Her name was Rila

I wasn't even sure what the hell we were doing the first few days I traveled with her
She had us wandering around the metros in downtown
I thought the stupid girl had gotten lost
First time I had left Underworld in three years and I was going to die in the tunnels
But then we surfaced at a Hospital and she ended up saving a bunch of mercs
Said she made a promise to some woman
We did a lot of that
Saving people

They have her dressed up in some old vault jumpsuit
Said that's what she would have wanted
What the hell would they know what she wanted?
Did they ever ask her?
Only time half of them ever talked to her was when they needed something dirty or dangerous done
They think they knew her
I probably knew her better than those people in the vault
I fought by her side everyday for more than a year
I was there when she found her father and when she saw him die
I saw her save towns and kill hundreds of men
And I watched her die

Sentinel Lyons said she'd be posthumously honored by the Brotherhood
Three Dog howled his grief over the radio
But it was me that went into that radiated chamber to get her body
And now I'm burying her
All these people claiming how much they loved her

And none of the bastards ever bothered to learn her name