A Soul He May Devour
Chapter 3
Warm Welcomes
Stepping inside of St. Mary's, the only church within Storybrooke, complete with a convent and all, had Regina feeling quite uneasy. It had been a long time since she'd been back to St. Mary's and their rather narrow-minded worldview. The church she attended in Boston had been far more accepting and had allowed her to worship as one of God's children without damnation for who she chose to love.
Despite her weariness however she continued on up the aisle, stopping half way to slide into a pew and sit, bowing her head towards the altar. Her hands clasped together tightly, the cross and beads of her rosary imprinting against her flesh. The church appeared to be empty as she prayed and for that she was entirely grateful.
Lost in her prayers she didn't hear the light footfalls of someone approaching her. The person cleared their throat hoping to catch her attention, undeterred by the interruption though Regina finished her prayer. Lifting her head the brunette doctor resisted the urge to roll her eyes when she saw just who it was that had approached her. She should have known really that it'd be none other than the Mother Superior of Storybrooke herself.
"Mother Superior," she sighed, less than pleased to see the over righteous sister.
"Ms. Mills, I must say I'm surprised to see you in Storybrooke. Are you here on a short visit with your mother?" Mother Superior asked with a smile almost too condescending for a religious Sister.
Regina smiled politely up at the other woman, trying to reign herself in from telling the other woman to leave her alone. Although her dislike for the Sister was great, her upbringing and own moral compass dictated that to speak ill toward a nun was something she should never do.
"Actually," she began, voice sounding stronger than it had in months, "Emma and I are moving back to Storybrooke with our son. Henry and I just arrived yesterday to start sorting out the new house," she told her, a mild pleasure making her smile as she saw the Mother Superiors sour face.
"Really? How lovely it must be for you both to be moving back home," she replied in a sickly sweet tone that Regina could tell was utterly false. She sighed, not in the mood or with the patience to deal with the ridiculously righteous woman.
"Yes, it's lovely," she sighs tonelessly, standing up and moving passed the Sister. She smiles and nods politely, social niceties the only things that seems to work without thinking these days and makes her way down the aisle towards the door. She had been hesitant in visiting the church, knowing how most of the Sisters viewed her and her lifestyle with disdain. Regina's almost at the doors when she hears Mother Superior call out after her, "I hope you'll bring that son of yours to Sunday school. I'm sure he'd learn a great deal." Regina rolls her eyes tiredly, too consumed with her own pain to care about the Mother Superiors prejudices.
It was late Saturday evening when Emma finally drove over the town line into Storybrooke, Maine. She had hesitated and debated about coming back here; the urge to run stronger than ever before but she knew she couldn't do it. She loved Regina and Henry far too much to just abandon them; especially in the state Regina was in and she also knew she'd regret it forever if she did.
So instead she sucked up her hurt and anger and followed her wife back to the small town they'd both grown up in. Just because she'd chosen to do the right thing though didn't mean that she also had to face her wife right away either. It was that justification that led her to her best friends' apartment before travelling anywhere else.
Getting out of her car Emma stretched her body; trying to get some feeling back in to the areas that hadn't been used while driving. She grabbed her phone, checking the time as she shut and locked her car door. It was a little after seven thirty and she new her friend wouldn't be asleep yet. She made her way into the apartment building, knocking on the old wooden door of her friends' apartment and waited.
Several moments later and the door was opened to reveal a lovely, pixie haired woman. Emma grinned at her friend somewhat sheepishly as her friend grinned in surprise.
"Emma!" she exclaimed happily, opening her arms and wrapping them around an awkward blonde detective.
"Hey Mary Margaret," she greets the teacher, her own arms moving to return he hug.
"Come in," Mary says as they pull away from the hug. "Where are Regina and Henry?" she asks curiously, looking around as if expecting to see Emma's wife and son behind her.
Emma steps inside, letting the brunette close the door behind her. She stuffs her hands in her pockets out of habit as she looks around the apartment, stalling on giving her friend an actual answer. It was horrible but she really didn't want to talk about Regina or Henry; she hadn't told Mary what had happened to her wife or even the fact that they were now moving to Storybrooke; Emma hated Storybrooke.
"Emma?" Mary continues once she realizes the blonde is stalling, "Is everything okay? Has something happened?" she asks concern dripping from her voice.
Emma looks at her a little bit startled; she'd been lost in her own head, "Uh yeah. Sorry. Regina and Henry are at Cora's right now…at least that's where they said they'd be. We're moving back to Storybrooke," she tells her best friend a little stiltedly.
"What? You're moving back to Storybrooke? Why didn't you tell me earlier Emma?" Mary exclaims a little excitedly.
Emma just shakes her head, moving over to Mary Margaret's comfy little lounge chair. She sinks in to it, elbows resting on knees as her chin rests in her palms. The blonde watches as her friends' brow furrows just a little at her actions and comes over to sit beside her. She doesn't turn to face the teacher instead she chooses to just stare straight ahead at the chipped and cracked old brick wall.
"It wasn't exactly planned," Emma says eventually.
"What do you mean?" Mary asks, confused by the blondes words.
"We didn't decide to move until maybe…three weeks ago," she tells her, shrugging.
"Three weeks ago? That doesn't sound like Regina at all," Mary exclaimed, frowning at her friend curiously.
Emma couldn't help but nod, silently agreeing with her longtime friend. Still, she didn't say anything, just shrugging once again at Mary. "We needed a change," the former Detective offered up, seemingly the only thing she was going to be saying today.
Mary's brows furrow at the words but she perks up quickly, obviously deciding not to question her. "Well, you know if you two ever need any help or baby sitting, I'm here. I know Regina's never been particularly fond of me but we did grow up together and I'd like to think we're at least a little bit friends. You know?" Mary continued, smiling widely at Emma.
"Yeah," Emma snorted, "I'll definitely mention that to her. It's been a busy few weeks. So…you know, might actually take you up on that," Emma continues, nodding at her friend.
"Good," Mary nods, "You know I love children. I'm sure Henry and I will get along great," the teacher continues, not noticing the way Emma seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.
Emma for her part was still listening to her friend, even if it was only partially. She wasn't happy about the move but she couldn't really deny Regina; not after what had happened. If this move would help Regina, would make her feel better and help heal her then Emma would stay here as long as they needed. She would do anything for her wife, including moving back to the small town she hated with a passion.
"Hey Mary Margaret, would it be alright if I stayed here tonight?" The police woman asked, "I just…don't feel like dealing with Cora tonight and honestly? I'm already beat," she told her friend, smiling up at her tiredly.
She was grateful when her friend nodded. She may have to sleep on the couch for the night but it didn't bother her. At the moment she just needed space and time to get her thoughts together before having to go face her wife and her wife's family.
AN: It's been almost 3 years. I know.
It was already half written and I guess, I got a burst of inspiration.
I hope you enjoyed. Please review. :) LT.