Theoddkid: So…I love Corpse Party, and I love Ouran High School Host Club, so I decided to do a crossover. It will pretty much be the characters of OHSHC who does the 'Sachiko ever after-charm' and comes to Heavenly Host Elementary School. WARNING! This story will contain blood and gore. Also a few main characters will die in the school. So don't kill me for making you cry! Oh god, I will start crying by writing this! Well enough of my babbling, to the story!


Haruhi's P.O.V.

I stood in the middle of music room #3 and helped the rest of the host club to clean up after the day's club activities. It was the beginning of December and it was snowing outside. I looked at the small white snowflakes that fell from the sky. As I dreamed myself away the other club members cleaned the rest up.

After a few minutes I felt two arms around me, and I looked at the twins who smirked. "Haruhi, what are you thinking about? Us?" I looked at them with annoyance in my eyes, I sighed. "Give me one good reason why I should be thinking about you two!" "Well, we're handsome, funny, attractive…" "Nope, just very idiotic!" I then walked away from them, leaving both of them in some kind of trance.

I walked over to the other club members. Hunny waved and smiled at me, so I did the same. "Haru-chan! Hika-chan! Kao-chan! Come over here!" I ran the last way, then stopped and waited for the twins to come.

When they were here I turned to Hunny. "What is it, Hunny-senpai?" he looked at me with his big, happy, childish eyes. "Well, since it is mine and Takashi's last year at Ouran, I wanted to do something! It's called 'Sachiko ever after'! It's a friendship charm, and if we do it correctly we will always be connected to each other as friends! Isn't it great?!" Everyone looked at Hunny and Takashi with a smile. Tamaki was on the verge of crying.

"So, Hunny-senpai, how do we do this 'charm'?" Kauro asked him. "Well…" He picked up something from his bag. It was a paper doll. "We're going repeat the sentence 'Sachiko-san, we beg of you' one time for each person presence in our heads, which would be…five…six…seven…Yeah, seven times! And after that everyone are going to take a hold of this paper Sachiko doll. When everyone is holding onto it tightly, we're going to pull until it rips apart into seven pieces. Then everything you need to do is to keep your piece of Sachiko, for as long as you have it, we will always be friends!"

I looked at the little Lolita, he looked really excited. "That sounds pretty cool!" Tamaki said. Me, Mori and Kyoya nodded, and the twins made a high five. Hunny smiled. "Okay, everyone gather in a circle around Sachiko." He said with a cheerful voice. When everyone was in a circle Hunny nodded to everyone, I closed my eyes and started to repeat the sentence in my head.

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

Sachiko-san, we beg of you

I opened my eyes and looked at the others. "Did everybody say it seven times?" Hunny said. Mori and Kyoya nodded. "Yeah!" I said. "Uh-huh!" Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaura said. "Good, now take a hold of the paper doll…" Everyone did as Hunny said, and soon everyone had the doll between their fingers. "Pull it apart on three!" Everyone nodded. "One…Two…Three…!" We pulled, and soon the paper doll was in seven pieces.

"Good job everyone! This really means a lot to me!" Hunny said with tears in his eyes. "Of course Hunny-senpai, we'll always be friends!" I said and pulled him in for a hug. Then I pulled away and stood up, giving Mori a smile. "Well, it's getting late, should we head home?" Kyoya asked. "Okay!" Everyone said.

But just as we were about to leave the ground started to shake, not much at the beginning, but soon it was a real earthquake. "Ahhh!" me and the other host members screamed. "Get under a table! NOW!" Tamaki screamed, but no one moved. Then it stopped, just like that. "Is…Is it over?" Hikaru asked. "I think so…" Kyoya said in a calm voice. Everyone was sitting on the floor. Then the floor underneath me disappeared, and underneath the others too. Everyone screamed as we fell. Then everything went black.

Theoddkid: so prologue…done! What do you think? Love it? Hate it? Thank you for your support, it means a lot!