Chapter 1 - The Big Move

A loud high pitched scream grabbed Tohru's attention and tore it away from where she was previously stirring some soup for dinner. With a blank expression on her face, she stared out the exit way of the kitchen, waiting to see if the person who made the dreadful noise would appear. As she waited and watched, a loud sigh emerged from behind her.

"Will Shigure ever learn to shut up?" Kyo grumbled, rubbing the top of his orange hair with the free hand that wasn't shoved in his pocket.

Before Torhu had a chance to respond the child-like adult came bounding down the stairs, almost floating on air as he skipped into the living room and gently fell to the floor. "Ah!" He vocalized a content sigh as a smug grin spread over his face. "Life is great! Life is grand!" He yelled, obviously trying to grab everyone's attention. In an attempt to ignore him, Kyo opened the fridge and pulled out a short carton of milk and began to chug it down.

Curious eyes emerged from the stairwell to reveal Yuki, holding a small clipboard against his side as he too entered the room. "What's all the commotion about?" He asked, taking a seat beside Shigure and setting his paperwork down in front of him.

"I am so glad you asked!" Shigure claimed, sitting up straight as fast as a rocket.

"Ugh!" Kyo huffed, crumpling the now-empty carton in his fingers. "You had to ask didn't you?! I can say right now that nobody really cares about what Shigure is excited about. It's probably something stupid anyways."

"The least we could do is ask what all the excitement is about." Yuki claimed, his eyes squinted into a glare at the half-cat.

"That's the spirit Yuki!" Shigure yelled happily, slapping the teen's back lightly as if to say he was proud of his statement. Completely ignoring the conversation to come, Kyo growled and headed out the front door, slamming it behind him.

"At least that stupid cat didn't break it this time..." Yuki claimed under his breath, but just loud enough for everyone to hear. His pen danced through and around his fingers as he waited for Shigure to explain his excitement.

Tohru gently straightened out her skirt and took a seat across from Yuki. "So, do you mind actually telling us what all the excitement is about?" She asked with a sweet smile, her pigtails swaying slightly as she tilted her head.

Shigure softly cleared his throat and folded his hands on the table in front of him. "Well, I have just been given a notice from my publisher saying that I have around two months to finish my newest novel."

"And how far are you in this 'new novel'?" Yuki asked, butting into his speech.

"Haven't even started!" He claimed rather proudly. Yuki sighed and rested his forehead in his hand as Shigure continued. "Now, I think that if I want to really write a great novel that's going to sell just as well as my others have, I really need to capture the story and make it come alive!" As he spoke, he made wild gesticulations, as if he was trying to emphasize his point.

With a small grunt, Yuki lifted his head away from his palm and raised an eyebrow. "And what are you getting at?"

"Well you see, my story is about these two high school girls in a big city. They're trying to find-"

"No one cares!" Kyo yelled, from the front doorway, now re-entering into the house, his head poking into the living room as he brushed his bare-feet on the welcome matt and loudly plopped down next to Tohru; his arms firmly crossed over his chest. Yuki had a small smirk on his face, as if he knew that Kyo would have come back inside; yet he didn't say a word. "Just get to the point already will ya?" Kyo grumbled, refusing to make eye connect with anyone. He almost looked mad at himself for being curious enough to come back inside to hear the full story.

"Well, I think that this is a great opportunity to go on a vacation to a big city, so I can write my story in more depth and detail!" He claimed loudly, growing starry eyed and creating a rainbow with his hands.

Silence filled the room.

"This isn't just another excuse for you to procrastinate on your book again right?" Yuki asked, quizzically resting his cheek in his hand.

With a small scoff Shigure brought a hand to his heart. "How dare you think that! I just want a chance to take my family and our little Tohru on a trip to relax and get-away on your summer vacation and you think that I'm just trying to use it for my own-selfish needs?"

"Yes." Kyo and Yuki claimed in sync, each leaning forwards slightly.

Tohru gave a gently cough, grabbing everyone's attention. "Well, I think it might be nice. We haven't really gone on a vacation in a while." Yuki let out a hesitant sigh and crossed his arms over his chest, not saying a word.

"So our delicate Tohru is going to come! I guess that means since these two are sticks in the mud, it's just going to be you and me!" Shigure claimed, slowly moving closer to the teenage girl as he spoke.

With a sharp glare from each of the boys; enough to shoot a dagger into someone's heart, Kyo and Yuki each replied, "I'm coming."

Not even phased by the glares, Shigure clapped his hands together and grinned smugly. "Perfect! Because I already bought the tickets. We're leaving tomorrow evening so pack your bags!" No even waiting for an answer he floated up the stairs with a small giggle.

As soon as he was out of ear shot Kyo and Yuki's heads slammed onto the table. "He planned this the whole time."

"He knew we were going to say yes." Yuki grumbled from the spot where his head was buried in his hands.

Tohru glanced between the two silently, trying to figure out if there was anything to say that could make them feel better. She gave a small smile, hoping to lighten the mood. "Well, maybe this trip won't be as bad as we thought, I mean just because we're there doesn't mean we're going to spend all of our time with Shigure, right?" Tohru suddenly froze and instantly regretted her previous statement. Her arms flailing slightly, she continued. "I mean-not to say that I don't want to be with him! He's a great guy! Just he's probably going to be working a lot which means that we won't have a lot of time to see him!" Slowly the two raised their heads from where they were previously and each shot her a tiny smile, Kyo's hardly identifiable unless you were up close.

"Maybe you're right Ms. Honda."

Kyo gave a small scoff, standing and heading towards the staircase. "Sure we'll find a way to get way from him, but do you really think he's going to be working?"

First chapter is up! WOOT WOOT

I'm so excited to be starting this! I had this idea for a long time and I'm really excited to see this idea come to life in a story! This should be a relatively long FanFic. At least around 10 chapters, so if you like, make sure you follow! I should be posting a new chapter every few days, so stay tuned :) thanks! Off to work on another chapter!