Disclaimer: Is it even necessary for me to point out that my name hasn't changed and probably never will and therefore I do not own Harry Potter.

In the Previous Chapter: Brief Summary: The letter that the four students, namely Lily, Sirius, James and Remus, were given by Dumbledore has answered some of their questions, however after burning it they forgot about it, other than the message that they had to meet the mysterious K.I.A. in the Entrance Hall, after dinner at seven o'clock sharp, but they don't remember the initials.

Chapter 4 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

The first day back at school started with double potions. The events from the night before had been completely forgotten by James, Sirius, Remus and Lily, so it was only usual that when James tried to partner up with Lily, she slapped him across the face and strode off to work with Severus. James partnered up with Sirius, while Remus went with Peter. Remus didn't enjoy working with Peter at all, but he didn't particularly like the idea of working with any of the Gryffindor girls either. He could have worked with a Slytherin but as soon as he considered it he shook the thought out of his head.

"Hey, Padfoot, any other ideas?" James asked his best friend, hoping that Sirius would provide him with another way of getting close to Lily Evans.

"Other than trying to become friends with her, but right now that seems to be bordering on the impossible so I'd stick to getting on speaking terms with her." Was Sirius's reply. The two then focused on the potion that they were attempting to make, which was an antidote to Veritaserum, used to disable the effects of the truth telling potion, and it was proving to be a challenge for most people in the class. The only people who weren't finding it difficult in the slightest were Lily Evans and Severus Snape, who had a 'perfect' cure to Veritaserum completed by the end of the lesson.

The Marauders were annoyed at having failed and looked at their timetable. "Finally, a lesson without the Slytherins!" was James's first comment when he saw that the next lesson was, indeed, a lesson without the Slytherins. His face fell, however, when he saw which subject it was. History of Magic.

"I wouldn't mind History of Magic if we had a more interesting teacher that let us do re-enactments." Sirius looked at James and Remus who knew what he was referring to, while Peter had a very confused look on his face. He was going to ask Sirius what he was talking about, but as if Sirius had read his mind, he said "It's a story for another time, Peter" it had been in second or third year when Sirius and James decided to liven up their History of Magic lesson by riding in on horses that were made of armour and wearing the suits of armour that lined the castle corridors. Needless to say that Remus had to help them organise it and that the three of them ended up in a month's detention with Professor Binns, who was a ghost.

They walked into class and sat down. It was accidental, but Lily had managed to sit down on the row right in front of the Marauders and had to put up with hearing James or Sirius whispering her name to get her attention and managing to not wright all the notes necessary on the Goblin Rebellions, which would probably come up in their end of year exams as well as their OWLs. When they all walked out of the classroom, she noticed that James was standing, holding the door open for everyone else, most likely waiting for her to come through so that he could follow her. As she walked past him, he started to close the door and try to follow her, like she thought, but she put an end to that by stamping on his foot very hard, probably bruising him. He started to hop up and down, she did it a little bit too hard, but it was highly amusing to watch him hop on the spot and then overbalance and fall.

They went to Herbology, which was before lunch and then to Transfiguration, with Professor McGonagall. Transfiguration was the only subject that Lily Evans wasn't as good at as she was with other subjects. The Marauders, on the other hand, were brilliant at Transfiguration, well; three of them were, anyway. Peter was useless at absolutely every single subject that he took at school, he was completely hopeless. They were Transfigurating guinea pigs, which was all good fun for Remus, Sirius and James. Peter watched them, until McGonagall told him to Tranfigure a guinea pig and he failed dismally.

Lily wasn't doing as badly as she thought she would, considering that Transfiguration was one of her worst subjects, but the thing that annoyed her was that Potter, Black and Lupin were doing a better than her, it didn't surprise her, after all Potter and Black were animagi, but it didn't stop her from being annoyed at the fact that she wasn't anywhere near as good as them.

The class finished and she looked over her timetable, inwardly groaning, this was the lesson she had been dreading ever since the day before, Defence Against the Dark Arts, with Professor Moody.

"Good afternoon." Was Moody's first response upon the pupils entering the class. "Sit down, get your books out and listen. I am going to give you a demonstration and I expect you to watch very carefully and take notes, understood?" some of the class nodded while the others remained silent, watching the Auror. "Now, first things first, favourite curses for Dark witches and wizards would be the Unforgivable Curses. Sirius Black, what are they?" Sirius was used to teachers knowing his name, so he wasn't surprised that Moody knew him, what did surprise him, however, was that he was asked in such an accusing manner, as though Moody had already labelled him as a Dark wizard.

"The Unforgivable curses are the Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse and The Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra." Sirius stated simply, he wasn't a Dark wizard, but his mother had been known to mention or use the Unforgivable Curses from time to time.

"Thought you might know that, I know your cousin, Bellatrix Black is it? Causing a heck of a lot of trouble for the Aurors…" he trailed off, his magical eye focused on the wall, as if he could see through it. The moment passed however, and he turned to the blackboard behind him. He wrote 'The Cruciatus Curse, incantation: Crucio, Effects: severe pain.'

'The Imperius Curse, incantation: Imperio, Effects: complete loss of control over your mind'

'The Killing Curse, incantation: Avada Kedavra, Effects: quick, relatively painless death.'

"Three very nasty curses, as you can see. First, I'll demonstrate the Cruciatus Curse for you. Not on you, of course, but on a plant, a mandrake, to be exact. I will not perform it on any sort of animal because it would be too cruel. Plants don't feel pain the way humans or animal organisms do." He put a plant pot on the table and directed his wand at the mandrake. "Crucio!" he hissed and the mandrake's leaves quivered and then started to shake. Moody lifted the curse immediately. "As you can see, the Cruciatus Curse is strong enough to cause extreme pain even to plants. These curses are called Unforgivable and labelled as illegal for a reason," he murmured and cast a charm that erased any effects of the Cruciatus Curse from the Mandrake. "The Imperious Curse I shall also demonstrate on this Mandrake. Those of you who are good at Herbology will understand that the moment a Mandrake is taken out of the plant pot it starts screaming. I shall attempt to stop it from opening its mouth and using its vocal chords." The whole class watched as he raised the wand and pointed it at the Mandrake again "Imperio!" the Mandrake twitched and Moody took it out of its pot. The Mandrake's mouth remained shut, though it seemed as though it was struggling against invisible bonds to open its mouth. Moody removed the spell and quickly put the Mandrake back in the pot. "I have shown you these curses because no-one gets harmed, really; however I refuse to show you the Killing Curse. For that I can only explain. The Killing Curse is a jet of bright green sparks that kill you instantly. There is no spell that can block these spells, the only way to be able to dodge them would be to have good mental control or dodge behind something that will take the hit for you. One thing you must remember with the Cruciatus Curse is that it isn't physical pain; it puts your pain censors into overdrive, so to say. Your brain interprets it as real pain, it is not real pain, and it can be resisted if you have a strong enough mind. It's the same with the Imperius Curse. You can block the effects by perfecting the art of Occlumency and learning to resist mental attacks. The Killing Curse, however, you either have to invent a new spell that will deflect it or dodge, otherwise you die, it's simple." The bell rang for the end of school and the students left the classroom.

The Gryffindors all went up to their common room. Lily Evans sat on a couch in front of a table and spread out a series of books over it. They had got homework from Professor Binns and Professor McGonagall. She wanted to get the homework done so that it didn't pile up; she hated leaving homework 'til the last minute. She didn't notice however, that James Potter had managed to sneak up behind her and sit on the back of the couch. "If you wanted help with your Transfiguration homework, I'd be more than happy to help." She leapt up from her sitting position with a cry of surprise before turning round and pointing her wand directly at James Potter. He started laughing and then said between bouts of laughter, "I could, if you wanted me to, really!" it took a while for her to calm down before reluctantly agreeing. As he looked over it and then explained it to her, she looked at his face. What she had said about him on the train about him always looking like an idiot was a lie. She had to admit that when he was focusing on something and the annoying smirk was gone he didn't look half bad. She hit her head on a book and then shook herself, she couldn't think like that. James noticed her suddenly closed expression and then tried to reassure her. "We don't have to not like each other, you know. We could be friends, or at least talk," she looked at him and then nodded.

"You're right. Fine, talking terms." Was all she said.

Later that evening, after the two home works had been finished, the whole school headed down to the Great Hall for dinner. The food was, as usual, delicious and never in short supply. The platters were never emptied no matter how much people ate. With the dinner finished, everyone headed up to their common rooms. It was only a quarter to seven, giving everyone plenty of time to relax, look over time tables or do homework. Lily pored over her timetable, thinking about the next day. She had Muggle Studies, Arithmancy, and Care for Magical Creatures. All of those lessons were double periods, and she only had one of the double periods with Severus, and had to put up with Potter for all three of them. They had both managed to choose the same subjects, which was unlucky for Lily and a stroke of luck for James.

As the night wore on, she noticed that the four Marauders had disappeared. She knew that Remus had gone to transform and the other three had gone to keep him company as animals, but she was still weary of the idea of them being out there on their own. She went up to her room and looked out of the window and immediately regretted it. Coming out from underneath the Whomping Willow was a stag and a large, jet black dog. A werewolf, Remus, emerged and a small shape that was barely visible which she assumed was Peter shot out from between the flailing branches. The stag turned its head upwards towards the windows of the girls' dormitories. Whether he saw Lily or not she didn't know. She left the window and changed into her nightclothes before lying down and falling swiftly asleep. The night passed and as the sun rose, the three boys, Peter, James and Sirius, walked into the Common Room as Remus sat down onto one of the couches. Peter had already disappeared up to the Dormitories but the other two stayed with Remus.

"You're not going to be in any of our lessons today will you…?" Sirius tried to hide the disappointment in his voice but Remus just smiled, happy to have his friends' company.

"I'll be back tomorrow or the day after, I'll be fine, I always am…" he trailed off and his eyelids started to feel heavy. At that moment James and Sirius heard footsteps coming from outside the Gryffindor Common Room portrait hole.

"Password?" came the usual question from the Fat Lady. A mumbled reply was heard and the portrait swung in. Sirius and James ran up the stairs as fast as they could and heard Madam Pomfrey talking swiftly to Remus "Come on, now, dear, let's take you to the hospital wing. You must be very tired and look at all these scratches…" she tutted and the two boys heard the sound of her footsteps getting fainter.

"That was closer than usual… She almost caught us…" James panted; Sirius nodded and lay down on his bed. A thought crossed his mind.

"Prongs, do you think he'll be alright by Thursday?"

"Yeah…" he was confused for a moment and then he remembered about the Thursday meeting as well. "Yeah, course he will, by seven o'clock at night he should be alright. But have you seen our timetable for Thursday? I hope he's better by Wednesday otherwise I think I will die…" James trailed off and looked outside the window at the sun that was starting to rise. Great, another day with a double dose of Snivellus he thought before remembering that he had two double lessons with Lily and Sirius, which cheered him up considerably before he, too fell on his bed and fell asleep like Sirius before both of them were woken up by someone banging very hard on the Dormitory door. "Waddaya want?" his words were jumbled because Sirius threw his pillow at him and it hit him in the face. He removed the pillow and looked at the time. "Oh, s***, look at the time!"

"That's what the banging is about. Lily is trying to wake us all up." At the sound of her name Lily stopped hitting the door with her fists and shouted through the door.

"If you three morons don't shift yourselves you'll miss breakfast and get detention! And don't think about it Potter. Come out here without your shirt on and I'll slap you hard enough to leave a mark for the rest of the week!" her shouting stopped and she walked away from the door shaking her head as she listened to the boys arguing over whose robes belonged to who. She made her way down to breakfast and was quickly followed by James, Sirius and Peter. James was struggling to do his tie up; Sirius had his tie around his neck and was fumbling with buttons on his shirt while Peter was stumbling over his overlong robes that were clearly Remus's. As the boys sorted themselves out, the Great Hall started to clear. Lily finished the piece of toast she was holding and got up, about to leave the Great Hall, before James stopped her.

"Can I please sit next to you in Muggle Studies, please, I will really be needing help, I don't know anything about Muggles…" he trailed off and did his best puppy dog eyes before Sirius poked him and said that he wasn't allowed to do the puppy eyes thingy.

"Fine, but only because you helped me with my Transfiguration homework." And she walked away. Sirius applauded James and then got up to go to Muggle Studies, followed by James. Peter looked around him, lost, before remembering that he had Divination and made his way as quickly as he could while stumbling over his robes towards the North Tower.

Muggle Studies was interesting, but James was too happy about the fact that Lily was sitting a few inches away from him to notice anything else. Arithmancy was much the same, but Care for Magical Creatures put James's spirits down to an all-time low due to Snape's presence. The next day, Wednesday, passed in much the same manner, apart from the fact that the lessons were different. Thursday came in a blur of activity, hard work and lots of homework. For the first time in a year, the Marauders had managed to keep on top of it all, even Peter. But dinner came and seven o'clock loomed nearer. Lily was in the Common room at five to seven, while James was out flying around on his broom with Sirius Peter and Remus watching along with a crowd of girls.

"James, stop showing off and look at the time!" Sirius shouted up and James flew down and apologised, before running off with Sirius and Remus towards the Entrance Hall where Lily was already waiting. Peter came in after them, huffing.

"Why- why are we- here-?" Peter was looking rather confused and flustered while James looked down, apologetically, at him.

"Sorry, Peter, you'll have to go up to the Common Room…" he felt bad as Peter slumped off murmuring about the unfairness of it all.

"Life is a bit unfair, don't you think" a female voice came from behind them, and the girl, whose name is said later, stood behind them, smiling brightly at them. "Hello there Lily, have the naughty boys been annoying you again?" she asked teasing her. Lily was about to speak when the girl spoke. "You most certainly won't remember me, I can tell you now, but I might as well introduce myself, even if you'll forget me…" she trailed off, a depressed expression formed on her face before she shook herself and continued. "My name is, don't laugh, it really isn't funny, Kyrene- I said don't laugh! – Isadora- Shut up- Ashford, more painless than I'd expected but- WILL YOU PLEASE STOP LAUGHING!" she shouted and glared at James and Sirius who had clearly found her name highly amusing. "It's not my fault that my idiotic, aristocratic Muggle parents thought that the long, stupid name I said before would seem suitable for a child." James and Sirius stopped laughing immediately.

"Muggles called you that?!" was James's response while Sirius looked at her incredulously.

"Yes, I'm a Muggle-born, and I know that you wouldn't expect Muggles to come up with names like that, but my parents are aristocrats, filthy rich, live a mansion, and they have about five, have about ten holiday villas, an awful lot of cars that I've never bothered trying to count and let's say about a hundred horses… they are billionaires. Sorry, did I forget to mention that?" she said, noticing the completely stupefied expressions on their faces. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again. "Now, the Room of Requirement…" she trailed off and flicked through a book. "Ah yes, seventh floor, opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy being clubbed by a bunch of trolls… That's it, yes…" she trailed off, before putting the book back in her bag that had suddenly appeared. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go, seventh floor- I just told you where it is, right, you three-" she pointed at James, Sirius and Remus "-find the quickest route, I know you know a quick way around…"

Sirius took the lead, with James and Remus close behind. The girl was falling back and started talking to Lily, but stopped when Sirius addressed her. "Kyrene… that's a slightly weird name…"

"It's the name of the main city on Crete, the Greek island; don't ask why they named me after a city…"

"Well, what do you prefer to be called then?"

"If you have to call me anything, call me Kira, but don't wear it out, I actually like that name…" she trailed off again and realised that they had reached the place she wanted to be. "I knew you knew a good shortcut…" she started to pace up and down the corridor with her eyes closed, until she heard a gasp from the others. She opened her eyes and smiled at the door that had formed in front of her. She walked in and held the door open for them to enter. Lily went first and the boys followed. "Welcome to the Room of Requirement, do you remember now?"

Lily rounded on Kyrene, who preferred to be known as Kira, and spoke to her with barely concealed rage "What is this nonsense you make us read, you really expect me to believe that I would ever want to marry that big headed, arrogant, toe-rag!"

"Sorry, Lils, if you want to change the future so badly then all of this was for nothing, because if you don't get married, Harry wouldn't have existed, which means Voldemort- I usually get some sort of reaction when I say it, I'm glad you don't flinch- will never disappear and probably never die." Lily blinked and then sat down on one of the pouffes before noticing the table and, consequently, the book on the table. "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire… Last time it was the Potter boy dealing with Sirius who had been sent to Azkaban for a crime he hadn't committed… This is really bizarre…"

"Yes, I know it is, it's meant to be!" she said brightly and walked over to the table and picked up the book.

Sorry, this chapter was longer than I meant it to be… next chapter they'll be reading the first two chapters of the book, I hope you like it… this is my first fanfiction, so it's probably not very good, so please review or comment…