"Chris, what's taking so long?" PJ called as he was waiting by the front door of his home.
It was a Friday night, when PJ and Chris were getting ready to leave to visit their friends Dan and Phil. They never really got to see them as they were both extremely busy between planning for Youtube videos, filming Youtube videos and Dan and Phil had their radio show which was a lot of work. But, now they were all free and they were planning on spending a couple of days together. They were going to make the best of it while they could. They were also going to plan on filming a couple of videos together which they were all excited about.
"Give me a second!" Chris called back. PJ rolled his eyes.
"Chris! It's supposed to snow bad tonight, we're going to get stuck in traffic if you don't hurry up," PJ said, just as Chris finally walked out of his and PJ's bedroom.
Chris and PJ had been living with each other for over two years now and they had been together for three. They had finally bought themselves a house after they had saved up enough to buy a decent house that was big enough for the two of them and would allow them to be able to film their Youtube videos separtely, which was a bonus for them.
"Alright, alright. I'm ready to go now," Chris said.
PJ looked up at Chris and chuckled. "What were you doing in there?" He asked curiously.
"Nothing important. I just couldn't find my phone," Chris said.
PJ rolled his eyes playfully. "Whatever. Can we go now?" He asked.
Chris laughed. "Yes. We can go now," he told him. PJ smiled. He reached over and kissed Chris before he grabbed Chris's hand and then he finally led the way out the door. PJ looked up when they stepped out onto the porch. PJ blinked a few times when he felt the cold breeze brush against his face. He definitely should have been more prepared for the cold wheather.
Chris looked at him over at him and raised his eyebrows. "You alright over there?" He asked.
"It's definitely going to snow tonight. It's so cold," PJ whined.
Chris chuckled. "Well, let's hope that we'll make it to Dan and Phil's house," he said. He gently wrapped his arm around PJ and they walked off the porch and walked over to the car.
~Dan & Phil's apartment~
To: Chris
From: Dan
Where are you guys? It's getting late!
It was now currently around 8 o'clock at night. Dan and Phil had been waiting around almost all day for Chris and PJ to come over so they could hang out. Of course, Chris and PJ were staying over for two days but Dan and Phil were still excited about seeing them as it had been awhile.
"Has Chris not texted you back yet?" Phil asked as he walked into the lounge. Dan was sitting on the couch in the lounge. He had just sent another text to Chris, asking where he and PJ were at, as they were late. Dan looked up when Phil walked into the room.
"Do you think they've cancelled on us? Maybe they've forgotten?" Dan asked nervously.
Phil frowned. "Dan, we've been talking about this all week. Besides, I've just talked to PJ yesterday on the phone. They definitely know today's the day," Phil walked over to the window and glanced outside. "It's snowing outside." Phil said.
"Okay, what's that got to do with anything?" Dan asked curiously.
Phil rolled his eyes and looked back at Dan. "The roads are really bad right now because of the snow. Maybe they just got caught in the weather," he suggested.
"I suppose you're right. Maybe I'm just being paranoid," Dan mumbled.
"You do get paranoid easily, I should know..." Phil said jokingly as he then walked over to the couch and then he plopped down next to Dan. Phil looked over at Dan and smiled.
"Yeah, well, I can't help that I'm paranoid," Dan said as he stuck his tongue out at Phil.
Phil chuckled. "Let's just leave our phones on and maybe they'll text us soon," he said.
Dan nodded. "Alright," he said before he let out a yawn.
Phil smiled as he watched Dan. "Come over here," he said.
Dan looked at him. "Why should I do that?" He asked.
Phil rolled his eyes. "We'll have a cuddle before they get here," he said.
"Yeah, whenever they get here," Dan mumbled.
Phil laughed. "Oh come off it, just get over here..." He said. Dan laughed and then he finally scooted closer to Phil. Phil gently wrapped his arm around Dan and pulled him closer. Dan pulled his legs up and rested his head on Phil's chest, snuggling against Phil.
Chris and PJ finally made it to Dan and Phil's apartment. It was almost 9 o'clock now.
"Jesus Christ, it's freezing!" PJ moaned as they made their way to Dan and Phil's apartment.
"Just pray that Dan and Phi's heating is working," Chris said. They walked up to Dan and Phil's apartment door. PJ knocked on it a few times. They stood there for about a minute but no one had answered the door. PJ frowned and looked at Chris. Chris reached over and turned the doorknob. He raised his eyebrows when he saw that the door was unlocked.
"Should we go in?" Chris asked as he looked over at PJ.
PJ smiled and nodded. "Let's give them a little scare," he said.
Chris smirked and then he pushed the door open. They both walked into the apartment. Chris shut the door behind them. Chris reached over and grabbed PJ's hand and led the way up the stairs. PJ followed him. Chris quickly checked the kitchen before they made their way towards the lounge. Chris poked his head in. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Dan and Phil.
"Are they in there?" PJ whispered as he held onto Chris's hand.
Chris looked back at him. "Did you know they were dating?" He asked quietly.
"I always thought they were but I never said anything to them. Why?" PJ asked.
"Well, I don't think friends spoon each other on the couch," Chris whispered.
"Shut up," PJ said with shock. Chris opened the door a little more. He and PJ finally walked into the room. PJ chuckled when he saw Dan and Phil. Phil was lying behind Dan and had his arms wrapped around him. They were both asleep. "Would you look at that?" PJ said.
"Wait, hold on…" Chris pulled out his phone and took a picture of Dan and Phil.
"What are you going to do with that picture exactly?" PJ asked curiously.
"Just in case," Chris said. He shrugged his shoulders. "Now, time for some scaring…"
PJ chuckled. "This should be interesting," he said.
Chris smiled innocently. He quietly walked over to the couch. "Prepare your ears," Chris said as he looked over at PJ. PJ crossed his arms against his chest as he watched Chris. Chris looked back over at Dan and Phil. "OHMYGOD IT'S DAN AND PHIL! PHAN IS REAL!" Chris yelled.
"AH!" Phil shrieked. Phil immediately bolted up, accidentally pushing Dan off the couch.
"Fucking hell," Dan groaned when he hit the floor.
Phil immediately looked up with wide eyes.
PJ went into laughter. "That was amazing!" He exclaimed.
Phil rolled his eyes when he saw Chris. "Really, Chris?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"You really should learn to lock your doors," Chris said.
"Phil!" Dan yelled as he sat up. "You left the door unlocked again?" He asked.
"Oops," Phil said as he looked down at Dan. He smiled innocently.
Dan rolled his eyes and shook his head. "One of these days a fangirl might actually find out apartment and she's going to lock us up and it'll be your fault, just remember that," he said.
"Come on, guys. You know Chris. When he gets a chance to scare someone, he goes for it and he certainly doesn't hold back." PJ said as he walked over to Chris.
"Where the hell have you guys been anyways?" Dan asked as he pushed himself off the floor.
"Are you alright?" Phil asked as he watched Dan stand up.
Dan nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. But knowing me and my body, I'm sure I'll find a bruise somewhere on my body later," he said. He rolled his eyes.
"Sorry about that," Phil mumbled as Dan sat down on the couch.
"We got stuck in traffic. Half of the roads are blocked because of the snow. It's like a fucking blizzard out there," PJ explained. "My cheeks are cold from being out there!"
Chris nodded. "Yeah, my hands might fall of," he said as he looked down at his hands.
"We might be stuck here a few days," PJ joked.
"It's pretty bad out there," Chris said. He sighed.
"Well, at least you're here now. Where " Dan said. He yawned.
"So, would you like to tell us something?" Chris asked curiously.
Dan and Phil looked up at them. "What do you mean?" Phil asked quietly.
"Well... it's like Chris said to me before we walked in here… friends don't exactly spoon each other while they're asleep on a couch," PJ said.
Dan sighed. "Alright, fine. We're dating. Me and Phil are dating," Dan admitted.
Chris raised his eyebrows. "Obviously," he said.
Dan raised his eyebrows and looked over at Phil. "Well then..." He said.
"Hey! You and Peej didn't exactly tell us straight away either," Phil said.
"He's got a point," PJ said as he looked over at Chris.
Chris shrugged his shoulders. "But we only waited a few months to tell you," he said.
Dan stood up from the couch. "Do you guys want anything to drink?" He asked.
"Sure. I'll help," PJ said with a smile.
Dan nodded and then he and PJ walked out of the lounge.
"I'm going to get blankets and stuff," Phil told Chris as he stood up from the couch. Chris nodded. He sat down on the couch while Phil left the lounge.
Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ got settled down after messing around for a bit. After arguing a bit on what movie they were going to watch, they decided they were going ith 'The Hunger Games', even though they had already seen it before. Dan and PJ had gotten snacks and drinks together while Chris helped Phil set up in the living room.
"Ready to start the movie then?" Phil asked as he looked down at the other three.
Chris and PJ were sitting next to each other on the floor with their blankets that Phil had provided for them. Dan was cuddled up on the couch, where he and Phil were sitting.
"Ready," Dan said as he looked up at Phil.
Phil smiled and looked down at Chris and PJ. They both nodded.
"Alright, movie is starting then," Phil said. He grabbed the DVD player remote and hit play. He sat the remote back down on the coffee table. He walked over to the couch and then he sat down next to Dan. Dan looked at him and smiled. He reached over and kissed him. Phil immediately kissed him back, resting his hand on Dan's cheek.
PJ looked over at them and rolled his eyes. "Hey! If me and Chris aren't allowed to make out during the movie then neither can you two!" PJ warned.
Dan laughed at him as he pulled away from Phil.
Phil smirked as he looked over at Dan again.
"Alright, whatever you say, Peej. We'll behave." Dan said, smirking a little.