Just when I thought our lives couldn't get any more insane and in as much peril as an endangered species, The joke ends up on me the whole time.

The first one of the guys is Kisiakari, yeah, I never got it either, but we call him Kishi. This guy is our brains of the group, he knows almost everything about anything, but he does like to call us wrong when we actually are most of the time, it's very annoying is all I need to say. But he can stand up for any one of his friends no matter how much of his life he wagers. He wears a green hoodie with a blue t-shirt on the inside, glasses with a bit of a gold colour, blue jeans, green sneakers and some sky blue fingerless gloves. He has green eyes, a bit of a tan skin, blonde hair and is the shortest of us by just barely.

Next is Steven, but every time we play minecraft, many call him "Stevend". When it comes to who's the most awkward around a girl they like, out of us, he takes the cake. He also will back up for any of us when we are just feeling down. He wears a black t-shirt, black jeans, black army boots and a monocle since he was richer than any of us. He is the tallest of us by a bit and probably has the rarest eye colour we've ever seen, purple. He also is pale skinned, has black hair and is the most skinny out of us.

Next up is Wisp. This guy is somebody that if you know, you will make a lot of friends! He will lose his temper easy and almost never smiles. He wears a red t-shirt with long sleeves, red cargo pants, silver shoes with blue fire drawings that he made himself, black sunglasses and red fingerless gloves. He has brown hair, fire red eyes, white skin and of course, he's the strongest of us.

Finally there's me, Jake. I am the one who will be happy most of the time, but if somebody pushes me off the edge which rarely happens, then I wish you probably the most luck on handling the emotionless. I wear a white zip-up, blue jeans, grey shoes, a purple t-shirt and a brown digital watch. I am a close second in height and paleness, first going to Steven, and I have dirty blonde hair, with the most gleaming blue eyes (not joking).

(No POV:)

It was another cold fall day, the group was heading to Steven's mansion to play their favourite game: minecraft. "I hope you guys realize why we're going today" Steven says in a quiet tense. "Yeah, yeah , you wanted to play super craft bros so you can paint the arenas with our butts" wisp said annoyed. "N-NO, y-you're wrong!" Jake could tell Steven was telling the truth. "Wisp, remember, I was the one who went on a 30-win streak!" Jake shouted. "Well then why did you invite us?" Wisp looked at Steven and asked. Steven then straightened his monocle and calmed down quickly "well I recently found some new mo" Kishi finally spoken by interrupting Steven's discovery. "Stop right there, remember what happened with the last mod you downloaded!?" Kishi was remembering it like yesterday. "Fne, I'll just shut up about it…" Steven mumbled. As he finished, they arrived at Steven's mansion. "Sweet, I am pumped about that new mod" Jake cheerfully said. They logged on using four computers from Steven's computer room. "LET'S DO THIS" they all shouted. But as they clicked play, they went out like a light.