Hello everyone; here's a new thread for random BB stuff. Hope you like it!


Brennan's eyes narrowed as she watched the flush creep up Booth's cheeks. It was subtle, but she noticed and wondered about it. She had firsthand knowledge that he wasn't a prude. A heated flush threatened to rise up her own chest and neck at the memory of the way he'd pinned her hands above their heads on the shower wall and leaned into her from behind, taking her in hot, fast strokes that made them both dizzy with pleasure. Or the way he bit, nipped, licked and sucked her body so confidently and possessively that she'd nearly blacked out.

But one silly innuendo in public, and he tensed, blushed, stammered, changed the subject.

He'd always claimed to be private, but she'd learned the truth in the few months they'd been together. He was shy.

He had self-confidence in his skill, with a gun, and in and out of the bedroom, she knew that. But he was shy about his heart, and love…true love. Where in the past, she'd associated that purity with vanilla sex or lack of inhibition, now she knew the purity came from an inner white heat, a purity of heart and passion until all pretense burnt away to leave nothing but…himself.

She recognized the flush on his cheeks, that slight pause when he had to give something of himself, because it was the same brain check that happened every time she needed to take an emotional step forward. And what she learned was that she wanted it. She wanted his shyness, his seriousness about sex and love because it meant she had him…the real, true, inner him. The one he kept locked up from just about everyone else. Locked behind muscles and belt buckles and grins and shoulders. His true self for her eyes only, for only her hands, her mouth, her body. For only her ears to hear the soft gasp every time he sank into her, the low rumble that signaled he was about to lose control, the harsh curse when he came inside her with nothing between them but bare skin and shared heat.

The satisfied droop to his eyelids, blinking over the openly shy wonder in his brown gaze. The truly happy curve of his mouth and the warm clasp of his palms against her skin as he pulled her close.

Every single detail moved her, each uniquely him, but altogether a stunning masterpiece of a man. A man who adored her but was shy about his own self-worth. Shy about public displays of affection or official protocol. But where she liked being public with their relationship, she understood his need to centralize it, to keep it close and intimate. He trusted her with his real self, and if he was dazzled by the truth of her, she was grounded and rooted in the truth of him. Her flawed, good, beautiful, stubborn, shy man.


PS…this has nothing to do with this story, but remember the time Brennan kissed Booth on the cheek outside of the hospital room? That was awesome.