i came up with this this past weekend and it's Ralph/Eldsa but know this ship is getting popular since Jennifer Lee shipped it from the first time.

i hope you guys like.

"Think fast!" a loud voice yelled as the person it belonged to, a huge man in a red shirt and black overalls with messy spiked brown hair was in the woods of Arendelle with Elsa, Queen of Arendelle.

"Ha you shouldn't mess with a Snow Queen, my dear wrecker!" Elsa said laughing using her powers as snowballs swirled in her hands making Ralph chuckle slamming the huge one with his huge hands.

Ever since he had first visited Arendelle with Vanellope and met the Snow Queen, they had became friends as they had a lot in common plus his desire to protect her was high like with Vanellope.

He loved these times when the arcade was shut and he could sneak off to Arendelle where Elsa was and they would have snow fun since it never snowed in Niceland as Elsa giggled.

"You okay Ralph?" she asked him.

"Y-Yeah." he said shivering.

She remembered not everybody could stand the cold like her knowing it was getting too cold for him as they were going back to the castle she shared with Anna heating laughter as Olaf and Sven were running through the halls.

"Woah guys watch it okay?" Ralph said.

Elsa smiled knowing he was very kind hearted towards others which was swet and knew he needed a break since sometimes when he came, he looked tired and sometimes slept near the fire.

She knew he had to go soon but knew that he had to before people in his world worried.

"I'll come back, you know that?" he said to her.

She nodded but was seeing him go after hugging her.

Ralph managed to make it back to Litwak's before sunrise or that nobody would guess that he had gone off to Arendelle but was going to his apartment to get some rest knowing the arcade was opening soon so hoped Felix and the others didn't notice and were tucking himself in

He just hoped Elsa was okay as she cared about her knowing for a long time, she'd been alone like him and Vanellope but had found somebody like them.

His eyes closed in slumber but was falling into sleep.