Hello everyone. This is my new story, headcannons for characters are Samantha Barks as Eponine, Jackson Rathbone as Gavroche, with Sacha Baron Cohen as John Thenardier, and Helena Bonham Carter as Mary Thenardier. I'm just really following the entire story line of Supernatural, which does not belong to me. Nor does Les Miserables. Please enjoy.

Carry On My Wayward Children

Volume I

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Monfermeil, Kansas 1983.

It was a quiet autumn night in early November. All of the houses on the street had warm lights glowing through windows as the families inside went about their business. In one such house, a young family was getting ready for bed.

"Good night, Gav." Mary Thenardier said as she placed her baby boy in his crib. The baby smiled and reached up, trying to reach the mobile that spun above his head. Mary smiled at her youngest child.

"Eponine, come and say goodnight to your brother." Mary's eldest child ran into the room, her brown curls bouncing around her face as her mother lifted her into her arms.

"Night night, Gavy," The four year old said, waving to the baby, "sleep tight." Mary placed Eponine back onto the ground.

"Hey, sweetie pie." The child turned quickly and saw her father leaning in the door way. John Thenardier had just gotten home from work at the small motel he owned with a friend.

"Daddy!" Eponine cried running over to her father and wrapping her tiny arms around her fathers' leg. John laughed and lifted her into his arms.

"You already for bed sweetie?" Eponine nodded. "Have you brushed your teeth?" The little girl hid her head in her father's neck.

"You've got to brush your teeth sweetie. Come on." John carried his daughter out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. Mary followed the pair out, pausing at the door to turn out the light. She looked back at the crib and smiled before closing the door quietly. Little Gavroche remained fast asleep in his crib.

Several hours later Mary was awoken by the sound of crying, coming from the baby monitor on the bedside table. She looked over to the other side of the bed. Her husband wasn't there. Slowly she got up and walked over to Gavroche's nursery. She saw John standing in front of the crib with his back to her. "Does he need a bottle?"

John nodded, still keeping his back turned. " 'kay." Mary turned and continued down the hall. At the top of the stairs she paused, trying to fix a light that kept flickering. Mary walked down the stairs and, once she reached the bottom, she froze. Fast asleep in one of the living room chairs was John, the TV on with some old war movie playing. If her husband was down here then who was in the baby's nursery?

"Oh my God." Mary turned around and bolted back up the stairs towards Gavroche's nursery.

Downstairs, John was awoken by a blood-curdling scream.

"Mary!" He jumped up and ran as fast as he could up the stairs, into Gavroche's nursery. There was nothing there. He must have just imagined it. John walked over to the crib, where Gavroche was fussing.

"Hey little guy." John whispered fondly, looking down at his son. Then he saw something drip down next to the baby's head. John frowned as another drop fell. He leaned down and touched the spot gingerly. When he drew his hand back and looked at his finger it was coated in red, almost like blood. John looked up, yelled in shock, and fell down, horror-struck. Mary was on the ceiling with a large gash across her of nowhere, flames erupted around her, filling the room with fire. John finally came to his senses and jumped up, grabbing Gavroche from his crib.

Meanwhile Eponine, who had been awoken by the all the noise, made her way into the hall. Looking around for her father, she was suddenly grabbed by the shoulder and roughly turned around. John thrust baby Gavroche into the four year old's arms.

"Take your brother outside as fast as you can and don't look back. Go, Eponine. Go!" Eponine turned and ran as fast as she could. John ran back to the burning room to try and save his wife. But it was pointless, the room was completely engulfed in flames. John turned and ran down the stairs out of the house, grabbing Eponine in the lawn and carrying her and Gavroche away from the house, just as the room exploded.

Later, as the firemen finished extinguishing the inferno, John sat on the back hood of his Impala, holding Gavroche with Eponine sitting next to him, the little family's whole world laying in smoldering ashes.

22 years later, Stanford, California.

"Gav, are you ready?" Gavroche Thenardier looked up from the textbook he had just been reading as his girlfriend Jess walked into their bedroom in a sexy nurse costume.

"Where's your costume?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. Gavroche closed the textbook.

"You know I don't do Halloween." He said, standing up and casting a quick look at a family photo on the top of his dresser.

"That still doesn't mean you can't dress up."

Gavroche rolled his eyes. "Fine I'm going as myself."

Jess laughed. "You're hopeless. Let's go, we're going to be late."

Later at the bar, which was full of college kids in costume- with varying levels of intoxication- Gavroche and Jess sat at a table with Gavroche's friend Navet getting them drinks.

"So man, you start thinking about law schools yet?" Navet asked, returning with everyone's drinks.

"Yeah, actually I've got an interview here on Monday. They may even offer me another full ride."

"Of course they'll give you the scholarship. After all you did get a 179 on your LSAT." Jess said, taking a sip from her beer.

"Have you told your family about your score?" Navet asked.

Gavroche shook his head. "I've gone two years without talking to my dad or my sister. I'm not breaking that streak anytime soon." For the rest of the evening Gavroche sat quietly, half listening to what Jess and Navet said, thinking about his family and his past.

That night, Gavroche was startled awake by a noise coming from the other room. He had always been a very light sleeper. He quietly got out of bed, careful not to disturb Jess, who was still asleep, and crept into the next room. There was no one in there. He was about to go back to bed when all of the sudden he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Gavroche had just enough time block the fist that swung at him. Then before he knew it he was on his back, pinned down, with a knee digging into his chest.

"Hey little bro." Eponine Thenardier said, smiling from above her brother.

"Eponine?" Gavroche asked incredulously as his sister got off him. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Eponine pulled her little brother off the floor.

"Isn't a big sister allowed to visit her baby brother in college?"

"Gav?" Gavroche turned around quickly to see Jess standing in the doorway leading to the bed room. "Who is this?" She asked frowning at the brown haired girl who stood next to her boyfriend.

"Jess this is my sister older sister Eponine." Gavroche walked over to Jess and put an arm around her shoulder.

"Eponine, this is my girlfriend Jessica."

"It's nice to meet you." Jess said, sticking her hand out. Eponine took it and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too. I have no idea how my geeky little brother could land someone like you."


"What? It's true. You should have seen him when he was younger, did you know he slept with his baby blanket 'til he was fifteen?" Gavroche blushed as Jess laughed.

"Why are you here Eponine?"

"Right. Sorry Jess, but I need to borrow your boyfriend for a couple minutes. There are some things we need to discuss." Eponine said, looking over at Gavroche pointedly.

"No." Gavroche replied. "What ever you need to say, you can say in front of her."

Jess looked up at her boyfriend questionably.

"Fine." Eponine paused. "Dad hasn't been home in a couple of days."

Gavroche shrugged, "So, it's not the first time."

"Right, let me reiterate. Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days."

Gavroche tensed up. "Jess, would you excuse us? I need to talk to my sister in private."

Hope you liked chapter one. Please review.