A little drabble loosely based on a prompt left by Nouqueret

Killian wasn't sure what he was expecting upon entering the Underworld but this wasn't it. Of course it was dark, and dank, and full of dead people. But as he sailed with Charon across the river Styx, curiosity drew him to the railings edge to peer over the side of the boat to get a closet look at the water. It was dark and brackish illuminated only by the dim lantern hanging upon the bow, but as Killian drew closer a woman's face formed from the murky current.

Startled he drew back and moved a safer distance from this strange river. As they neared the shore a decrepit dock was revealed through the mist. Waiting upon it were two creatures the likes of which he had never seen. One was purple with a large stomach and short horns while the other was green with long horns and was very thin. Upon spotting him they started jostling each other, as if arguing over who would greet him. Unsure of these two demons Killian looked to the Ferryman, but like the many questions he had ask before, Charon remained unhelpfully silent.

Stepping off the boat Killian was greeted, "Pain." The purple creature saluted.

"And Panic." The green followed, though he was currently being sat on by his fellow.

"Pleasure." Killian replied disinterested. But then a massive ghostly ship sailed from out of the mists. It passed by quickly, the shouts of the crew clearly audible in the erie quiet. Upon the stern of the ship "The Flying Dutchman" was painted in red.

"Must have been a big storm topside. Captain Turner doesn't typically take The Dutchman out much this time of year." Pain muses coming to stand at the edge of the dock with Killian, watching the vessel disappear.

"Captain Turner? Don't you mean Davy Jones?" Killian asks beguiled.

"Nope. Turner took over some 150 years ago. See Davy Jones-"

"There's no time!" Panic interrupted, jumping to his feet and throwing his hands up. "The boss is already expecting us. We don't want to be late!"

Jumping into action the pair of them start pushing and shoving him up a long winding path. Despite the fact they barely reach past his knees they are deceptively strong and fast.

It doesn't take long before they reach their destination. A huge palace built to look like a giant skull on an island in the river. The resemblance to Neverland was not lost on him so Killian was wary of who or what he would encounter inside. Despite it's size the palace was surprisingly devoid of furnishings. Few chairs or tables graced any of the rooms they passed, though being in the Underworld it was likely the owner had few visitors. As they entered what appeared to be a throne room Pain and Panic stopped short.

"He's waiting for you in there." Panic directs pointing to the far door.

Killian was about to ask who but the two were already gone. So carefully he crept forward, a blue flickering light illuminating from behind the partially open door.

Cautiously Killian stepped through the doorway looking all around for whomever was expecting him. However, the room was empty and seemed to not have had an occupant for some time, save for the strange blue flame burning in the walk in fireplace. Curious he stepped around the multiple tables laden down with maps, books and charts. As he neared the hearth though a voice spoke,

"The famous Captain Hook. I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever meet." Surprised by the disembodied voice Killian froze. But then a shadow passed through the blue flame, which flared and became bigger. It then formed the shape of a man and from the fireplace stepped a figure clothed in black robes. His face was sharp and angular, his skin grey. And his hair was made of the same blue flame from which he had emerged. "Names Hades. Lord of the Dead. Hi, how you doing?" He introduced extending a hand with long thin fingers.

Perplexed Killian just stared at the King of the Underworld. Sighing Hades questioned, "It's the hair isn't it? Always throws people off." Then in a flare of blue sparks Hades' appearance was replaced by that of a man in his mid-60's with strangely handsome features. His eyes, formerly yellow were now brown though no less intense. And despite the now healthy pallor to his skin, he retained an untrustworthy grin that reminded Killian too much of The Crocodile to allow himself to let his guard down.

"You seem to already know my name. Or at least my moniker. Care to tell me what it is you want?" He questioned, not caring if he sounded rude.

"To the point. I like it." Hades merely laughed. Throwing an arm around Killian's shoulders he steered him to one of the tables and pulled out an old tattered markings appeared to be crudely tattooed and Killian greatly desired not to know what material the map was made up of. "I want you to find the Ephemeral Fruit."

"The what?"

"Ephemeral tree they grow from only lives for a single day. The seed sprouts in the morning, matures and bares a solitary fruit in the afternoon. In the evening the fruit falls and regerminates itself." Hades explains.

"Why not get it yourself? Your a God aren't you?"

A flash of anger sparks in Hades' eyes causing the glamour to slip and his eyes to turn yellow once more. But he takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, muttering to himself , "I'm cool. I'm cool." Then to Killian he reveals, "Thing is, a few millennia back I had a minor… falling out with my brother. And he trapped me here in the Underworld. But my wife, Persephone, she really, really wants kids. Personally I figure we've only been married a few thousand years, why rush? But she's insistent. And being Lord of the Dead… it kinda makes that difficult."

"And this fruit can help?" Killian asks, uncertainty marring his voice.


Raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms the former pirate questioned, "What do I receive in this exchange? Will I be allowed to return to my former life?"

"Umm, no. It's against company policy. I've bent that rule more than once and it never ends well."

"Then I'm not interested." He shrugged off the God's arm. "I might have better luck contacting The Crocodile." He mused more to himself. "He's usually willing to make a deal."

"Hold up Jonesy. Mind if I call you Jonesy? I never said I wasn't willing to deal. Besides, who do you think taught old Rumpelstiltskin the finer points of dealing?" Hades interjected.

At seeing Killian's unimpressed look he stalked over to the door and through it open. In the center of the room stood three women, a young maiden, a stern matron and a haggard crone working at a giant loom that was not there moments ago. The maiden was spinning thread while the matron measured. The crone cut the thread and wove it into a huge tapestry. Some parts were old and faded, others were bright and vibrant with no two threads the same color or length.

"Jonsey, meet the Fates." Turning to the Goddesses he introduced, "Ladies, this is-"

"Killian Jones, known as Captain Hook of the Jolly Roger. He hasn't excepted your deal. We know." The crone rasped.

Hades looked momentarily annoyed but he pressed on. "Here's the deal. You get this fruit, I have Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos re-spin your thread."

"I thought you said I couldn't return to the land on the living." Killian questioned suspicious.

Smirking devilishly Hades clarified, "I said you won't be able to return to your old life. If you succeed these lovely ladies will re-spin your thread at the key moment where your path was set to this end. You remember that pesky little bean you stole from Emma? That choice you made about that tiny bit of magic. That's what got you here. Now, here is what your life could have looked like."

Hades pointed to the loom and upon it's surface images began to play. Distant shores flashed, high seas and unknown missed adventures flashed. Next a parade of yet un-named women, each more beautiful than the last, each smiling beguilingly at him. Then rivers, oceans of gold and jewels poured across the fabric almost to the point of being blinding even in the low gloomy light of Hades' palace.

Killian stared at the promises made, his face blank as he took it all in.

"So what do you say Jonesy? This is the deal of a lifetime. Literally. A whole new life, a long one." He held out his hand. "Make this deal. We dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do you say? Come on."

Looking at the god Killian would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted. But he shook his head. "You make a fare point mate. This is a very tempting deal. But it's missing one detail. Emma. No life is truly worth living without her. You must not have much interaction with True Love, but that's what we have. So the answer is no."

Enraged Hades' glamor slipped once more and this time the fire of his hair roared hitting the palace ceiling, likely blowing a hole through it. Growing in size to tower stories above Killian he raged, "You think you can turn me down you ungrateful mortal! Lets see how a few hundred years of Underworld hard time does for you! I'll feed you to the Kraken myself. Turner's too much of a softhearted fool. Likely take you on as a cabin boy, but not me. Oh no by the time I'm done you'll be begging-"

Suddenly a loud explosion rocked the palace, dwarfing Hades' previous tantrum.

"What was that?" Hades shrunk as he turned to glance about for the source of the intrusion.

Smiling knowingly Killian replied, "That, would be Emma Swan."

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