Hello all! This is the beginning of my first AoS story...actually my first story, so please be gentle! I set this a year or two later after the first episode so everyone is used to each other and all that.

Also, I do not own any of the characters!

R&R's would be awesome
Thanks for reading, darlings!

"Skye, you need to run. You need to get out. GO!" The voice demanded and the eyes pleading. I didn't want to run. I couldn't, but I did.

I ran. I ran until my chest and throat felt like they were in flames. I pushed through trees and the branches fought back, whipping my arms, legs, and face. I pushed until my feet hit hard pavement instead of soft earth. I flung myself onto the cold pavement, scraping my knees and elbows in the process. Sobs nearly escaped me, but quickly they turned into a scream as headlights approached fast. I scrambled up and jumped back into the cover of the dense forest. Once out of sight, I scooted back until I was against a tree. I brought my knees to my chest and let myself sob. I can't remember the last time I cried this hard. Soon my sobs turned into screams as images of what I just saw and what I just ran from resurfaced…and who was still back there. I'm not sure if I stopped screaming when I heard the hum of the bus, or if I just screamed harder. The storm like winds blew everything around me. My hair whipped out of my face and was blinded by white light and then there was darkness.

I woke up in my bed and by looking out the window I could tell that it was earlier morning. I don't remember how I ended up here. Images of a figure tied up by his hands with his feet barely reaching the floor flew into my mind. My breathing picked up as I squeezed my eyes shut trying to rid my mind of them…but they kept coming. Blood dripping down his arms from his wrists. Cuts all over his face. I never saw what his back looked like, but I know it must be the worst by the amount of blood on the floor behind him.

I brought my knees to my chest as I started to rub my eyes, trying to do anything to stop the images. I could feel the screams start to boil, but as soon as they were about to reach the surface a gentle hand jolted the images out of my mind I jumped to the upper corner I my bed.

"Skye…Skye...it's okay. It's Simmons. You're safe now. No one is going to hurt you." Simmons voice was soft, but firm. Over her shoulder I could see I very nervous Fitz rubbing his hand through his already out of control curly hair.

I tried to calm my breathing, but soon it was useless and sobs quickly escaped me. Simmons rushed over and wrapped her arms around me. After a while, when my sobs quieted down, I could hear soft murmurs from outside the small bedroom cabin.

"We have no idea where they might've been. They have searched all the surrounding areas where Skye was found, but…but there was nothing." Coulson told someone, who I'm guessing is May and Fitz.

"We need to talk to her soon." May said slowly without emotion.

"Wha- What are you crazy?" Fitz accented voice was quite the opposite, it was rushed and full of concern. "Are you out of your mind? She can't even sleep without screaming, what do you think will happen if she forced to remember all of the details when she is awake?"

I was surprised when May's voice matched Fitz tone when she answered back. "We found her covered in blood, Fitz. I am just as concerned as you are about Skye's mental stability, but if we don't figure out any information soon we will be too late. Can you imagine what that might do to her if we are.." May trailed off, leaving the air in the room heavy.

A few moments later I heard a shift in footsteps and then a soft knock on the door. I don't remember when it was shut. Fitz must've closed it when Simmons came to my side. I know I wouldn't want to hear bloodcurdling screams either.

May, Coulson, and Fitz were standing at my door. I sighed and patted Simmons leg to let her know that it was okay. I wobbled a little when I stood, but caught myself and walked out between them all.

I had to do this. It was the only way.

They all followed me down the hall to the kitchen and living room area. I grabbed a pillow and sat down on the couch. I noticed, for the first time, I had stitches on both my arms. On my right arm, they reached from the end of the back of my hand to my elbow and on my left arm there were a few just above my elbow. I don't remember what they were from.

"Skye." Coulson was the first to sit down and talk. He sat down across from me while Fitz and Simmons sat down on either side of me and May moved to the chair next to Coulson.

"Skye, can you remember anything that happened?" He asked slowly and carefully.

I looked at all of their faces. They seemed hopeless. They all wanted desperately to know more information to get the ball rolling, but no one wanted to push me too far. This is bullshit. They needed to be out there, hunting, looking, searching, anything. Who cares about me? I'm safe and he's not.

It hit me. I am their only hope. Ward and I had been missing for about a week before I escaped. None of them would ask this of me if there was any other way.

I have to do this.

But what can I remember?

Goodness, I hope you guys enjoyed this blurb. There are probably tons of errors because I am horrible at proofreading.

But yeah, hopefully you enjoyed this!