Chapter 12
A/N: Sorry everyone for the huge, huge wait! A lot of school and a lack of muse unfortunately just meant this fic got pushed further and further away. However, I am back on track and excited! I also began another ficlet, check out 'A dangerous game' for some dark Klaus :)
Honestly, this chapter felt a bit wishy washy to write (maybe just because it had been so long) but a lot of that has to do with Caroline finally having to accept the realities of how she feels, about herself and about Klaus, before she can actually begin something real with him. I promise more action in the next chapter!
Thank you to all that are still reading, you're the reason I finally managed to get this up. R&R!
They stood silently for a second, still and waiting, watching each other. Caroline was still hanging onto Klaus, and she noticed Stefan's eyes flicking to their held hands.
Klaus was tense next to her. A rush of emotions filled Caroline; anxiousness, fright, surprise and then, finally…relief.
Stefan. It was her best friend. She hadn't realised just how much she had missed him, or how much she had needed him, until this second. Letting go of Klaus, she ran up and wrapped him into a giant bear hug, her head pressed against his chest, instantly comforted by Stefan's familiar smell of moss and musty cologne.
"Stefan." She said, her voice muffled against his shirt. She felt him hesitate slightly, then wrap his arms around her, squeezing her back.
"Hi, Caroline." He said. "And, uh, Klaus." Caroline noticed his voice change slightly as he greeted the hybrid. She stepped out of the hug, looking between the two old friends awkwardly.
Klaus eyed Stefan. "I'd better step downstairs. I have to talk with Marcel, anyway." Klaus said. "Goodbye, Caroline." His eyes locked with hers for a second, and then he whooshed away, leaving Caroline alone and trying desperately to work up the nerve to say something to Stefan.
"So…what are you doing here?" She asked finally.
"Elena told me about her phone call with you."
"Oh." Caroline studied the ground. She knew the impression Elena got on the phone. Stefan probably thought her and Klaus had been together for weeks, or something.
"So…you and Klaus?" Stefan asked, doing a bad job of trying to act casual.
"Oh please." Caroline disputed, even though Stefan had just clearly seen them kissing. "No way."
"Oh?" Stefan clearly didn't believe her, something Caroline was not surprised at. He had just walked in on them making out, after all.
"Yeah. Uck. Gross." Caroline pretended to gag, the noise echoing in the night. They fell silent, both feeling awkward.
"Okay." Stefan said finally, shifting his feet.
"O-kay…" Caroline agreed, her tone aggressive. She was standing defensively, her arms crossed and her chin facing the sky.
She felt ridiculous. Why was she even bothering denying it? Did she think she was clever enough to make Stefan second guess what he had just seen?
"You don't believe me, do you?" She asked.
"Not at all."
"I don't believe myself." Caroline admitted. "But it's not a lie." She added hurriedly. "There's no Klaus and I. There's just no…not Klaus and I." She paused. "So, do you totally hate me or what?"
"I could never hate you, Caroline." Stefan smiled for the first time, reaching up to sock Caroline playfully in the arm. She pushed him off.
"But you're disappointed?" She assumed.
"I've done worse things than just kiss someone before, Caroline."
"But it's Klaus."
"Yes." Stefan agreed. "My former best friend and murder buddy. I'm not going to be the one to judge you, Caroline Forbes, just like you never judged me." Caroline grabbed him into another hug, squeezing him as tight as she could. Stefan always somehow knew the right thing to say to her. He was the only reason she had survived as a vampire, and was as good as she was.
"I've totally judged you." She admitted, still hugging him.
"When?" Even without seeing his face, Caroline knew he was smiling again.
"Your clothing, a lot of times." She said. "And for sleeping with Rebekah too, which is completely hypocritical of me now, isn't it?"
Stefan laughed. "So what's this huge party for?" Stefan asked, as they stepped out of the hug and began walking downstairs.
Caroline hesitated, once again feeling embarrassed. "Uh…me, actually."
"A bit overly extravagant, even for Klaus." Stefan muttered under his breath.
"He wanted to show me the 'glory' of New Orleans, apparently." Caroline said, pulling a face so Stefan wouldn't think she was actually taking it seriously.
"But actually," She added "I think it's just to make up for the whole Marcel thing."
"What Marcel thing?" Stefan asked curiously.
Caroline cursed inwardly. Damn it. She didn't mean to let that one slip. She didn't want Stefan, or anyone else, to have to know all the gory details of her arrival to New Orleans. Unfortunately for her, he had heard, and he wasn't backing down.
"What Marcel thing?" Stefan asked again.
"Caroline. What Marcel thing?" They had reached the door outside, and Stefan moved swiftly so that he was standing in front of it, blocking Caroline's path. She heaved an impatient sigh, and looked up at him witheringly.
"Fine. Look. What I'm about to tell you cannot be told to Elena, or Matt, or my mum, or Bonnie. Ok? Especially not Bonnie. She somehow blames everything on herself, which is totally not good for her, especially since all the Gram/mum stuff."
"I won't tell Bonnie." Stefan agreed.
"Or anyone else. I don't want anyone getting…upset or whatever."
"Or anyone else. What Marcel thing?" Stefan repeated impatiently.
"Ok," Caroline paused for a second, wondering what the best way to word it would be. "So… he maybe kind of kidnapped and like, jailed me. It was like three days, no big deal, and then Klaus saved me and bought me here. I've had much worse." Caroline blurted, in one breath.
"He what?" Stefan said, his eyes narrowing. It was a mannerism alarmingly similar to Klaus, and it never meant anything good.
"Whatever. I'm over it." Caroline said hurriedly, trying to diffuse the bad mood radiating off Stefan "Marcel organised this whole party thing, to try make up for it."
"Did Marcel hurt you?"
"No. No. Well, like I got a tiny bit desiccated, because I didn't eat, but other than that-"
"Desiccated?" Stefan snapped. "And why exactly did this happen, Caroline?"
Caroline sighed. She hadn't planned on telling anyone anything, but in all honestly it was killing her keeping all this bottled up inside. She looked at Stefan. Caroline thought of him as her closest friend now, after this past year. And he said he wouldn't judge her. She had already told him this much. She would never find anyone better to tell.
So she told Stefan the entire story, from being taken at Whitmore to being imprisoned in the Garden and then antagonised and attacked by Tyler. Caroline was almost crying by then, but she swallowed her tears down. She didn't want to cry for Tyler anymore.
Now that she had started, she couldn't stop. Stefan was the perfect listener, silent and impassive. It was nice, but she also didn't have any idea on what he was thinking. Nervously, Caroline told him about Klaus too, about how he had killed Tyler to save her, about how she had collapsed in his arms and cried, about their never ending tug-and-pull relationship this past week. She was constantly torn between hating him or…she didn't want to discuss the alternative with Stefan.
She finished her story with what had just happened with Klaus on the roof. Even then, Stefan's stayed pokerfaced. Caroline sighed.
"And now I'm in a seriously difficult place. Klaus isn't someone you can just keep stringing along."
"Are you planning on stringing him along?" Stefan asked, raising an eyebrow. Caroline was confused. What did he mean? She hadn't decided yet if she was leaving with Stefan when he went back to Mystic Falls, but obviously now that he was here this whole weird Klaus thing would have to finally end. She wasn't sure if she was happy or sad about that, and didn't want to think about it too much.
"I'm not meaning to." Caroline said. "I got all caught up on the roof with everything happening, but now seeing and talking to you, and thinking about Elena, and Bonnie, and everyone in Mystic Falls…its making me put things into perspective. Ugh. I'm so sick of not knowing what to do, or what I'm feeling!"
"Don't worry about them." Stefan suggested.
"About who?"
"About everyone." Stefan rubbed his brow. "Caroline, do you realise everything that you just went through? Your past week would be enough to put anyone else through a lifetime of therapy. Do something for yourself for once."
Caroline snorted, hardly bothering to listen. "Look who's speaking. You never do."
"Well, I used to do what I wanted alot. I've gotten it out of my system. And I do still now, anyway." Stefan finally unblocked the doorway, slung an arm around her shoulder.
"When?" Caroline challenged.
"Many times not worth listing." Stefan rolled his eyes. "This isn't about me, Caroline. What do you want? It seems to me like you…liked Klaus after he saved you."
Caroline narrowed his eyes. So he did have an opinion. "Well, yeah. I mean, after everything I felt, I don't know, safe. But that's beyond ridiculous, because Klaus is the most dangerous thing in the world. Right?"
"There seems to be fresh danger around each corner for you." Stefan said, his voice almost teasing. Caroline felt frustrated. Was he not taking this seriously? I mean, he was suggesting that she be with Klaus!
"And do I want to attract more of that in my life?" Caroline pointed out.
Stefan shrugged. "You deserve to be happy. There's not much good you cansay for Klaus, but he does basically worships the ground you walk on, Care."
"But is that only because it's ground he has yet to conquer?" Caroline asked, a bitter tone to her voice. Stefan raised an eyebrow again. Caroline was surprised at herself too. She hadn't expected herself to say that. But then, it was the same train of thoughts she had as when she had been hysterical. Even though Klaus had assured her then, and made her feel better…she guessed the issue was deeper set then that.
They walked outside in silence, both simultaneously pushing through the crowds and heading straight for the bar. Stefan patted his pockets for his wallet to buy a drink, but the bartender had one placed in front of him before he could.
"On the house for Caroline," He grinned. "And any of her friends."
"Of course it is." Caroline rolled her eyes. "Just give me a bottle, then."
Caroline finished her drink in seconds, and Stefan wasn't far behind. They watched the dancing, laughing crowds. There were a couple of people straddling others shoulders, playing chicken. They saw small plastic cars whizzing around the floor, making dancers trip and curse and laugh. A potbellied bald man, his stomach painted in rainbow stripes, walked around surrounded by a gaggle of skinny girls in metallic bikinis.
"Some party." Stefan remarked.
"Look. You're not what Tyler said to you, Caroline." Stefan said, turning to face her straight on. "That's what's been haunting you, hasn't it? And that's what's influencing all your decisions and making them so difficult to work out. You just need to let it go and-"
"But my decision!" Caroline burst out. "Whether or not to be with Klaus…doesn't that just prove everything Tyler said? Trying to make a decision whether or not to go out with the guy that killed my ex-boyfriend just days ago? If that doesn't make someone easy, what does?"
"I don't think there's been anyone in your situation before, Caroline." Stefan said. "Listen to me. You are not Elena Gilbert. You're Caroline Forbes, and you have the world's most dangerous person wrapped around your little finger. You have a vampire-hating mother who loves you more than anything. You have the lowest death count ever for any vampire ever. You've somehow clawed yourself out of about thirty kidnappings and tortures, basically unscathed. You have one of the best personalities I have had the honour of knowing in all my hundred years. And you have me, too, Care," Stefan smiled. "I'd throw myself off a cliff for you if you needed me to."
"You don't let yourself know that because you've always told yourself that things like that aren't meant for you. And because total dicks like Tyler say it when they get angry. If you let yourself be happy, Care, I'm sure you could eventually see all of that, clear as anything."
"You are not just ground to be conquered, and even though I hate him, I know Klaus feels the same way I do. A girl like you cannot be understood in one year, or ten years. You're complex and interesting and insecure and neurotic and loving and compassionate-"
"So what should I do?" Caroline interrupted. "I mean, thank you, but that doesn't answer my problems. What am I meant to do now?"
Stefan smiled. "Whatever makes you happy, Care."
Klaus was beyond irritated. He had his arms wrapped a young girls waist, his mouth at her neck. Damn Stefan. He was finally, finally, beginning to win over Caroline, to make her admit her true feelings for him…and the stupid sulky little animal drinker had come along and interrupted. He drank furiously, feeling her grow weaker and weaker.
"Klaus?" Marcel's low voice, now so tentative and careful. Klaus swung around, the girl flopping to the side, supported only by Klaus' hold on her tacky metallic shirt. She had been moments away from being completely drained. Klaus grabbed the back of her head, stared into her eyes.
"Go re-join the party. Have a drink, you need to get your blood sugar up. Don't tell anyone anything." He compelled. The girl walked off, staggering slightly as she clutched her head.
Marcel watched it all with disconcerting beady eyes. "What happened, mate?" He asked.
"We're not mates, Marcel." Klaus reminded him icily. "You'd be best to remember I'm still mere moments away from ripping your heart out."
"Why don't you?" Marcel asked.
Klaus gritted his teeth, willing himself to stay calm. "Because I have greater things coming to me if I practice restraint."
"And where exactly is this greater thing now?" Marcel asked, his voice taunting. Klaus took a step forward, the space between them closing.
"Careful." He warned.
"Klaus." Elijah's voice sounded from behind them.
"What, brother?" Klaus turned to him.
"Get yourself together. Caroline's on her way."
"Caroline! Are you enjoying the party?" Elijah's suit was looking slightly more dishevelled than usual, his hair slightly ruffled. There was even a smudge of UV paint on his cheek.
"You are." Caroline laughed, gesturing to the paint. Elijah looked abashed.
"It's not my usual scene, but it's hard to deny that Klaus throws good parties." Elijah admitted. "And it's for you."
"Yeah. Pretty intense, honestly."
"Are you not having fun?"
"It's…complicated." Caroline said. "The parties great."
"But my brother?" Elijah asked.
"He's not actually the problem, for once." Caroline said. "Well, he is. But it's not his fault. It's mine. And his. And Stefan's, kind of."
"Yeah, he's here too." Caroline said, not bothering to elaborate. "I haven't seen you in a while, Elijah."
Elijah looked abashed. "Yes, I've been slightly busy lately. I trust my brother took good care of you?"
"I don't need anyone taking care of me." Caroline reminded him briskly.
"Of course. I mean only for being novel to New Orleans, Caroline. I know that you're competent at looking after yourself otherwise."
"Well, good." She paused. "What's your opinion of Klaus, Elijah?"
"He's my brother."
"I know that already." Caroline rolled her eyes. "What's your opinion?"
"Well…many have given up on him. But I haven't."
"And why not?"
"Because I think I still see traces of my human brother in him. Even today, after everything." Elijah looked thoughtful. "I can see it when he's with you."
"Are you just saying that?"
"No. Klaus has never bothered saving anyone, Caroline. He has never cared enough. Yet, he almost tore up this town saving you."
"But…Klaus always gets what he wants, right? And I've always said no. And Klaus loves to win. So, sometimes I wonder if this is just a giant cat-mouse sort of thing, and that it will be over as soon as – if- I let it begin."
"Yes, Klaus loves to win," Elijah admitted. "He doesn't fight fairly though. If all he wanted was just what you think, he would have won it long ago."
Caroline ran a hand through her hair. "Have you met my birds, Elijah?"
"I haven't had the pleasure yet, no." Elijah answered, his face bemused at the sudden subject change.
Caroline smiled. "I think I'm going to take a chance on your brother, Elijah." As soon as she said the words, she felt lighter, like a giant weight had been lifted off her. There was still some weight there obviously; Elena, everyone at Mystic Falls, all the niggling worries about Klaus that refused to subside. But the heaviness of making the decision was finally gone. She had made it. She reached forward and hugged Elijah, taking him by surprise.
"I hope I get to enjoy this party, too. I'll let you know tomorrow." She told him, pulling away. "I have to find Klaus." She began walking away.
Elijah cocked his head, trying to listen through the music.
"Mere moments away from ripping your heart out." He heard his brothers menacing voice somewhere off in the distance. Elijah sighed. Predictable. His brother was good at always messing things up, especially relationships. It was Elijah's duty as his broth to try stop him from messing this thing up with Caroline too, especially before it even began.
"Uh, hi." Caroline found Klaus eventually, near one of the side streets, far away from the party. The music was a dull thudding from there, with an occasional scream of laughter carrying to where they stood. There were no party lights here either, but the moon was bright enough so that Caroline could see Klaus' face. He was perfectly composed, his face watchful, waiting, slightly wary…wanting.
"Hello, love." He answered.
Caroline dithered. "So, Stefan and I hung out."
"And now the roof was a mistake?" Klaus guessed, his voice dark. He was playing her, Elijah had already told him what she wanted, but she didn't know that. It was petty, but Klaus wanted to hear her say it. To admit the truth, finally.
"Um…" Caroline tipped her head back, studied the sky. The moon wasn't the only source of light. There were millions of stars visible, even through all the light pollution of the party. Probably somehow Klaus' doing, Caroline thought laughingly. Trying to make the best party ever.
"No, actually." She said finally. "I don't think it was."
"Then what was it?" Klaus took a step forward, took her chin between his fingers.
"Still not 100% sure." Caroline admitted. "But I think…I think I'm finally starting to find out." She grabbed him roughly and pulled him, letting all her worries and insecurities go as she kissed him.
Caroline laughed as Klaus spun her around. They were right in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by hundreds of people, all seeming to have as good as a time as Caroline was having. She loved this party, she loved this night, she loved this city! The music changed to something even faster, a song so loud it seemed to vibrate through the very soles of her shoes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Caroline bounced in time to it, unable to wipe the smile off her face. She felt happy. She felt happy, here, with Klaus.
He hadn't taken his eyes off her since she had kissed him, nor he had wiped his stupid little annoying smirk off his face. His hands were anchors at her waist, the only thing stopping her from floating up in the air. She felt so…light after finally making the decision to be with him. And she couldn't be bothered thinking about any repercussions of the decision, especially not right now when she was dancing and having so much fun.
She caught Stefan's eye. He was still sitting at the bar, pointedly sitting away from a pretty redhead who looked interested in him. He offered a small smile. She loved Stefan, love that he wasn't judging her, that he was encouraging her to be happy.
Her eyes landed back on Klaus. His smile spread.
"Are you enjoying yourself, love?" He asked, pulling her closer so he could whisper in her ear.
Yes. She was happy. She hadn't felt happy like this since the early days with Tyler, back before he was a hybrid and hell bent on revenge.
I hope this lasts forever.
It was a foolish thought.
AN: Hey everyone, so sorry for the lack of updates! Right now, I'm going through exams and work and all sorts of stuff that make it almost impossible for me to update. So my friend (who is the hugest TVD fan) is going to be taking over for the time being. I'll probably come back and re-edit some of these chapters but right now she's in control. I've told her my stories vision, but she also has a couple of her own story ideas. Enjoy!