(Hey guys I'M BAAACK! Btw, sorry for not writing in a while, I need a break from here to do some posting and to take a break for smissmas! Anyways HERE'S YOUR CHAPTER NOW! Oh and by the way, sorry but I need to move an OC to the next chapter because this time I'll be focusing on Jake and A brand new character! So please understand…)

(Jake POV)

I went into a bedroom and laid the girl on the bed. "I can get hunting, but why me?" I mumbled to myself as I walked to the potion room. I saw the arrow in my shoulder as I started to grow pale. "Oh no…running outta time…" I said worriedly as I made one potion of healing. I then rushed as fast as I could to the bedroom and reached the girl. "Better for you to live than me…so one sip should do it…" I opened her mouth a bit and poured a bit of the potion in, hoping she'd heal as she actually drank the sipfull. "Now there's enough for me…thank god!" I said as I rushed to the other bedroom to give that girl some privacy. I then proceeded to chug the rest of the potion because if I didin't, I'd die before I could heal. And in a blink of an eye, I was back to white. "Ah, that's a lot better!" I said excited that I actually lived. "Night already eh, well time to sleep I guess!" I said as I hopped into the single sized bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

(? POV)

I've been walking in this forest for FOREVER! I took my fedora off to wipe some sweat then put it back on. "Uggh I really hope Jake is here…..cause I CAN'T TAKE RUNNING ANYMORE!" If you don't know my name is Miles Pyris, brother of Jake Randy Pyris and he almost never talks about me because I have been shut out, in my room, playing games like minecraft, Team fortress 2, Garry's mod, ect. "Finally safe! Phew…" I said relived that I wasn't being chased. "Now to find Jake if he's here and KILL him for this if it's his fault.

(That's all? How did you like a couple weeks worth of ideas? Also, how do you like the character of Miles Pyris? And to find out that Jake actually has a brother!? Anyways Like, comment, fav, send in OC, And this is to you Cupa haters, if you don't like cupa, DON'T READ MY STORY AND RIDE THE FUCKING GRAVY TRAIN ALREADY! Sorry, I needed that off my chest….anyways I'll see you later Archers…)