Thank you all so much for the reviews. This story was fun because I tried to bring a little something that I would like to see for each of the couples.
I own nothing.
It had been a week after Raj had gotten back from India. This was going to be the first time the group had been together since everyone seemed to split up to take care of their own concerns. Tonight, they were ordering Chinese takeout and then they were going to watch the pregnancy news spot that Penny was in.
Raj and Alex were excited to be back and finally be able to spend time with their friends. Alex knew there were going to be a lot of questions. The only one of the group that knew she was not pregnant was Bernadette, and she swore Bernadette to secrecy. None of the guys knew because she and Raj had left for India so quickly.
Bernadette and Howard couldn't wait to tell everyone their exciting news. The girls knew about the questions she was having about starting a family, now they were sure to be excited. She was going to need all the help she could get. The idea of being a mom was really scary to her.
Penny was practically bursting at the seams to tell everyone what she was going to be doing. Never in a million years did she ever think something like this would happen to her. This was something that was straight from the movies. She wasn't even trying for something like this and it literally falls into her lap.
Amy had missed spending time with her girlfriends and wanted to get back to finding out what they had been doing since the implementation of the so called "Plan" that Penny had cooked up to move her relationship with Sheldon forward. Sheldon was just glad that some normalcy would come back into his life.
Everyone came over to 4A. Penny had the kids in jumper swings. They were enjoying themselves giggling. Penny was sitting on Leonard's lap, a position she enjoyed more than she cared to admit. She always set up her traditional wooden chair next to his, and usually migrated over to it at some point so they could eat.
Raj and Alex came in with the takeout food and put it on the coffee table. Everyone was excited to be together as a group after a few weeks. They rarely spent this much time apart due to the rather rigid requirements of their accepted Sheldonian calendar.
After everything was set out, and everyone had served themselves, Sheldon tried to steer the conversation in the direction of the upcoming submission of his proposal for the fusion reactor and how he redirected the focus of the proposal so his points outweighed Barry Kripke's, thus returning Mary Cooper to the status of the mother of the smartest physicist at the University.
Penny looked at Sheldon and with a half full mouth of dumpling stated, "Screw that…. We haven't seen you guys for weeks…. Something must be happening that is exciting in our lives. Raj… you're up… SPILL."
Raj timidly looked at Alex for approval. Alex cleared her throat and put her plate down. "Well, I'm sure you all know by now that I might have been pregnant". The group just nodded. "Well, Bernadette is the only one that knows for sure, so…. We are not pregnant"
There was a collective "Awww" from the group. Penny spoke up first. "Alex, Raj… we're so sorry".
Raj interrupted. "No… don't be…" He looked at Alex and she nodded back. "It would have been the best thing if we were, but we're Ok that we're not. And we have decided that this experience meant so much to us that we are really sticking together and see where our relationship goes".
Amy asked, "What about your parents?
Alex answered. "That's the best part. We all got together along with my Dad and had a great vacation together. I think they really like me and we have their support."
Raj just smiled, "It was really great…. Howard? What about you guys"?
Howard shrugged his shoulders and said in a small voice, "Well….. Bernie is…. Kinda…. Pregnant…".
The group all gasped. Penny jumped up along with Amy and rushed over to Bernadette and gave her a hug. "Bernadette…. This is so great! You're gonna love it… well not all of it… I mean you get really tired…. And your back hurts like a sonofabitch…. And you can't really sleep…. But you're gonna LOVE it!"
Bernadette half smiled. "Yeah, I can hardly wait".
Sheldon butted in. "Well, we have replaced one suspected offspring with another. We really need to get going on that parental group support agreement. The first meeting will be on Thursday."
Howard just stared at Sheldon in disbelief. "Ok…. Leonard?"
Leonard was beaming at this point. "Well… I really have nothing new. I have all that I could ever ask for with the most beautiful wife in the world and the two greatest kids. So I will turn it over to Penny, she has a bit of news that is pretty exciting, and I am so proud of her for".
Penny was smiling. "Gee Sweetie thanks… Anyway… I'm going to be a spot reporter for the TV station…. They liked the taping so much that they asked me to stay after, and then the Producer and the Director asked me a bunch of questions and then the wanted to know if I would join the reporting team".
Bernadette could hardly contain herself. "Penny, that's so great! When do you start?"
Penny was hopping a little. "They need to get things set with my agent and then line up some human interest stuff. This is so exciting".
Alex inquired, "What about your classes?"
Penny continued. "That's great too. They offered to pay for any classes that I took that went to a degree in communications… as long as I get a B grade or better…"
Amy smiled. "Are you going to need our help? I mean….. you'll do great!"
Penny shot daggers at her and then took a quick glance at Bernadette. "I sure will…. Just you wait until you see the program tonight… you'll see why they asked. Anyway…. Amy? What's up with you and Dr. Wackadoodle?"
Amy looked to Sheldon for approval. Sheldon smiled a half smile and nodded.
Amy had the biggest smile of the group. "Sheldon proposed and I accepted".
Penny smacked Leonard in the arm. "GET OUT!"
Bernadette ran over to her and gave her a hug. "Amy…. That is unbelievable".
Amy smiled… "Yup… it's true… I have the proposal right here." Amy reached into her bag and pulled out a signed, witnessed and notarized document with Sheldon's proposal and Amy's acceptance. "You can't possibly imagine how hard it is to get the Pasadena City Clerk to witness this on a Saturday."
The guys gathered around Sheldon and the girls were around Amy.
Leonard smacked Sheldon on the arm. "You DOG you!"
Howard could hardly believe what he was hearing. "Sheldon we didn't think you had it in you."
Raj wanted to know, "Dude, what made you take that leap? Let's face it, you have been moving along at the pace of a Banana Slug".
Sheldon smiled. "The phrase would be "moving along at a snail's pace". It is really quite simple. Without the interference of the others of this group, Amy could devote the proper time to spend with me which illuminated the advantages of having her as a full time companion. Much like you were, Leonard, prior to meeting Penny and starting the tedious trek to your current apparently blissful relationship".
Leonard was a little uncomfortable with Sheldon's statement. "Waaaaiiiitttt a minute. The ARRANGEMENT we had, because I certainly will not classify it as a relationship, was quite different that the RELATIONSHIP you are GOING….. TO…. HAVE… with Amy."
Sheldon looked on with derision. "Of course it was. That goes without saying. Amy is much more compatible with me than you ever were both intellectually and in other more intimate ways, Video games and comic books notwithstanding."
Penny grabbed Amy's arm and brought her over to the side. "What made him do that?"
Amy smiled. "Well, not in a small part, I think your plan of having Sheldon only exposed to me for all his transportation needs worked well. It also didn't hurt to spend the additional time together without the relationship agreement confines dangling over our heads. And remember one last prophetic incident…."
Bernadette was now interested. "What's that?"
Amy was positively beaming at this point. "I caught the bouquet at Penny's wedding and Sheldon caught the garter."
Penny giggled. "Yeah…. Caught it….. that's what you did".
Everyone sat back down and finished their dinner and then watched Penny's news show. Bernadette held Max and played with him throughout the show with Howard watching them. Jenny was on Penny's lap who was sitting on Leonard's, Raj and Alex held each other close and Sheldon tenderly held Amy's hand.
A/N: Well, there you have it. A Big Break for each of the main couples. A few little turns that I would like for the gang. The Hofstadter children helped in a round about way. Penny got to share her experiences, Bernadette found that she really did like children, Alex was exposed to what it would be like to be a mother. And who knows, those kids are so cute they may show up again at some point, this time with a Wolowitz buddy...