Hello Guys! Now, I know I'm not done with Reactions, but I've had this idea for a while. And Taytaycoco (read her stories their awesome!) has been asking me to write a Christael for a while. And Wednesdays her birthday! Happy Birthday Taylor! I hope you, along with everyone else, enjoys this story. I wanted to put this out then, but I can't help myself.

Btw, the language in this chapter gets a little rougher then I wanna make it, but that's the only thing that I could write without making it less intense. Sorry!




A 14-year-old Christine Booth was sitting at her desk in her room, doing homework. Well, trying to do homework. She might get a math problem done here and there, but her mind was on boys. Multiple guys that she was slightly interested in. Jake, the funny saxophone player, who can be kind of a dick sometimes. Dylan, the hot popular guy that really needs to grow up. Brian, the sweet, caring dork, who is not physically attractive whatsoever. All these guys were nothing big in her mind. They weren't "crush worthy", as she and her friends, Rachel and Jennie, called it. Then there was the one guy who was SO perfect in her eyes. Alex. He was hot, funny, sweet, and would be SUCH a perfect boyfriend. Rachel and Jennie agreed. He was amazing.

Yea Alex. God he's awesome. But what about Michael. He's perfect too. Funny, caring, sweet. He's always been there for you. And he was really hot too. Last summer when you went to the Hodgins pool on their estate, don't pretend you didn't think about this. That silky brown hair, those deep brown eyes, that lovely smile. He's really quite perfect, Michael.

Christine snapped back into reality. Had she just been fantasizing about Michael? No, that wasn't possible. Michael was like another brother to her. They'd been best friends for a long as she could remember. He knew more about her than even Rachel and Jennie. You do not have a crush on Michael. You do NOT have a crush on Michael. That would ruin everything you two have. You're just good friends. More then good, best friends. You do NOT have a crush on Michael.

She quickly focused back on her homework and continued with her normal day: talking to her parents, eating dinner, helping her 10-year-old brother, Max, with his project, and her 7 year-old sister, Holly, with her homework, and then showering and going to sleep. Yet, all the while she couldn't keep her mind off how perfect Michael was, more then Alex, but she refused to admit it, even to herself.




At the same time, 15-year-old Michael Hodgins sat in his room, doing his homework. In the same type of situation, he wasn't thinking about homework. His mind only had one thought: Christine Booth is the most wonderful, beautiful, perfect girl in the entire world. He constantly drifted to fantasies of her with him. Going to the movies and on dates. Taking her to the Winter Formal. Slow dancing, their bodies together. Their lips meeting for the first time. And the second. And all the times after that. If only he had the courage to ask her out. They were nothing but good friends. She didn't think of him in that way. If he did ask her out, he would be setting himself up for disappointment. And then it would be awkward, their friendship lost, and they would go in completely different directions. Or, she could say yes. Wouldn't that be amazing. No other boy could be with that long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, charming smile, and those adorable dimples. No, that won't happen. Isn't it better to have a little of something great then none at all?

He thought about this all day, every day. He was used to have to go through his usual day of eating, talking to 10-year old Katherine, 7-year old Will, and 4-year old Annie, showering and sleeping. It's what he always did. But the feelings of love for her got stronger everyday.




Almost a week later Christine was still trying to calm these thoughts. You don't have a crush on Michael. No you don't. He's your best friend and nothing more. She was going through her daily, mental chant of this, when she got a text from Michael.

U want us 2 pick u up?

She replied with out thinking about it.

Sure. Let me tell my mom.

Kk. were almost there.

She walked downstairs to the kitchen where her mom was making lunches. "Hey mom, Michael and Aunt Angela are gonna pick me up."

"Ok. Perfect, that way I can drop off Max and Holly at school and get to the lab earlier." She replied.

"They'll be here soon." Christine told her mother, then texted Michael.

All good.

Cool. Were around the corner

She got her stuff said goodbye to Max and Holly and walked outside, where Michael and Angela were just pulling up. She climbed in to the car. "Hi Michael, Aunt Angela. How are you guys?"

"Good sweetie. Thanks for asking. You got everything?" Angela replied.

"Yep." She replied.

"Ok, lets get you kids to school."

"How're you doin Crissy? Haven't seen you in a couple of days." Michael asked.

"I'm good. All the same. Typical October homework." She replied.

They made small talk all the short ride to school. Once there, they got out of the car and walked to the main doors, still talking. Once inside, Kaitlyn, a popular girl walked by. "Hey Michael" she said, obviously flirting.


Michael, Christine, Jennie, and Michael's friend, Stephen, were playing truth or dare. "You're turn Michael." Jennie said.

"Um. Ok… Christine. Truth or dare?" he asked.

"Truth." She answered.

"Who do you like?" he desperately hoped it was him.

"Alex. You know that." She replied. "My turn. Michael. Truth or dare?"


"Who do you like?"

Michael panicked. He wasn't about to say he liked Christine when she just said Alex. Who else do I like? "Kaitlyn. She's really pretty." It wasn't a complete lie. She was pretty.

"Kaitlyn? But she's… such a slut. A bitchy slut. She thinks just because she's popular she can like boss people around. She's like…uhhhh. She's also really annoying." Christine said.


Now here the slutty bitch was, using her flirty voice, being all like "Hi Michael." She might as well say, Let me suck your dick Michael. Christine was so annoyed and jealous. He's mine, get the fuck away, She wanted to yell at her. Wait, what! Michael wasn't hers! They were just friends. "I gotta go." She told him and took off for the bathroom or to find Jennie, which ever came first. You do NOT have a crush on Michael. You do NOT have a crush on Michael. You do NOT have a crush on Michael.




The car ride with Christine and Angela was normal for Michael. Nothing special, just the usual talk.

But then she took off. Right after Kaitlyn said hi to me. Why would she do that? I know she thinks Kaitlyn's a bitch but still. It suddenly hit him. She's jealous. She's jealous of Kaitlyn. She's jealous of Kaitlyn because I have a crush on her. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. No this… A number of questions started running through his head. Does she have a crush on me? What do I do? Is she actually jealous or am I making this up? Did she just have to go to the bathroom? Does she like me? Then the biggest question of all. Should I ask her out?




What do you think? Please tell me your thoughts!