So guys, this is my first fanfic I've decided to publish! Go easy on me :')

Any feedback would be hugely appreciated and welcomed!

So without further ado I present you..

Becoming Himself Again.

Loki stood in his cell, watching as Thor marched new prisoners into the dungeon. He traced his long elegant fingers along the invisible barrier separating himself from the outside world. When his eyes met Thor's, he could feel rage bubbling deep within his chest, he grit his teeth together and his hands turned to tight fists. Thor paused and looked straight at Loki, a sad expression crossed his face, before two prisoners bickering with each other once again grabbed his attention. Thor escorted groups of men into their cells and turned to leave, he stopped briefly at Loki's well kept and more comfortable cell, he did not raise his head, he merely stopped, staring at the floor, Loki stood close against the barrier, staring at Thor, waiting for him to speak. Instead Thor simply shook his head, his long hair draping over his shoulder, he rubbed his hand over his brow, pushing his hair away, and walked away, up the stairs into the palace. Loki felt rage once again take over his body, he tightened his fists, slowly walked to the middle of his cell, and before he could contain himself, a strong pulse of energy left his body, leaving his cell in a mess.

It had been four months since Loki was brought back to Asgard by Thor, four long months of solitude and rage. Each time he would see his brother come striding into the dungeon, he would wait eagerly for a word of kindness, a snide comment, a simple nod of his head, but Thor never did acknowledge his now estranged brother. Loki had been given several books by his mother, Frigga, when he was first imprisoned. They were pristine when he had received them, however while left to his own company, Loki desperately threw himself into the stories. Each book was tattered and worn, battered and broken from when Loki had lost his temper and thrown them in frustration. Today Loki had chosen to read a particular favourite, it was a book he had found on Midgard, about a lonely creature doomed to walk alone for his immortal life. He immersed himself in the story, he found so many likenesses between himself and the character who craves company so much, he is willing to take the life of a stranger to ease his own pain. While reading, Loki suddenly snapped back to reality, he slammed his book down and went up to the barrier, he slammed his fists against it and began to yell.

'Guard! Guard! Here I say!', Loki called in vain as not a single guard would respond.

His frustration grew, he closed his eyes and held his arms out, balled his hands into tight fists and this time he spoke quietly.

'Guard, you come to my aid, or I will not hesitate in ruining this meagre little cell.'

One of the guards looked at Loki, he smirked and moved forward, standing in front of the young prince we a smug look on his face.

'What is it.. Laufeyson?', the guard smirked. Loki grit his teeth and muttered quietly,

'I demand I speak with a member of the royal family.' Loki said, trying to be as polite as possible.

'Hah!', the guard laughed, 'And why would we grant you that privilege?'

'Because I am still a prince, you mewling quim!' Loki spat at the guard, staring at him, his green eyes blazing. The guard rolled his eyes and turned away.

'Well, young prince, maybe I'll think about it.' The guard said smugly while sauntering back to his position to the left of Loki's cell.

Loki watched every move the guard made that evening, and when it was finally time for the guards to swap, he gave him a look of sheer hatred as he passed to ascend into the palace. Loki once again picked up his book, he sat on an old wooden chair that his mother had sent for him just days after his imprisonment. He had just started to fall back into the world of his novel, when he was disturbed by a woman clearing her throat quietly.

Loki knew straight away who the woman was, he did not even take his eyes off his book before speaking, in barely a whisper.

'Mother.. you have come to me.' his brows furrowed slightly at how vulnerable his voice sounded.

'Yes my son, I have come. I have been waiting very patiently for your request to speak with me.. assuming I am indeed who you mean't when you made your request to your guard?' his mother spoke quietly and elegantly with love radiating for every word she spoke. It warmed Loki's lonely heart and a slight smile played at the edge of his lips.

'I have another request, Mother.' Loki stated in a very matter of fact way. Frigga nodded as he spoke, she smiled at his attempt to hide his emotion from her.

'And what would that be, my dearest?' Frigga stood close to the barrier separating her from her darling son.

'I would like to request company. An employee. I would like the company of an intelligent individual that can converse with me on an educated level. I would like the company of someone who will not dispute my opinions, rather agree with the facts I speak.' Loki announced, not looking away from his book. Frigga smiled at her son, she closed her eyes and in a heartbeat, she had projected herself into Loki's cell. She stood in front of him, smiling with such warm and loving eyes. It startled Loki, he was not used to people taking him by surprise, that was his talent. Loki underestimated just how much he had learned from his mother, how similar they were in power.

'Loki.. you cannot ask someone to commit themselves to life in a cell for a non-existent crime.' Frigga explained quietly. Loki stood and for the first time in a long while, looked into his mother's eyes.

'You can find someone.' he almost snarled. Frigga smiled and shook her head slightly.

'My sweet boy, I am not afraid of you. Perhaps if you used the manners I have always taught you, and made your request in a dignified and polite manner, I may consider it.' She took a few steps away from Loki, she held her hands behind her back and slowly strolled around the cell, watching Loki as she did. Loki felt like a young boy, being told of for being naughty. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, unwilling to show his true emotions, but his mother knew him too well. He took a deep breath and looked back to Frigga, his eyes filled with hurt and desperation.

'Mother.. I cannot cope. I am desperate. I wish for nothing more than company if I am to spend the remainder of my years in this hell..', Loki's eyes where dull, they glistened with the threat of a tear, but he did not hide it. Frigga looked upon her son with love, but profound saddness.

'Loki, I will try. But you must be patient, this will not be an easy task, and as for convincing your father..', Frigga looked down and shook her head slightly, 'I am unsure if he will agree at all.'. Loki once again clenched his teeth and cocked his head to the side slightly, staring at Frigga.

'He is not my father!', he spoke quietly but his voice was smothered in anger. Frigga smiled and looked back at her son.

'And am I not your mother?' she mused.

'N-N...' Loki stuttered trying to spit the word out, 'Yes.. yes mother you are.. please do not attempt to believe I feel different about you..' Loki backed down, admitting the truth. Frigga's eyes lit up, her dazzling smile and joyful eyes caught Loki off guard, until he realised, he too, was smiling from ear to ear. He made his mother smile.. that was enough for him today. Frigga lifted her hand to brush against Loki's cheek.. but her projection could not make physical contact and she slowly let herself fade back to the other side of the barrier. Loki watched, feeling a sharp pain in his chest as he realised, he was in fact, alone again.

'I will find you company my dearest Loki..' she spoke in a comforting tone, 'Be patient sweetheart.', And with that, Frigga turned and slowly made her way to the stair case, Loki could not watch any further, he turned his back and closed his eyes, trying to control the emotions flowing through him so freely. He now had hope, hope that he could make his time here a little more bareable. Loki whispered quietly,

'Thank you, Mother.', with that he went to his bed and lay down, facing the ceiling, and closed his tired eyes, he impatiently waited for sleep to capture him.