what is up everyone?

firstly June 28th (I think) marked the 100 year anniversary of the start of World War One. Let's have a moment of silence, please. 'Lest we forget'

So to the guests that reviewed I'll answer your questions in this authors note but I politely ask that you make accounts for yourselves. It's free and you DON'T have to write stories, plus it allows authors like me to respond in a PM instead of in a note. Or you could always name yourselves when you review so I don't have to say 'Guest 1'. For example instead of 'guest' you could be known as 'Call of duty sucks' or something (no offence to COD players.)

Guest 1: thank you for the complement on the names. I thought that's what humanity/UNSC would have named their ships, for a time. Oh and this chapter will be 2,500 words at the least, (hopefully).

Guest 2: I believe you misunderstood, yes the MA5K is in the books but that's it. It was never in any of the games, sadly.

For the rest of you firstly because I know someone will ask. no the UNSC will not have force sensitives so there. I will elaborate on this further in time.

Also expect threats, gun pointing and xenophobic remarks when the UNSC meets Star Wars 'peacefully' because let's face it the UNSC are incredibly xenophobic. Why, well for starters the first contact with alien life they had escalated into a 27 year long war that saw them almost exterminated, not to mention the Storm attacks. The average citizen will probably "shoot first, burn the body second and then ask questions later" ;)

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what's in front of him"

"but because he loves what's behind him"

G.K. Chesterton

Imperial Center (formerly known as Coruscant)

June 29, 2557 UNSC Military Calendar

(Former) Jedi Padawan Silva Aventios

"You got lucky, you know." The Mandalorian said.

"How was I lucky! How, Tevos is dead!" I yelled.

"Yes he's dead but it's been two weeks. Get over it and I meant yesterday!" She replied back. Referencing the close call I had at a stall vendor last night.

"Oh. Well I can't. Not yet. I need time, I need to meditate." I replied.

"You can meditate on the ship, come on."

We left the little flat we had been in for the past month. It had been good to us. Three beds, a small refresher and a kitchen. Far from what I had in the temple but desperate times call for desperate measures. I guess.

"Where are we going?" I asked my Mandarlorian companion as we started to walk.

"You are going to the ship." She said.

"Where?" I asked. "And what about you?"

"The ship is in hanger bay 45 on D level. It's the yacht."

"The YACHT!" I said.

"Yes the yacht."

"When did you buy a yacht and how, with what?"

"All those credits You stole for us three weeks back." She replied flatly.

We walked for a bit, heading up to the top levels of the city. As we got to a small junction we stopped.

"Well this is where we part ways for now. Remember hanger 45 on D level. See you on Naboo youngling."

As I began walking into the hanger I saw three Coruscant police officers aswell as five Stormtroopers belonging to the senate guard manning very a crowded checkpoint.

She didn't I thought, thinking I had been ratted out.

"State your business here." The lead guard trooper said.

I held up my I.D card for him to see.

"Silva Aventios. Daughter of King Luois and Queen Terra Aventios of Cordelia. Aged 14." He said. Reading the card.

I mentally checked off the data that was true to that which was false. The whole royalty thing was false. Most likely so it wouldn't be suspicious for me to be on the yacht.

"Squad Attention!" he yelled, and to my amazement the five troopers saluted. Not knowing what else to do I nodded. Two senate troopers came to my left and right a little ways ahead of me. Clearing a path through the crowd. The other three senate troopers went behind me. I now had my own personal guard. That was new.

When we came to the ship There were three other guards waiting for us. the guard I assumed was the leader approached me while the others, now totalling at seven formed a screen of sorts.

"M'lady Captain Eduardo at your service." He said, bowing a little.

I bowed back. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance Captain. Now I must ask. Are you Expecting trouble?"

"Possibly M'lady though though it's always better to be safe than sorry in my opinion." He said.

"Yes, indeed." I said. Trying to sound as regal as possible. "Shall we depart?" I asked.

"Certainly. -0985, -1457 show the fine girl to her quarters."

Two troopers removed themselves from the screen and came toward us.

"Troopers-1457 and -0985 reporting as ordered sir!" One of them yelled.

"Follow us ma'am." The other one said, stepping inside the ship. I followed him in.

The ship wasn't to big but it was big atleast by my standards. We entered into a meeting area of sorts. The various rooms adjacent to it were the left hallway to the guards aswell as my own quarters and the kitchen. The hallway to the right was the way to the engine room and escape pods while the hallway to my front was the way to the pilots quarters and the cockpit. The two troopers paid none of these any mind however and headed towards my quarters.

When we got to them and the door opened I was taken aback with what I saw. There was a very ornate bed for me to sleep in aswell as a desk and my own personal refresher. There was a package on my bed aswell as a note.

I wanted to see what the package contained in privacy so I dismissed the troopers with one of them staying by my door outside, on guard.

I stared at the note and opened it.

Silva, I hope this finds you well.

Yes I bought the yacht and yes there are guards but they do not serve the Emperor. They serve you. If you are found out by imperial troops they will side with you and they will die for you if need be.

They know about you to a extent but it's best to keep up appearances.

Finally I hope you like the gift. I know you lost it when Tevos died.

May the force be with you and I'll see you on Naboo.


I smiled a bit. Knowing that this was on purpose and that I could trust my guards to some extent. I then started to open the package.

Inside I found a small holdout blaster aswell as my lightsaber and a Jedi cloak. I cradled my lightsaber with a childlike love then clipped it to my belt, carefully to make sure it was hidden.

I then sat on the bed and deciding that meditating could wait I went to sleep.

Toronto, Canada, United Rebublic of North America

The figure approached the house carefully, quietly. His marine Corps dress uniform nice and neat. He knocked on the door and when it was opened spoke.

"Mr. Carter, sir. I'm lieutenant Graves. I'm sorry to say your niece was killed in action during the fighting at Harvest, I'm deeply sorry for your loss, sir." The lieutenant placed a letter in the mans hands, then saluted and left to deliver the other letters in his pocket.

It is with great sadness that I write to you today. Your niece was under my command at Harvest and on the morning of June 25 she was killed by enemy fire while covering her comrades.

She displayed traits many Marines strive for but never achieve and she will be deeply missed by not only the UNSC Marine core but also her squad mates.

A military funeral will be held on July first. My condolences for your loss.

Sergeant James Holland

UNSC Spectre class Frigate For The Fallen, en route to enemy territory

June 29 2557, UNSC Military Calendar

SPARTAN Emily-G045

"Settled in yet?" Michael asked, poking his head through the door to 'my' room

"Yes, why?" I asked, turning my head to look at Sophie who seemed just as curious as me.

"Me and Kev are heading to the mess hall." He said.

"Alright, I'm coming." I said.

"Count me in. It's better than staying here all day." Julianne said, sitting up from her bed.

The mess was rather crowded but we got our food and found an empty table easy enough.

I had just started to eat my food (Lasagna, my favourite) when we were approached by a dog. I stared at the canine with a puzzled look on my face.

Julianne gave the dog a pat on the head before looking at his collar.

"His names Walt...apart of the international Red Cross?" She said before noticing the Red Cross on the dogs coat.

"Walt, Walt, venir Walt!" A voice yelled from across the mess hall.

I saw a young women come over to us. She was wearing a cream coloured shirt and green cargo pants. The brown satchel she had showed the Red Cross symbol. Long brown hair covered her eyes.

"I'm so sorry for this. Walt is very jumpy you see." The women said. She had a thick French accent and coupled with the fact that she said 'come' (venir) in French I assumed that French was her 'first language'.

"It's fine ma'am, no problem at all." Kevin said.

"I'm Anna, by the way. Again so sorry."

"As I said before it's fine Anna." Kevin said.

"How did you get him on the ship in the first place?" Michael asked.

"The medical corps is starting to use dogs to find wounded civilians." Anna explained.

"Okay sure but why is Walt on this ship? We won't find UNSC civilians." Michael said.

"The enemy's population is largely human from what the generals can tell so my job and Walt's is to help injured civilians caught in the fighting." Anna replied.

"Make us look benevolent." I mused.

"Yes. Although I think we're pretty benevolent already, don't you think?" Anna asked.

"Well that kind of asks the question 'why are you here'." I said.

"I'm here to help people." Anna sighed. "During the war the Covenant attacked my hometown in Belgium. During the fighting a gas line ruptured and poison gas went everywhere and in the confusion I was trapped with my father in a building. There was only one gas mask...my father gave it to me then told me to close my eyes and cover my ears...when Marines came I was lying in a pool of blood, my fathers blood. He had shot himself in the head...I just want to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone else, no matter where they're from."

I was about to ask another question when a voice to my left spoke.

"My condolences for your loss, miss." The voice said. I turned toward the voice to see a women of Asian heritage walking toward us. It took me a minute to realize that she wasn't a marine or ranger but a SPARTAN IV.

Probably apart of the other SPARTAN team I thought.

"SPARTAN Kei Nagase, electronics expert apart of Fireteam Cerberus." The SPARTAN said, introducing herself. "Oh and I hold the rank of Petty Officer second class, if you were wondering." She continued, looking toward my brothers and sisters.

Kevin looked as if he was about to say 'hi' when someone shouted "OFFICER ON DECK!"

My brothers and sisters aswell as myself snapped to attention as did everyone else in the mess, of course they were slower.

"Unit commanders and SPARTAN personal are to meet in the war room in ten." A voice said. I looked over and saw the typical uniform of an army captain. "At ease."

As we all filed out of the mess I couldn't help but want to work side by side with the other 'SPARTANS'. I use that term very loosely and the reason was so we could put them in their place. I looked over to my right and saw Anna holding Walt while talking to Julianne. I'd ask what the conversation was about later because we had made it to the briefing room.

The figure stared at the rows of cryo tubes and monitors with a boredom that they had never felt before. The figure did a quick diagnostic on the ship before resuming its vigil.

I have defied gods and demons

The figure didn't care about the ship or the data inside of it because it was meaningless now. The rings didn't fire and humanity was spared. No the thing she cared about right now was the green armoured giant in the cryo tube directly in front of her.

I am your sword, I an your shield

The figure did a diagnostic on the armour, making sure it was operating at peak efficiency. Though what was inside the armour meant more to the figure, to her than anything else in the galaxy. For this man had been a symbol of hope, of courage, of valour for 27 years to humanity. Even though he wasn't the only one of his kind he had something the others didn't, he wasn't the fastest, he wasn't the strongest, he wasn't the best shot nor the most sociable. No this man had something better, simply put he had...


The figure did another check on the distress signal before resuming their watch over humanity's greatest warrior.

"Mayday, mayday this is the UNSC Frigate Forward unto Dawn requesting rescue. Survivors aboard..."

"Sierra 117"

That's it guys and girls.

When this is continued it will be another story. Well the title will change and it'll be like starting anew. If you have no idea what I'm talking about search up 'Tarkins Fist' by Ashla Ti on Fanfiction for a good idea of the format. And you know for a good read aswell. :)

I don't actually own Anna and Walt. They're main characters in the game 'Valiant Hearts: The Great War' All I did was tweak their stories abit. If you like puzzle games or really emotional games get it, please.

Any way please give feedback. It helps!

until September...