Disclaimers: I did not own anything. All right to Marvel


"Its good to be home"

Steve Rogers or Captain America spoke to the redhead woman next to him. In front of them were the Skyscrapers, home of the earth's mightiest heroes.

Avengers Tower

"Since New York, we never had a chance to stay here"

"Yeah Fury always sent us on a missions"

Since the Battle of New York when aliens from another dimension, the Chituari, led by Loki was defeated. Avengers disband and went on their separate ways

Captain America and the Black Widow helped SHIELD protect the world from many threats and have been on the mission together since then. They traveled around the world. Fury thought that they were the perfect partner and suited for the job that they had been assign.

Steve Rogers was in the army before and understood discipline as well as Natasha Romanoff who was strict and responsible.

With equal level of fighting skills.

For two years, Steve and Natasha spent every single day together, ate together, slept together, and looked after each other. They adapted each other fighting style to the point that was lethal.

They knew how one another would move, how one another would think and synced their movement. Their performance was outstanding and received praises from SHIELD. They were Fury's main team.

"I'm pretty surprise that he agree to let have our day-off" Natasha said

They stepped in to the building and JARVIS greeted them instantly

"Welcome back Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff"

"Thank you JARVIS"

"Other Avengers are waiting for you upstairs, sir"

Elevator took them to the living area of the tower. The first person they saw was Tony Stark rushed to greet them.

"Welcome back Natalie and Stevie!"

"Don't call me that!" Solider and the spy said at the same time.

"Awww That's cute! Next time you guys will finish each other sentences"

Steve grabbed Natasha arm so that she didn't murder the loud mouth billionaire. The captain allowed Tony enjoyed to his moment. Other members came and greeted them. Clint hugged Steve and twirled Natasha around. Dr. Banner shook hand with them and introduced Betty Ross, his fiancé. Thor introduced Natasha and Steve to Dr. Jane Foster. Natasha formally introduced Steve to Pepper Potts.

Captain America and Black Widow looked at each other and they knew what one another was thinking.

They're finally home.

The Welcome back party for Steve and Natasha went on and on because nobody is tried, nobody wanted to go to sleep. Everybody wanted to listen to the adventure of the soldier and the spy. From dinner table, they moved to the couch in front of the giant TV.

Everybody exchanged their story but the center of attention was Steve and Natasha.

The pair had been assigned with the toughest mission. Piloting the plane into The Himalayas and snowstorm clashed their plane into the ground. They spent two weeks before they can got out and they had a brunch of terrorists chase after them. Finally, SHIELD quinjet came to the rescue.

Tony told them that he had repaired Stark Tower within two months and renamed it 'Avengers Tower' so it could be the team's HQ. First member to move in was Bruce Banner.

Tony has arranged separate sleeping quarters for each member.

"Trust me, Steve. You gonna like the room I design just for you" Tony said pompously.

"Natasha I pick the furniture for your room because my husband insist to have spider web as your bed" Pepper revealed.

Natasha shot a deadly glare at the genius billionaire which makes Tony hid himself behind Pepper.

Iron man and his wife had been through many things in the past years. Tony lost his Malibu mansion due to the Mandarin's attack. It's currently under a reconstruction and he had design a new defense system.

Most important of all, Pepper was pregnant. The couples were expecting to have a son by this fall.

Tony will name his son 'Anthony Stark, Jr.'.

Thor went back to Asgard to imprison Loki but unexpected incident occurred and the Norse god had to join force with his brother to protect Asgard and the nine realms from the dark elves of Svartalfheim. Later, Thor had accepted Stark's invitation and resided at the Tower. He traveled back to Asgard from time to time.

Clint Barton aka Hawkeye spent his free time traveling across the States and met his former partner, Barbara Morse or Mockingbird. Clint asked her out immediately and they spent their time getting to know each other. Bobbi was one of the top agents in SHIELD and was now Hawkeye's partner once again.

Dr. Bruce Banner and Betty Ross had the most simple and peaceful life. Bruce learned the way to control the Hulk and his rage. He found Betty and that she was still love him even if he had giant rage monster within but she promised that she will be there for him every time. Bruce asked her to marry him.

Steve looked around the room and saw his beloved friend. He was so grateful of what he has. After seventy year in ice, he managed to find his new family that love and care about him.

For Natasha, she felt lonely every single day of her life because the path of spy forces her to be a lone wolf. She was alone until she met Clint, her best friend. He was like a brother to her.

Now, she had a small crazy family of her own. The Avengers is her family.

"Jesus!" Tony exclaimed when he looked at his watch "It's almost midnight"

"We should all go to bed and let's Steve and Natasha rest" Pepper said.

The moment Pepper mentioned 'bed' everyone felt sleepy and tried. Many started to yawn. Thor picked Jane up and carried her to their room. Clint said goodnight to everyone and climbed up the vent to his bedroom. Betty held Bruce's hand and led him upstairs. Pepper and Tony stood at the stairs.

"They all have their special someone" Natasha said to Steve.

"Yeah only us that work all the time" He couldn't agree more.

Before they could continue with their conversation, Tony and Pepper wanted to personally show them their room. Tony took Steve to the right wing. Pepper took Natasha to the left wing of the tower.

Tony opened the door to Steve's room and the soldier's jaw hit the floor.

"Do you like it, Rogers?"

"Yes, I really like it. Thank you, Tony"

"You're welcome, capsicle" Tony said with a grin on his face "Tomorrow you and Natalie will have to meet me and Bruce for some information update. We science bros have come up with some complicate protocol….of being the Avengers"

Steve nodded and the billionaire said goodnight to his friend and left the room.

"Wooww" Natasha can only said that when she first saw her room.

It was beautifully decorated and suited her personality. She had to admit that Pepper's taste never disappoint her.

"Thank you, Pepper"

"With pleasure" Strawberry-head woman said before hugged her friend "Good night, Tasha"

Natasha walked over to her enormous bed and sunk herself into it warm embrace. She really liked the soft light from fireplace when she sleep and the pillow was so soft that she never want to get up from this bed again.

Since she had been on the mission with Captain America, the best place for sleeping they could find was the passenger seat in quinjet. Normally, she slept on hay or the worst case, cold stone.

And that brought back a memory about her mission to the Himalaya. She and Steve stuck in the middle of snowstorm and had to take shelter within the cave. They have no wood to light a fire. They slept on cold stone but she has Steve as her personal heater.

And another thought came to her mind.

This is the first night that they will sleep separately.

For two years, they slept in the same bed every single night but he was a gentleman as always. They developed their relationship to the point of best friend, trust and respect partner.

The knock on her door brought her mind back. Natasha got up and walked to open the door. She found Steve Rogers in his pajamas standing outside her door.

"I just want to check that everything is ok" He said with a shy smile.

"Everything is ok" She reassured.

"That's great! You might be glad that I don't bother you while you asleep anymore"

Natasha smiled widened "I will miss it. Beside, you never bother me"

"Then, good night, Natasha"

"You too, Steve"

He smiled at her once more and walked away. Natasha closed the door, still has a wide smile on her face.

Steve was fully rested for the first time in years. May be because of the comfortable bed, a warmth radiated from fireplace and this the first night that he didn't have to worry that someone will kill him while he sleeping.

When Captain America got up, it's almost noon. His baby blue eyes stared outside the window into the magnificent view of New York City

He was at home and nothing else to worry.

Steve took a shower and came down to the living area. Clint and Tony were playing Need for Speed on the giant screen. Jane and Pepper were making breakfast. Thor devoured his fifth pop tarts while Bruce and Betty were sipping morning tea.

He smiled at what he saw before a soft voice came from behind.

"Morning, Steve"

He turned and saw the fiery red hair of the spy first and from the look on her face, she was fully rested as well.


Both of them sat on the high chair at kitchen islands. Pepper placed breakfast plate in front of them. Natasha almost disappeared because of the large figure of Thor and Steve.

"Little red" an annoying voice that was no need for Natasha to turn, she know exactly who that was "Capsicle"

"Shut it, Stark" Both of them said at the same time.

But the genius billionaire won't stop that easily.

"You know what, you two could probably be the most adorable couple"

"Not now, Tony" Pepper warned with a glare.

"Fiiine" Tony said to his wife before turned to the spy and soldier "You two meet me at the garage after your breakfast 'Stasha'"

"Did you just give them a couple name" Clint asked and lightly chuckled.

"It's sound like you and Natasha, Tony" Bruce added

"Romanogers then"

Tony giggled and walked toward the elevator. Leaving 'Romanogers' alone to their breakfast.

Steve and Natasha met Tony at the garage. Steve's eyes looked around until they stood in front of the billionaire and the scientist.

"No one will ambush you here, Rogers"

"Except Clint" Bruce corrected

They all heard a giggle from somewhere above their head. Maybe from the concrete beam.

"His nest?" Natasha asked

Bruce and Tony nodded. Hawkeye always build his nest everywhere in the tower so he can avoid people and he can keep his eyes on everyone from far away.

"So, let's us begin! Since both of you are the last to move in here. I will give you an Avengers personal equipment."

Tony handed them a leather box. The boxes contained with smart phones Tony designed especially for the Avengers, Avengers credit card, List of their aliases, and Avengers Tower manual.

"I need to draw your blood. Have to make a database of all residents" Bruce remarked.

Soldier and spy stretch out their arms without hesitation. The doctor draw out some blood sample and continued on his work. Tony continued with his speech.

"Smartphones will have a tracker that you can disabled anytime you want some privacy. JARVIS can find your location right away in case you're on a mission and gone missing. For credits card, please be mercy when you go on your shopping spree."

They nodded

"And now, for the welcome back present"

Tony led them to the parking area. Steve saw white Audi R8 with license plate 'STARK', Black Maserati with 'BARTON', BMW i8 with 'BANNER' and huge red Hummer with 'ODINSON'.

The spy and soldier's eyes went wide and the billionaire smiles with satisfy of their reaction.

"Avengers should not drive an ordinary car"

"You know how to give it all, Stark" Natasha replied "but I gotta say it feed your ego more"

The billionaire shrugged his shoulder. Money was never his problem anyway.

Tony led Natasha to the gorgeous red super car with license plate 'ROMANOFF'

"Ferrari, really?" she asked shockingly "Mine?" Tony nodded

"Yeah It's yours and welcome back, little red" Tony said and wrapped his arms around Natasha. "As for you, capsicle, your motorcycle is over here"

Steve stopped in front of his Harley-Davidson. Everything still in the same condition as he left it with Stark.

"And one more thing for you, Steve" Tony tossed a key to the Captain and gestured his hand to black and red Ducati. "Clint and I pick this beauty for you in case you want to change your style"

"Thank you, Tony"

"Alright that's pretty much everything I need to tell you. Now scattered!"

A/N: It's my first Fanfic. Please leave some review. English is my second language so it will be some mistake. Thank you for reading!