I couldn't wait to do this one. Wait. I lied. I've never played a game with Altaïr. Never been him in a game.

So, if I get someone wrong as far as how the game is played, I'm sorry.

Altaïr quickly spotted his target thanks to is golden hue while eagle vision was activated. The man was large, and had two swords that hung from his belt visible, almost challenging someone to provoke him.

Lucky for him, Altaïr was going to do just that.

He walked up to the man and tapped him in the shoulder. He grunted and turned around. As soon as he did, Altaïr slammed his fist into his face as hard as he could. A sickening crack rang through the air, as theman immediately grabbed his nose, which was bent at an irregular angle. Blood trickled slowly from it.

The man whirled around, a fury in his eyes. He swung his huge first towards Altaïr, who ducked to avoid the punch - the man hit a nearby fruit stand instead, splintering a pole that held a brightly colored tarp up to give some shade to both the vendor and his wares.

Altaïr jabbed at the mans stomach with his left hand, and as he bent down to block, jerked his head forward. It smashed into his targets skull, sending him backwards. He let out a yelp of pain, grabbing his head where Altaïrs had struck moments before.

The man was mad. He drew both of his swords, which glinted in the afternoon sunlight. He slashed at Altaïr wildly, trying to cut down the assassin. Altaïr out up his right forearm to block the attack, and with a twist of both wrists, both swords went sliding across the floor.

The man opened his mouth in horror. He knew he had been beaten at his own game, and Altaïr knew this to. Thr man threw a desperate punch at the white hooded figure, which Altaïr grabbed midway through the attack. He put the thick arm over his shoulder, and by shifting his weight a few times, flung the man into the fruit stand, his head landing against a wall with a loud thud.

Altaïr dashed up a set of boxes until he was staring down at the crumpled figure of the man, and lept off towards the ground. He heard the shink of metal as his hidden blades slid out into the air.

He landed on the man, his hidden blade driving deep into the mans chest. Altaïr bent down and used his fingers to close the mans eyes. He then dashed away, back into the shadows where he belonged.

I hope that there was hand t hand combat in the original Assassins Creed game. If not, then this will get lots of bad comments...

Oh well. To late now.

Please, please, PLEASE leave reviews. I love to read them!