
I watched in despair as they slowly changed into uncaring monsters that crushed everything in their paths. Horrified of what they have become, of what he has become. As days passed we all grew more and more distant, not bothering to talk to anyone, never playing as a team anymore, missing practice, forgetting the strong bond we used to have...

They have come to make me hate the sport I used to love so dearly, but I started to flinch at whenever it was mentioned. It was actually funny, that I was going through such a hard time but what pained me the most was that he was at fault. This person that I used to love and cherish so much has disappeared, and was replaced by someone I could not even recognize.

The crimson orbs that used to stare into my soul with so much love and compassion were replaced by ruby and amber ones that stared down at everyone with cold authority. Gone were the days we used to spend in each other's arms, whispering sweet nothings in each other's ear. Gone were the days where he would hold my hand gently and would kiss me gently. Akashi Seijuro has left and was replaced by someone that did not seem to know anything about love.

He wasn't there anymore. But I stayed by his side, I couldn't find it in my heart to leave him. He was too precious, the times we spent together were too valuable, and there was that miniscule ray of hope in my hear wishing that he would at least look at me with caring eyes once more. I loved him too much he was my life.

I saw it with my own eyes, the way he crushed my best friend, Ogiwara Shigehiro, and the look in Ogiwara-kun's eyes were horrified. How could someone do this? How could they do this? He was the only one who comforted me when I realized that they were changing and would possibly never return to normal, the only one that was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, the only one who kept me sane when everything was taking a turn for the worst. They crushed his soul, his spirit, his love for basket ball, exactly like what they have done to me.

Why would Akashi-kun allow this to happen? Even after I begged him to give it his all, to do their best no matter what the point difference, and enjoy the game, after everything I said to him he still... I realized that I needed to end this, this wasn't the loving and beautiful relationship that we started together it became a game that he already had won but still refuses to end just for the sake of taunting his opponent, I knew it was hard but if I wanted to save the both of us I needed to face the heart break, the sorrow, the pain, I needed to face Akashi.

The next day I walked into the locker room, as expected he was there looking at the progress reports. Seeing him look so normal almost made me back out, but I had to do it. I slowly approached him careful not to make any noise, I felt the bile rise up my throat and the ache in my heart the closer I got to him, but I had to do this. I stopped. I was a good few inches away from him at a respectable distance, my back was straight and I had my reasons ready in my mind, I was ready for this. I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out, I tried doing it again, nothing. He finally looked at me and broke the silence.

"What is it Tetsuya?" I flinched his voice was cold and distant, as always, was I actually expecting something to change from him?

"Akashi-kun, this is about our match between Ogiwara-kun and his team, about what you did to him..." I lowered my head forcing myself not to cry, it was all ending in a few minutes.

"Ah... Ogiwara Shigehiro wasn't it? Yes he was quite interesting, reminded me of Daiki...before, but it was quite a disappointing match they were weak and nothing is going to change tha-"


I couldn't control myself. How could he? He touched his cheek stroking it with his finger trying to process what has happened, and I took the opportunity to speak.

"I-I'm very sorry Akashi-kun but you have no right to talk about Ogiwara-kun and his team like that." this was very bad my voice was starting to crack , I was going to cry.

"He is a very good person and he stayed with me all this time, unlike...unlike-" I felt hot tears stream down my face as I tried to gather up my thoughts.

"Unlike who?" he hissed at me, he was still holding his cheek and has finally realized what i have done.

"You." It was barely a whisper, but he heard me, I knew he did because his expression changed it softened.

"This has to stop, I feel like I'm just becoming a burden for you to carry, it's like you don't even..." love me anymore. " I apologize again for my rude behaviour and I do hope your' shoulders will lighten now that I will resign, Goodbye." Forever. I turned around but stopped halfway remembering something else that I had to say. "By the way Akashi-kun..."

I gave him a small sad smile "I truly did love you."

I headed to the door and paused feeling more tears flow down my eyes "I just hoped you would have loved me too." I ran out. Maybe if he called out to me, if he said my name, or even just try to reach out... I wouldn't hesitate to turn back around, back into his arms, and we would pretend nothing happened. But he didn't. and that stung the most.