AN: just a one shot that I wrote not too long ago. i didn't watch last night's ep of The Originals, but I hear there was emo Klaus with a piano. So here it is. This fic was inspired by the acoustic version (piano version) of Stabbing Westward's "What Do I Have To Do?" google it and listen to it. happy reading.

Klaus walked into the empty house. His siblings were out, Rebekah out with Marcel, Elijah being ever so noble with Hayley. He looked around the empty room. His footsteps echoed as he walked inside. He sat down at the piano and his fingers lightly grazed the keys. Their sound filled the emptiness for a moment. He glanced over to the wall, where one of his sketches were hung up. He looked at and realized it was one that she looked at.

"Wait, did you do these?" she asked

Klaus looked down at the keys. His fingers began to play a familiar tune. His thoughts wandered and finally went to her. He had not thought of her since arriving in this city. He had tried to occupy himself, distract him from thinking about her. She was a weakness, she made him feel, she made him what he despised. And here she was clouding his thoughts again. Her incessant laughter, her stubbornness, her inability to understand the situation of going head to head with a 1000 year old hybrid wasn't something anyone should do lightly. The way she challenged him, the way she refused to back down, the way she spoke back to him, the way she made him laugh and for the first time felt at ease with himself. Why was she haunting him now?

She had rejected him countless of times. Spurned his advances, threw his gifts back at him, she kept him at arm's distance and would pull away when he pushed towards her. She was beyond infuriating. He was used to getting what he wanted. And she wanted nothing to do with him.

A baby vampire had reduced him down to this. A teenager no doubt. A teenager blissfully happy at Whitmore College parading around as a human. She was a predator and until she realized that she wouldn't understand her nature. But she insisted on feeding from blood bags. She wanted to see the good in people, even him.

And no matter what it seems, he couldn't get her to love him back. And that was the part that hurt the most. Whatever hope he had of winning her over was gone. Once he discovered Hayley was pregnant. Who would have thought the ridiculous nature of it. Him a father? But here it was staring him in the face, rather staring at Elijah's face.

His fingers pounded on the keys harder. The music filled the empty house. It was the only thing inside the house. He wondered what would happen if he just up and left. If he left the city and went to find her. If he showed up on her door would she slam it in her face? Would she know of the truth? Did Tyler tell her before coming to seek his revenge? Was she already lost to him?

What do I have to do? To make you want me.
What do I have to do? To make you understand.
What do I have to do? To make you love me.

Was everything lost to him? Why was he crying so much? Why was he being so emotional? Why was impending fatherhood not affecting him as much as he expected? Why was everything like this? He pushed her out of his mind. He pushed everything out of his mind.

He played the last note and the silence filled the room. He pulled the cover over the piano keys and got up. He had a city to run, a city to take charge. He had to reign in his siblings, and control Hayley from running off into the bayou again. He had to regain control before he could do anything else.

If I can't make you love me…Just tell me what do I have to do?
To forget about you…

Why the hell is Klaus crying in every episode? Anyways, hope you were amused.