Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THE FOLLOWING! Inheritance cycle By Paolini or MLP:FiM by Hasbro



Eragon knew experimenting with magic was dangerous, especially if it involved time. The spell was complex, it basically stated that he and Sapharia would be transported 5 seconds into the past while teleporting into the forest not 100m away. So here is what happened in those 60 seconds before he, Gladier, some of the unhatched dragon eggs, and his bonded disappeared from their world…


As soon as Eragon finished his spell he knew something bad was going to happen. The tugging in his mind from the strain of using magic seemed different, he felt like he was being pulled into another place… fading in and out of this reality and into another. Eragon knew that this wasn't transporting magic, he had teleported himself once before and this WAS NOT THAT FEELING he groaned and felt himself and Sapharia fall into pain, and then falling… falling… falling….. Then white and the frantic yell from an woman, a woman he loves.


It was just after dawn when Celestia felt something powerful… REALY POWERFUL!

Celestia cringed as she felt a powerful stream of magic come from the everfree forest, powerful enough to rival Luna and herself.

Luna looked at her with concern, "My sister, is something wrong?"

"I don't know, but someone or something just came into our world and it is very POWERFUL… Capitan Armor!"

"Yes princess."

"Take 2 of your best Guards and search the everfree forest… look in the ruins first, but be careful, whatever is there is powerful so do not make contact as of yet, observe and report back asap!"

"yes princess", he turned around and ran to do what she just told him to

"Sister?" Luna looked curious

"I have the strangest feeling that this thing will change the ways of our land completely… do not ask more of me for I know no more, we must wait for Armor to return for answers"

Luna sighed, "Yes sister."

'Eragon. Wake up little one, we are not in the Land-across-the sea anymore… and I can feel great magics about'

I groaned. My head hurt like Orik had taken his hammer and hit me over the head with it. I slowly healed myself and sat up. As I looked around with my mind and elfish eyes, I could tell Sapharia told the truth, the very air seemed to hum with great magic!

"WOW… that's a rush!" as I stumbled and was then caught by Sapharia

She chuckled and said 'carful little one… you have been out for a few hours, how about we take a look around and see if there is anyone around that can help'

I agreed and we went in two directions, she was not happy but let it slide. I decided to check out the ruins I had awoken in while Sapharia flew away looking for some game to settle her stomach after the trip we took. Before we departed I checked up on what we had, we had…

8 dragon eggs, how they got in the bags I have no clue

A tent, which I most likely didn't need

My sword Brisingr, which for some reason seemed to be stronger


My poem I wrote while with the elves

My armor

And a bag of elfish foods

Well, at least we have food I thought and began to extend my mind to look for dangers. I didn't feel anything until half an hour later when three sentient beings came across the edge of my mind… they were coming towards the ruins. I retreated back into my own head and went to the front of the ruins they seemed to be headed to. As they drew nearer and nearer I had talked to Sapharia about not showing herself, she still had that ring the dwarfs gave her that silenced her movements. She wasn't happy about the situation but agreed none the less.

They stoped their movement when they saw me, they must have thought that I couldn't see them or hear them because they seemed to be stalking me. After a few minutes I had finally managed to get them in the ruins with me blocking the way out. I looked up and chuckled then said, "please come out, I know you are there… you make more noise than a group of hens!"