Disclaimer. I own only the concept. Everything else belongs to other people.

Trigger warnings. Child abuse, rape, self harm, attempted suicide. Possibly others. This is rated M. I tried not to be too explicit. (Okay, your probably not going to get triggered by this chapter)

Note. This story is about Jade, but contains information she might not ever know.


Jade pushed the last of her dark thoughts from her mind. She had to accept, now more than ever, she was scared. Scared of reaching her goal. It wasn't as relieving as she'd imagined it to be. Once, making it, being a self made movie maker was worth just about any sacrifice. But now she knew, it wasn't always about what she was willing to give up, or do, to achieve her goals. She had to start thinking of the deeper implications of every move she made. Beck was thinking that way, and his confession was his attempt to put the mistakes of his past behind him and move forward.

Seeing Beck had reminded Jade of what was important in life. After Christmas, Jade started having second thoughts about what she'd put Tori through. Tori was the one who wanted to be with her, and was willing to put up with her demands, but Tori was also the one who fought back, who made demands of her own. That was why Jade was married, living in a house bought by Tori's touring success, surrounded by furniture that had almost none of Jade's input but a touch of her personality. Tori always though of her while decorating. Then there was the hot tub. Jade forced her mind away from that though. Tori had been very accommodating, and that worried Jade. And Tori was so careful around her, another warning sign. The goth pushed the thoughts from her mind. She had to get to work.

Jade didn't usually work on Fridays, or at least not for Zach. Lately Fridays were her big editing days. On Fridays, she'd be going over her work and seeing what needed to be added, tweeked, or otherwise changed to make her movie pop. The average film was in post production anywhere between six months and a year. Jade had been working part time on this project for months before she started filming, but could not do any of the post production work until she had something recorded. Jade had almost four months of work done, thanks to her clear picture of what she was trying to do, her almost fanatic devotion to the product, and long hours of her life Tori gave her to finish the movie. She was almost done.

Zach was also almost on the edge of his seat waiting to see Jade's masterpiece. Zach, Mason, all the people who believed in Jade's talent were waiting for her to be ready to show the finished product. Jade could probably do it today, show the rough cut, only it had already been polished and shined until it was almost ready, and it felt wrong showing it now before it was finished. Only a few effects that took time for her to get rendered and then edited in were delaying the movie. Effects Jade was slowly putting together with Sinjins help. Soon.

Her thoughts drifted briefly to tonight. Jade was looking forward to tonight with a mixture of hope and dread. She'd barely had any real time with her wife in the last three months. Tori was often working, and Jade was usually too tired to do much when Tori was home. Jade knew she'd been pushing her lover, the love of her life, away over her pride.

Tori was done with touring, but had spent most of the last two months making appearances and filming cameos in a couple of television shows. She'd even done her part in Trina's show, and had asked for her character on the soap to have a messy affair. For two weeks, she was the producers needy pop singer girlfriend, only to break up with him after accusing him of sleeping with Trina. They even let life imitate are and made her character Trina's sister in the show. Jade felt that maybe, just maybe Tori was telling her something. The producer on the show was a workaholic who never let his personal life get in the way of business, but then had the long hours cost him his girlfriend.

For a moment she allowed herself to be extra pissed. She didn't like her future brother in law as is, but Sabino's character, based on Jade, was too close to the mark on how she was feeling. Tori was slipping away. 'Incredible Job, Bitch. You just can't seem to let anyone love you, can you?' Jade's thoughts were no harsher than they'd been for the last two weeks. She and Tori saw each other maybe one day per week since Christmas. This was supposed to be their time together, after Tori's almost two years of touring, but Jade had let her fears get in the way. Jade knew she'd been scared of what people would say, but now so close to losing it all, she wasn't sure if the price was worth what she might be getting.

Jade got dressed slowly, which was as quickly as her mind would allow. Zach wanted something from her, something that required one of her Fridays. Being almost an extra hand that his office didn't need, she only worked when her schedule permitted, three to four days per week. (Usually four. Zach can be extremely needy.) However, for some reason he wanted her to come in for a few hours today. Whatever was happening was big enough that Zach was willing to delay the work on her movie, and inconvenience every other member of his staff.

Jade hoped Tori would stay home more. She had time now, while waiting for Sinjin to finish the effects she wanted, so she could spend the time with Tori. Maybe they could talk about children. Tori wanted them soon. Jade was scared, for the first time in years, of losing someone. She reflected on how close, really close, they'd gotten over the last couple of years. She now could see how much Tori had come to mean to her, more now that they were married. Tori had given her time to finish her education, sacrificing her own happiness for Jade's needs. Jade felt selfish for what she'd put Tori through.

Jade was also worried about how long Zach would need her today. Jade had to be in by eight thirty, and was picking up Tori at one thirty-ish from some lunch meeting (DATE?). Jade didn't want to be late picking her wife up. She desperately wanted to spend this weekend together with Tori, cuddling and reconnecting. But the small voice in the back of her mind just repeated, over and over, that it was too late. Tori was moving on.

Jade looked up to see the security guard at the studio gate. Jade didn't worry about not noticing the drive in, she was too busy worrying about everything else. Deep inside, she wondered if Tori would be relieved if she died in some fiery crash on the drive in, while on another level she was amazed she drove to the right place. "Sorry, Misses West, the lots full. You're going to have to park in the auxiliary lot." The guards words pulled her out of herself again. Jade just rolled her eyes. Of course she was parking in the gravel lot outside the fucking studio. That's just the way things start. One bit of bad luck following another.

Jade had to walk quickly to get in on time. The auxiliary lot was farther away, and the gravel wasn't fun to walk on. Worse, Zach's stupid dress code didn't allow her to wear her combat boots. She had to dress "Professional casual." Most of her outfits worked for the job, but her choices in footwear didn't always fit. She wanted to be ready to fight, to look dangerous, and heels just didn't give the kind of vibe she was going for. Stiletto heels didn't scare real bad people.

"Nice of you to join us, Jade." Zach says. She knew, late as she was, she probably had a minute or two before she would be officially late. A glance at the clock confirmed her timing. Something was up, and Zach was nervous.

"I'm here on time. I'm just not as early as you'd like. It's what happens when you call me in for an extra day. So whats up?" Jade asked. She wasn't in the mood to be polite. Today she didn't care about the job. Still, she was more reserved than she'd have been in high school.

"Jade, I need you to cover for me today while I go to lunch with a VIP. The studio has been telling me telling me you're ready to take over, and this is your chance to prove it. Rigby will be by your side to make sure everything goes okay. Try not to kill each other, or anyone else. Gillian will be with me, taking notes. I'll have Hope do what she can to minimize the small stuff, but I'm trusting you to deal with anything that comes up." Zach said.

"And why did you need me here at eight thirty if I'm covering for your business lunch?" Jade asked.

"I need to go over what I want, and then I need you to help prep me for my lunch." He said. Nate and Danny were watching intently, while both Rigby and Gillian were busy with whatever they had to do before things got crazy.

"Okay, but I'll need to be finished by one thirty. Two at the latest. I'm supposed to be picking up a friend." Jade said.

"I'll need you here. As soon as I'm back, you can bounce, once you give me the complete report on how things went." Zach said.

"By friend, I mean my wife." Jade said. "And I'm not losing time with her over an extra long sails pitch."

"Jade, if your going to make it in this industry, you need to have your priorities strait." Zach started.

"I'm out of here at one thirty. Rigby can fill you in." Jade cut him off. Zach didn't do well with people telling him what to do, but today he needed Jade, so he agreed, tentatively.

"Okay, get the other things I need you to get done by one thirty and you can bounce, but you'll need to take notes on what you do today so I can catch up. Rigby and Hope can cover from there. Nate, not one word." Zach seemed to recover too quickly. "Now Jade, on my desk is the things I need you to stay on top of today. Mostly it's putting out fires, but with my current projects, at this point it's about ninety percent fires. Directors can be such babies." He smirked at Jade, but her lack of reaction reminded him that independent directors were different. Or at least she was. "Also, I need you to call a couple of my big investors and give them updates on the movies they invested in. Finally, if things are slow, take a look at the scripts on my desk. The head of the studio wants my input on them asap, and you know enough to give me an informed opinion."

All the time they were talking, Zach had been moving her into his office. Nate followed, while the others went back to doing whatever they were going to do. It was the beginning of the day, so most of them were getting their assignments from Hope. Zach knew her well enough to know where he could touch her and not risk loosing a digit, but still get the results he was after. Today, he wanted her in his office so he could prep for this lunch.

"Okay, Jade, what can you tell me about Tori Vega." Zach said. Jade started to organize her thoughts when he jumped in. "Wait. Nate, tell us what we know about Miss Vega."

"Well." The tallish man started. Nate looked like he'd been dying to read his notes. "From what I can tell, in addition to her singing career, she is a trained actress but has been focused on her music for a while now. She's just finishing almost two years of touring in support of her second album. She's wearing an engagement ring, but never talks about it. Don't know anything about her significant other, except the ring is in dark colors. Very unique. She has one sister, Katrina, who went to Hollywood Arts High school one year ahead of her. The sister is currently doing some kind of show for the Spanish Language channel. I couldn't get details, I don't speak Spanish."

Zach rolled his eyes. "Okay, first off, we know she's married from what she told me back in September. Now Jade, you went to Hollywood Arts around the same time. Right? You told me once you and she were friends while you were in school."

"I didn't graduate from Hollywood Arts. I wound up in the system. I did know Tori and her sister. We shared a social group. I kinda lost track of them while I was in the system, but I've reconnected with most of the gang. Andre Harris, who you may recall, is her chief songwriting collaborator, is one of those friends." Jade looked at the wall. She was trying to look like she was trying to remember stuff, but it was to hide her face. Her fears and feelings about Tori might come out in this discussion.

"Yea, when do we get to meet mister Harris?" Nate asked. Jade shot him a warning glare, and immediately Nate was back to taking notes. Jade thought that was lame.

'When will he join the twenty first century?' she thought.

"Go on." Zach encouraged.

"Tell me what you want to know?" Jade said.

"Lets start easy. Who did she marry? Was it Andre?" Zach said. Jade suppressed a laugh, but that just made her feel more hollow. She took a moment to compose herself and think about her answer.

"I can't tell you that. I wasn't a guest at her wedding." Jade replied, looking at Zach. It was true. She was a participant. "I know she had a history of bad relationships, so if this one got to the alter, it had to mean something to her. I suspect she might not talk about it." Jade looked out the window, just for a second. 'Or she might rant about it.'

Nate looked at her, like he was going to say something, but Zach silenced him with a glance. Jade knew where she messed up, she knew Andre, but it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't keep up with his love life. There had been so many...

"Anything I could use to get her to sign on to one of my projects?" Zach asked.

"Vega...Tori was always willing to try new things, but sucked at taking risks. I once suggested she go to the Gorilla Club to learn to be more of a risk taker. She did, started taking more risks, and managed to break her arms." Jade was smiling at the memory, mostly how Tori grew from the experience. She didn't expect Tori's injury, and sometimes felt guilty now. At the time, it was almost a gift. "I once volunteered her to give blood for a mutual friends operation. Not only did she do it, but when they misplaced her blood, she agreed to give more." Jade felt guilt. All she did was move one pint of blood, misplacing it. It was so easy, but would wind up putting the Latina in danger. Who knew the hospital could have such a problem keeping blood around.

"How exactly did you get her to be in your movie?" Nate asked. "If I were treated the way it sounds like you treated her, I'd keep my distance."

"Tori wasn't like that. Wasn't like me. She fought back, won more often than she lost, but she understood. The blood thing, I was her understudy. I hated that I was her understudy. I could not believe that I was reduced to the roll of the understudy." Jade vented, just for a bit. "She's allergic to bush daisies. I didn't take it well. Being her understudy. I sent her bush daisies. Her sister was in the play, a small role, but more than enough to warn her of the daisies." Jade seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in. She'd spent too much time lost in memories and guilt in the last twenty four hours. Her heart hurt, but she pushed through it. She was good at ignoring her own pain.

"The point is, we had that kind of twisted relationship. Maybe the reasons were petty, but I never did anything to her without a reason. Not since the stage fighting incident." Jade proceeded to tell them of the whole fake black eye incident, ironic since it she was used to covering up real ones. "But the thing is, we made a deal of sorts, and I agreed to tone it down. Not verbally or anything, but from there, I reserved my mean pranks for revenge. Usually."

"Okay, let me get this straight. Because you shared friends, she talked you into agreeing on a sort of friendship so you could both co exists. And that's why she did your movie?" Zach sounded surprised.

"That's what you're missing. It was a real friendship to her, and eventually to me. She was the one who was there for me when things were bad. I tried to be there for her, but most of the time, she needed a kick in the ass so she could see that she could do things on her own. Yes, I pushed her off a three story platform, but it was into an airbag. I helped her. And I kept her safe. She has no idea how many scummy guys I kept away from her. Once I knew how much she drew them in. Girl needed to be less nice. It just attracted the users." Jade was happy. Her rant was going away from dangerous Territory, and the memories made Jade feel less like the monster and more like a friend.

"That's who she is. She's the nice girl who should come out on top. She's the one who tried to be happy for me when Mason was going to replace her for the Platinum Music awards. She wouldn't even kiss my ex when she was alone with him, not counting the video chat they'd forgotten was on. And he tried to convince her. I mean, he really tried. It's why I gave the spot back to her." Jade almost whispered the last part. But the room was quiet, and both men heard.

"Wait, Beck Oliver's your ex, right? Did they ever have a thing?" Nate asked. Jade and Zach both ignored him.

"I think I know why Tori did your movie now." Zach said. "Why don't you take a few minutes to go over the notes, and then you can sit in my chair until you leave. Just don't touch anything." Zach was stunned. Jade gave away the big break. The moment that launched Tori's career. She waited until her senior year to make her first album, but it was that performance that made Tori Vega a star. Zach now thought he knew her. Loyal, always trying to do the right thing, and always getting rewarded for being the good girl she was, that was the image of Tori Zach was given. He was walking into a trap.

Jade was soon alone in the office. She's allowed her memories, the things that had kept her up for half the night, to take over for a second, and she's let Zach jump to the wrong conclusion. Or maybe it was deliberate, so jade could have more of Tori's time to herself. Either way, she'd let her boss leave with only part of the picture. Tori was a complicated person, but the trait that would define her, the one that would get her to do a movie, was a mix of honesty and timing. Tori would do the right project, but to get her Zach would need to be straight with her. Too many users had tried to take advantage of her. Mason wouldn't let anyone take advantage of her, and she knew enough to ask him before she signed onto any project. And he'd need to make sure it could fit into whatever plans she has for her future.

The days work vacillated between soothing the egos of the three directors Zach had working on his current projects, reading the scripts he had on his desk, solving a problem or two, and wondering what Tori was thinking. Somewhere, around one in the afternoon, Jade wondered if Tori would even take her call. The worry about being ignored was building. She had even worked through her lunch, eating something Danny had grabbed for her at the commissary. She ignored the conversation Rigby was having with him in the other room as the day moved towards one thirty. It didn't matter to her whatever they were gossiping about.

Around one fifteen, Zach gave her a swerve. He'd called Hope to make sure everything was running smoothly, and told Jade she could go home. The goth was too caught up in her own stuff to wonder what deal he'd made that let her go fifteen minutes early, but never questioned it. Jade was out of there, and eight minutes later, she was in her car calling Tori.

One of the few modern pieces of equipment that was installed in Jade's car was the Bluetooth connected GPS system that doubled as her hands free for her phone. Jade made the quick call to see if Tori was ready. No answer, but a short while later Tori texted back where to pick her up. Jade made sure she had Tori's favorite Hollywood Arts Hoodie, and drove to pick Tori up.

Tori lunch with Zach had been less than thrilling for the tired pop star. She just wanted to get home and relax. Even her planned hot tub party with Jade was going to have to wait until after she caught a quick nap. To make things worse, Zach was trying to play on her sympathy's. He talked a lot about how much he was helping Jade, and how much she looked up to him.

"Jade has come to look to me as a sort of segregate father figure. Or more precisely an older, more handsome brother figure. Anyway, I'm sure were almost as close as she is with her parents." Zach told her. "I'm the one she runs to when her current movie project gets stalled. I swear, it's a hassle sometimes, but I feel that her talent needs to be fostered. Besides, I'm honored to do it. Not only do I get to give something back, but I can help a girl who'd spent some time in the system."

Tori wasn't buying it, and wouldn't even if she wasn't married to the goth. The Jade he described was so different than the one she'd know in school. Sikowitz was Jade's favorite teacher, and he never got that level of admiration that Zach was describing. Jade wasn't shy about getting help, but she would never beg.

More worrying was that he'd started playing these sympathy games before even telling her about his projects. That spoke volumes about his lack of faith in the movies. Tori had auditioned for a lot of small roles during her time at Hollywood Arts, and she knew that the more they avoided talking about the role, the worse it could be.

But Tori had more reason to dislike Zach Del Toro. Beyond his ego, his reputation and how self centered he was, Zach knew stuff he shouldn't. Tori knew Jade would tell him about their past relationship, but figured the man interrogated her and, when she slipped up, he found out about the Music awards. Tori strung him along, hoping to find out if he learned anything else about Jade, and soon she knew that she'd known more about Jade from her first time catching up than he did after almost seven months. Tori just didn't like the man.

When he talked about how Jade gets help in other areas from him, Tori almost lost it. "She also sometimes comes to me for advice when her absentee wife is driving her up the wall with the busy schedule. I offer her my vast experience with women to help her through the rough spots." Tori considered calling Luther back and asking him to kill Zach, discreetly. She decided against it. He was helping Jade's career.

'Just tell yourself that, over and over. He's helping Jade's career. He's helping Jade's career.' Tori tried not to hate him too much. It seemed her only break was when he stepped away to make a quick call to check on how things were going back at his office. Tori could respect that about him, he was on top of things. She still didn't like him.

After over an hour spent listening to him sell like crazy how great a human being he was, and him making a quick call to see how things were going at his office, Zach finally made his pitch for the film. It wasn't great, but it was workable, if Tori was with a director she trusted. Sikowitz, or Jade, or someone who was willing to go the extra mile to help her find the character. Zach didn't want to talk about his choice for the director, but when Tori asked, she found he'd chosen a man with a good reputation, but not the kind she was willing to work with. Funny thing was, despite all the negatives, Zach was a decent pitchman. If Tori had liked him, she might have agreed to be in one of his movies. 'Saved by a decent read of a less than decent human being.' Tori thought.

Tori tried to get out after they were done eating, but Zach was already midway through his sales pitch, and it felt rude to just walk out. Tori listened to his story, painting her a picture of how her life would be once she added his film to her biography. She wasn't really listening, so it took her by surprise when she realized her phone had been vibrating. By the time she checked, like she had been doing every five minutes, she'd missed Jade's call. Tori wanted to call her back, but texted instead. Zach wouldn't be able to see what she was doing if she was careful.

After a short eternity of fending off Zach's pitch, Tori heard her phone beep, letting her know she'd gotten a text. Praying for salvation, she opened the message to find Jade was in the back where she'd asked her to go. It was time for a quick excuse.

"Zach. Listen, I'm sorry, but my ride's here, and I don't want to keep them waiting." Tori told him as she got up. Before he could offer to walk her out, she was heading to the back, through the kitchen, and into the back ally. Jade was sitting there in her convertible, Top up, waiting.

Tori slid into the car, grabbing the hoodie as she sat down. The Latina slipped the garment over her head and on, pulled the hood up, and grabbed her favorite pair of Gucci Aviator Sunglasses to complete her disguise. Once she was dressed, they took off. At the next light, Tori took the time to give Jade a quick kiss. The singer felt bad about the delay, but knew Jade wanted to keep their relationship secret. Tori wanted to scream it to the world that Jade was hers. She also wanted to strangle the paparazzi who'd failed to note the subtle difference on her ring finger. Why hadn't they figured out she was married? Even Zach Del Toro had, and he barely noticed things outside himself.

The drive home was quick, and within twenty minutes they were at their gated community. Tori was grateful to be back, with a whole week before she needed to start on her album. Tori had wanted to take a month off, but Mason was insisting on a new song before she kidnapped Jade for the extended weekend in February. As long as Jade could tear herself away from her work, it was fine. Tori just wanted Jade time.

Jade was freaking out. It looked for a second like someone was following them. She'd kept it quiet, hoping Luther was still around. But the thought of some psycho after Tori made her paranoia spike. Jade was worried enough about losing her wife, stalkers were just too much. By the time they got to the gated community they lived in, Jade was ready to throw down.

Jade stopped only for a moment to get past the gate. She'd chosen the front gate for the extra security that was there. Guards and a locked gate could slow down whomever was following them. "Hi Misses West, Misses Vega. Having a nice day?" The guard asked.

"Jack, please, it's Tori and Jade." Tori said. "Hows your wife? Pregnant yet?"

Jade wasn't shocked by Tori's starting a conversation. Tori was the friendly type who'd genuinely take an interest in peoples lives. It pissed Jade off in high school, and only recently had she seen any value to it. It was, apparently, what it takes to earn a janitors chocolate mops on Valentines day.

"Not yet. We're gonna keep trying. Nice to have you back. I'd better let you go, before your wife tears off my dick and removes any chance I have of having a son." Jack joked. Jade would have chuckled, but she'd considered it in the past.

"Have a nice day." Tori said.

"You too." He said.

"We may have been followed. Please make sure no one get in here who's not supposed to be here." Jade said. She felt like a gank, but that was far better than having Tori in danger. Jake got serious and nodded that he understood.

No one was behind her, and she hadn't seen anyone in a few minutes. Still, she had told Jack and hoped he'd keep his eyes open. Security was pretty good in this community, but it only took the intelligence of the average raccoon to get past the gate. Jade had to hope that whomever was following them, if they existed, would be delayed by the gate, and lose sight of her car.

As she drove into the gated community where they lived, Jade started to feel more at easy. The community's security was equipped just shy of Academi (Formally Blackwater), but with much better training. Jade knew she'd be okay once she was home. Soon she was using the remote to open the gate to Tori's mansion. Jade drove up the now familiar driveway, and looked for Vanya, the caretaker. Jade had heard the rumors about the big man being ex Spetsnaz, Russian special forces. Today more than ever before, she hoped those rumors were true.

The big friendly man was out enjoying the late winter sun. It hadn't rained in a couple of days, and he looked to be heading to the outdoor pool. Jade had not initially felt safe around the mountain of a man, but during their first interview, he'd won Tori over. Feeling safe was so important to both of them that he got the job over other, more qualified applicants. He was doing a masterful job of learning how to do his caretaker duties. Over the months they'd lived in the same house, Jade had become friends with the big guy.

"Jade, darling, nice to see you've returned. And who could your friend be? She's precious. Don't let your wife know." He greeted her. Jade was used to his teasing. It was just who he was.

The bear of a man had been in Hollywood for a couple of years, and thanks to his dedication at improving his English, his accent was almost gone. Unlike so many people who migrate here, he wasn't trying to break into the entertainment industry. He'd originally gone somewhere else, but he found San Francisco in the winter to be a bit more than he'd expected from California, so West Hollywood was his second choice. Jade liked the man, even if, in the privacy of his own love life, he wanted to go against type. He was what they called a 'Bottom', and seemed determined to be one of Jade's girlfriends. Tori told her again and again not to judge.

"Vanya, I think we might have been followed. Stay alert, okay?" Jade told him.

"My gun's in my apartment. If you want, I can go get it." He said. "Or if it's not that serious, I could just stay near the pool phone, and you could call if you need me."

When he first started, back in August, He'd wired the entire estate with an intercom system. When Jade teased him about it, he then placed weatherproof phones, similar to the old emergency phones that used to line the highways, in key places. There was no place on the estate that was out of communication, even if it took a little effort to walk out of the garden.

"Just be ready in case there's trouble." Jade said to the big man. She noticed Tori was already out of the car and heading in, but Jade needed to park in the carriage house, over the caretakers apartment. She saw him waiting around for her as she exited the carriage house to head to the main house, and stopped to talk to him. Before he could say anything, she spoke. "Go ahead and swim. It's probably nothing. Is Jaime coming over?"

"He's busy today. I'm expecting him to drop by for dinner, and maybe spend the weekend. Tell Tori." Jade smiled. Not only was Vanya so friendly he was on first name basis with both of them, but he'd started dating Tori's first cousin. Jaime wasn't like Trina. He'd had trouble adjusting to being an adult. Vanya was good for him. Jade also felt for the man who'd closest family that was willing to accept his sexuality was David Vega.

"Will do." Jade smiled again. She really liked the guy, but sometimes it was hard to look past the three hundred pounds of muscle and bone that made up the caretaker. It was the sole area of contention between them. He was so much the definition of a 'bear', she hated that he was a fem. Tori, however, knew he just liked being the girl in his relationships, and didn't follow any stereotype.

Outside the community, Rigby was looking around for a way in. She'd had Danny place a simple tracking device under the bumper of Jade's car, knowing that the auxiliary lot wasn't monitored so no one would know he did it. She had agreed with Nate and Danny to follow Jade to find out where the scary girl lived, doing so with Zach's reluctant blessings. His conversation with her had opened his eyes to how much more there was to her than meets the eye. Zach had a theory that Jade was involved with some relative of Mason Thornsmith, and Rigby was there to prove it. Or rather, prove that Jade could pay to host one of their team building events. Rigby was tired of the apartments of her coworkers. She wanted to be someplace new. Nate was along to confirm where Jade lived, and because he wanted to know more about the lovely girl. Both Rigby and Zach knew he was probably there in case she needed someone to take the hit if Jade was pissed. The girl carried scissors at all times.

They'd kept their distance, staying out of sight until they cam to the gated community. Rigby knew she was picking up her wife,but was surprised when it was in the downtown parts of Hollywood. They'd have their answer soon enough. Now, outside the community, their problem was getting in. Jade lived in a fairly exclusive gated community. Nate had also saw at least one coded gate on the drive here, and knew Jade had to have gone right past it on her way to the front entrance. That meant she was known, and she either saw them, or forgot her code. As they were thinking of how to get in, Gillian called them to see what was up.

"So how's operation 'where does Jade live' going?" Gillian, the perky blond, asked.

"We're stuck outside the gated community. Didn't occur to us that she'd live in such a secure area. So tell me, Bambi, How are we gong to get in?" Rigby was of Desi decent, and had a mean girls personality.

"Does Zach know anyone who lives in the community?" Gillian asked.

"Let me check." Rigby replied. "Nate, who does Zach know in that community?"

The tallish black man quickly went through his phones contacts. He soon had a name. Alicia James was one of Zach's ex's, and she lived with her Director boyfriend in the same gated community. The last time they spoke to her, She hated Zack, but liked Nate. It was the best they could do.

"Nate found someone. We're going in." Rigby said.

"Not yet, I'm almost there." Gillian replied.

Meanwhile, inside her home, Jade was dealing with the last thing she expected after all her guilt. Tori was wazzed. More accurately, Tori was caught between being exhausted, pissed off, and horny. Jade was trying to sooth Tori's rage at Zach treating her like a child, while Tori was trying to vent so she could get some rest. Once she'd had her nap, Tori was intent on reminding Jade how much she loved her. Of course, Tori would have tried a different approach if she'd known where Jade's head had been. Jade didn't need an angry wife.

Tori wasn't angry at Jade for telling Zach whatever she told him. She knew Jade was getting a lot from that job, and so was expected to help him land the actress he needed for his next project. Zach Del Toro had fallen a lot in the last year. His reputation of having every movie he made break one hundred million dollars was shattered when he released a couple of flops. His recovery was anemic in the light of blockbusters that made over half a billion dollars. Zach needed a hit, and Tori could help sell whatever piece of trash he planned on making next. So Zach leaned on Jade, and the goth told him about their time in high school.

Jade was worried. Tori was wazzed about Zach. Apparently he used what she'd told him to try and guilt Tori into being in one of his projects. He should have asked Jade how well that would have worked. She'd have told him about their experiences on Brain Squeezers. Guilt didn't work on the Latina. Neither did threats, blackmail, and quiet drives through Shadow Creek Park. Jade smiled for a second, before remembering Tori was pissed at her, and the goths grin fell.

Gillian and Rigby drove their cars into the community. They'd gotten Alicia to put their names on the list, and so were expected. It cost a little, in the only currency the actress was interested in. They'd secured her help with the promise that Zach would drop by to hear her man's latest pitch for some movie he wanted to make. "Made for TV directors need to man up." Rigby said to no one in particular.

The director, whom everyone called Kent, had talked to the members of the neighborhood watch about Jade. No one recognized her, but that wasn't surprising. In this community, the paid security did the patrolling, so there wasn't much of a neighborhood watch. Kent wasn't an active part of the neighborhood association, so he didn't know most of the people who lived there. While Kent was trying to get a description of the car, Rigby wondered about how big the community was. The cheap Radio Shack transmitter in Jade's bumper would only transmit about half a mile. They needed to narrow the field, but driving around could do that for them. The community covered about a square mile, but the richest corner, about a fourth of the whole place, only had about Twenty houses. Rigby wanted to start there, even though it was unlikely that was where Jade lived. She wanted to see the celebrities.

Zach had arrived by this point, and while he sat and listened to the pitch, his assistants were sent to find Jade's car. As they started to file out, he told them to be careful when they ask to speak with her. They'd need the confirmation, and so would have to talk to someone to get it.

"Remember, she's married, so she might not go by the West surname." Zach warned them.

It took about fifteen minutes to drive around with Nate for Rigby to find her way through the community and get to the right house. It was huge, easily one of the twenty biggest in the community. Rigby felt both bitter and understanding. If she lived there, she wouldn't want a bunch of nobodys coming to her home all the time. But still, Jade should have hosted their get togethers. A lot. 'I wonder if she has a pool?'

Rigby hit the comm button on the house, not sure what she'd say once they got a response. They'd triangulated the signal, and this was probably the right house, but it could be the one next door. It was her idea to follow the moody girl. Rigby had talked Zack into letting them find Jade's house, just so he'd know how close she lived to him. It would also end Jade's avoiding the hosting duties Rigby now knew she should have been doing all along. This was the moment.

"Can I help you?" The voice was Male, deep and commanding. Rigby almost hoped this was the wrong house, and that the guy was single. She'd almost recovered from the blow-back of her last one night stand. That guy had been an assistant, but to one of the studio executives, so he was able to stall her attempt to sell one of her scripts. Rigby had been fucked for the way she treated him, but that bitch was too clingy. Rigby wouldn't make the same mistake again, and would only screw around outside the studio. She shook her head and focused on the task at hand.

"I work for Zach Del Toro" She started. Rigby had found people were a lot less likely to call security on her if she had a good cover story, and Zach's name had carried a little forgiveness from some of the people she spoke to on the intercoms.

"Misses Vega doesn't want to talk to him. Go away." The response was quick, cutting off her request to know if Jade was there.

'Vega? Tori Vega?' Rigby thought. "I'm looking for a friend, said she's be here. Name's Jade. Jade West" Might as well confirm this is the right place, then report back as soon as possible. There were a couple of other Vega's it could be, but none of them would be trying to avoid Zach this week. Besides, Tori was the one Rigby knew of who'd made enough to afford this place. That meant this was probably Tori Vega's place, and that Jade lived with Tori Vega. Now she was sure she knew why Jade had not wanted anyone to know where she lived.

"She's busy too." came the reply.

"I'll call her and straighten this up." Rigby said. Then she thought for a second. "Fuck. My phone's in my car. I'll be right back."

As soon as she was at her car, she called Zach.

"Rigby, I'm not a part of your sick game. Unless you've got pics of Jade naked, just leave me out of this." Zach's faith was wavering. Jade could be scary, and Rigby knew she'd intimidated Zach more than once. But this was too good not to tell her boss.

"Tori Vega." Rigby said. "Jade lives with her."

"Wha... Are you sure?'" Zach asked.

"Not yet. Haven't seen her with my eyes, and the car might be in the next house over. We need to draw her out, so I can confirm it's her." Rigby said.

"Okay, I'll help." Zach was stunned. The signs were all there. She claimed her wife had copied the wedding ring the singer so famously wore for their marriage, but everything else, it was all there. "Watch the house. I'll see if I can draw her out." Jade and Vicky? Vicky was short for Victoria. Tori was short for Victoria. Zach felt incredibly stupid.

As soon as he hung up, he called Jade. It was late afternoon by this point, and he needed an excuse that didn't scream "I know where you live." He chose the easy one. He knew she lived in the hills, so he used his ex as a method of drawing her out.

As soon as she answered the phone, he sprung into action. "Jade, I hate to bother you, but I desperately need some papers picked up from Alicia Jones's place. She's leaving tonight, and I can't get there for a few hours. All I need you to do is go, pick up the contracts, and drop them off to the office some time this weekend."

"No." Jade replied.

"Jade, she lives in the Hollywood hills. You have her address in your contacts. Just do this. Let me know how long it took, and I'll give you that time off next week." Zach said.

"Text me the address. I'll let you know." Jade said with a sigh. Turning to Tori. "He wants me to pick up some paperwork from Alicia Jones and get it to him sometime before Monday. Says she's going out of town soon, so he needs me to do it ASAP." Jade sounded apologetic.

"So where does she live?" Tori asked. Jade checked her contact list. She saw the address, and Splash maps gave her directions.

"No shit? She lives in the same community. About half a mile or more, taking the streets." Jade replied.

"Then go. I need to take a nap." Tori said. "Just get back here soon and start the Jacuzzi. I have some things to discuss with you." Tori smirked.

Jade felt nervous. Tori could be unpredictable. Rather, if Jade wasn't so in her fears she'd know that Tori was horny. Jade had christened that look Tori was giving her "Predit-Tori", both because it's a joke, and because it's the best description of what Tori wants to do to her. But in the throws of Jade's fears, the goth only could think of Tori getting tired of waiting.

Jade walked out to the garage, but decided against taking her car. Her used scooter was a better choice for the quick drive in dry weather. She hadn't ridden it in a while, and for this trip, it wasn't worth the gas to use the car. Also, sometimes it was fun to ride the scooter. Jade looked at the beautiful house, and realized that with the exception of Tori's large collection of Vintage clothing, the only second hand stuff in it was hers. Jade still hadn't broken her survival habits. She didn't spend money unless she had to, often cruising traidlist for free stuff she might need, or otherwise keeping her expenses low. It was just her habit. Jade wasn't going to cost Tori any more than she had to.

Jade texted Zach back, letting him know she'd be able to run this errand for him, but otherwise she needed wife time. He let her know they'd be expecting her. Next Jade called the front gate. "Jack? Hi, I've got a strange request. I've been asked to pick something up for my boss from this guy Kent. Not sure if it's his first or last name. Anyways, I don't want my boss to know I live here." Jade started.

"Way ahead of you. When you're ready, let me know and I'll call the house and let them know you're coming through the gate." Jack said. Jade was grateful for the concierge lever service the community provided. It would help her keep where she lived secret.

Zach, however, was starting to have second and third thoughts about going along with his assistants plan to find where Jade lived. There were several reasons he'd initially went along, the reasons Rigby, Nate and Gillian had used to convince him. The apartments in the Hollywood Hills area could be nice, and everyone wanted to know more about the mystery behind Jade's marriage. She was, as far as anyone could tell, the only bride in California with no pictures of her spouse on her phone, computer, or in her purse. Something was wrong.

Now, however, Zach got it. Jade was with Tori, and he understood wanting to keep that relationship secret. Jade probably wanted to avoid the media intrusion that came with dating a major celebrity. Or maybe she just didn't want the others constantly calling her, asking for the kind of shit his family usually asked him for. Whatever the reasons, they'd invaded Jade's privacy, and now he had to find a way to contain this until he could calm her down. He just wished she'd trusted him with that information, before he made an ass of himself during lunch. 'Complained about her wife, no wonder Tori was mad.'

His phone beeped, and he opened the message to see a picture Rigby sent him. She didn't recognize Jade, just someone in a leather jacket on a scooter. Zach had seen her scooter before, and knew it was probably her under the helmet and goggles. She'd be there soon. Kent got the call from the front gate, letting them know Jade had arrived. Zach took the deep breath, and turned to Gillian.

"We know where she lives, so how do we keep her form freaking out?" He asked. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. Zach suspected that no one had thought about how Jade would react. It was time for damage control.

"I..She's gonna be mad, isn't she?" Gillian asked.

As Zach was forming an answer, they heard the doorbell ring. Zach quickly handed a random envelope from his stuff to Kent, and sent him to hand it to Jade. If she never found out they were involved, maybe this would blow over.

Kent opened the door, only to have it kicked in. Seconds later, Jade stormed into the house. She was fuming. "Zach! I know you're here. I saw your car!" She screamed.

"Yea, about that." Zach started. His instinct was to lie.

"Were sorry. We just wanted to know where you lived." Gillian said, stepping in. "I mean, we share all kinds of stuff, even me and Rigby. I just wanted to get through to you, maybe share more about our lives."

Jade looked through Gillian, her anger rippling under her skin. "You had no right." She said, containing her wrath for just a few moments. Murder would cut into her wife time.

"You're right. We should have respected your privacy. It's just, we needed some connection to you. You're Zach's favorite, you do everything. I mean, everything. You write as well as Rigby, you act, and you've won two film festival directing awards. I had to struggle to get my shot into a film festival, and you're on the short list for invitations to festivals all over the world." Gillian said. "We needed something. Some thing to let us know who you were. Who you are. You've got no idea what it's like to have someone so much better than you just walk into your life..."

"Bullshit. I went to school with Tori Fucking Vega. She got in on a fluke, and was instantly better them everyone. She could act with almost no training, getting the lead in her first play. She could sing, god could she sing. And everybody loved her. I watched her walk in and take my place as the best actress at Hollywood Arts, take my friends, get help from my favorite teacher, instantly she was on top, and could take everything from me in a heartbeat." Jade shot back. The memories that had been reviewed last night came back with a vengeance. "I know exactly what it feels like to be displaced by the newcomer. At least I worked my ass off to get where I am today."

"Married to Tori Vega." Zach said. Gillian looked at him, mouthing 'Why?', wondering how he could just throw gas on the bonfire.

"And! How! Do! YOU! FUCKING! KNOW! THAT!" Jade screamed the last word with venom.

"Danny put some kind of Radio Shack tracker on your car. We followed you to see where you lived. Weren't expecting this." Gillian said. She was bracing for a beating. Jade was the kind of scary where you knew she could back it up with violence.

"Rigby asked for you at your front gate. Some dude answered, said Misses Vega didn't want to talk to us." Zach said. "I'm sorry. If you'd just told me, I'd have never let them do this."

"If I'd told you, Tori would be getting calls from you every time she came home." Jade replied, still fuming. Zach opened his mouth, but Jade cut him off. "I have a lot of nasty qualities, but I always admit when I'm caught." Jade was still restraining herself, trying not to let her anger cause trouble. She didn't know if that Kent guy was hurt when she kicked in the door, but adding to the carnage wasn't going to help.

"Okay, I admit I can be persistent when I want something. This doesn't explain why she was so hostile during lunch. If anything, she should have loved me more." Zach said. He suspected it was something he said, but maybe Jade could clarify things.

"Who do you think I vent to when I had a bad day?" Jade said, calming a little. "Understand, Tori is off limits. You want to work with her, you contact her through Mason. I'm her personal life."

"One condition." Zach said. The look Jade gave him was enough to cause him to see his life flash before his eyes. At least his sex life. "You have to socialize with your coworkers. Talk to Tori, if she's the girl you described, she'll want you to."

Jade fumed, so angry about everything. But He was right. Tori was dying to meet her coworkers, and be seen in public with her, and everything else that came with being openly married. Jade couldn't deny her any more. Guilt swallowed her anger. "I still want to keep my relationship with her secret, until my first movie is out." Jade said.

"So until a year ago." Zach said. Jade's glare told him this wasn't something to laugh about. "Jade, while you're still an intern, your name has buzz around the industry. Nothing can come out to make people think less of you as a filmmaker. How about, we give you another month or two, but you open up a bit. Let yourself and Tori enjoy being a couple. I'll talk you though how to come out."

"Right. I'm not in the mood for a big press conference announcing I'm with Tori." Jade said. Her voice was laced with malice, but she was listening. Zach fell back on the one skill he had that Jade hadn't mastered.

"Not how I'd sell it. Far better to just start going out together, and if someone asks, just say you've been open about it from the start, but haven't felt the need to shove it in peoples faces. Just pretend that you've been in a normal marriage, and no one has noticed. I'd talk to Mister Thornsmith, and get our stories straight. Does he know?" Zach was being unusually helpful. Jade didn't trust him.

"Yes. He was at the wedding." Jade said.

"You said you weren't at the wedding." Zach said. "So you do lie."

"I said I wasn't a guest. I was a participant. But yea, I lie like a carpet." Jade smiled. Zach's idea could work, and it wouldn't hurt her reputation. "I need to get back. Tori needs to tell me something."

"Jade, just so we understand each other, I'm going to act like I knew, but didn't make a big deal out of this. You can trust me not to blab. If you keep your end of the bargain." Zack said with a smile. "After all, I wouldn't want my privacy violated, so it was wrong of me to go along with this. But now that we're involved, I think this is for the best."

Jade nodded as she got up and headed out. She had a lot to think about now. Zach knew. Everyone she worked with knew, except maybe Hope, and Zach would tell her. He trusted her more than any of his assistants. It was time to talk to Tori. Maybe this was a blessing. If they had a road to being open about being married, then maybe Tori wouldn't leave her. Jade was still worried about what she might have lost getting to this point in her movie. She'd think about revenge later, once she'd dealt with Tori's issues.

Jade rode her scooter back to her home. Lacking a remote, she buzzed Vanya for entry. "Big guy, It's me. Open up."

"Me who?" Came the reply. His deep voice sounded intimidating over the intercom.

"You've got a fucking Video feed, who do you think it is?" Jade shot back.

"Tell me the name of the first play Tori prevented you from preforming?" Came his reply. Jade was annoyed. He could plainly see who she was. At least he could ask her to take off her helmet.

"Clowns don't bounce." Jade replied. She regretted that whole indecent. Doug turned out to be a perve, but not stupid. He didn't try anything once he found out how old she was. She also didn't get a rescheduling of her play as punishment for messing with Tori's Prome. Pissed off as she was about the whole thing, it didn't change her current situation.

As the gate opened, she looked down the street. "Rigby, you'd better be getting back to Zach. We'll deal with this on Monday." she told the street. Then she rode up her driveway as the gate closed behind her. She didn't want to take the time to figure out how she was going to pay them back for invading her privacy. Maybe she'd come up with something clever later.

"Jade, I think you should know there was an unpleasant woman looking for you earlier. She claimed to work for your boss." Vanya said. The big Russian was dripping wet, having walked here from the pool.

"Taken care of for now. Why don't you relax, I have to face the tiger now." Jade said.

First, she went to the garage. Searching under her rear bumper, she found the transmitter. It was cheap. It looked like a magnet, batteries, wiring and the crystal were all that it used. Short range, only letting you know what direction the car was from you, it was the kind of thing someone put together themselves. Sinjin had better, and smaller. Jade disconnected the battery and took it with her. She thought maybe she could give it back to Danny on Monday. She again thought about revenge, but realized she was escaping into comfortable territory, and she needed to face whatever Tori wanted to talk about.

She was given a small reprieve, Tori was still napping. Jade smiled at how adorable her wife looked while sleeping. The whole trip took maybe forty five minutes. It would be another hour before the singer was up. Jade put the transmitter on the table and spent the time working on a new story. Still in love with the horror genera, this story was about a coven of witches who lived in New York. They were dark, practicing magic that included the occasional human sacrifice. However, as the modern witch-hunters started to take them down, it was quickly discovered that this coven was protecting the city from something far more evil than the practices they'd been doing. It was still in the early stages, sketched out with the characters starting to take on their own lives. Jade was beginning to be interested where this story might go.

"Jade?" Tori's voice cut through the room. Jade quickly saved the story and turned the computer off. This was more important. She could get back to writing later.

"Yes?" Jade replied.

"Did you get the paperwork for Zach?" Tori asked.

"It turned out, it was a trap to find out where I lived. They'd followed us." Jade reached over to where she'd placed the tracker. "Using this."

"Oh my god," Tori was out of bed in a heartbeat, rushing to where Jade sat. "Are you all right? Did they hurt you." The singer was checking for any injuries.

"It was the guys from work. They were tired of me never hosting their stupid get togethers. I'm fine." Jade was starting to feel better. At least Tori still cared. However, the Latina hadn't stopped checking her. "Looking for anything in particular?"

"Nope." Tori popped the P. "I'm relieved you weren't hurt, upset that your friends know where we live, and frankly I just like touching you. Why don't we get you out of those cloths and I can touch you some more."

Jade was still processing everything. She allowed Tori to take control, moving to the bed. The foreplay was a backdrop to her trying to process everything. Zach felt bad about invading her privacy. He was willing to help her come out about being Tori's wife. This was the first time he'd acted like a mentor. She didn't know where she stood with him, with anyone anymore. Jade stopped thinking as she felt Tori start to kiss her thighs. Jade was now hyper aware of where Tori was, and how little she was still wearing. With a quick inventory, she concluded that she still had socks on.

"What about the jacuzzi? I thought you wanted to soak in the jacuzzi." Jade stuttered out. Then she noticed Tori wasn't looking her in the eye. The singer was down lower, rubbing her own breasts against Jade's knee's.

"As much as I love fucking you in the hot tub, I just don't have the patience to wait for it to heat up. I want to play NOW!" Tori said. Jade started to protest, but Tori's next action took her breath, and with it her words.

Tori was licking her inner thighs. First the left, then the right, slowly making her way up. Once she got to the top, she skipped up to Jade's breasts. Tori suckled on each in turn until the nipples were hard, and Jade was moaning her name. From there, Tori started kissing her way down Jade's front, stopping to form letters with her tong. Jade was starting to get frustrated. Tori slid up and kissed the goth on the lips, pushing her tong into Jade's mouth and exploring. Jade wasn't able to considerate on anything but her wife.

The goth's eyes shot open when she felt Tori's hand exploring her crotch. Tori ghosted her hand across Jade's pussy, stopping to lightly circle her clit. Looking Jade in the eye, the Latina found her voice. "I think it's time you realized just how much I love you." With that, Tori's fingers entered her. Slowly at first, then building to a rhythm, the singer took her time. Jade felt the build inside. Tori slowly, lovingly brought her closer and closer to release, only to stop and shift her attention back to those D-cup breasts. Jade felt the tension, and as much as she needed the release, she was lost in Tori's gentle touch. It took all of Jade's willpower not to scream, but she held herself. As her reward, Tori reentered her, and with the resuming of the rhythm, slowly brought Jade back to, then over, the edge.

Jade was no stranger to Tori's lovemaking. Today was more controlled then she was used to. Normally Tori would be lost in her own sea of lust, and the sex had a raw, primal feeling to it. Today was about making love, but also about taking Jade to a new level. 'Stupid tantra classes.' Jade thought, but she didn't have any malice behind those thoughts.. Her skin was tingling, and she was sure Tori could talk her into a three-way with Sinjin and she'd happily agree.

After a few more minutes, Tori looked at her, worry showing in those deep brown eyes. Ocean blue looked back, trying to convey all the love Jade had until she could remember how to speak. A kiss followed, and they cuddled for a few moments more.

"Jade, I need to know. Are you really okay with people knowing about us?" Tori asked.

"Yea. I was so focused on not being seen as a kept woman that I forgot to be a good wife. I should have remembered, if I'm doing it on my own, then the rest of Hollywood can go fuck themselves. Yea, I'm okay." Jade smiled. She still couldn't think about revenge. Tori was just too interesting.

Tori still looked worried. Jade started to feel the tension in the air. "Babe, what's up?'

"Nothing." Tori sighed.

"This isn't nothing." Jade said, then it hit her. "Oh god! I forgot. Roll onto your back and I'll reciprocate."

"That's not it." Tori said, pulling Jade closer into the cuddle.

"Since when do you say no to me going down on you?" Jade asked.

"Since I... Never mind. I love you. I love being with you. Today, I just don't need you to do anything to get me off. Later, when I'm using the strap-on, I'll probably get off." Tori said, sounding like herself.

Jade shifted, pulling herself from Tori's grip. She heard a protest, and wasn't sure who made it. Looking into Tori's eyes, she decided it was time to close the distance between them.

"What is it. Did I push you aside too much? Am I too distant? Somethings wrong, and I need to know if I'm going to fix it." Jade was trying to sound resolute, but inside she was screaming. 'Tori said she loves me. What if she's no longer attracted to me?"

"I-I can't". The brown eyes looked at the pillow, anywhere but Jade.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's probably none of my business, but there seems to be at least one thing between us. I want to close the distance. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it." Jade was almost frantic inside, but sounded only mildly panicked to Tori.

The Latina had no immediate answer. She started to say how this was just work stuff, or maybe she had another excuse, but what came out of her mouth was "Five hundred."

Jade was confused. All the worry, the near panic about losing Tori, this wasn't what she was expecting. "Five hundred what?"

Tori buried her head in the pillow. Jade wasn't sure if she should be hurt or not, but wasn't ready to feel betrayed yet. Pushing down the feelings that were fighting to be released, she asked again. "Five hundred what?" Anger edged her voice.

"Please don't hate me." Tori chose the words that inspired almost no trust. Jade fought to forgive Tori for whatever was about to pass between them. Her eyes beckoning Tori to continue. "I f-figured it out. Five hundred times." Tori said. Hurt poured from the Latina's voice, long held pain that needed a release.

"What happened five hundred times?" Jade asked. Her mind was going into overdrive.

"You said it varied, but averaged twice per week for over four plus years. Add in a few for special punishments, as well as however many times the breaker did it, and I kinda rounded it to five hundred." Tori had backed herself to the edge of the bed, now looking at the pale girl, but never at her eyes. Guilt and hurt mixed in the singers voice.

Jade had never done this. It was too big for her to ever do. Tori had figured out how many times she'd been raped. Jade had a lot of therapy behind her, and could tell this was hurting Tori. Old pain, shame and hurt started to rise in her mind. Her first line of defense was to get angry, but this was Tori. This was the one she let past her walls.

"H" Jade took a breath and tried again. "How long have you been holding that in? I mean, when.."

"Since the day you were brought back into my life. The report Luther got me, it had everything. Jade, I know I had no rite to look this up, but I just wanted to find a way to make it okay." Tori was crying now. "But it never can. Nothing can take those years away. That bastard raped you for years and I can't do anything to make it better..."

Then Jade had her, holding her in a tight embrace. For an untold eternity she held her wife, and let her cry the tears she herself had held in for so long. Then Jade joined in. They just cried, finding a new connection in the shared despair of the loss Richard had inflicted on Jade. They cried until they were out of tears and their voices were raw. Then they rolled onto the bed, and holding onto each other, they fell asleep.

They awoke to the sound of Tori's phone. The singer didn't want to get it, but needed to know how long they were out. As she got untangled from Jade, she felt a stronger connection to her wife then she'd ever felt before. 'I just hope Jade feels the same.' The call was from Vanya. She also noticed a Text. Dinner was ready.

"Jade, you up for something to eat?" She asked the mound where she knew her wife was laying.

"I could eat." Came the reply, almost casual despite it's rough sound. Her voice, like Tori's, was raw from the crying. "But first, I need an answer. How much was guilt?"

"Every unanswered orgasm. Every time I just wanted to fuck you to hear you come." Tori said. "No, that's not true." She corrected herself. "Some times, I just wanted to hear you come. So about half of them."

"Well, stop it. It's not your cross to bear, it's mine." Jade said as she started looking for her cloths. "I've been dealing with it for years, and I'll continue to do so for the rest of my life. You want to make it better?" Jade looked at her wife, and getting a quick nod, continued. "Then be Tori. Push for that family you want, give me a hard time when I'm a bitch. Just never treat me like I'm broken. He damaged me, but he never broke me." Jade didn't realize how strong she sounded at that moment, or how strong she felt. She just knew it was true. Her truth, and the truth about her life with Tori. 'After all this time, we've peeled back another layer, and found out something new.' Jade smiled, despite herself.

Tori looked at Jade for almost thirty seconds, unable to speak. Finally, after quickly pulling on a bra and dress, she grabbed Jade, kissing her roughly. "You may not be able to walk tomorrow, after that little speech."

"Lets see what's for dinner." Jade said, leading the way down to the dining room.

Jade wasn't one to just drop her attempt at salvaging her marriage, even if it didn't need salvaging. Jade had spent enough time worrying about how selfish she'd been to ignore the remaining elephant in the room. As they ate dinner, she smiled and let the men talk, but in her head she was planning something. It was time to stop being selfish, and Jade knew only one thing that would do that. It terrified her, and at the same time opened up so many possibilities.

They were too young. She knew that they would do better to wait a few years, finish enjoying their youth. But at the same time, it was a subject Tori was anxious to broach. Jade steeled herself for the after dinner conversation. Tori was serious about screwing her brains out, but Jade was past sex. 'Tonight is about love'. The chuckle that tore it's way out of her throat caught her by surprise. 'Okay, ironic much.' she checked to see, and yes, Tori was staring. Jade just waved it off and focused on what she needed to say.

As they got to the bedroom, Jade knew it should be harder than it was. Tori was kissing her, moving towards the bed with purpose. Jade, however, was still satisfied from earlier. She'd give, soon enough, and probably receive, but Tori needed to be talked to first. With an act of willpower she just stopped. Tori took a few moments to notice, and still kept going until she realized Jade wasn't playing along.

So there they were, sitting on the bed, stripped down to their underwear. (Tori was good at undressing them both.) The Latina's eyes found Jade's, concern written on her face. Jade didn't give her the chance to speak. Taking both Tori's hands, she spoke first.

"I think it's time we really took a good look at having children." Jade said. Tori lunged, hands ripping free of her wife's to wrap around her back. The force of the jumping hug pushed the goth onto the bed, facing the ceiling and her wife. "Talk first." she giggled.

"Oh my god, I thought you'd never be ready. I mean for the talk. I mean, if your ready, we could have some today. Or get pregnant, or.." Tori's voice faded as she got confused. With no words, she kissed her wife hard, and tried to force all her gratitude into Jade through the kiss. They broke apart, both panting for air.

"Tori, darling, you may need to get off me if were going to talk about this. I think I only have so much willpower, and I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm not gonna get pregnant from you fucking me. So lets talk options." Jade tried being glib, but knew this was still scary grounds.

From there, they talked options. Both agreed that Tori really really wanted to be pregnant, but adoption was also an option. Jade pointed out how young they were, while Tori pointed out now was the perfect time to have kids. In the end, they agreed to look into all the options, and decided how to proceed from there. They agreed that soon, they would be a family.

Inwardly, Jade made sure she was doing this for the right reasons. She would be a mother soon, or maybe a father. She wasn't sure how this was going to work. What she did know was that she'd come full circle. Children meant her parents would be grandparents, and they would be involved in the raising of her brood. Jade wasn't sure she liked the idea, but it was part of the equation. Her own grandparents hadn't really been a part of her life, only visiting occasionally. Jade wondered if they were ashamed of her parents, or the family they'd conceived. It didn't matter. Jade was going to be a parent, and find the balance of helping her children be as independent as she was and being as loved as Tori. It was a whole new world of mistakes to make. Jade found she was getting excited about the prospects. Would they want to follow in their parents footsteps? Go to Hollywood Arts? Would they be like her, Tori, any of their parents?

Jade was happy, with a future she liked before her. She hadn't finished conquering Hollywood, but now she'd have a new challenge to go with it. Joys, sorrows, everything that came with children were waiting for her. Jade knew she'd have to talk to her therapist, because she must have gone mad. Now, she was ready for her family, and with Tori they'd take the world by storm.

She just knew that she would never name any of her children Zach.


This feels like a good place to end. I hope I left you wanting more, and some of you are imagining what their children will be like. Whats important is I've told the story of how Jade got to this point.

Two more things I want to talk about. First, Lushcoltrane has added to the note I made last chapter about moving forward and seeking a better life. "Anyone out there who needs help, please ask someone. I've never been in such dire circumstances but I've had my problems in the past and it sucks to have to swallow your pride and ask for help but it's more than worth it. Don't worry about your dignity - that can always be mended." Good advice.

Next, don't expect me to keep up with the pace I was updating. I have over twenty chapters done before I posted the first one.

Thank you all for reading.