Heather: Finally after all your waiting...I'M FINISHING THIS!! It's winter break and I've got so much time on my hands. I'm sorry to have kept everyone waiting so long. Here's the end to "Am I?"

Gene carried Melfina to the bathroom. He sat her on the toilet and searched for a towel some soap and the bandages. Melfina didn't say a word, afraid that if she opened her mouth that she'd start crying. Gene still hadn't said that he loved her back... In fact... He hadn't said anything since he'd seen the blood. When he turned to face her again he gently removed her shirt. Melfina blushed but she knew that he'd only done it to check for other bleeding. His hands slid over her, gently searching for any hidden scars or wounds. They didn't find any. He took the wet towel and gently went to cleaning her wrists as gently as possible. Melfina felt like crying even more when he took the freshly opened wound on her right wrist and kissed it.

Gene looked up at her, "Does it hurt?" His voice was low and concerned. He looked as if he would break down at the drop of a pin. "No...Gene, are you ok?" Melfina was worried. Her voice was shaky. "He won't be when I'm through with him." A voice from the doorway made them both turn. Harry stood there with his lips curled into a sneer and anger in his eyes. "No one touches my Melfina but me!" He lunged at Gene and attacked his throat. After taking a few breaths he lifted Gene up by his neck. His robotic arm easily took Gene's weight.

"No! Harry! Let him down! I'll come with you. Just leave Gene out of this!" Melfina's cries fell on deaf ears. Harry was determined to punish Gene for touching her.

Gene laughed forcefully. "If you love Melfina so much, why does she have blood on her. Blood that you caused her to shed. Look at the look in her eyes. You put that fear there. You could never love Melfina truly. Love doesn't force." Harry turned and looked at Melfina. Indeed her eyes held fear. Her right wrist bled freely, covering the tiles. Her lips quivered and she stared helplessly at Harry's arm. She was too worried to be modest about being in only her bra. Gene continued to talk but no sound came out. Harry's grip was making it impossible to speak.

"Harry! Put him down! You're going to kill him..." Melfina suddenly stopped and her eyes hardened as she watched Gene turn purple. "I WON'T let you kill the man I love!" Using whatever energy she had left she lunged at Harry. Harry was so suprised that he dropped Gene and could hardly contain the gasp.Melfina hadn't been strong enough to knock him over. She had fallen backwards and landed on her back. Harry kneeled down besides her. "Melfina?! No.. You can't love Starwind! He's not like us!" Melfina's eyes opened weakly, "He's good enough for me. He promised to help me. He's been with me since I woke up. He's the one I love. I don't love you. I could never love you. You hurt me. You use me. And even though you say you love me, you'd rather be satisfied than have me happy."

Gene snuck up behind Harry and pulled him back by his hair. He growled deep in his throat and threw Harry against the wall. "I should be the one to do the killing. You hurt the one I couldn't live without. You put scars on her. You don't deserve to live!" He started to punch Harry. Blood gushed out of his nose and mouth. "Gene please... stop. Send him back. No more blood..." Gene glanced from Harry to Mel and back again. "You're lucky Harry. You won't be so lucky next time." Harry had long since been knocked out but Gene didn't care. He picked Harry up and carried him to the ship that Melfina had come home in. He set it to go to the Eldorado on autopilot.

After Harry had been sent to the Eldorado and they had left the ship behind, Jim and Aisha found Melfina in her room. Melfina was crying and holding her wrists. "Mel, are you ok?" Jim cautiously approached her. She looked up and shook her head. "My heart hurts... Can you get Gene for me... Please..." Jim and Aisha nodded and hurried to the control room.

"Gene! What did you do to her!" Jim yelled but stopped the rest of the scolding. Gene looked terrible. "Gene..?" Gene looked up and the tears started. "I almost lost her Jim... Harry would've killed me and taken her back if she hadn't stopped him. I almost lost her..." Jim nodded. "You love her, don't you?" Gene nodded and hung his head. Aisha lifted Gene's chin with her nail. "Mel wants you. Tell her how you feel. She needs to know. Oh, and don't worry, we'll take care of the ship." Jim and Aisha watched as Gene slowly walked towards Mel's room. "Love's a funny thing isn't it squirt." Aisha grinned as Jim fumed up at her. "Hey, you're kinda cute when you're mad." The fuming turned to blushing and Aisha laughed before going to fix something to eat.

Gene knocked before entering Mel's room. She looked up then ran into his arms, "Oh.. Gene!" Gene lightly stroked her hair. "It's ok now Melfina. I won't let anyone hurt you every again. I won't lose you again." He lifted her head and kissed her gently, "I love you Melfina." Mel's eyes teared up and she kissed him back. "I love you too Gene Starwind." He guided her to a window and watched the space pass them by. Mel leaned her head back. "Melfina?" "Yes Gene?" Melfina closed her eyes and listened to Gene's steady breathing. "Will you marry me?' Gene's soft whisper coursed through her. Her heart did a little jump. She looked up to him and saw that he was serious. "Yes Gene. I'd love to, but.. Am I?" Gene smiled. "Yes, you're human and you're the one for me." He leaned down and kissed her again while the XGP floated peacefully along.


Heather: Hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it! It's over!!!

Gene: Wow...

Melfina: That was great! Gene?

Gene: Yes Mel?

Melfina: Do you love me like that?

Gene: *blushes and sputters* I.. Uh....I....

Heather: hehehe See yall!!