"Give me back my book!"

"I don't see why Percikins needs it, do you two?"

Twin toddlers laughed at the game of keep away. The eldest son rolled his eyes.

"Will you all just knock it off? We don't need Mum on our case from the very start."

"Just the beginning of a new day," thought Molly as she entered the kitchen holding her youngest son. She quickly checked the enchantments she had cast a half hour ago. The skillet was still flipping pancakes, the bacon was still frying in the pan, and her sons seemed to be behaving…for the most part.

"Charlie, give Percy his book. I need you to help Bill set the table."

The son in her arms shifted his head on her shoulder. He cracked his blue eyes open a fraction of a centimeter and scrunched up his face in disgust. Molly couldn't help but smirk at him. Ron was the most difficult to wake of all of her children. The only thing that seemed to peak his interest in the mornings was food. She sat him in his highchair and he rubbed his eyes. She quickly set to work serving her sons their breakfast.

Ten years ago, a newlywed Molly and Arthur settled in their new home and affectionately christened it 'The Burrow.' Their love quickly expanded to a family of nine in the decade that followed. Most women would wilt under the weight of work it took to raise six boys plus a newborn. Molly Weasley was not most women. She thrived in the chaos that her family could cause. Yes, it was exhausting, but she wouldn't trade it for the world.

Her sons were still bouncing with excitement from Halloween the night before which made this morning even more interesting. Despite the noise of her boys' antics, her well trained ears heard the family clock chime. She glanced at it quickly and noted the hand labeled "Arthur" rotating to 'home.'

"He just left for work. Why would he be coming home at this hour?"

There was the familiar pop of apparition and her husband strode through the door. Arthur Weasley gazed at his wife with wide eyes and a huge grin.

"Molly, it's happened! He's gone! I needed to come tell you straight away!"

"What? Arthur, you're not making any sense. Who's gone?"

"You-know-who! He's gone!" He rushed toward his wife, lifted her in his arms, and spun them around.

"Boys, this calls for a celebration. He-who-must-not-be-named has been defeated and we no longer have to live in fear. And I have the day off. Everyone in the ministry in fact."

There was a general cheer from the six ginger haired boys. Fred and George leapt from their chairs and began marching around the kitchen chanting, "You-know-who is gone! You-know-who is gone!" Ron watched his brothers and clapped his hands.

"Okay boys! Upstairs! Bill and Charlie, help your brothers get dressed… We're going out to celebrate!"

"You heard your mother...off with you!" Arthur chuckled and kissed his wife on the cheek. Bill picked up Ron and the boys clambered up the stairs still chanting. She turned to her husband and smiled. She loved how his ears still turned red whenever he kissed her.

"But how, Arthur? After all these years, how could he be defeated?"

"Do you remember hearing about the Potters from…your brothers?" Arthur's voice became solemn, just above a whisper. Molly took a deep breath and gave a curt nod. Her husband knew it would be difficult to talk about Fabian and Gideon. She had recently lost them to You-know-who's Death eaters only this past spring. They died fighting for a better world alongside the Order of the Phoenix. She seemed to remember that the Potters were members as well.

"Well, they had a son…about Ron's age I believe…and well, the details are still sorta sketchy, but You-know-who apparently tried to kill their son…Harry…and he failed…" Arthur smiled and shook his head in disbelief. "You-know-who failed and now he is gone... Molly…he's gone!"

They laughed together; great joyous laughs like they had when they were teenagers. Molly just couldn't believe it. Her family was safe again. Her children could grow up with hope and promise for the future. Her celebration abruptly ceased when her motherly instinct kicked in.

"What about the Potter boy? Is he alright?" At this Arthur's smile slipped from his face.

"You-know-who got to his parents first…they were murdered. Harry survived, but he is an orphan. I think only a few people know where he is."

"The poor dear! I hope he is alright! He can't be all alone!"

"Of course not, dear. He just vanquished the most powerful dark wizard we have ever known. I doubt that the ministry would abandon him. Come on, let's get the baby. We have some celebrating to do!"

Molly led the way up the narrow staircase to the nursery. The couple gazed into the crib of the youngest of their family. Her short ginger locks curled around her ears and caught the sunlight making them shine an even brighter copper. She was sleeping so peacefully. She didn't even know and couldn't even comprehend how her world had changed in just the past hour. Molly felt her husband's arm snake around her waist as he kissed the top of her head. Molly's eyes glazed over with tears.

"We are so lucky, you know?"

"What's that, dear?" Arthur pulled her closer to him.

"I love you. Our children are safe and happy." Molly reached out and stroked the baby's head.

"Ginny can sleep soundly now and we owe it all to Harry Potter."


She was going to be all alone this year. Yes, she would have her parents, but she was going to be the only one back at home. Ginny was going to miss her brothers. They teased her and took her things and pulled her hair, but they were fun and she knew deep down that they loved her. She was going to especially miss Ron. Although lately he wasn't giving her much reason to. They had become so close this past year with their older brothers off at school. They had spent their time flying brooms, playing chess and exploding snap. Then the summer came and with Fred, George, and Percy's return, Ron became more distant and she became the 'kid sister.' Her mum told her it was because he was nervous about Hogwarts. It didn't mean he had to be so annoyed with her all the time.

September first was always hectic in the Weasley household. Their Mum would dote after them with possible forgotten items that needed packing. After saying goodbye to their Dad, they walked from the ministry to King's cross.

"So Ronnikins, what house you think you are going to be sorted into?", chuckled Fred. Ginny couldn't help but laugh herself. The twins could always get Ron riled up.

"He looks like a particularly good finder… I'd say Hufflepuff for sure, Gred."

"Shut up." Ron spoke through clenched teeth, but he seemed to look paler to Ginny.

Her Mum took Ginny's hand in hers. "Stop, all of you. We need to get to the platform. We're already late as it is. Now stay together… I don't want us getting separated so you miss the train. The station's packed with Muggles, of course, so mind yourselves."

Her Mum stopped the caravan of carts and turned to them, "Now, what's the platform number?"

Ginny couldn't wait for her brothers to answer, "Nine and three quarters! Mum, can't I go…"

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

Percy squared his shoulders and walked briskly through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Ginny had seen her brothers make this journey many times before, but she still loved it. She wished she could go this year with Ron. They could be friends again. No one knew more about chess or the Cannons like Ron did. The twins could show them all the cool places in Hogwarts. She hated being the youngest. She had to wait for everything.

"Fred, you next."

"I'm not Fred, I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

Ginny bit back a grin. It was obviously Fred…she hadn't been their sister for ten years without knowing the difference between the twins.

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred." And he walked through followed closely behind by George who shrugged at their Mum.

"He got you there, Mum."

"Oh, those two! What am I going to do with them?" Ginny giggled as her Mum huffed with exasperation.

"Excuse me…" called a voice from behind them. They turned to see the owner of the voice was a short boy with raven black hair. He looked a bit disheveled in Ginny's opinion. He was wearing clothes that were much too big for his smaller frame. His hair stuck straight up in the back. He wore glasses that were taped at the bridge. What caught her attention were his eyes. They were the most vibrant shade of green Ginny had ever seen.

"Hello, dear. First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too." Her Mum pointed at her brother.

The boy shifted his weight from one leg to the other. "Yes…the thing is…the thing is, I don't know how to…"

"How to get onto the platform?" The boy nodded and gulped. Her Mum smiled kindly at him. "Not to worry. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Go on, go now before Ron."

"Er…okay…" muttered the boy and he repositioned his trolley until he faced the barrier. He swallowed then began to run at the barrier. Ginny's heart began to race. She knew he would be okay, but he was just so nervous. As expected he disappeared through the barrier and she gave a sigh of relief. She didn't even realize that she had been holding her breath.

Ron went through the barrier with minimal coaching from their Mum. Ginny still had to go through with her Mum. "Like a baby…" she groaned inwardly. As they came out the other side, her Mum let go of her hand to set to doting on Ron. Their Mum called for Fred and George and they jumped off the train and approached the rest of the family.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose." Ron tried his hardest to wriggle away, but their Mum was a master at wrangling her children. She began rubbing the end of Ron's nose with a handkerchief.

"Mum… geroff."

"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" said George through pouting lips.

"Shut up," muttered Ron under his breath.

Percy came striding up to them, his silver prefect badge worn proudly on his puffed out chest.

"Can't stay long, Mother. I'm up front, the prefects have got two compartments to themselves."

He had been going on and on about his stupid badge all summer. Ginny thought he could be so pompous sometimes. He was such a momma's boy. The only saving grace was that the twins made sure to put him in his place.

Her Mum kissed him on the cheek and Percy turned and left. "I guess that's no goodbye for me then," Ginny thought.

Her Mum then turned to the twins with her trademark "I-mean-business-don't-cross-me" look.

"Now, you two…this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you've…you've blown up a toilet or…"

Fred guffawed and gave her an incredulous look, "Blown up a toilet?! We've never blown up a toilet."

George snickered and gave Fred a mischievous look, "Great idea though, thanks, Mum."

Their Mum put her hands on her hips, "It's not funny. And look after Ron."

Ron groaned and hung his head.

"Don't worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us."

"Shut up," Ron retorted again.

Fred ignored Ron and spoke. "Hey, Mum, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train? You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station? Know who he is? Harry Potter!"

Ginny had heard stories of the famous Harry Potter for as long as she could remember. Some of them were complete hogwash like how he was actually a 700 year old wizard sent in the form of a toddler and he was being secretly trained by a group of hermits for the day he would rise again. While others said it was all a cover up by the ministry and no baby could ever defeat You-know-who. Still the majority, like her parents, believed that Harry had been 'The Boy Who Lived.' There must be something the boy possessed that You-Know-Who didn't. Every year, many wizarding families would add to their Halloween celebrations a moment of silence in respect for the Potters' sacrifice and for Harry, wherever he was. This shy, unassuming boy was Harry Potter? Now as Ginny thought about it, she couldn't believe it. She needed to get another look at him.

"Oh, Mum, can I go on the train and see him, Mum, oh please…"

"You've already seen him, Ginny, and the poor boy isn't something you goggle at in a zoo. Is he really, Fred? How do you know?"

"Asked him. Saw his scar. It's really there…like lightning."

Ginny gulped. That part of the legend was true? It was said that he had been hit by a killing curse. It had somehow deflected back to He-who-must-not-be-named, defeating him and leaving a lightning bolt scar on Harry. He had survived, but his parents hadn't.

"Poor dear…no wonder he was alone, I wondered. He was ever so polite when he asked how to get onto the platform." Ginny's Mum had always had a soft spot for Harry Potter. When anyone mentioned him, she was quick to wonder aloud about his upbringing with an "I hope the poor dear's alright. It isn't right for a child to grow up alone."

"Never mind that, do you think he remembers what You-know-who looks like?"

Their Mum's expression changed from wistful to stern in an instant. "I forbid you to ask him, Fred. No, don't you dare. As though he needs reminding of that on his first day at school."

"All right, keep your hair on."

The train whistled and Ginny knew her brothers would be leaving her now. "All alone for a whole year…" She watched her brothers hop onto the train and she couldn't hold back her tears. This year wouldn't be any fun without them. They would be off having adventures at Hogwarts and she was stuck at the Burrow. She wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand so she could see clearly. Her brothers noticed her crying. Ron looked embarrassed.

"Don't, Ginny, we'll send you loads of owls," said Fred.

"We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat."

"George!" her Mum scolded.

She laughed through the tears and wiped her runny nose. The train began to pull away and she ran after it; after her brothers. She was laughing and crying. She continued to run until she couldn't see the three ginger heads poked out of the train windows anymore. Her Mum walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Well, I guess it's back to the Burrow for us then, dear."

Her Mum's eyes were gleaming with unshed tears.

"Mum, are you okay?" Her Mum became teary every year when she sent her brothers off to Hogwarts.

"Oh Ginny, someday you'll understand." Ginny heard her Mum take a shaky breath and then felt her squeeze her shoulder. "Come on, dear, let's go home."


It was so unfair. Ron had adventures with Harry Potter all year. Harry was the youngest house quidditch player in a century. Harry had battled a troll. Harry had defeated You-know-who…again! Ron had sent an owl to Mum explaining everything. Ginny had crept onto the stair landing and peered through the railings to hear her Mum read the letter to her Dad.

"He was injured, Arthur!"

"He is going to be fine. Professor Dumbledore assured me it was a minor injury and Madam Pomfrey is well acquainted with the potions to heal him. Molly, we should be proud of him. I, for one, am proud of his bravery."

"That's all well and good, but I hope he is more careful in the future. He shouldn't be encouraging his friends into danger just because he was sorted into Gryffindor. Harry Potter doesn't need to take any more risks than he already has!"

"Yes, I'm sure Harry had nothing to do with the heroics…hmmm? Besides, I'm sure this is the last time we'll hear of anything like this."

Now they were back on platform nine and three quarters to take her brothers home for the summer. She was excited to see them and hear about their school year, but she was especially curious to hear Ron's stories about Harry. The Hogwarts Express rolled to a stop; billowing clouds of steam. From out of the mist, Ginny noticed her youngest brother's ginger hair first. Ron was walking toward her with a bushy haired girl on his left side and Harry Potter on his right. Ginny couldn't contain her excitement any longer.

"There he is, Mum, there he is, look! Harry Potter!"

"Be quiet, Ginny, and it's rude to point."

Her Mum smiled at the trio. "Busy year?" she said.

"Very. Thanks for the fudge and the sweater, Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh, it was nothing, dear."

Ginny was speechless. Her Mum had given Harry Potter Christmas gifts! She had never given any Christmas gifts to anyone other than family.

"Ready, are you?" A large mustached, purple faced man had barked at Harry and was now looking around King's Cross furiously. "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day." He didn't wait for a reply. He abruptly turned and stormed away.

Did Harry live with that man? It would explain the ill-fitting, secondhand clothing Harry had worn the first time she saw him. He was incredibly rude and mean. Ginny noticed that Harry was still smiling though. It was the first time she had seen him smile and it was brilliant.

A/N: All words in bold are direct quotes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and are not owned by me. Harry Potter does not belong to me, but to Queen Jo Rowling. Long live the Queen!