If you want this can be kind of like an epilogue too, just a little into the future.

Leo's Pov:

"Leo! Hey Leo!"

I look over and see Percy and Jason running up to me, and Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, and Frank following. There's also a big black guy holding a really pretty girl's hand behind them, whispering to each other. I focus on my friends again, and my face breaks into a huge smile.

"Jason! Percy! I just got here, and there's nobody to talk to. I''m waiting for Calypso to be judged." I just got into Elysium, and I saw Calypso behind me when I left the judgement room, so now I'm waiting to see if she gets to come to Elysium, too.

"I heard my name," says a voice from behind me. I spin around, recognizing that voice I've been waiting to hear.

"Calypso!" I take her face in my hands and we kiss, just like before I died. I see the others looking awkwardly at us, and I break apart and hug her tightly. I look into her eyes and whisper, "I'm so happy you're here. I wasn't sure what the verdict would be."

"I honestly didn't know either. I don't think about it. All I think about is being here with you, forever now," she says back.

We both smile, and I turn to the others so I can introduce her. She gets to Percy first, and they hug, but I'm not jealous, and Annabeth doesn't look it either. We can tell it's just a hug of friendship. Calypso says hi to Annabeth, and says, "Hi! I've heard a lot about you!"

Annabeth smiles and says hi back, and I relax. She says hi to the others, and then I notice the big black guy and his girlfriend. They seem vaguely familiar, but I don't know why. Percy sees me looking at them and he says, "Leo these are some old friends of mine. I want you to meet them." He points at the guy and says, "This is Charles Beckendorf. He's your half brother."

Oh, he's Beckendorf! I'm a bit awestruck, since I've heard so much about him from my cabin mates. He says to me" Hi, I hear you're the guy who can control fire. Nice to meet ya."

"You too! I've heard so much about you."

Percy then introduces the girl, Silena Beauregard. She smiles kindly and we say hi to each other. I'd heard of her a couple times, but not a lot though. I look back at Calypso and I think of how lucky I am to have her forever now. I kiss her again, and this time, it's not a goodbye kiss, but a starting kiss. The start of a new life. One I'll have with the love of my life, one I'll never let go, one with Calypso.