Me: okay so a few ppl wanted me to continue on with this story, I've gotten a spark of inspiration and now I'm going to try and get all the stories in my head out of my head and down on paper :) Virtual paper that is ^^

Yami: Oh my Ra do u ever shut up? -.-'

Me: Ya know what Yami... Shaddup! :) Anyway! Onward while the spark is still here ^^

Yugi: Nickey doesn't own YGO or any of its characters :P

Me: Thank you Yugi ^^

Yugi: Welcome :)

Missin You

Ch. 2

~*~*The next day*~*~

Yugi woke up snuggled against the comforting warmth of his Yami. Yami's arms were wrapped around him, making him feel safe, protected, and loved. Yugi lifted his head and was greeted with softened crimson orbs. "Good morning my sweet aibou" Yami greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning Yami" Yugi said, smiling his warming smile.

"Did you sleep well Aibou?"

"I slept a lot better knowing I was with you and being protected" Yugi said nuzzling back into Yami's bare chest.

Yami smiled down at his Aibou and nuzzled into Yugi's hair which was now flattened against his head. Yugi giggled as Yami began tickling his sides while nuzzling into his hair. "Aibou you sure are giggly this morning, is something wrong?" Yami chuckled.

"Y-Yami, y-you're t-tickle-ing m-me" Yugi said through his fit of giggles.

"What are you talking about Aibou, I'm not doing anything" Yami said running his hands down his Aibou's sides, continuing in his tickling.

Yugi couldn't talk anymore through his fit of giggles. So he just pulled his arms to his chest and rolled on his belly hoping to escape his Yami's little game of tickle-the-Hikari. Yami saw his Aibou's distress and stopped his antics, placing a soft kiss on Yugi's exposed neck.

Yugi finished his fit of giggles and turned to steal a kiss from his Yami. Yami deepened the kiss running his tongue along Yugi's bottom lip. Yugi happily opened his mouth to let Yami's tongue start the dance with his own tongue. Yami rolled over on top of Yugi and began continuing their "fun" (A/N: u guys have no clue how long it took me to think of the word fun...) from last night. Yugi gently wrapped his arms around Yami's neck. Their never ending kiss finally came to an end when the need for air rose. They broke away panting lightly, staring deep into each others eyes.

"Yami?" Yugi whispered quietly.

"Yes Aibou?" Yami asked rubbing his nose against Yugi's.

Yugi giggled slightly at the eskimo kisses he was getting from Yami. "How was the Afterlife?" He whispered.

"Well, while I can't tell you what the Afterlife itself was like, I can tell you some of the things I did" Yami whispered back, placing a feathered kiss on Yugi's forehead. "If you'd like for me to that is..."

Yugi looked up at Yami and smiled "I'd really like to know what you did while you were gone." He whispered to his Yami before bringing their lips together in a soft, sweet kiss.

"Well, after I left you" Yami began "It was about 2 years ago, nothing really ever happened there, its like peace and quiet all the time. I was surrounded by my friends, but it was nothing like what happened in Egypt. It was paradise for some, but it was kind of boring for me. I sat and caught up with everyone and found out everything that I had missed after I had left them five thousand years ago. Turns out Priest Seto and Kisara ruled together, somehow bringing her spirit back out of the tablet. She made a beautiful queen by the way."

Yugi giggled as Yami trailed off about how Kisara changed from being a mere peasant to one of the best, kindest queens, dressed in royal attire. "Yami" Yugi interrupted "You're getting off topic" he giggled.

"Oh right, anyways" Yami said shaking his head "They rebuilt Egypt and ruled it with kindness but sort of stern in a way. They had a baby boy too, ironically it ended up being Mokuba" Yami chuckled "He was such a trouble maker, and so rotten."

Yugi giggled "Sounds like Mokuba."

"Yes, but anyways, I went and talked to my father a lot while I was in the Afterlife, told him of my adventures here, and in Egypt. I told him how much I missed you and having you around to talk to, and how bad I wished I could watch over you, even if I couldn't talk back to you or touch you. I just wanted to know that you were okay. He told me about a wishing pond in the Afterlife, and I went to it every day to watch you. I saw you grow, I saw you happy, sad, and I saw you on the rooftop last night. I heard all the questions you asked too." Yami stared deeply into Yugi's sparkling amethyst eyes.

"Y-You did?"

Yami nodded and smiled. "Yes, I did, and I think I should answer some of them... If you'd still like to know the answers that is." Yugi smiled and nodded "I did indeed miss you, I heard all the prayers you said every night that you prayed. I was happy but I wasn't happy at the same time where I was. I was happy that I wasn't alone, but I wasn't happy because I didn't have you there. About the right choice thing... You tell me Aibou. Do you think that you made the right choice?"

Yugi looked at Yami thoughtfully. "Well," he began "I do, but I don't. I do because we learned some new things and we were brought back together in the end. I don't because it still hurt to let you go. But I'm pretty sure that I like the choice I made" Yugi smiled at Yami.

"Right, I agree with you there Aibou" Yami smiled back. "I was looking down on you, always. I was worried and concerned about you when I saw you crying, and why you thought that I wouldn't care I'll never know, because I never stopped caring about you Aibou."

"I guess I was just upset because I was all alone" Yugi said looking away from Yami.

Yami gently grabbed Yugi's chin and turned it so Yugi was looking back to him "and now you're no longer alone." Yami smiled, kissing Yugi on the cheek. "How about we go and fix some breakfast?"

"How about a shower first Yami?" Yugi giggled.

Yami looked down between their naked bodies. "Right, shower first, then breakfast" he said smiling sheepishly.

Me: Aaand Thats where my spark of insanity ended :P sorry guys, writer's block is a crappy curse XD I'll add more once I think of more okay? :)

Yami & Yugi: R&R :)