "Just let her get used to you, trust me when I say that you wish she is always this quiet".
Skye couldn't help but giggle at this, knowing how much she talks around people she knew properly.
Pretty soon her suitcase was in the trunk and they were on their way to Skye's new home, finally deciding to end an awkward silence Skye started talking. "What's your family like?"
Slightly shocked at hearing the little girl's voice properly, Diane smiled, "well, me and my husband, jack, live in a big house with our three sons but don't worry, they are all really nice".
"Will I get my own bedroom?"
"Of course you will, don't you have your own room at the orphanage?"
"No, I had to share with lots of other girls my age. It's not very nice because some of the other girls snore."
The older woman couldn't help but laugh, "don't worry, no one snores and you have a bedroom all to yourself".
"Thank you".
After an hour or driving and many questions asked by Skye, the car finally stopped in front of a big house with a huge garden with swings, a trampoline and a well. Skye looked up at the house in awe as she climbed out of the car and followed Diane, who was carrying the girl's suitcase, up to the front door.
The door opened to a hallway, a staircase on the right, a couple of doors on the left and a door leading to what looked like a kitchen at the end. The walls had pictures of Diane, a man who Skye guessed is Diane's husband jack and three young boys. Skye looked away from the photos when the man from the photos walked out of one of the doors and kissed his wife before turning to smile at the young girl, he was just about to introduce himself when two boys aged around 14 and 9 walked out of the same room. "Skye, this is my husband jack and our sons, Maynard and Mikey" Diane said pointing at each person as she introduced them, Maynard being the older boy and Mikey being the youngest, "boys, where is your brother?"
"I'm here!" a third boy around 12 years old came running down the stairs, "sorry I had to use the bathroom". The boy then turned to Skye and held his hand out for her to shake, "Hi you must be Skye, I'm Grant Ward".
Haha who saw that coming? Be honest.
Sorry that its short, I wanted it to be longer but its Saturday and im tired (as usual lol) I will try and update by the end of the week, this could also end up turning into a three-shot instead of a two-shot, let me know what you think.
Thank you for reading and don't forget to review :D
~~ Sarah Louise xx