Too Hot

A knock at the front door jolted Ross out of what his family called his 'video-gaming trance'. They'd named it appropriately, because it was like a trance, and he often found himself completely unaware of his surroundings while he played. He sighed and hoped that someone else would go get it, not wanting to pause the game now. He was in the zone, nearly having gotten to the end of the level he had been stuck on for days. As the knock came again, he remembered that no one else was home, and he would be forced to get the hell up and answer the door. He sighed, saved the game and made his way to the door, pulling it open.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


The brown-haired, doe-eyed beauty rolled her eyes, then imitated his expression of confusion. "Ross?"

His eyes trailed over her body once, looking at what she was wearing and picturing what was under it. He couldn't help it anymore. He was a man, gor Christ sake. And he doubted he could stop being as attracted to her. It would take a stronger man than him.

She bit her bottom lip, chewing on it absently.

Ross took a deep breath

Yeah, a really strong man.

She was dressed simply, jeans and a pink, low-cut blouse. He marveled at the fact that she could get his heart beating a little faster by this simple ensemble. He also appreciated the fact that his being vertically gifted allowed him to see down her top.

Ross smiled a little, stepping back to let her in. He shut the door behind him, then leaned against the door, arms folded. Laura turned to face him.

"Why are you here?"

Laura sighed. "Gee, Ross, you sure do know how to make a girl feel welcome."

Ross didn't answer, still looking at her. It wasn't like he didn't appreciate her being here, but her visits were rare, and almost never as spontaneous as this. Also, a smaller voice in the back of his mind reminded him that it wasn't the best idea to be alone with Laura. He honestly didn't trust himself, and he knew he'd probably end up scaring her away. Or completely ruining their friendship.

He held her gaze for a while, until she looked away, making her way into the living room.

As she turned, his eyes traveled to her ass. He couldn't even bring himself to feel guilty about his anymore, the way he practically undressed her with his eyes every time he was with her.

"I was really bored at home." Laura explained, sitting, cross legged on the large white couch. "Vanessa's out with her friends, Raini's at a family thing..." she shrugged, laying down. "So I came here. Where is everyone?"

Ross sat on the couch beside her. "Out. I would've gone, too, but I wanted to finish this game," he nodded to the television, where the game he had been playing remained frozen.

"Oh," she said, looking up at him now, because she was lying down and he was sitting. "But I'm more important than your game. Right?"

His lips twitched, smiling. "Of course."

Ross picked up the remote and flicked through the channels, looking for something they could watch. He settled on an interesting-looking movie, where some car had just gotten blown up, setting the remote down.

Laura made a noise of disgust. "Ugh. We are not watching this."

Ross looked down at her. "I think you're forgetting whose house this is."

She narrowed her eyes at him, holding her hand out to him. "Remote." she demanded. He looked down at her hand, then back at her.


Laura sat up, a pout on her face that was probably meant to show anger, but made her look... well, an infuriating mixture of both cute and sexy. Like a displeased kitten mixed with ... well, Laura.

Laura. His frustratingly sexy, adorable co-star. He saw her eyes dart in the direction of the remote, and he stuffed it behind him, out of her reach.

"Ross," she groaned, folding her arms. The sound did things to him. He couldn't really help imagining his name leaving her lips in other, less-clothes situations... That and she fact that her folding her arms made her breasts, well... apparent.

As he finally dragged his eyes back to her face, there was a little smirk on her lips. "You done?"

Ross cleared his throat. "Done what?"

"Mentally undressing me?"

He rolled his eyes, willing himself not to blush. "You're delusional. Just sit and watch the movie."

She sighed. "I could watch T.V. at home. I came here because I wanted to be with an actual person."

Ross sighed, switching the T.V. off. "Okay. Okay. What do you want to do?"

Even as he said the words, a million possibilities raced through his mind, none of which were ever going to happen. She had never shown any interest in him, apart from the harmless flirting that happened every so often. Laura sat cross-legged.

"Let's play a game."

Eight card games, four rounds of four-in-a-row, three staring contests and six arm wrestling competitions later, Laura found herself lying with her legs in Ross' lap, still insisting that he had cheated on the last arm-wrestling competition.

"Laura, face it. I'm stronger than you."

Laura scoffed. "Yeah, no shit, but I know you cheated on that last one."

"Don't be such a sore loser,"

She stuck her tongue out at him, and he couldn't help but wonder how it's feel against his. Also, against other parts of his body...

"Wanna play another game?" he blurted out before he could stop himself.

She looked at him. "Why, so you can cheat again? Because I'm pretty sure I could've wo-"

Ross pressed a finger against her lips. "Shh," He watched her, eyebrows raised, until she nodded. "Wanna hear about the game"? Laura nodded again.

He moved his finger away from her lips, noting that her cheeks seemed more flushed than before. He shook the thought out of his head. Her legs shifted a little in his lap, brushing against his crotch, and he found himself having to grit his teeth to keep from moaning aloud. It was like the atmosphere had suddenly shifted from light to so heavy, so thick, they both could feel it.

"So what are the rules..." she asked, catching his eye. "for this game?"

"We kiss." she heard a breathing catch a little, and then become heavier. She didn't object or run away screaming or anything. She held his gaze. "without stopping, and without touching. Whoever touched the other first loses."

The corner of her mouth pulled upwards into a smirk. "What do I get when I win?"



Ross wished he could have the same confidence. He had a feeling me would cave within the first two seconds or so. He couldn't kiss her and not touch her. Even the thought was an impossibility to him. As if wanting to tease him further, she stretched a little, her shirt rising over her stomach, exposing a few inches of her creamy flesh.

"The winner gets to do whatever he... or she wants to the loser," his voice was hoarse, as he dragged his gaze from the skin she had revealed to her face.

And then something seemed to just snap.

Laura was sitting up, her hands on her knees and pressed her lips against his, clenching her fists in an effort to keep them by her sides.

Ross' lips parted, gently nibbling her bottom lip. She gasped, and his tongue slid against hers. He fisted the cushion beneath him, trying not to give in, to touch her...

He knew what a minx Laura could be when she wanted to. He couldn't take whatever sexual torture she had in mind for him.

But, as his tongue swirled wet against hers, her breathing becoming heavier, as well as his, she caved, her hands tangling into his hair, trailing over his body, pulling him closer to her.

"Ross..." she found herself moaning.

He smirked. "I win."

Well. So. Yeah.

I should be updating one of my other fics, but Raura took over.

Thanks for reading, and I'll try to update soon.