A/N: Don't own any thing other than story. First Ninja turtles Fanfiction.(Updated:Fixed Formatting)

TMNT: Double Fast Forward- Prologue

Four giant, humanoid Turtles made their way down the enemy's, Kranng, base. Hiding away in the shadows from detection with only one goal in mind.
"Take out the dimensional teleporter."

Two Kranng droids walk down the hall on guard when something drops from the ceiling. They both turned around and looked to the ground. A screwdriver laid on the floor. The Kraang looks up to the ceiling only to have their bodies sliced in half by dual swords.

"Nice going Donnie, I said to be quiet. Were ninjas!" Leo scolds in a low voice. "Well I'm sorry, but I AM the only one carrying in the equipment here." Donnie shot back. Donnie crouches down to pick up his fallen screwdriver.
"*Sigh*, Let's keep going." Leo instructed, pointing in the leading direction. The turtle team follows as suit, making their way down the Base's halls.

The area was flooded with Kranng droids whom sole purpose was to protect the teleporter itself.

"So we go in, take down the shield and destroy the Teleporter, THEN take out the Kraang?" Mikey ask to be sure of the simple plan.
"Yes, then we take out the Kraang." Leo confirms.
"Sounds like my kinda plan!" Raphael smirks, pounding his fist into his hand.

*They stealthily made their way over to the Dimensional teleporter passing dodging behind the control panel and slipping past the guards to the back of the teleporter.
"Okay Donnie, do your thing." Leo whispered.
Donnie pops into the system with his gadgets and began trying to breach and bypass the security system.


I'm alarm suddenly blaze through the base styling the Turtles.

" Donnie ! " Raph calls wanting an explanation.
" It seems the crime security detected my Device, but how?!" Donnie exclaims.
" Then fix it!"Raph shouts back , getting in a fight in stance ready to defend.
"Don't let the Kraang get to Donnie! " Leo commands taking a stand, unsheathing his katanas.

They were now surrounded by dozens of Kranng of them pulling out Laser guns to blast the Turtles.
" Booyakasha !" Mikey yells into battle beginning the fight.
Donnie worked feverishly. Sweat beading down his face to his chin, working hard to break pass the firewalls of security codes.

Leo sliced through the droid's bodies, dodging the multiple blast heading his way. As Leo ducks from another Laser blast Mikey jumps over-head and grabs the Firing Kraang Droid with his Kusarigama and fling it into a group of approaching Droids.
"Come on, come on ." Don chanted under his breath desperately.

" Hurry up Don, we can't hold them all off forever!" Raph calls as he stabs two Kranng Droids in the chest before kicking them aside to handle more heading his way.
"I'm trying!" Donnie stammered . He continued to type away at the handheld device.
"Breaking in isn't easy!"
"Then try harder!" Raph retorts turning his back to the enemy only to get shot in the shell by the Lazers.

Raph lost his balance and fell forwards to the floor losing his sais in the process .
As he struggles to get back up , three kraang droids began to loom over him readying to shoot again. All Raph was able to do was looking up in pure terror as they took aim at him.

" Raph ! "

Suddenly the sound of wood clashing against metal is heard and the three kraang droids in front raph falls to the ground .
" Can't touch this ."
Mikey twirls his nunchuks and placing them back under his arms. He lends Raph a hand to which he gladly takes.
" Thanks ." Raph says pulling himself off the ground .
" Any time !" Mikey smiles .

More Kraang droids come and surrounded them . Mikey and Raph backed up shell-to-shell as they both took their weapons out again to fight.

"I'm in!" Donnie crys out excitedly.
A pink shield appears over the dimensional teleporter then dissolves and dissipates into thin air.
"The shield's down!" Donnie announced.
The turtles to regroup back to Donnie as he takes out the cannon blaster and readies it for fire.

"Alright, let's blow this pop stand!" Leo says earning groans from the rest in response.
Raph grimaced ."Seriously Leo, was that the best you got?"
"Yeah, even Donnie could do better than that!" Mikey added .
"I'm going to take that as a compliment." Donnie says with a sour look.
"Okay, just, would you please blast the thing already!?" Leo stressed, obviously annoyed.

"Alright, stand back." Donnie places the canon into position.
Suddenly a blast was shot and knocked the canon right out of Donatello's hand causing him to gasp in surprise.
Taking a step back Donnie was able to access the gravity of the situation.

The team was surrounded by 20 - 30 droids, maybe even more. Even with the amazing skills in ninjutsu they was clearly outnumbered.
"There's too many!" Leo states as the group backtracks towards the Dimensional Teleporter's platform.
" Dudes, now what!?" Mikey asks, eyes darting back and forth between the growing army of Kraang droids.

The situation was definitely not looking to make it even worse, the Kraang once again open fire on them.
Mikey yelps in surprise and stumbled backwards tripping over the little steps on the platform. He falls onto the Dimensional Teleporter's control panel activating it in the process.
The piece of advance technology began to hum to life. A light began to shine behind the turtles catching everyone's attention.

" Opps." Mikey says shying away from the light where a Portal began to grow in size.

" The ones known as the turtles have activated that which we call the Dimensional Teleport." One of the Kraang droids announce .
" Mikey, what did you do!?" Raph practically screamed.
"Well I obviously turned it on!" Mikey shouted back.
" The plan which the Kraang has planned is going according to plan."
" Plan! They had a plan!? " Leo exclaims.

Leo then felt a pull. And that pull became stronger until he felt like he was being sucked into the growing Portal.
"Guys! Help!" Mikey screamed, clawing at the ground as he was drag in by the force.

Leo reaches out to which Raph latches on to him to keep him grounded. Donnie grabs on as well as they all try to reach and pull Mikey back. But the sucking force was too great and pulled all of them into the Portals grasp.
Next thing they know ,they see the portal collapse close behind them and now found themselves, Falling~.

-End Prologue-