Part six:

Emily: And now we are here and the sixth and final part. Will this be the beginning of something new this Christmas? Let's see…

Hater rushes down the sidewalk jovially.

Hater: I feel so alive! So wonderful today! Which good deed shall I perform first?

He sees the charity group from last time sitting on the sidewalk.

Hater: You kids! Just who I needed

He runs up to them.

Hater: I'm sorry, girls. I believe that's not enough to help out the poor and homeless.

He takes out a stack of cash and drops it into the box.

Hater: If that is not enough to satisfy their needs, I'll be sure to bring more ASAP.

Blossom: Thank you so much, kind sir!

Hater: Don't be thanking me.

Hater turns around to walk away, until he comes across Wander.

Hater: Wander! How was the party last night?

Wander: It really wasn't the same without you.

Hater: I tell you what. Throw a party this New Years and I'll make sure I'll be there as early as possible.

Wander: Okay!

Hater: And one last thing…

Wander: Yes, Hater?

Hater: About the present you gave me…

Wander: Yeah?

Hater: I'd like to accept it.

Wander: Really? That's great!

He takes out the present from underneath his hat and gives it to Hater. Hater opens the present and looks into the box.

Hater: I can't believe it. You got this just for me?

He takes out what appears to be a homemade scarf.

Wander: You like it?

Hater: I love it! I have something for you as well.

Hater takes the worn-out scarf wrapped around his neck and gives it to Wander.

Hater: I know this isn't much, but it's the only thing I have right now.

Wander: I love it! Thanks, Hater!

Wander takes off.

Hater: It feels so great to be doing good things! I only have one last thing to do…

Just then, Hater sees Spongebob walking down the sidewalk with the sickly Thomas. Hater rushes up to them.

Hater: Mr. Squarepants!

Spongebob: Mr. Hater! I apologize! I would've been working yesterday, but I had family…

Hater: I don't wanna hear it.

Spongebob: Go ahead and fire me. I probably deserve it.

Hater: Fire you? I came here to give you a raise!

Spongebob (surprised): A raise?

Hater: A large one at that! I'll even let you take the weekends off for now on!

Spongebob: Sir? You seem different. Are you feeling okay?

Hater: Okay? I feel better than ever and it was all thanks to those ghosts.

Spongebob: What ghosts?

Hater: Erm, nothing. Still, one last thing.

Spongebob: Yes, sir?

Hater: May I please speak to your son Thomas?

Spongebob: Sure thing, Mr. Hater.

Hater kneels down to speak to the sick Thomas.

Hater: I have a favor for you, Thomas.

Thomas: Yes, Mr. Hater?

Hater: You know that turkey in the window of the butcher shop?

Thomas: The one that's so big that even I can't carry it?

Hater: Exactly! Do me a favor, buy that turkey, and bring it all the way home so your family could enjoy it this Christmas. Here is two hundred dollars to fit the price.

Thomas: Thank you!

Hater: And an extra two hundred dollars to buy that shiny new wagon in the window of the toy shop you could be able to carry it.

Thomas: Wow! Thank you so much, sir!

Hater: Take care and have a Merry Christmas!

Spongebob: Merry Christmas to everyone as well!

Wander: Merry Christmas!

Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup: Merry Christmas!

Thomas: And God bless everyone!

Emily: And that was my cartoon character version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol".

Chowder: Boooring. When you said we were going to be narrating a story, I was thinking something more along the lines of pirates or ninjas.

Emily: There are no ninjas in "A Christmas Carol!" This is supposed to be a classic tale!

Olaf: Couldn't you have at least made it scarier with the ghosts? After all, they're stinkin' ghosts!

Courage: Uh huh!

Emily: Of course I wouldn't have made the ghosts scarier! This is a Christmas story! Not a horror film!

Chowder: A horror film would've been much better.

Emily: Ugh! You guys are impossible! Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and God bless everybody!

The End