Chapter 4: Dream or a message?

'Where am I?" Harry wondered. He got up. It looked like some sort of tower. It was dark. Very dark.Getting up, he looked around, and soon, he spotted a door. Maybe that was his way out? Walking over, he opened it, and saw the only way to go, was down. Taking a torch that was nearby, thank Merlin for that, he walked down the steps.

'Is it just me,' Harry thought to himself, 'or is it getting colder?'

It was true, the deeper he went, the colder it got.And it also got darker, the only light coming from his torch.It seemed endless.

'This is going to take-'

Harry stopped his train of thought at the sound of muffled crying


Walking further down, he eventually saw a wooden door. There were boards on it, but Harry saw a keyhole and peeked through it.His eyes widen when he saw what, or rather, who, was on the other side.A young girl with white hair. Her hands tied behind her back, she lay on the ground, panting, gagged, large blue eyes filled with fear. She tugged her arms and winced everytime. Harry could see something trickling down her wrists.

'She's bleeding...'

Harry felt something off about her.Something...

he didn't know, but he wanted to help her.

Taking out his wand, he thought of every spell he could to open the door.And he tried each one.It took him about, ten minutes, give or take a minute or two, to get inside.The girl looked up at him, eyes wide. She curled in on herself, whimpering.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." Harry said softly, walking over. He pulled out his wand, and cut the ropes binding her.Reaching up, the girl removed her gag, and took in a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

"Thank you," she said softly, "but you can't stay here! They'll find out!"



"Oh, how precious," a male voice said.Harry looked around and saw a man walk out of the shadows. The girl next to him whimpered again.

"Oh, Jack, when will you learn?" He sneered.


Her name was...

Harry's eyes widened, "You're Jack Frost!"

Jack nodded, inching closer to him.

"You know each other?" The other man asked.

Harry shook his head, "I know her sisters. And I'll do everything I can to bring Jack back to them."

The man sneered, "Well, I'd like to see you try!"

The shadows seemed to engulf them. Jack's eyes widened as she felt something tug at her waist. She let out a scream, and Harry reached out to grab her. His hand locked onto her snowflake charmed necklace. He reach out his other arm and tried to grip onto Jack's outstretched arm, only to see the girl disappear.

"No..." Harry cried, "No!-"

"NO!" Harry sat up in his bed, panting. He put a hand onto his head, feeling something cool. He lowered it and his eyes widened. In his hand laid a familiar looking snowflake charmed necklace.

Kura: Review!