*****IMPORTANT***** I will also jump the same number of days in present time so the timeline is consistent. The last couple of days Merlin has been teaching Hayden magic and their relationship has gotten closer. Her friendship with Will has also gotten closer as well.

Warning! May contain sexual references to get Merlin riled up.

Today is going to be a good day. She was rescued by Arthur and in a Druid camp where they will take care of her. It brings a smile to her face. Since today is going to be so good, she is going to wear one of her favorite outfits. Dark-washed jeans, a TARDIS shirt, red Converse, and a Mickey Mouse necklace. She straightens her chocolate brown hair and takes the hair framing her face, and puts it into a braid down the back. Breakfast was boring and the drive was too.

The school looked menacing but she ignores it because today is going to be a good day. Will is walking in from the other entrance because he takes the bus. He smiles lightly and waves a little 'hi.' She returns the smile and wave and continues walking to her locker. When she reaches her locker, a thump is heard. She moves the door away from Merlin's face. Then she playfully smacks it in his face.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"When it's you, why not?"

He pulls on a pouty face.

"Yeah. That will get you everywhere in life." She jokes.

He immediately moves back to his trademark smile. His silliness becomes infectious. She lets out a little laugh.

"Aw! What an adorable little laugh! It sounds like a donkey." A voice behind her says.

She turns and sees Aubrey with a skanky outfit on. The bright pink shirt hugs every single curve of her body. The sleeves are not at her shoulders but midway down her arm. Then a dark-wash skinny jeans finish off the rest of her curves. Her high heels raise her up so high that she is just over her in height. Her pack of dogs follow her example except for Hanna. She is the only nice girl that is a cheerleader. And she is the only one who is modest in respect.

"You know Merlin, you shouldn't be hanging around her. Do you know why?" Merlin's eyes show a rage that is barely under control. "Because she couldn't keep the party in her pants."

Now she's done it. Merlin starts walking towards Aubrey but Hayden steps in front of him.

"Merlin. Calm yourself. This would only get worse. Breathe in. Breathe out. We don't want Max to return to an angry you now would we?" she murmurs.

Merlin nods his head and calms down enough to walk away. She stays right on his heels. He leads her to a deserted part of the school, a hallway that leads outside.

He slides down one wall and sits with his hands between his knees.

"Merlin. You need to come out of this shock." She snaps her fingers in front of his face. No response. "Come on! You are going to start acting like the Princess!" Now she claps her hands in front of his face. Still no response. Nothing will pull him out of his reverie. All accept, the most stupid idea of all. It might be so stupid, that it actually might work.

She crouches down to his height on the floor. She pulls his head from its current position and puts her hands on the sides of his neck. She moves in and kisses him. At first it was only coming from her then he moves his hand over her hair. He begins pushing into the kiss. They last like this until the bell for 5 minutes rings. He pulls away and smiles. He smiles so big that it touches his eyes. She stands and helps him up from the ground. He takes her hand and they stay like that until they reach the classroom.

Merlin moves his seat from the front to the back where she sits. Thank goodness Mr. Schauman decides to do partner work today. Truth to be told, it was boring. But, it was all worth it to be sitting next to the all-powerful warlock.

The period ends in no time at all. The bell rings and everyone shuffles around to get to their next class. Merlin takes her hand again and he walks her to the art rooms. The occasional looks at them were mostly of surprise and jealousy.

"I will meet you in history."


She turns away from him and dream-walks to the cabinet. Will seems to be setting up the easels so she is grabs the canvases. She sets them down in their owner's workstations and begins to paint. Today seems to be all about detailing the turrets. About half way through class, Will asks her something.

"So. You and Merlin now?"

"I don't know what it is."

"You love him."

"Maybe. I don't think he's ready for love right now."

"Hmm. Why do you say that?"

"Well, he thinks about her all the time. And I think something bad happened to her. I don't think he's ready to start another relationship."

"Personally, I think you two should be together. I mean, whenever you aren't looking, he looks at you with adoration. Then for some reason, sadness. But he does seem to love you no matter what you think."

"Really?" she asks hopefully.

"Yeah." And they go silent.

The rest of the period was peaceful minus the loud noise of every other person in the room. At the 10 minute mark, they clean up. Will takes the canvas and her paints along with his own. She disassembles the pieces and hangs the heavy equipment in its desired spot. The bell rings as she picks up her backpack. The rest of the day was quiet and peaceful. Will didn't show to lunch today. He texted saying he has stuff to do in the library.

Eighth period Spanish was easy but hard today. Today is all about grammar, again. About 20 minutes into the period, she had a feeling to go to the bathroom. So, she asks Mrs. Gonzalez if she can use the restroom.

"Go, but hurry back."

Hayden grabs the pass on the whiteboard and exits the room. She walks down the hallway to the bathroom door. She opens it and sees blood. That's all she saw on the floor. She walks around the corner and sees Audrey lying on the floor with her dead eyes open. The source of the blood is coming the slash on her throat and a stab wound that goes through her body. The only weapon able to make that mark is a sword. But the said weapon is not here. She moves to get a closer look and hits a trip wire. A knife spins from its hiding place and spins toward her. She ducks but it stops in midair. In the doorway stands Merlin. He moves his hand and a bag appears under the knife. It falls in and floats to Merlin. He takes it and slides it into one of his pockets. Then, he crouches down and examines Audrey like a coroner* would.

"Please don't tell you did this job." She states.

He turns and smiles at her.

"You did! Ugh, why am I friends with you?"

"Because you can't resist me."

"You just shut your cakehole."

He shakes his head and turns back to Aubrey. A minute later, he stands up and looks at her.

"Probable cause of death, the internal bleeding in the skull. It seems to have been there for some time."

"What about the throat and stomach?"

"Well, the person who beat her probably wanted to make sure that she was dead. But what doesn't make sense is the wound in her abdomen is a sword wound. No one has them anymore. True, I have some from Camelot because I wanted a piece of home. Otherwise, people don't have swords these days. I'll figure it out with the knife."

His eyes glow gold briefly.

"What's the magic for?"

"To erase my finger prints and any DNA sample. So I won't become a suspect. Go. Find a teacher. While you're at it, pull some waterworks. Because normal teenagers don't see death that often or not at all. And a death like this would bring them to tears. I will be the next hallway over okay?"

"Sure. Go. I'll go find a teacher."

He teleports himself out of the bathroom. She pinches herself to bring out tears. None came. Damn her healing skin. The only other thing that can make her cry is Daniel.

Memories in Arthurian times

They lived in a small border village called, Caerleon. She was 6 and he was 8 when they first met. The bandits were attacking them, again. The past summer she had learned how to fight with a sword from her papa.

"What are you doing out here? You should be inside with all the other women and children!" He yells at her.

"Why aren't you with them either? I can fight 'cause my papa taught me. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't fight!" She yells right back.

"Go inside!"

Then a bandit came up behind him and she threw her sword at the bandit. It hit him straight in the chest. He fell backwards, dead.

"Wow. Thanks for saving my life. What's your name?"

"Kathrine. You?"

"Daniel. I will let you stay out here only if you stay close to me."

She nodded profoundly and they ran into the heat of battle, together.

/10 years later /

"Bye papa." She says as she hugs her dad before her and Daniel leave.

"Bye my girl. Jason, you will take care of her right?"

"With my life sir."

"Good. Have a safe journey."

They wave goodbye from the tree line. When they were far enough away, she shoves him.

"With my life sir!" she mocks.

"Oh shut up."

"Me? I think when it comes to me, shutting up is out of the question."

"Ungh. You are impossible."

"I know. And that's why you love me."

"Very true." He sneaks a kiss to her cheek. Crimson floods her cheeks.

"Why Camelot?" She asks.

"I already told you!"

"Well tell me again."

He sighs. "Because there is some business I have to attend to there."

"What kind of business?"

"You will find out when we get there." He pokes her nose. She erupts a little giggle.

Suddenly, bandits come from all around them. They take out their swords and begin to fight. At one point they were fighting back to back. But their efforts weren't enough. On Daniel's vulnerable side, a bandit strikes him unconscious. With Dan out of play, the bandits begin to surround her. Before they could strike, a force pulls them back and into trees. A women stands on top of a ridge above them.

"What do you want with me?" She asks.

"I thought you might have needed some help with the bandits."

"Why help me?"

"Because I don't want these, things," she gestures to the unconscious men, "to mess up love. Come. I will give you both shelter."

"What is your name?" she asks.


Back to present

"Please you need to help me!"

"What do you need?" She grabs the assistant principal's hand and pulls her to the bathroom. When we were inside, Mrs. Tang radioed the principal.

"Call 911." She tells her.

She takes out her phone and types the numbers in.

"Hello. This is 911. What is your emergency?"

"Please you have to help me! There has been a death in the school bathroom!"

"Calm down. Everything is going to be alright. Is someone there with you?"

"Yes. Mrs. Tang is here with me."

"Good. They will probably put the school in a lockdown. You can ignore the requirements. What is your name?"

"Hayden Raeman."

"Thank you for calling right away Hayden. I will tell the other officers that you are authorized to not be in lockdown."

"Thank you. May I hang up?"

"It would be unwise to do so. But I will respect your decision either way."

"I would like to hang up."

"Okay. When the officers get there, they may not believe that you are Hayden. So just tell them that you talked to Officer Pereira. They will believe you then."

"Thank you for all your help." And she hangs up the phone.

She leaves the bathroom and sits down against the concrete wall.

BEEP! "Please excuse the interruption. Will all rooms go into lock-down? This is not a drill. All rooms please go into a lockdown."

She can only wonder the rumors and theories circulating the school right now.

In the distance, sirens start screaming towards us. The screaming stops and the sound of distant doors echo through the school. The first officer turns into her hallway looks at her weirdly.

"Excuse me miss. You need to be in a classroom."

She starts to respond when another voice answers for her.

"She found the body." Mrs. Tang tells him. His eyes widen.

He takes out his radio. "Northeast bathroom." And he turns to her. "The paramedics will want to look you over. Then we want to get your statement at the station okay?"

She nods.

"Okay, follow me then."

He helps her up from the floor and escorts her to the other officers. The officers nod to each other and someone else takes her to the paramedics. When she reaches the front doors, paramedics swarm her. They take her to one of the ambulances standing by.

"She found it." Were all the words the paramedics need. They grab a shock blanket from their stock and check all of her vitals. Once the paramedics stop swarming her, her phone vibrates. The caller ID reads 'Mom.'


"Oh thank goodness! Honey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Well, besides the sure nightmares to come. But I'm doing okay."

"Okay good. Do you need anything?"

"No. Well, meet me at the police station. They want me to give a statement and I will be riding in one of their cars. So my car will be here and I need a ride to get it back."

"Sounds good to me. I will see you at the station."

"Bye." And the line disconnects.

The doors open again to reveal the gurney with the haunting black body bag. It is rolled into the other ambulance and they drive away.

The officer who found her strides out of the building. He walks right to the ambulance.

"Miss. I will escort you."


He leads her to the white and black car.

"I never asked what your name was." He recollects.

"Hayden. What's yours?"

"Officer Gözte. Do you know my cousin?"

"Who is your cousin?"

"Will Müller."

"Yes I do know him." Now she sees the slight similarities between the two. Both have a strong jawline and a walk that radiates confidence. They reach the car and he opens the door for her. The drive was short and silent. When they arrive at the station, it was quiet. The front desk is clean as can be. He takes her to the back and sits her down at a steel table. He grabs a recorder. The questions are really a blur. Her mind is on autopilot and in another place. Who wanted to kill Aubrey? She was mean but that doesn't mean she needed to die. Well, it has to be a student or staff because no one can get through the security measures without activating the alarm. It can't be suicide because there is no weapon on her. It seems too flashy. The murderer must've wanted to make a statement of some sort. And who has a sword anymore? Well Merlin might, but he's not a cold-blooded killer.

Officer Gözte stands up and that must mean she is free to go.

"Thank you Officer."

He nods and she finds herself at the front desk again. Her mother is waiting on one of the side benches. She smiles slightly and walks out the door. She opens the passenger side door and climbs in. Her mom comes out a minute later. She gets in the car and puts the keys in the ignition. She drives back to the school and they see the last bus leave and the student parking lot empty except for her car. Her mom stops next to her car and lets her out. She opens her car and starts it. She drives home and goes to her room once she is inside. She throws her bag so it lands near her desk. She then proceeds to fall on her bed.

With her face buried in the pillows, she moans. How can a day so perfect end up so terrible? She was just going to be truly happy today. Then there was a shift in the air. She smiles against her pillows. She turns on her side to see Merlin sitting in her desk chair with his feet on the desk. His eyes play between utter happiness and confused.

"So, how is the studying going along?" she asks.

"Very confusing. How are you doing?"

"Okay I guess. It makes no sense. Why would someone want to kill her?"

"Don't ask me! I'm not an expert on what someone else thinks!"

She gave him the eyebrow.

"Gaius would be proud."

She breaks into a wide smile and laughs lightly.

"Speaking of Camelot, where are we on the timeline?" he asks eagerly.

"You just left me with the Druids. You went to go find Max. Oh and past you says thank you about not telling me about your druid girlfriend."

He laughs with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, the Druid camp is the eye before the storm so can I see him tonight?"

She ponders it with fake inquisitive eyes.

"I suppose."

He jumps out of the chair and runs to her. He immediately grabs her face and kisses her. He pulls away, then comes back. He only holds her hair as they kiss. She sneaks her arms around his neck and clasps her hands together. They stay like this for a while longer. She pulls away from him.

"So should I now call you my boyfriend or no?"

He smiles once more. "I like the sound of that."

Feet start thumping up the stairs. She listens and they sound like her mothers. So, she jumps off her bed and pushes him lightly into the closet. She closes the door in his face as her bedroom door opens.

"Hi. Do you want anything to eat?"

"No Mom. I'm good."

Her mom starts to leave the room, but turns back.

"Hayden, I just remembered but you can't have your friend over tonight for studying. We are going out to eat tonight."

"Okay. I will text him. Actually mom, I'm kinda exhausted from everything today. I might just go to bed now."

"Will you be up in time for dinner?"

"I don't know. I've been having some late nights this week from stress and I need to sleep it off. I might wake up but, you guys will be gone by then. Have a good time."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Now I want to get my pajamas on, privately."

"Okay well, goodnight."


She closes the door and releases a breath she didn't know she was holding. The closet door opens to see Merlin smirking.

"What's so funny?"

"What? Oh, nothing."

"Fine. Well, let me get changed."

She grabs the pajamas sitting on the floor where she accidentally left them this morning. She goes to the bathroom and changes. Her hair means nothing right now so, she pulls it into a messy bun on top of her head. She exits to find Merlin in his clothes from Camelot.

"Why are you wearing that?"

"Because this is what I wore this in Camelot. Why wouldn't I wear this?"

"Just because there will be two of you who look exactly the same with the same clothes on."

"True. Ah well. I'm not changing."

"Whatever." She jumps onto the bed and pats the place next to her. He hesitantly lays down next to her.



"So my mother doesn't freak out, can you cast an invisable enchantment over yourself. I don't want her to get the wrong idea."

"Yeah that's smart."

His eyes glow gold once more. Nothing seems to have happened.

"Merlin, I don't think it worked."

"It did, just only you are able to see me."

"Oh, okay. Now, you have to relax. Everything needs to be still otherwise this won't work."

They close their eyes and relax. Soon enough, they slip into unconsciousness.

AN; Hi peoples! It is really hard writing 2 long chapters but sorry! I stopped writing to study for finals and to bring my English grade up. Ah well, it's summer so I can write! And, come on! I don't want to beg more. I only really have 2 loyal reviewers who give me insights on how you all are thinking! If you want something from your country mentioned, tell me! Btw I do not have PM messaging so only reviews...

*Coroner- the person who determines the "official" cause of death

Okay, countries in this chapter in order of appearance. 1. Hungary-Hanna -Mrs. Tang 3. Portugal-Officer Pereira

4. Germany-Officer Gözte


Aan (Guest); Kathrine and/or Gwen will save some of the knights' behinds very soon. Just in the past chapter, Kathrine was injured from being tortured so she helped as much as possible.

larasmith: You first couple of questions have been answered. ;) Yes she is meeting his expectations and exceeding them. He just doesn't want to admit it. I am not planning on killing anyone off (yet). The last question is kinda difficult to answer. It's a yes, no question. The only thing I will say is that information has been spilt. But, it was in the past. It will be revealed in due time.